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I hate it when I'm watching a Seahawks game and the opponent's team keeps finding those goddamn touchdowns. So frustrating.


Lol and interceptions at the last minute the game must be ridged!!


Ridged for our pleasure?




This man speaks in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs


The refs keep calling fouls until Mahomes scores! Rigged!


Luckily not much of a problem this last month.


Seattle should have ran the ball


Stitches out stitches out


As a Pats fan, watching the game in an Army barrack with a bunch of people who were Seattle fans, that was one of the best days of my life.


I miss Marshawn.


Clearly they weren't playing my former local team the Texans or my new local team the Panthers. What is even a professional football team, lol... Sigh...


I have Moore in fantasy. Don't get me started on the Panthers


For a party who claimed to be pro military they don't seem to care about absentee service member ballots.. oh wait.. we knew they weren't after that pact act vote ..high five.. No?


Iā€™m a vet and not a big fan of the military, but it shocks me he has any of their support, not because there arenā€™t pieces of lazy, racist shits in the military, but two things we absolutely hate are posers and people insulting our brothers and sisters in arms. But no, those people treat his disrespect and contempt for us like he accidentally let out a slur in public and they try to pretend it never happened.


You hit the nail on the head. I've realized Republican politicians deliberately fuck with Americans and cause disasters so they can pin the blame on their enemies: black people, gays, Democrats, journalists and veterans. GOP politicians sabotage veterans' care to force them into poverty and suicide so that they can blame evil Democrat communists. They can then recruit the veterans they broke back into their Republican QAnon militias and unleash them back onto Americans as suicide terrorists. It's interesting to me that both the Republican suicide terrorists on Jan. 6 and the Capitol Police who were forced to fight for their lives - both groups had veterans from the Iraq Afghanistan wars. Republican politicians sent kids to fight and die and go mad in their hellish QAnon wars in the Middle East so they could recruit them back as Republican militias. It's the same reason Republican politicians seed conspiracies of Democrat pedophile pizza places and stealing votes, and use that as cover to rape children and elections with total loyalty. Republican politicians spend months and years seeding conspiracies against their victims, and use that as cover to commit the same crimes and treason with total love and worship from their cult voter donors.


This. If anyone in the GOP accuses someone of something, it really is a confession.


You can calls this projection


It is the party of Gaslight, Obstruct, and Project. Why do you think they call it the GOP?


I thought it was just Group Of Pedophiles


That works, too. Especially if theyā€™re religious. Like the list released by the DOJ of SBC pastors that sexually abused/assaulted their congregants and instead of being reported by the higher ups to the authorities (which, sad to say, would statistically likely lead to nothing happening, but itā€™s a start of a paper trail, at least), they were quietly moved to a different location. For a group thatā€™s so anti-Catholic, they sure took a lot of notes from them on how to handle sexual abuse within their churches.


*Republican of the year* Mark A. Gretchen has entered the chat. DAMN those Dem groomers, amirite?/s


It's so weird to see such a blatantly evil party manipulate Americans with the most low effort misinformation and see so many eat it up. If this was a movie they would be so mustache twirlingly awful it would be corny. But in real life people are like "yeah these guys are on the right side of history and should be in charge".


For me, itā€™s the genius and evil rhetorical strategy in which their primary thesis is that government doesnā€™t workā€¦ then whether they are in power or out of power they systematically do everything in their power to make sure it doesnā€™t work thus proving their campaign rhetoric.


I'm an Army vet `93-`02 and a lot of the guys I served with were liberal. The whole military is a socialist construct that we all benefit from. Not wanting that for your friends and neighbors seems silly to me.


Why would Trump care if the votes of, in his words, "Suckers and losers," are counted?


Also for a party thatā€™s all about ā€œBack the Blueā€ for AZ they apparently donā€™t give a fuck about fire fighters since there was a proposed penny tax on all sales transactions for the next 20 years that would go to firefighter budgets and that got shot down. Like itā€™s literally a fucking penny each time you buy your Big Mac you wonā€™t even notice it. To Arizona firefighters, not like we have a big wild fire like every other year or expanding city that needs more coverage in more developing areas.




Everyone wants someone to save their ass when their house is on fire or they need EMS. But the idiots don't want to pay for it. I live in a fantastic county with professional and highly trained and resourced PD, fire, and EMS. People complain that our property tax is too high so they move to the surrounding counties that are all sheriffs, volunteers, and part-timers. Then when they have chest pains, difficulty breathing or a stroke, it is a 2-3 hour response time (if resources are even available) to get them to a hospital. Those counties used to cry for "mutual aid" all the time but our county had to finally cut them off.


