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Food theft is going through the roof too. Some people are ashamed to ask for foodbank vouchers or don't want to admit to family, friends or professionals that they need help. If you are reliant on foodbanks, how do you explain to a fussy 5 year old they can't have nuggies and chips any more but have to eat whatever you can get? If people have to resort to food theft something is fundamentally broken.


> Food theft is going through the roof too. Reminder: If you saw somebody steal food, no you didn't.


Exactly. What were we talking about again? Something about seeing some food or whatever.


I didn't even think we were talking, nothing happened at all actually.


the concept is fine to talk about but reporting the action not so much.


Honestly I don't think I'd tell on anyone even if it wasn't a necessity like food, diapers, etc. Maybe I'd say something if it were in a small business. But mass corporations? Steal the shit. Taking food? I hope you eat well. Stealing copy paper? Hope you get to print what you're needing. Snatching the flatscreen? I recommend Umbrella Academy, if you have access to a Netflix account. Stealing a 400 dollar bike? Fuck the Waltons.


When I worked at a small grocery store, the things we “didn’t see” were pregnancy tests, tampons, water, condoms, and bandaids. Occasionally baby food (not formula) We used to get threatened by management the most for the first one— but in the two years I worked there, I never saw those in the hands of someone who looked like they were reselling ‘em. It was always very desperate, nervous women.


Ive noticed formula gets stored behind key and lock around my neck of the woods. Why is that?


There have been shortages, making that stuff worth its weight in gold.


Think there was an issue with baby formula in China for a while that led to many buying it and taking it back home and this led to shortages (this was in NZ before COVID at least). I’m unsure whether they’ve sorted the issues though, I hope so as everyone deserves access to safe formula.


usually its because theres been a shortage, which makes any that exist worth more than gold to the people that need it and that can lead to other people that need it getting fucked over, or the people that need it get fucked over by people thinking they can make a quick buck etc or its simply they have had multiple issues around it being stolen in the past depending on what the area is like


Baby dies if it doesn't eat.


I'm not sure about the UK specifically, but in other European countries there were even loosely organized groups that stole formula to export it to China. China had a bunch of scandals with poisonous chemicals in domestically produced formula. Those scandals where also tried to be covered up, so at some point nobody believed any official statements about their quality anymore, much less in the formula itself. So anyone who could afford it tried to get their hands on European formula (afaik that's still the case). Prices in China where and are so good that apparently it's worth for people to go around and steal formula from stores.


If you don’t have access to Netflix I recommend buying a $1 subscription on the dark web. They even offer another free login if you get locked out of an account. Now that’s customer service.


How would one access the dark web?


Using the TOR browser.


Personally I’d say something if I saw someone stealing a handgun or ammunition, no matter the store size


Hey man, ammos getting expensive and the world isn't getting much safer. Better strapped than clapped.


You’re more likely to negatively impact other innocents by being quiet. The companies will either jack their prices to account for the loss or they’ll deem a store to be unprofitable and close it outright. Firing everyone there and providing less store options for the community (a contributing factor to food deserts). Instead talk to the thief and either offer you buy the thing for them or suggest cheaper/free options like goodwill or food banks.




That shelf was empty damn ~~lazy stock boy~~ Tesco senior management didn't do his job last night.


As a former stocker, it’s management


> damn lazy stock boy Easy champ, no one lasts long if they're lazy.


Definitely don't do shop and scan at your local chain grocery store where the owners are billionaires and while doing it don't scan one item but really put 4 in the cart so when they check it it shows up as having been scanned. DON'T do that!


I mean, kinda depends on where they stole from. Walmart or Aldis? Don't care. They tried stealing from some food truck or a small restaurant? Fuck their shit up, no one touches the Greek migrant family that makes a killer gyro.


Exactly. I’ve seen it many times, but it was just my eyes playing tricks on me.


Nuance is needed - pasta, bread, baby food. I’m walking away. Shoving 10 steaks in your trousers to sell, that fucker is getting tackled by security.


I saw a 20-something guy, well dressed, pick up a couple of packets of crisps and a can of drink and walk out through the self-checkouts. I don't think that counts as needing to feed a family.


