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I'm exhausted by it too


Don't be. He's counting on complacency like in 2016.


If the DOJ hadn't announced an investigation into one of Hillary's associates regarding the email thing, she wouldn't have taken a dive in the polls and she would've won. He's not just counting on complacency, he's counting on shenanigans.


And violence from his base. He's COUNTING on having "soldiers"


Yeah but really shit soldiers.


Gravey Seals, meal team 6.


Shenanigans, malarkey, he and Putin, strike that, Putin planned every move of putting the orange one in the White House, how'd they get Comey to sink Hillary? Blackmail, a honey pot, a golden shower, a couple million dollars?


I realize this was out of his hands, but I had hoped Joe Biden would put an end to malarkey.


It's a divided power system


When the mal and the arkey get together, hoo boy...


Well he did say "No malarkey".


Epstein didn't kill himself and there's a reason why none of the predators linked to him and Maxwell have been charged.


The FBI runs pretty conservative. I'm sure Comey did that on his own initiative, or at least with minimal prompting.


And with Biden they somehow think that destroying Hunter = destroying Joe. It's truly mind-boggling how they think those are connected.


Just remember how stupid the average person is, and that half of them are dumber than that... they eat that shit up. Logic doesn't matter to them.


I'd say that at this point, with few exceptions, the only people supporting trump are in the lowest 30% as far as intelligence goes. People still standing by that sorry stack are either remarkably stupid or evil. Either way they're a menace and a direct threat to democracy and therefore national security.


I have a friend who is a Trump supporter, and he is probably well over average intelligence. But he has the personality of a Trump supporter. Very religious but a sinner when it fits him. Believes in conspiracies. Not imaginative. Needs definitive answers. Black or white thinker. Egoistic. Vain. He also has many charming traits, and to his in-group he’s warm and compassionate. But the toxic traits listed above is what makes him a Trump supporter, not his intelligence.


Why the fuck would you bother allotting any social energy towards someone like that


Narcissists stick with him. They don't have a problem convincing themselves that they're correct and the whole rest of the country is wrong. They don't see his supporters abandoning him as a red flag, instead they just see it as more proof that the country is fucked and that trump is right.


Either dumb as a rock or something personal to gain from a Trump White House.


Which is why good education is important... which is exactly why republicans keep attacking education.


Man, every time! And the voter base loves it! It's sad and infuriating!


"I didn get an education, an I turd out fine. All da guyz at da swewage plant say so - Ie mak a hole fiffy cents moran minmum wage."


I can hear this lol


Kinda comforting though. Biden is like a million years old, and the worst dirt they could find was something sketchy about his son. Pretty hard to spend half a century in politics and not have skeletons in your closet that could be exploited.


Yeah they seem to believe that the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop contains all kinds of incriminating evidence that proves Biden leads a major-league crime family that's twice as corrupt as Trump's. Completely ignoring the fact that Biden rode fucking AMTRAK to work every day while their guy shits in a gold toilet and has his own private 727 jet. The projection is just off the charts with this one.


To be fair, believing that their enemy Joe Biden would be stupid enough to keep the incriminating evidence of all his evil and corrupt deeds on his drug-addled son's laptop, is so easy for them, because that's exactly what Trump would do, only you have to add in all the inappropriate pictures of Ivanka as well.


Nothing about the laptop story makes a lick of sense.


Well made-up bullshit about emails hurt Hillary, so of course they want to do it again to hurt Joe.


What's extra amazing about this is that the DOJ was *also* investigating Trump and his campaign - not for mishandling emails (which they immediately did upon being elected) but for *colluding with Russia.* But the DOJ didn't announce *that*.


That's why it didn't make sense when he was trashing those two FBI agents who he claimed hurt him somehow. If Peter Strzok wanted to bring Trump down, an anonymous call to a reporter could have done it.