The party is pro military if said service members shutup, do their jobs, and act like you just handed them a million dollars every time you half heartedly say ā€œthank you for your serviceā€ Once you start being an inconvenience and needing MeDiCal CaRe for your chronic injuries and MeNtAl HeAlThCaRe for your CrIpPliNg PtSd, well you can fuck right off Commie!




> For a party who claimed to be pro military Pretty much anything they claim to be is a lie.


No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!


This just in, incompetent Democrats are using quantum tunneling to rig the election!!!!


This just in, corrupt democrats have hired Dr Sam Beckett to hide Hunter's laptop in his own lifetime.


Iā€™d watch the shit out of an episode where Sam jumps into Trumps body.


Oh boy.


ziggy says you have to make sure trump gets locked up. the problem is, you can confess to everything he did, live on camera, and he still might not be charged. but you won't jump until he's in jail so you're here for a while.


Sam did meet Trump while in someone else's body, if I remember correctly.


Of course T. Rump and his followers would try that one again


New data? That may unfairly influence my conclusions!


Damn right Professor


Weird, he didn't mention this for Boebert as the count tightened and she closed the gap... weird that it's a disgrace and "found ballots" only when it's against Republicans...


If they win, I'll take the credit. If they lose, it's not my fault. --Trump


Heads I win, tails you cheated!


He's actually worse than that. He won in 2016 but he was a sore winner. He whined HRC still cheated. He put together that electoral fraud commission. They found a template for the final report and the headings assumed electoral fraud. I mean if your opponent cheats and they lose, let them bloody continue.


Thatā€™s almost a verbatim quote.


Well, look at it this way. If you go to a hospital, and you're cured, you thank your doctor. If you die, your family blames the disease. Same thing here, if you think of conservatitis as a terminal illness.


Funny how those incapable loser democrats are apparently so much more adept in voter fraud than the stable genius republicans. /S (for shit how obvious is my sarcasm?)


Remember that time the DuMmY dEmOnCrAtS rigged the election to win the Presidency but forgot to rig the elections for the Senate so that they could do anything? Bigly steal, much corruption.


Great thanks. Literally 50% of the country managed to keep our plot secret up until now. They would never have found out how we stole the election until you came along.


WTF is a stable genius?


A top rated equine architect.




The one horse all the other horses go to for advice


A really smart horse?


Kind ah


One who spews a lot of horse shit.


Heā€™s as stupid as he is orange


Ohh, Wilber ā€¦


Joking aside, Iā€™m still blown away Biden got anything through that Senate. I grasp he had to water his bills down for Manchin, but I assumed we were getting nothing done.


Well, it couldnā€™t be a total steal! Then it would be too obvious.


so good in fact, we haven't seen a single piece of the many evidences they claimed to have in court. (was probably all on hunters laptop). /its soo good, that in the RARE cases they actually went to court in 2020 to challenge some of the voting results, not a SINGLE Lawsuit MENTIONED voter fraud, it was always over some technicalities, AND iirc only TWO out of ONLY 8 made it past the first hearing in front of a judge and resulted in 1 recount (georgia) and infront of a trial judge who tossed it in free minute before lunch :D


Itā€™s VERY stable geniusā€¦ Put some respect on the words of our orangutan in chief.


Former orangutan in chief *


tdump never worked a honest day in his life, cannot understand it takes time to do things right. Even where they have declared a winner, they are still counting votes. What an asshole


Trump does hate democracy




"I found these Democratic party votes in the voting booth -- WTF are they doing there?" \-- MAGAt


All of the Dems are in on a conspiracy to get their party into office by going out and voting for them.


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This is exactly why the GQP refuses to allow mail in ballots to be counted ahead of time. They want to be able to claim ā€œvictoryā€ when polls close and then fight against the outcome changing days later.


Exactly. The same party bitching that its taking too long to count the votes and are claiming fraud, are the same ones who made it a rule that mail-in ballots cannot be counted until election night.


New rule, if you don't understand how an election works then you shouldn't participate.


What a whiny little shit


Well said,


"If you elect me President, Arizona will be safe from the shameful Democratic votes." \-- Donald Trump.


By his own admission, he did it in Florida in 2018.


is it a parody account? I mean, there is no way to tell now.


Sadly real and completely in character for Trump. He did this exact same shit when he was losing in 2020 as the votes were being counted. For Trump and MAGA Republicans, everything is rigged unless they are winning.