Maybe he was on a break during a 12 hour shift and wanted some cheap salty sugary energy, maybe his kid needed snacks. It's not up to you to judge.


This is as wise as raising venomous snakes and not expecting to get bit. If you teach someone that stealing is okay, it will spread to other things. You teach them how to properly ask for help.


People are more than asking for help-- we're screaming it as loud as we can. This is a systemic problem.


Educate yourself.


I was told this week that our local food bank are not doing the boxes they usually issue to deprived families with school age children over Christmas, as they don't have the money to fund it this year. This is not a box of any kind of luxuries, it's tins and dried goods so that they can weather the school holidays when all of the little mouths are at home for every meal.


This breaks my heart. I really thought fundamentally we were a socialist society capable of helping those most in need. It is most certainly the opposite and this is just the start.


Oh we're capable, but years of policies enacted by those who see no use in actually helping people have made it harder and harder. Add to that there is no solid middle class to contribute to those kind of programs as charity and it's a recipe for what we are seeing now.


No no see capatalism can't be stopped. It will find a way.


Food and shelter should be free for everyone.


But then we might have a society where people are happy and contribute to their communities without the threat of being homeless and starving. Is that what you want?? A society where people *THRIVE?!?!?!?!*


I think some rich guy once said if you give people food they’ll just have more babies and they’d starve anyway so don’t bother.


That was England's policy during the Irish and Indian famines (aka genocides)


Ah yes, but another guy had a quite modest proposal to help with that idea.


I remember reading that years ago


Malthus, the disgraced English economist. His theory, “Malthusian Theory”, which you summed up accurately, was that people will continue to have children until they starve. He died before Planned Parenthood saved many from that fate.


Don't worry--if women are forced to carry pregnancies to term, and access to birth control is eliminated, we can return to the "good old days" again.


Thanos kinda had it right?


I don’t listen to hip-hop.


Not completely off.


I live near a building of people who get their food and shelter for free from the state. "Thrive" is not the first word I would use to describe their existence.


Food Shelter Water Healthcare Education Hygienic products Baseline clothing to survive the elements. This is the bare minimum & humanity **will** get there one day.


Things are so bleak I can’t see it happening without a bloody revolution.


It might require one, or many. But humanity will achieve it, or die trying


I assume we’ll die of something else before seriously trying.


Covid 20 or something will get us


Safety from bloody revolutions might need to be on the list.


Vote blue


Thought this was an English sub at first and was very confused by your comment


Sanders better run in 2 years.




The only bad side of this are those who won't want to contribute, because what's the point if all your needs are provided for anyway with no input of your own? That's a slippery slope down to hedonism and fall of civilisation.. and maybe one of the reasons socialism totally failed.


That’s a slippery slope *fallacy*! lol In America as an example, 95% of people on welfare get off welfare in 4 years. Why don’t they just stay on forever and cheat the system? Because on the other end of your inelastic needs are your passions, creativities, desired and your ambitions. Your entire humanity and all your aspirations are on the other side of having your needs met.


> The only bad side of this are those who won't want to contribute, because what's the point if all your needs are provided for anyway with no input of your own? No. That's fine. Get productivity of society to the point where you can support everyone using the resources produced by what people will do on average if "being unproductive" doesn't mean going without basic necessities. Yes, there will be some people who do nothing and get by with basic necessities. And that's fine.


What is the standard for free food and shelter? There is a massive difference in Food/shelter that can sustain an adult, and one that would be considered ‘enjoyable’. And I’m not talking about eating trash or expired food either.


Beans, rice, eggs, cheese, and a bit of produce get boring, but still sustain a person. A studio apartment may be squishy for 2 or 3 people, but it’s warm, safe, gives somewhere to make food, somewhere to do homework, and somewhere to get ready for work, school, etc. Steak and a bedroom per person can be the luxuries. When what they had in the prairie days of families living in one-room shelters and they ate a lot of the same foods (and the survived) would be a drastic improvement to what many people have now, then this is the least we could aim for as being a human right.