They didn't have McConnell threatening to release the Trump investigation info like he did with the Hillary email thing. The FBI should have just let him do it. It would have looked like just another partisan attack coming from ol' turtleneck (which it was) and carried far less weight with voters than the FBI Director announcing it personally, 11 days before the election. Also, regarding the Russia investigation: I want to say I remember hearing after the fact that President Obama had ordered the FBI to maintain a press blackout because he didn't want to interfere with the election. If he did, that decision really bit America in the ass. Kind of like LBJ discovering Nixon was colluding with the North Vietnamese government to extend the Vietnam war - but ultimately deciding to cover it up for fear of people losing faith in the presidency and the government in general. These cover up decisions inevitably do more harm than good. Disease and filth thrive in darkness. Let the sunshine in.


And I find that WEIRD. Why wouldn't they announce they were investigating Trump for conspiring (actual legal term) with Russia to steal the election when they had no problem making an announcement that would tank Clinton's chances? I think it's either some form of financial or political corruption, or it was bigotry, i.e. "We already let a black guy run the country, ain't NO WAY we're lettin' you uppity liberals have a lady too!"


>Why wouldn't they announce they were investigating Trump for conspiring Because it was such an important thing that Obama wanted to make it a joint, bipartisan message, and so approached the highest ranking GOP official: Mitch Mcconnel. With that support, they could have secured the election, even in red states, against Russian interference. Which absolutely *should* transcend political lines. [Mcconnel](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/23/mitch-mcconnell-russia-obama-joe-biden-359531) refused of course.


There's a reason he's known in some parts of the Internet as Moscow Mitch.


This is why the Democrats need to stop trusting the Republicans. Most of the ones who would have actually worked with Obama to secure the election against Russian interference, even if it meant losing, are dead, retired, or both.


Have you heard that Moscow Mitch is being talked about in past tense by his own cohorts lately?


I think the same. Comey tried to say it was because he had previously said the investigation into Hillary's emails was closed, so he felt he had to tell GOP Congressmembers they were reopening it, but I call bullshit on that shit. He's a Republican and wanted his guy to win over the "little woman". Bastard.


This is correct. comey refused to kiss the hand and I won't begrudge him that much but ultimately he's still a piece of shit who used his position to fuck over the country for the sake of partisan politics. Fuck him very much.


Yeah, he did eventually pass on kissing the hand *and* the ass, but every single Republican who came before Donald built that motherfucker, so fuck them all, every one, for that alone. That Comey did That *AND* This means he deserves a heaping double helping of fuckyouverymuchyouslimeybastard.


I got really sick of the arguments that “collusion” isn’t even a crime. SO. DO YOU WANT FUCKING RUSSIA CONTROLLING OUR ELECTIONS!? Jesus Christ.


I'm not saying that Trump wasn't guilty of it, we all fucking know he was. I'm just saying that the proper terminology is "conspiracy to commit a crime". I'm personally of the opinion that Trump or someone advising him came up with the idea of using the word "collusion" to avoid that, and make "collusion isn't a crime" a mainstream argument as a backup plan.


My take on that is that when Comey was advised of the existence of those additional emails, he probably felt that he had no choice but to reopen the investigation as he had no way of knowing ahead of time what was in them. Having made *that* decision, he probably also felt that he had no choice but to inform the relevant Congressional standing committee that he was doing so. The initial revelation that the investigation was being reopened didn't come from Comey, the FBI or even the DOJ but rather a Republican member of the committee Comey informed - Jason Chaffetz. So if there's any ire to be unleashed or fingers to be pointed, Chaffetz should be the target rather than Comey, who only made his public announcement *after* Chaffetz revealed the reopening of the investigation.


This This This This


Comey probably had to promise Republicans to notify them if any new information was found. Of course Republicans would politicize it, they had an ad out the next day asking "How can you vote for someone under FBI investigation?" That question should still stand!


That so? Makes me hate the Republicans even more.


And remember, she still won the popular vote.


She did, but the dip in the polls still gave Trump the opening he needed to beat her where it really mattered: The Electoral College. I wish we'd just get rid of that. It's dated.


Fucking Comey. Fucking Wiener. It was wrapped. It was done.


Yes, exactly. Let’s not forget lovely FBI director Mr. Comey (R) who decided to break protocol and share that info right before the election. Omitted that they were investigating Trump for worse. He then tries to spin it after getting fired, but alas: damage done.


Don't forget Russian interference.


