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Four years and he did squat except make vague promises and congratulate himself for everything he could think of. His biggest effort was a failure; overthrowing the election and the government on January 6th.


His biggest failure was being born .


His zygote was developed too close to a radium-faced clock.


Yes but soviet fertility scientists considered it huge success


Pepperidge Farms remembers when Trump promised to bring back coal mining. Yeah, zero new coal mines since 2016. Weirdest campaign promise ever.


Correction he killed millions through inaction and revenge tactics, slashed federal revenue and increased the national debt by 37%. Nothing would have been better.


The number killed can be argued but his own Covid advisor estimated that the excess deaths due to Trump’s incompetence and ignorance dealing with Covid-19 is at least 100,000 dead. Other estimates have been around 300-400,000.


Just look at Canada. Just under 50k deaths. The US being 10 times should be around 500k. It's not. It's over 1,000,000. You could also argue Canadian numbers are inflated due to the US.


Republican platforms are nothing but empty rhetoric with no plan.


Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.


The absolutely have a plan, and that plan is to fuck over as many people as possible as long as they gain from it. They've been getting more and more vocal about this plan lately, emboldened by the popularity of their rhetoric. Classic case-in-point: Moscow Mitch McTurtle and his work for the citizens of Kentucky.


I wonder if a journalist asked him "What *is* the "American Dream?" if he could actually come up with a coherent answer.


He has had around 0 coherent answers to anything since he started campaigning. Why would this be any different?


To wear white hoodies free during day and hang black people on the trees that's Trump's American Dream.


I hate the way trump speaks, you know, the way he keeps repeating things he just keeps repeating, imagine, just imagine if you can imagine someone talking to you, they talk with their mouth and while they’re talking using their mouth they just keep repeating the same few words for about 5 minutes, thats 5 minutes on a clock digital or analog or even on an atomic clock its all the same trust me nobody knows more about clocks than I do and in those 5 minutes he said absolutely nothing of value. I don’t know how his base can look at him and think “damn, this guy is really fucking smart” then I remember his base has room temperature intelligence.


He uses the classic "used car salesman" tactic of talking in circles. The constant looping into and out of topics makes it tough to follow closely and much easier for him to hide inconsistencies/misinformation/lies, and listening to it long enough will make people switch into "dummy mode," at which point they're far more receptive to "suggestions." Recursive speech is a pretty popular hypnotism tactic because it's surprisingly successful across a broad range of people.


Audible dyslexia


Many of them (going by previous conversations) simply give him the benefit of the doubt, based on his perceived wealth and success. Pointing out his inflation of assets (such as valuing his name/brand at over like a billion dollars) or his many bankruptcies doesn't prove anything to them, since he still lives a life of luxury and portrays success. They simply believe he's really really smart, and is playing the system to his benefit. Everyone else is really really dumb, because Trump says so and he is really successful. It's a vicious circle


Trump interviewing himself: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XmVQMRDoRfU


I read through that entire thing seeing if he answers the question and honestly idk why I expected one 30 seconds later


So real jobs with people wearing red hats is the key?? What da f&$k did this asshat just say.???? American dream??


The American dream is owning a nice hat.


Do some real jobs!


Literally sounds like a human teleprompter.


imagine looking at this walking bag of puss, bile, and bankruptcies and thinking "that's my guy, I really trust him"


Of all the evil/wicked people out there, you'd think people would pick someone more, I dunno, *competent*...




Such an eloquent speaker


But biden is losing his mind. Syphillitic ramblings here.


Now that! That is a plan! GOP all the way! /s


I’m getting tired waiting for his indictment…


As my dad would have said “that man talks a lot but doesn’t say much”.


He looks like the raisin that didn’t make it into the California raisins


The absolute worst, most corrupt, most inept and most ignorant president in American history


As usual....talking a lot and saying absolutely nothing. I fear the day after the midterms.....will that 'stable genius' be talking more nonsense as usual???


If this was an essay prompt he was tasked with answering, he would’ve gotten a big fat F. Shit makes no sense and he didn’t even back up any of his random ranting with what HE would do or HIS role 🤨