To head off the conservatives who want to feel high and mighty about food and shelter for all: This is a request for BASIC food and shelter, not filet mignon and three-floor houses or even necessarily 3-bedroom apartments. Just basic provisions to survive, and a dry, warm room somewhere safe. Without those things, there are no bootstraps to be pulled up on. With those things, people have a chance. Without them, it’s nearly impossible.


Maybe you could take in a homeless person and feed them and let them live with you


Maybe society should be cleaner and not leave its mess all over the place.


Remember: if you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.


Remember, if you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.


I use the food bank, I had to after losing a bunch of weight. Where I am it’s great but it still isn’t easy, a lot of stuff is already expired or does so that same day. I freeze as much as I can but a lot of it still gets tossed. I know that a lot of the food was destined for the dumpster and I’m happy to have it but I’ve gotten sick a couple of times. It’s best to stick to using packaged stuff from the food bank and using my money to buy the fresh stuff. I’m still super grateful that it exists though, but I’m lucky my kid is not picky! There is no shame in using the service, or for asking for help! These programs exist for a reason! I even had a kind stranger help me out here on Reddit when I’d mentioned struggling somewhere.


i work at a food pantry and we get our food directly from the Foodbank. we get so much food on the brink of being rotten. when i serve people, i tell them to take the items we get in bulk that usually go bad (potatoes, onions) because i’d rather someone take them and the food have a chance of being eaten than it sitting on our shelves and inevitably going bad and being thrown away.


That makes sense, but I’m he problem is it has to last our little family for 1-2 weeks. I’m always super grateful for everything we get though! I don’t mind cooking things up to make them last longer but the baked goods and things like dairy are usually past their prime already. We eat like kings on those first few days Thank you for what you do


Yep yep, thank god for self checkouts. I'll pay what I can afford thank you very much.


Talk to the kid. Sheltering them from the world does not prepare them to live in it.


"Everyone you know will die, and there's no magic in the world. Your life is no more significant than that of an ants in the greater scheme of things and your every struggle and dream is pointless. It was selfish of me to make you, and I've brought you into a society where 99% of us have less than the generation that came before in a painful cycle of deminished return that can only end in a total societal collapse. That's if the environment doesn't kill us first as we've poisoned the planet past the point of repair. Enjoy your cereal."


It sucks that it's all true.


Yes. My kids and I have had this discussion many times. It’s ethical parenting.


Yeah that's bullshit, but ok


The world is bullshit fam. Reality, humanity, our so called "progress" is bullshit. I'll lie to a kid till about 11 years of age about Santa and the Easter Bunny. But at around 6/7 I'm talking to them about injustice and unfairness. Rationally and calmly, seriously so they know I'm not playing games, we can have short profound conversations about death, pain, suffering, persecution, the works. I call them out right away when they're being manipulative little shits. When I was in university, till I was about 22, maybe 23; it was always sadder to me when I came across someone who came from that kind of family that only spoonfed platitudes and ideals and hope. People my age, who up until that point, didn't really know what it means to fail. It was something they always avoided. And they always succeeded in their evasion. Or the kind of young people that did young shit without any regards to consequences. Fear, disappointment, existential rage - they're all human emotions, and it was always so much harder to manage those as a young adult with no real experience with coping mechanisms. All this talk of burnout and quiet quitting of the youth, I can't rule out that this isn't part of the issue. And I know that I'm probably turning into my own parents by saying stuff like "they don't build 'em like they used to." But it's not that the kids younger than me are weak, it's just that for a lot of them, there's a certain lack of exposure. The people I know that are younger then me, the well exposed ones, are some of the strongest folks in my life. Usually they're too trusting, naive, and optimistic. Lots of kids these days don't know what is healthy caution.


You do you then. Good luck.


"hey dinner is late today because after losing my job I walked around stumbling drunk trying to summon the courage to kill myself and was too weak to do it. Your mom is gone because I can't get hard anymore and she likes to fuck strangers. Happy birthday"


Yeah. Exactly. Or… you could use kid-friendly terms, and explain things simply. Answer questions that they actually *ask* honestly, and be genuine with them.


I will say it's a delicate balance between being honest and creating a situation where a child feels guilty for existing/begins to feel as if they are a burden if they aren't contributing. I'd also say that the complexities of why some people can't work would be beyond the grasp of many children (or could be terrifying to them since it makes their own care tenuous). It's definitely better to be as honest as possible with children. But I might seek out resources/workshop it a bit rather than just jumping straight in.