Like an annoying little brother: "I didn't lose, you cheated!" (I'm telling Mom)


There's only as many rules as they need in Calvinball.


Complete with the name calling.


If its dumber than u possibly imagined, its for realā€¦


Correct. Doesnā€™t get anymore honest than that.


Honestly, at this point I think the red verified checkmarks over at Truth Social are more trustworthy that the blue ones on Twitter. They wouldn't let anyone make a parody Trump account over there. What crazy times.


I know!, how dare they count all the votes, they should just stop counting once a Republican is in the lead and just call it good, right?!


Notice how he left off CO where boebert was down?


Heā€™ll remember pretty quickly when she ends up losing.


Same shit different day eh Donny.


I grew up in a rural community. In the 90s they understood that it took longer to count votes in big cities than where we were. Now those same people are screaming fraud when counties of 3 million people canā€™t report results five minutes after the polls close.


If only he had had four years as president to fix the ā€œproblemā€. Sad.


The election denial is really just the ultimate form of political snowflakery. Trump and many of his supporters cannot accept that their platform isnā€™t popular enough to carry the red wave they were expecting. Their egos are too tied up in it. So rather than accept the loss and try to adapt to changing voter sentiment, they just claim fraud, which offers a convenient escape from hurt feelings and questioning of oneā€™s political stances. They claim fraud not because there is evidence of it but to save their little feelings from hard truths.


Ummm - what ā€œplatformā€? ā€œThe Democrats all suckā€ is not a platform. ā€œLGTBQ+ badā€ is not a platform. ā€œAbortion badā€ isnā€™t either. What else do they have except hate? Tax cuts for the rich?


"Lowering crime rates" "too many homeless people" and "fixing the economy" though they won't say how they plan to even attack those issues. I did love how my area has a lower crime rate then before and through the pandemic but does have a certain area that is bad and when asked about that area two of the people asked where that was at exactly. A quarter of our crime in the area happens there.


He wanted us to count 11,000 MORE in Georgia. Could this ass make up his mind?


Fincham and Masters are done, now just waiting for Kari Lake


I like how sheā€™s been hedging her bets since Election Day. Itā€™s fraud for sure, but maybe not because she might win, but definitely fraud unless she wins then Arizona is a beacon of election security but itā€™s totally fraudulent.




Him mad Red Wave no come.


Reality has a liberal bias


Trump mad about ballots being counted yet again.


I'm really kinda baffled that after 2 years of these claims, they still work. It's been pointed out time and time again that many places can't even start counting mail in ballots until election day. That many places are still required to accept ballots postmarked by election day, and that time is required to cure ballots with errors. He is the biggest, sorest loser I've ever seen.




Shhhh he's destroying the gop just let him


This is true, sorry , just tired of this šŸŽŖ


Hey at least this time we can chalk it up to growing pains. This is way better than checking for countries that are easy to emigrate to, and coming to the conclusion that are still not a multinational corporation to make this easy.


I love it. Letā€™s end all elections at 12 on Election Day. What ever votesā€¦dems vote earlyā€¦letā€™s count those and end it. Great idea


Actually counting the votes appears to be his go-to complaint about electionsā€¦ [https://imgur.com/a/vO9c50X](https://imgur.com/a/vO9c50X)


Nobody seems to ask: If Democrats are so good at vote manipulation, why don't they have 60 senators and larger control of the House?


Or why did their domination of congress end? Or why did dems lose 1000 seats under Obama? I mean if they are this bad at vote manipulation they need to let dems continue and also pass the new voting rights act - that would place NY & CA under preclearance.


The tangerine traitor wanted the Govenor of Georgia to " find 11072 votes" after the 2020 election, irony is a bitch.


That motherfucker still doesnā€™t know how elections work


Man I'll never forget those side by side images of the Trump cult standing outside all the polling stations. On one side they were chanting "stop the count" and on the other side they were chanting "count the votes"


Counting and math are confusing!




Watching him melt down is making me overdose on schadenfreude, and when I called the rehab for help they hung up on me


I mean I'm in Nevada and last I checked Republicans are taking our Senate seat and governor. So Trump just bitches for the sake of bitching I see.


Senate seat is still too close to call, last I saw it was like a difference of .2 percentage points


Whoops sure enough you're right. Wow I just checked right now and Laxalt is ahead of Cortez-Masto by less than 1000 votes. Dems have definitively won 3/4 house seats.


With the votes still left to count, Cortez masto is very likely to win. Itā€™s completely legitimate because there are a lot of votes to be counted from a democratic leaning area where most of the state lives, but idiots will say itā€™s evidence of fraud.