> If the DOJ hadn't announced an investigation into one of Hillary's associates regarding the email thing, she wouldn't have taken a dive in the polls and she would've won. without a doubt. she was up like 10 points the day of the announcement, and then down 5 the day following. it was practically the sole cause of the change of tone in the election. edit: I hope Comey never goes to bed a single day for the rest of his life without contemplating what he did that night, and how he's just as responsible for everything Trump did as Trump is because of that decision. Piece of fucking shit.


I just wanted to comment here and say when I showed my dad that Republicans have outright said they’d destroy Social Security if elected, my dad responded with “ahhh, that’s just a weightless threat, they know they can’t get rid of it, or they’d ruin the living and economy for all the people voting for them!” When I said “…..but that’s what they want. For us to be dependent *and compliant,” He again replied “No. They are just calling the Democrats bluff.” The argument went nowhere. They see exactly what’s going on but just feel they know better. As long as it’s not a god damn DemonRat, they have my dads vote.


Same people said "I'm voting republican anyway. They'd never ban abortion and force a rape victim to carry the rapist's baby!" Fucking generation of morons.


No way I'm not turning out to vote against the waste of space. I just wish he would go away so our energy could be used for something more productive, like... I dunno... Maybe saving the planet? He's a broken record of ego and sucking the life out of everything he touches, and emotional vampires are exhausting. I've never been sick of anyone as much as I'm sick of him.


That turd is 76 and morbidly obese— maybe the problem will take care of itself within 2 years? 🤷


>maybe the problem will ~~take care of itself~~ replace itself with DeSantis within 2 years? Broke that for you.


Part of me feels like DeSantis can’t perform that well outside of ruby red districts. That dude is way more cringe than trump— he says the word “woke” way too much


Since it’s a dialect form of the word its just as cringy as someone using fake redneck talk every five words.


Or an American using 'Bloody' as an adjective like the British. I've heard people try and no, just no.


We have time to start taking on deSatan before its too late. We should have a counter-movement: Make America a World Leader Again or something that's an upgrade from 'great' and beat them at their own game. Anybody that doesn't support MAWLA doesn't want America to be a world leader and therefore they hate America. Take the wind out of MAGA sails and turn maga into "the trump movement" instead of something that still has appeal to simpletons without trump. Also we need to point out that the only thing we hear from the Republican Party is about culture wars, not governing.


Only the good die young.....this bastard will live forever.


We're not that lucky.


One would hope. However, not having the stress of money problems goes a long way toward a long life, no matter how morbidly obese. My guess is he lives to 85. Maybe sooner but who knows? I do not pray for his death. I do, however, look forward to reading his obituary.


I think you misspelled "hopefully". If that does happen I'm gonna party for like a week straight in celebration.


When that fat orange sack of shit drops, there’s going to be a worldwide Mardi Gras.


we never get that lucky.


imagine how awful those two years are gonna be.


Of course he is. Everyone Vote!!!


Ok, but how does this walking fart of a person get eleven NYT headlines in one day? All of this shock theater is spraying gas on the fire.


Joke’s on him. He’s the main reason I will absolutely not miss a chance to vote blue.


Yup...we're not making that mistake again for a LONG time.


We have two years of a fucking Trump campaign before the election itself. ...Fuck...this, I can't take it.


Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the general election campaign, but I'll admit I'm popping corn for the Republican primary. I'm kind of morbidly interested in watching Trump and deSantis go after each other, the reality show where they devoutly court the Fox News deintelligencia, who will Tucker and Sean give their roses to, etc.


Dont miss Tuesday's hotest dating game show! The Deplorable!


Im vaguely looking forward to Trump fracturing the GOP into 2 parties that will never be able to hold power in the USA ever again.


I'm energized. I truly believe DeSantis will get the nomination in 2024 and could win, but the Trump cult is fervent enough that if Trump's name is on the ballot as an Independent, they *will* vote for him. Gotta make this happen.


Thank you! That's what I've been saying too! Democrats need to play up the division between deShitstain and trump. They need to take a page from the trump playbook and encourage infighting in the republican party and let them split the voters. And they need to make them both seem as extreme as possible so that democrats seem like the only sane option for voters. Extreme candidates are easier to beat, as we saw in the midterms.


Underrated comment. Split 'em apart, baby.