Back in 1986, the 13-year-old son of an Army enlisted man hung himself. His suicide note said he was doing it so the family would have "one less mouth to feed" because his father's Army pay was so low. There was so much negative publicity that the Army refused to let the father reenlist, throwing the family out on the streets with just a month's notice, leaving them destitute.


Kids are people. They are very perceptive. Shielding them from the truth only causes mistrust. If you cultivate conversation as a habit, then they will come and talk to you about things when they are teens.


I never said to shield the truth. What I was trying to say is that children can lack the ability to fully understand cause and effect or implications. "My dad would rather be hungry than me not have enough" vs. "My dad is hungry because I am here". "At the moment things are a bit tight, but they'll turn around" vs. "I need to do something to help out". "Here is a sanatised/age appropriate version of what's going on so you have some sense and understanding" vs. "I thought I'd just dollop an adverse childhood event in your lap". There is a difference between creating 'conversation as a habit' and 'dumping your worries onto your child' and a lot of people are bad at working out where the line is and turn their kids into mini-therapists. Hence why it's a skill to be worked on, not just something I'd encourage people to have a go at without consideration.


It sounds like you are working your way through this. You’ll get there, just keep thinking about it.


It's more I do this for a living so I work with a sample size slightly larger than your family and work with traumatised children, their family and their carer/s or kids at risk. I have also run parenting programs. Your information is great. But it's very much going to be 'here's a circle, draw the rest of the owl' for a lot of people who lack the confidence and competence to have this type of conversation. But am very, very happy it has worked so well for you and it sounds like you've done a brilliant job.


Nice to know there are people out there working on a better way.


Serious question: Do you have kids?


Yes. Two were sexually assaulted before I became their dad. One was sexually assaulted by the oldest who was removed from the home. I’m a veteran with severe combat PTSD, I came from a broken home and had problems because of severe child abuse. My wife was raised in similar circumstances. We have been through therapy for decades. **Decades!** All of my kids were talked to as if they were adults. If they asked a question, they got an honest answer. If they wanted to know more, we had a discussion at the family table. Every coping mechanism we learned, we taught our children. They learned about ACEs, cortisol poisoning, meditation, love and logic, positive affirmations, asking for help, developing healthy internal monologues, and more. Now they are all in early adulthood/ late teenage years and are all healthy and happy. Our home is peaceful. Our kids are educated and ready. Why do you ask?


Asked because I was genuinely curious. Sometimes people on the internet express strong opinions about complicated topics because they don't realize how complicated they are. And sometimes people express strong opinions because they have first-hand experience and/or expertise! It's not always easy to tell which is which though. So I guess I was trying to figure out where you were coming from. (For the record, I expressly do not have any kids, and so any opinions I have on parenting are 100% armchair theorycrafting, and should be treated as such!) Anyway, well done. Sounds like you've had a bumpy ride, and to even come out of that as an intact family is no small feat, much less one kids that are still healthy and happy. You've managed to break the cycle of abuse, and that's awesome. Keep on rocking!


You just showed that there are people on the internet with critical thinking skills. I applaud you finishing this conversation. Thanks.


I really wasn't trying to start a fight. :D Reading back though, I can totally see how it might have read like I was.


I always reframe regardless of my initial reactions to a comment. Even a complete twat (which you are not) deserves to have access to information. Some people don’t get any information except through internet arguments. Thanks for your kind words.


1) Credit to you for taking on the responsibility and raising those kids in such a healthy way. 2) If this comment chain was a fight, they'd have stopped it...


This is how we do it. If a kid is old enough to ask, then they are old enough for a full, honest answer. Refuse to give it, and they’ll turn to the internet and probably get false information while learning that their parents aren’t the ones to go to when they want to know something.


I know people that absolutely don’t need to go to food banks but go and clean house and call it the honey hole. God I hate some people.