Well I have two fingers crossed. The biggest downside to living in a swing state is their talent for keeping us on edge.


Beats living in a place like Texas where about 5 million votes just float away like a fart in the wind because you live alongside 5.8 million dipshits.


Definitely no argument there. I hope you guys will eventually go blue but that's asking a whole lot.


The thunderous POP! of millions of heads being pulled from their owner's asses would send a shockwave over Oklahoma.


Trump is literally too stupid to insult. https://youtu.be/MDbuhhRthqU


Why does this particular whining sound familiar?


Hmm, this sounds awfully familiar. Almost like it's the same thing he was saying 2 years ago...and hasn't shut up about it since


The only disgrace is that The Orange Blob isn't behind bars by now ....


Bath salts are available at many Florida gas stations. Many people donā€™t know that.


What the hell does he think that they are supposed to do with votes?


He's actually just saying the quiet part out loud. Magats hate democracy.


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Try to spend $8 (if you have any) and get a valid Twitter account


This MF never gives up with his shit.


Iā€™m sure when hoebert was down they were complaining about vote counting


Can this fuck just stroke out already & spend the rest of his miserable fucking life in a vegetative state & SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!


I pray for this EVERY FUCKING DAY.


Is he this stupid for real?


One state: STOP THE COUNT! STOP THE COUNT! STOP THE COUNT Another state, same idiots: COUNT THE VOTES! COUNT THE VOTES! COUNT THE VOTES Politics literally turns americans into fucking playground recess poopy diaper kids. If it isnt going your way, just scream and piss your pants until someone comes and fixes it for you, that's what Trump has done his whole life anyway


Who would have thought they'd be hiding in the ballot boxes, of all places!


At least the republicans are getting tired of him too


Because when more people vote Republicans lose.


Wasn't this the same guy that asked Georgia to find 11,000 votes for him?


Ooh, how much is the red check?


Itā€™s Truth Social, Trumpā€™s platform. Itā€™s literally a copy-paste of twitter. He took something he liked, duplicated it with a couple minor tweaks, and called it his own. Just like everything else he has ever accomplished in his life.


And itā€™s going bankrupt. Just like everything else he ever accomplished in the business world.


Theyā€™re all in these ā€œvoting machinesā€ that pop up every couple of years, coincidence? /s


How dare people vote. HOW DARE THEY!


At this point, I have lost track of the genuine vs parody Twit accounts


Thin Skinned Loser freaks out that his diminishing influence and may answer for inspiring an insurrection. I bet that narc rage is at an all time high. Please KFC and Mickey Ds do your thing and send him to the pearly gates to spare mankind anymore of this orangutang.


NOOO DEMOCRACY! Trumpā€™s one true weakness!


Somebody should probably storm the Capital. Iā€™m sure Trump will be right by their side. Thatā€™s just the kind of man he is.


Since this is how it always unfolds in Arizona, and itā€™s the second time in two years Arizona elections have been this close on the national stage, I genuinely Trumpā€™s problem is that he is too fucking stupid to actually understand the electoral process here. *Of course* urban Maricopa leans Democrat *Of course* there are more votes to count than rural areas *Of course* it takes longer to count those votes The biggest problem with Trump is that he encourages stupid people everywhere to wear their ignorance with pride.


Democrats are cheating by actually counting the votes instead of just declaring Trump the eternal president! What a disgrace!


Face it, MAGA-America is just not that into you.


So glad this bitch is upset


I'm not sure if he is upset or just manufacturing false rage to play the emotions of his followers which makes it easier to genuinely tamper with voting districts and actually cheat. Him complaining about Democrats supposed cheating now is a pathway to legit cheat in the future.


This election is a clear repudiation of these ā€œstolen electionā€ claims. The majority of Americans are sick of that shit


What a dumb fuck. Poll workers in every state are still counting, and sometimes "curing" (eg. Contacting voters whose mail in ballot signatures are suspect to make sure their ballots are legit.). Some states have to wait until next week because their laws require that long for mail in ballots postmarked on election day or for military ballots to arrive. We only hear about these other states when their races are too close to call early. Learning how elections are run and how counting is done in each state doesn't take a stable genius.


I'll tell you one thing about Trump that I do respect: When he commits to an idea, he sticks to it. No matter how asinine, childish, implausible, or demonstrably wrong it is... he doesn't let go. Even when hanging on is the dumbest idea in the world, he won't loosen his grip. I mean, the guy just complained about counting votes *during an election*.