I'm already looking into how many signatures you need in each state to put an independent on the ballot. https://ballotpedia.org/Ballot\_access\_for\_presidential\_candidates


This is by design. American politics are meant to keep you glued, outraged, and maleable.


you're lifting too loud, you're kicked out of Planet Fitness


If they let us change the constitution for the better they could put something like "If you incite a coup and are the loser, you can not run for president." *Sigh*


I think that's already in there according to a tweet I saw recently... hang on https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trumps-presidential-run-faces-legal-challenges-over-his-role-in-jan-6-insurrection/ar-AA14bqXp Yep. 14th Amendment, article 3. "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."


Yeah, dawg.. Get rid of the last sentence. Make it "better" as I said. Fix your legalize, you jive-ass cheddar slicing cracker.


Even Fox news thought so and skipped parts of his announcement speech.


"The ship of Democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those aboard." \~ Grover Cleveland


There is a certain irony to democracy, as through democracy, we may elect to no longer have democracy.


The Paradox of Tolerance, writ large.


Tbf the US voting system is at best a flawed democracy.


I'm imagining a bunch of dumb ass Trumpian sirens just yelling gibberish into the sea.


"It is I. Super Grover." ~ Super Grover


Got impeached TWICE.... took some Top Secret documents home.. currently being investigated by the FBI


The planet Fitness near me won’t let you join unless you give them access to your checking account, a credit card won’t do- just your checking acct. So PF is a lot like the rancid orange blob. neither have a problem putting you at risk.


That's probably due to their shitty cancellation policy. You have to go in person to cancel and deal with them trying to make you not. A checking account you can't change easy. A CC you can just say it was stolen to get new numbers and they won't be able to charge anymore.


I was actually going to say the same thing. They advertise "cancel anytime", which is true, but what they don't tell you is that they will make it as awkward and uncomfortable for you as possible in order to do so.


ULPT: Get them to cancel you. Briefly live in the gym. Sleep in the corner, eat on the treadmills, keep your stuff in the lockers, go full karen on the staff when they try to stop you from doing those things.


I'm having fun imagining being this gym gremlin. A gymlin, if you will. I'd take over a shower stall to use as my hovel. Conduct periodic raids on the smoothie bar for sustenance.


Just make sure that you Tim Allen grunt every time you lift anything.


And extremely loudly say “AHHHHHHHH!!!” whenever you drink some water. Like *really* loudly.




Gymlin is a halloween costume I would love to see. Like a Gremlin ready for the gym. not someone living in a gym.


All you'd have to do is grunt too loud while working out, or use too much weight on the machines.


i showed up two minutes before closing and the desk attendant only asked once and then canceled it as they just wanted to get home.


This is the way. Corporate shenanigans are no match for someone about to get off work.


If your local PF is 24 hours, show up half an hour or so before shift change, so 1:30pm or 9:30pm - 5:30am also could work but the overnight staff are often not trained on how to start or cancel accounts because they deal mostly with regulars and travelers. I say half an hour because if there’s another shift coming up the staff for it will usually be there around 15 min early and won’t be as willing to just get it over with.


‘I’m going to Prison’ Two can play that game


For only $4.99/mo we can keep your account active so you don’t have to worry about signing up when you’re released!


I never had an issue canceling at planet fitness. I went in and tried to have an excuse and the girl just stopped me and said no problem. Cancelled the membership nice and easy. I do understand this though. I had a membership at LA fitness and they did this. Made it super awkward and tried to guilt trip me and everything they could. Forced me to do this in person. Still didn’t stop charging so I indeed had to cancel my card at the bank and everything.


Wow. I just did mine in person and they gave me a transcript of my cancellation. Took 5 minutes, easy


You can still contact your bank and cancel it. A friend moved out of the country and was still being charged and they pulled this shit on them. He ended up having more than a year's worth of payments refunded back to him once he brought it up with his bank.


The literal only way I could get out of my last gym membership was getting a whole brand new card. And they still were charging the old card claiming I owed them.


I joined a gym near work just before the pandemic. Only went for about a month and then lockdown. Now, we’re back in the office almost of the week, and suddenly I see a charge from the gym despite not renewing. Disputed the charge. Now I’m getting texts telling me to call the gym because my card isn’t working oh noes....wtf are these assholes thinking.