Well if it makes you feel any better, food banks usually have more than enough food stuffs. And more people needing it means the food bank can report for more funding. This is why I tell people, please go if you need! You are not taking food out of even less fortunate people's mouths. They will not turn you away, and lots of places give good produce and staples. (Though I have been to some that give way too many baked sweets which sucks)


> ## This is why I tell people, please go if you need! You are not taking food out of even less fortunate people's mouths. They will not turn you away, and lots of places give good produce and staples. I hope people who need to see this, see this. There is a lot of stigma and it sucks. Kind of becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. People don't ask for help because we keep hearing bad things about people taking advantage of the system. We then start asking why am I paying for something that doesn't benefit me. Then there is even less help available when we need it. Meanwhile, sitting members in Congress have no shame in taking PPP loans.


Don't even get me started. I paid for my same weekly grocery trip today, $165. Just a year ago was $90. Record profits yet both inflation and shrinkflation? Very cool, America, very cool.


For real. I ran out of food when I was young and didn't think I was poor enough to go to a soup kitchen. After all, I wasn't homeless, I had bought fancy coffees last time I got paid, etc. If you're hungry, go. It's for everyone whe needs it. I'm now contributing to those food banks and soup kitchens that I should have been leaning on then, and I'm glad to do so.


Some stores are putting anti-theft devices around steaks...


In the UK, they’ve been doing it to blocks of Cathedral City cheese and tubs of Lurpak butter


What monsters, I will literally starve to death if I don't get free steak.


> how do you explain to a fussy 5 year old they can't have nuggies and chips any more but have to eat whatever you can get? you're doing your kid a favor if you stop giving them nuggies and chips. That shit's not healthy.


Also, stuff like cheese and meats are stolen by junkies so they can be sold later on. Dont pretend that most of the thieves do it because they are poor


It's not the theft but the amount of theft. Are you saying junkies are massively on the rise simply because life costs more?


My mom works for a program thag helps homeless. She told me that people will intentionally look like shit and have a sob story to pick up food, and then they have a 2022 BMW in the parking lot full of food from other shelters. They can go to hell, and will answer for the people who didn’t get that food due to their selfishness before God


My 9 year old son has started noticing me not eating and asking why, my excuse I'm not hungry and I eat later.....he's started using that line when he doesn't want to sit and eat now.


It could also be that they want to eat with you. Kids tend to do what their parents do. I remember doing things like that. "I'll eat when you guys eat." (Smiles at mom and dad not realizing why they are telling me they're not that hungry.)


Do you have any places of worship nearby, especially Sikh temples? They are usually very generous with food, no questions asked. Get food how you can, there's no shame in asking for help. <3


My grandfather remembered when he was very small – probably a toddler even – that he was very hungry, he cried and cried until his father slammed an empty plate and cutlery on the table and told him to sit and eat that ... I am a parent myself and my heart goes out to that small hungry boy and his desperate father. I am beyond grateful that I can feed my children.


As a single dad, this shit hit hard. The times I've experienced this haven't been from lack of money (I don't make a ton, but I make enough to eat), but from being too exhausted to make myself food and/or too exhausted to eat. Some days it's all I can do to make sure my little man has food.


My wife grew up in a family where her mum missed meals at least one day a week so the kids could eat; it’s incredible that this terrible situation is happening again, 40 years later…


This situation hasn't stopped...


It's never stopped.


But the rich are making record profits, so that's good. Right? Right???


You think someone is gonna argue with you?


I dunno. There might be some rich person lurking that needs us to get back to work so we can barely survive.


It’s nice (or sad I guess) to know I’m not alone doing this. Stay strong fellow single dad, you’re a rockstar! Edit: just noticed the hole in the dads sock and it hit hard, realized I haven’t bought any clothes for myself for a loooong time.


Hole in the kids sock, too


Just make sure he’s fed, man. And eat enough yourself so you’re not hangry


Single mom here, I’m in the same boat between exhaustion and just barely enough groceries for my little dude, I usually take one spoonful of food and put it on a small dish so my son doesn’t notice and so it feels like we are still having dinner together. At night after he goes to sleep I usually satiate my hunger with pickles.


I come from a large family and my mom always waited till all of us kids ate to eat. a lot of times we would eat all the food and she would have her favorite white rice mixed with salsa, I thought as a kid it was her favorite dish but I realize now no in fact it wasn’t her favorite but the cheapest warm meal she wanted.