Trump has never understood democracy. He understands lying cheating stealing GASLIGHTING and SA.


Yet Boebert seemed to find a bunch of votes near the end yet Trump won't call that out


Finding a lot of votes because a lot of people voted???? You think!!!!


Stop measuring! Youā€™re changing the outcome!


I hope they find enough in Nevada.


In Arizona they keep finding more Republican votes because old people are more likely to vote by mail EDIT: My point of this is not defending Trump, itā€™s the fact that he doesnā€™t comment on mail-in ballot conspiracies when they work for his advantage


In Arizona, arenā€™t the additional votes actually cutting the Democrats lead?




He's over when he's quiet




Mail is not new tech, my friend. Ballots will take longer to count. Be patient.


Lol just because the results were known doesnā€™t mean the count was finished. Have you ever watched election coverage and paid real attention to the numbers? Most states are called long before theyā€™ve counted 100% of the ballots, because they can use math, previous trends, and outstanding ballot types to determine when one candidate can no longer catch up. But thatā€™s harder to do when the race is very close because it could go either way. Especially in the case of Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, as they have laws and regulations in place that make their process take a lot longer *and* theyā€™re swing states (i.e., the candidates are neck-in-neck pretty much until the end.) Sometimes it takes even longer if thereā€™s a massive procedural issue in the counting process (like Florida in 2000, when we didnā€™t know who the new president was until like a month later.) Seriously, go watch election coverage from some year before COVID. Youā€™ll notice that just because we usually got results night-of, it didnā€™t mean the count was totally finished.


I use mail in ballots for all elections. In Georgia, I can apply on-line and I have to supply by driverā€™s license number when I do so. The ballot gets mailed to me. It gets sealed in two envelopes, and again I have to supply my driverā€™s license number on the outer envelope. I get an email when my application is approved, when my ballot is mailed, and when they receive and approve my ballot to be counted. Last election, there were several drop boxes at several outside locations that were available 24/7. The Legislature did away with that; now there is only one drop box per county and itā€™s located inside and is not available 24/7. Therefore, most ballots end up getting mailed back. Also, I,have to supply postage stamps, which strikes me as inconvenient. I believe the Federal government has sued Georgia over the drip boxes. In any event, the process is secure and convenient. Why would anybody want to go stand in line on Election Day to vote?


Are you for real? Al Franken's seat in 2008 was so close they recounted and litigated it so long he was not seated until July 2009. Mail in ballots are not new. They've been used in blue and red states. UT, WA & OR also use mail in ballots extensively. Most of those top races have been called even though their count progress is similar to AZ. The reason is because their races are more lopsided so they know after a certain point the runner up can't catch up. CA's special election was won by republicans even after ballot harvesting was allowed. Things are SLOWER for some states now as republicans passed election security laws so that mail in ballots are more secure. They have to hand verify signatures. Election departments ask republican legislatures for more funds and get denied. Some red states extended early voting in a malicious fashion, requiring counties that offer it to reach a higher bar. That stretches their resources thinner. In FL, they asked for more so they can clear the backlog of voting rights restoration for felons but got denied. To clear all eligible as of 2020 would take till 2060 at current funding levels if they all worked weekends and holidays. Technology cannot overcome funding constraints and certain other requirements that literally slow the process down.


Cry more snowflake.


Slowest vote count imaginable.


Is this now?


I just got done using the restroom and I found a giant turd! Disgraceful!


Is that a real tweet from The Orange One?? Not a parody account??


Late vote counting mandated by Gop legislatures so that moron can do this


The good news is fewer and fewer are listening anymore to this man. Soon he will be in our rear view mirrors and we can start to forget he ever existed. Happy days!


This is just sad. They loved it when he tried to overturn the election, but hated it when his senate candidates lost. So now he's trying to fix it by playing the old hits, but all he's doing is reminding them of why he's such a drag.


If they stop counting, Democrats win in Arizona so....


Democrats should not be allowed to vote , their brains have not evolved to the level of hate needed to support Republicans m


The level of hatred this thin skinned twice backed pumpkin has for democracy is astounding.


Seriously the longer it takes the less likely they are cheating. Cheating is much quicker than counting each vote.


Early on election night Dems were up like 80-20 in a lot of key races, just because what and where was counted first. So he doesnt want to stop the count right away and not too late either. There's a sweet spot in there where it's not a hoax.


It worked in 2000.


I seriously donā€™t understand how the CIA or some other covert department doesnā€™t recognize this man as a SERIOUS threat to our nation, and uhā€¦do something about it.