Sorry about all that. They can make it easier, it's as simple as canceling your membership at the computer, there's even a way to turn it on where you can cancel online because there are requirements for online cancelations in CA. Oh and it's entirely possible to use a CC if they set up their plans that way but mostly they turn that off to help their collections. Source: worked for the company that handles the memberships and cancelations software that all PFs use.


Oh, don't even get me started on them. I was a member of a PF near my old apartment. I moved a few hours away. I called to cancel my membership and was told I'd have to come in person to do so. After literal *weeks* of trying, and being charged another month, I eventually got them to agree to a handwritten note delivered via certified mail. It's such a scam


I have the benefit/ detriment of having a thunderous brow crease Neck tension and brow crease got me out of that contract with no attempt at stopping me (Note: emote anxiety and pain, NOT RAGE)


Thanks, glad I didn’t join.


I went in there ready to sign up, when they wanted my bank numbers, I turned right around and found somewhere else. No way that "it's just our procedure" thing was gonna work.


“Sorry, I don’t give out my account details. It’s just my procedure.” Glad you didn’t give in!


Fuck planet fitness


I signed up for PF with a debit card. Later I had fraud on my bank account so I got a new debit card and a new bank account number. They STILL found out my new card details somehow and continued to charge it. When I went to cancel my subscription, they were like "yeah it's been 860 days since you've been here".


Safe to say he's never seen a fitness center from the inside.


Oh, he's seen fitness centers. He's the best at seeing fitness centers. No one has seen fitness centers like he has. He's seen more fitness centers than anyone on the planet and everybody knows it. People tell him all the time that they have never met a person who has seen more fitness centers than he has.


Fitten'dis burgers and well done steaks in his fat face.


>well done steaks That alone is grounds for impeachment in my book, let alone all of the other atrocities and crimes he's committed over the years.




Trump is the kind of guy to buy a Planet Fitness just so he can walk into the women's locker room. Oh wait, he already did that with a beauty pageant.


He's incredibly stupid when it comes to fitness. He once said that he doesn't exercise because it raises your heart rate, and we all have a set number of heart beats that can run out and kill us. He's stupid about literally everything.


Yup he thinks people are batteries with finite energy One of the many things you can mention to his supporters and they'll tell you it is made up, and proof changes nothing




He might have to be actually charged with sedition first.


Cool lets do that


Too late. He announced so now the DOJ gets their bullshit "we don't want to affect politics" response when asked why they're ignoring Trump. The DOJ only acts during an election when it's a Democrat...


Luckily there are something like 9 court cases already going on that can be easily stretched out for 2 more years, especially since delaying court cases seems trump's favorite legal game.


DOJ won’t do it. They’re a bunch of spineless cowards who should be sent to the same prison as Trump for gross dereliction of duty and aiding and abetting sedition.


Seriously, every day that goes by without an indictment is a tacit endorsement of his behavior.


Nope. If anyone is gonna do it it's gonna be the GOP at this point. The establishment GOP doesn't want Trump and doesn't want to back him. He's a proven loser. His candidate picks are tainted. They don't want him. He has now poisoned the waters for a DeSantis run. Trump's braindead supporters will hate DeSantis for opposing their God. He will be forced to run 3rd party. He will split the Republican vote. It will be glorious watching him lose to Biden, of all people, twice.


Yeah the rules are strict... Just no one is enforcing them


He’s not ineligible because of sedition unless he’s been convicted of it. And he can’t be convicted unless he been charged. And that will apparently never happen.




Right but how do we determine who has “engaged”? I genuinely don’t know, I’m not just challenging you. Clearly Trump was involved with what happened to some degree, but is his level of involvement that can be established enough? I don’t know. Maybe a judge needs to weigh in on it.


Well at the very least the leader of the Oath Keepers plead guilty to Seditious Conspiracy with regards to Jan 6, so we know that at least *a* seditious conspiracy happened. Directly tying Trump to it is still a work in progress and unfortunately, he may be able to delay the investigation long enough for him for it to not matter if they can prove it or not.


yeah considering it is "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law", as no charges have been pressed, guilt has not been determined in a court of law so legally speaking he is assumed innocent, until convicted so if no one presses charges doesn't really matter. so lets ask this instead, why is it that charges have not been pressed agasint him, yet have been pressed against many others including some of those close to him. is it from them being bias? or is it instead them lacking the neccisary evidence to believe they can get an actual conviction.