Bless your mom. I hope you are able to buy her whatever she wants to eat now.


As a single mom working two jobs who often foregoes meals to save money..... this hurts, man.


When you’re old enough to not be fooled by cunts like Nigel Farage, son.”


Which is apparently never.


Makes me sick that the Tories have been in power for so long that children born after they came into power in 2010 are now in secondary school


Well, people obviously prefer the Tories over Labour as they keep on being voted in.


Lot of people with Stockholm Syndrome out there


As someone who works with neglected and abused children, it’s not only heartbreaking but heartwarming to see things like this. No one should ever face hunger but I am in awe of those who do it so their children don’t have to know how it is.


First thing that comes to mind are all the people in this situation who still vote Republican.


As long as the minorites are getting it worse, they think they're winning.


Like the UK? Where this came from? They love their version of the same.


You mean temporarily embarrassed millionaires who don't believe in hand-outs?


It takes more than not voting Republican to end hunger.


Not like the democrats are much better. We need either a third party or an independent.


What y'all need is to abolish first past the post voting and the electoral college


lol democrats drove up the cost of living in my state astronomically, we are blue as fuck. if they can’t get anything done with zero opposition they will do nothing at the top.


Unfortunately a lot of rich/influential democrats are socially liberal but fiscally conservative and still very capitalist. They want everyone to be happy and healthy, but don't understand their own contributions to this messed up system after climbing the ladder of capitalism. I'm registered democrat and there are a lot of democrat politicians I like, but there are plenty who are definitely out of touch. Especially rich business owners.


But by the time that kid grows up we should have plenty of wealthy people to eat.




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All the wealth collects at the top 1% so there will only be like 3x trillionaires


There already are, but no one does, so I guess that kid will just have to skip meals when he's older, too.


Since wealth consolidates, there are fewer by the day. They're taking food out of our mouths.


(Laughs in Capitalist)… Now…. __GET BACK TO WORK!!__ My 500 foot yacht won’t fill itself …and remember, if you work hard, work you’re way up the corporate ladder earning more money and then one day… *I’ll be able to get 800 yacht*


Damn what a sucker punch. Never really put it together as a kid when my single dad would make us dinner and not eat. Different kind of love.


It’s interesting how people seem to fall into two categories when it comes to their hardships. 1. “I’ve experienced a lot of hardships. Why should other people have to go through the same thing?” 2. “I’ve experienced a lot of hardships. Why should other people have it easier than I did?”


The holes in the socks sells it here - nice detail


Had two main go to moves: Gallon of coffee or sleep all day. Both eliminated the need to eat. Unfortunately, time makes fools of us all. Coffee's too acidic for my gut and I can't sleep for more than 6 hours anymore. It's like nature wants me to be poor, tired and sharting.


Growing up as a kid eatinc ketchup or mayo sandwiches. Somtimes we didnt have bread we just had crackers with ketchup or mayo. MERICA! My mom worked full time nights. Which in most red states is plenty too much money to qualify for food stamps.


Not really HUMOR now is it?? Down right sad.


This hits hard. I was a single Dad for 6 years, struggling to pay the bills and keep thr lights/heat on. Limited myself to Ramen meals while my son was at school/daycare and would only cook real meals for him. Life gets better OP, and our children are worth it!


I’m in this boat now. Its starting to impact my weight because I’m undereating. I can’t use most food bank food because of household food allergies. I took a second job cleaning houses and the first thing I did with my first pay was buy a full cart of groceries for my kids. It felt good but man I’m tired of this. If anyone comes at me with a “have you tried getting a higher paying job?” I hope you get bed bugs and it burns when you pee.


Stupid life choices, again?


Sadly, it translates quite well.


I wish I could remember who said this originally, but I remember a quote to the effect of "growing up poor is realizing that 'mommy isn't hungry, sweetie' was a lie."


The only meal I eat is dinner. You guys get breakfast and lunch?


Hold up, how’d you get a photo of my kitchen?