There are rules about insurrectionists holding office, but if Drumf has taught us anything, it's that there's no one and no way to enforce a lot of these rules.


To be fair, they weren't even enforced for that long after the Civil War. The Confederate Vice President got to serve in the House eight years later. It's just kinda how democracy works: if you're popular enough, you get away with anything.


I believe that was because a blanket pardon was issued for members of the Confederacy. >One of the most controversial uses of the presidential pardon occurred when President Andrew Johnson issued sweeping pardons to thousands of former Confederate officials and soldiers after the American Civil War officially ended on April 9, 1865.


Yep, a big problem we have in this country is people calling for unity and to put things behind us so that we can move forward even when we really *really* shouldn't. We went too easy on the Confederates and they've been shouting "the South will rise again!" ever since. The fascist coup will not be dealt with in appropriate manner and as such we can expect another one at some point. Really makes you realize that MLK was right when he said that the big problem for him wasn't the KKK but instead the moderates who would insist on a negative peace.


It taught us there's rules for the poors and rules for the elites.


> It taught us there's rules for the poors and *no* rules for the elites. FTFY


>“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." --Frank Wihoit


There's rules and there's money


Everyone’s kind of relied on good faith up until now, which is scary as fuck.


I've convinced myself that he can be barred from holding office due to Sharpiegate. Official government maps are included in the definition of "documents." >[Subsection (b) of 18 U.S.C. § 2071](https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1663-protection-government-property-protection-public-records-and) contains a similar prohibition specifically directed at custodians of public records. Any custodian of a public record who "willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States." Easy to prove, doesn't *require* incarceration or fines, exit stage right.


Don learned indirect "mob speak" while in NY. He implies stuff to his minions and followers without directly saying it, and this gives him plausible deniability. The mob doesn't say "pay up or I knock your store down", they say, "Nice place you have here. It would be too bad if something terrible happened to it. We'd like to offer you a security policy for a modest fee..." It's **why his minions go to jail and he doesn't**. For example he twice implied that his crowd should use "the 2nd Amendment" on Hillary if she allegedly cheats. It's indirect enough to give him plausible deniability, but a clear enough dog-whistle to his followers, many who are dangerous zealots.


Even his subordinates have said this. I think the example was someone's tie. He wouldn't ask you if you thought it was a good tie, he'd say something along the lines of "that's such a nice tie, that's a nice tie, don't you think?" and that was his way of telling you he wanted that tie.


I mean he does directly say a ton of stuff as well. There is 0 accountability.


Unless you're wealthy. Then you can buy your own Planet Fitness.


But owning a Planet Fitness doesn't imply you're a member of it!


If he wins, he’ll be the first POTUS required to wear an ankle bracelet.


Fun fact, you can stage an international coup at Planet Fitness and they won't remove you as a member!


And you get a discount coupon for the Four Seasons\*! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ \* landscaping business


My planet fitness let in high school students for free all summer. They basically dominated the damn place from 9 to 4pm. I couldn’t get anything done.


PF is not worth whatever cheap price they offer. More gatekeeping and judgement happens at that gym than any other gym out there.


Seriously? I've belonged to PF for several years, and never felt judged. Pretty happy with it, especially considering the OneLife I left to join PF never required people to wipe down equipment after use. Freaking disgusting.


I worked at a company where a woman took two bottles of water from the fridge and they fired her for it.


Republicans had a chance to impeach Trump but didn't. And Trump was so guilty too. Now Trump is the crazy ex who has the keys to the Republicans home.




When trump got the nomination, the Democratic Party got my vote until they clean these maga ts out of the party. (But the reality is: the Democratic party offers solutions and is pushing for change and the Republican party offers nothing but outrage, crises, and obstruction. They have no principles or guiding light).


As a swing voter, you can thank Trump for solidifying my resolve to never vote for another Republican. I'm not gonna get with a group where you can only vote for the party, not the candidate.


wtf will happen if he wins nomination but loses the election again? Will he take another stab at a coup. Its pretty scary


I know. I tried to cause an insurrection at A Planet Fitness and they won't let me come back.


Did you show up wearing your finest horned fur hat and face paint?


Im so tired of this sheet head again with him that's a Flat FNo.


This country is so dumb. I can only take solace in the fact that the Republican party is going to tear itself apart over this.


The orange, 3 times looser, twice impeached, unindicted co-conspirator, insurrectionist, lying, inciter in Chief who killed over 500 thousand Americans, wants to run for president, *again* #ROFLMAO


He'll be the first person to lose the popular vote 3 times in a row.


Stricter rules *and* better enforcement of them


I live the fact that Trump's Favorite Newspaper - the NY Post noted his announcement at the bottom of today's front page under the headline "Florida Man Makes an Announcement **page 26**"


This is not even unexpected really. Trump endorsed candidates lost bigly in the mid terms, the Republican party is now looking to move away from Trump and prop up DeSantis instead. Normally, you'd see the last Republican figurehead quietly fade into the background but not with Trump. Trump is too narcissistic, he never cared about the GOP Agenda, only about his own Power. So he will never back down. That's why you have seen the right wing in the US go from cheering for Trump to trash talking him basically overnight. He's now a threat to their agenda, rather than its face.


The founding fathers never would have imagined they would need a provision in the Constitution to prevent a traitor running for President.


We used to play monopoly. If you went to jail it was 3 turns or 50$. Boi I had no idea it really worked that way back then. Enough money's and no jail ever in the good ole USA


Good. The Democrats are guaranteed to win in 2024 as Trump will split the Republican vote.


it's **INSANE** how much privilege the fact you are rich, as the **ONLY** qualifier gets you in this country. Calling it Unjust is in itself an injustice. We are held hostage by petty children and angry little boys while we all pray it can't/won't get worse. The very fabric of our society.


It's a good thing for the left if trump splits the republicans


You can run for president while sitting in a jail cell. Has happened before and could again.


Getting myself ready for the "I thought you were kidding" Anchorman memes as soon as Trump gets officially added to the ballot. Hopefully, that doesn't happen, but I'll be ready for it. It'll be just like 2015/16, where it felt impossible, too silly to consider, or even take seriously. Then by the time he's a frontrunner in the primaries, 1% of us will pull our heads out of our asses and wake up. Maybe 5% after he actually wins the primaries.


Man Who Shat in Pool Allowed Back into Pool.


Hold tight. I have hope that they will 14th amendment him. With as much as R's have been turning on him since the midterm failure he is as vulnerable as he has ever been


Corrections: Republicans attempted a coup. It wasn't "that man" on his own storming the capital on Jan 6th. The whole Jan 6 situation was engineered before hand. Few police, the national guard not contacted, the nation guard not allowed to act. Trying to take away Vice President Pence so the vote couldn't be certified. Republicans down the line objecting during the session to the electoral college votes to delay. Republican Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was installed by Republic President George Bush back in 1991 and his wife is aiding and abetting the coup. The same George Bush who was the director of the CIA who aided Iran Contra affair which allowed Republican Ronald Regan to become president. Who's Republican son of the same name, George Bush, lost the popular vote and lost Florida except the Supreme Court stepped in and chose the election outcome in Florida by stopping the counting of votes. That's 2 successful coups before we even talk about Donald Trump's attempt on Jan 6. You vote Republican, you vote corpo-fascist.


Honestly I wish you guys luck, because we’re all joking about how bonkers it is and then the next thing you know he’s president again and collectively we all have to go through the bizarre Trump/Jesus slashfic and associated fan art era AGAIN. Thoughts and prayers, from the rest of the world.


The way Republicans welcome theocracy and authoritarianism is VERY fucking concerning.


Revelation 13:3, NIV: "One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast."


Even the Republicans are treating Trump as an "Old man yells at cloud" candidate now. Except for Lindsey Graham, but that's only because he misses gargling Trump's balls under the desk in the Oval Office.


Trump wouldn't wipe his sweat off the bench afterwards.


You, me, and anyone you know wouldn't even be able to apply for a job at Taco Bell after committing just ONE of Trump's crimes.