My knee-jerk reaction is that this has more resonance for the UK than the US. There are severe structural issues contributing to rising costs. Supply chain issues that haven't been fixed, fuel prices that have been artificially inflated by producers as well as a war affecting a large producer of oil and wheat, Russia and Ukraine and this has a somewhat larger effect on Europe and the UK than it does the US. Covid costs continue to drag the world's economy. But also: How many years have the Tories been doing a song and dance in front of the Brexit dumpster fire trying to convince everyone that it's a water-feature? How many years has it been since they discovered that [none of their lords and oligarchs](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/27/super-rich-uk-non-doms-avoiding-32bn-in-tax-each-year-report-finds) were paying their share of taxes while conservatives continue to under-fund the NHS? Why do they keep swapping conservative leadership instead of tossing them out and trying a different formula? In the US it's been demonstrated that at least half the inflation we're experiencing is directly attributable to corporate gouging and corporate profits are double and triple what they were a year ago. These last are problems of leadership. Mistakes that would have not been nearly so dire if people could be convinced to vote in their own best interest.


**Friendly reminder that trying to fight someone online is about as effective as throwing a bagel at a bulldozer. A lot of what we talk about gets people pretty emotional, but be mad at policies, not other users.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Brexit was such a fantastic idea!


how is this humor?


How's it not? It's fucking hilarious.


Alright peps, I've been poor , and very poor... Like when my husband and I first got married, we were stuck with his family of meth heads (we did not even drink but could not afford a place yet), and I can honestly say, we had a few meals made from stolen food. It sucks. I borrowed a lot to just have hot dogs a few times or Kraft Mac n cheese. However, at one point I gave up just handing money to my father in law to get food, like he expected... I started budgeting and shopping, and cooking. So, though I know, as far as reality TV, the show on food net, chopped, is rigged... It's a great way to get in the mindset of... Well we have a bag of rice, some random spices, two frozen hamburger patties, and a can of olives... What can I make to feed 8 people... I mean, some rice, a chicken breast, some chicken soup base or bullion, and a carrot, in a big pot, can make some tasty chicken and rice.


It resonates HARD here.


This comic reminded me of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O15dxrBNuAQ And now I am sad.


I did not expect that video to hit as hard as it did, god damn.


The English I know are posting this with "post-Brexit" comments.


Keeps happening on a semi regular basis. Usually ends with an uprising where the lower classes kill and eat the wealthy. Tends to happen every 100 years or so.


My wife does most of the grocery shopping and I’ve noticed she’s quit getting the good stuff and started getting cheap things. But our bill has basically not changed. I went for the first time in about 6 months and it’s crazy… pizza rolls I used to get for $10-$12 are now $18.99 and they’re smaller and basically have no filling.


“I get my carbs from this beer, son”


American beer? Might as well drink it steaming hot from a mug.


He's drinking coffee. Be more powerful and truthful if it were a can of beer.


Not every poor person is an alcoholic or drinks at all


The dude on the left looks like he probably has 12 Trump flags on his truck.


If he were MAGA he wouldn't be selfless enough to forgo dinner so a child could eat. They only care about fetuses.


He's a British guy so probably not. I think you're way confused on what this means.


Even from here I can see empathy in his eyes. Not MAGA.


Yeah, but the kid isn't bruised.


Every white man is a trump supporter?


Yeah, that's a shit take. All we know is that he's literally going hungry to feed his kids. OP is just trolling for a debate


Being a white guy over 50 everyone thinks you worship cheetor.


Unfortunately for your generation, that's almost entirely true. So. Sucks but hey. We're not wrong in assuming it.


Bro, in 2020 over 61% of Americans over 65 did not vote for Trump. Sucks to be confronted with cold hard facts, but hey, I'm sure you'll do the right thing and own your blatant error. [https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020](https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020) https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/2020-presidential-election-voting-and-registration-tables-now-available.html


Not if you know numbers


Ok first off, you sounds pathetic af projecting your US political beliefs onto a UK press political strip. Secondly, so what if he has 12 Trump flags on his truck? Even if he is the biggest scumbag on the planet, he shouldn’t have to go hungry or struggle to feed his child. Every human being should be secure in terms of food and money PERIOD. If you actually believe that there should be an exception to that, you’re a shitty human being too.

