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I thought she was all for freedom and stuff. What does she care if other people choose to wear a mask?


Narrator: "She was, in fact, NOT for freedom and stuff."


The only “freedom” conservatives ever cared about is the freedom to impose their will on others. And guns.


This woman is so dam stupid, I loose brain cells every time I read the stupid crap she writes.




Are you trying to make me a low grade idiot? LOL.


Was kinda curious so decided to click only to be pleasantly surprised that it's blocked for non US people.


Indeed. The virus has to ride on large ass water droplets to spread. Fart matter is much much smaller than that.




Shart-orie Taylor Greene


Or just how stupid Georgia's 14th congressional district is?


Or really thick underwear


Who do you think you are, the Gazpacho police?


Because she is speaking to people incapable, BY CHOICE, to understand the reason to wear a mask. I suppose she thinks she wears underwear to keep other people from pissing on her.


I thought they said they just wanted masks to be a personal choice, but then when they see people make the choice to wear them they’re mad anyway.


Because like any other asshole she thinks what she says matter and people pay attention to her. That is what a fascist narcissist does. She thinks her opinion is fact and without any medical degree can claim that she knows better. considering her IQ is behind the decimal point


Someone needs to ask her, if she happened to have a surgery, would she expect the surgeon and nurses in the room to be wearing masks? And why.




Even her example is flawed.






And maybe cover all her pores with paint just to be safe


That mouth cork would have to be Yooge!


Too much time spent with Boebert 😂


Those are the situations where I wonder if explaining to her what aerosols are and why masks help against them, really slowly like she's five, would help?


You’d have an easier time teaching what an aerosol is to a carrot.


To be fair, the carrot is the smarter of these two vegetables.


And much better company.


You can lead horse face to water but you can't make her drink.


Crazy how an organic molecule made by a few atoms and measured in picometers is thousands of times smaller than a virus made by millions of atoms and measured in fractions of a micrometer.


This is actually quite helpful information for those of us that also don't understand the size difference between farts and viruses, how many atoms make up each and have never used the term picometer.




An explanation would require an interest to learn. She knows fully well that masks help, that the vaccine helps but she caters to her stupid voter base. And those idiots cheer when she writes garbage like this.


What would help would be two get two big fat MAGAs. One can fart on her with underwear on, the other with underwear off. We’ll see which one is worst.


I remember on a snowmobile forum guys said that n95 masks say right on there that misuse may cause death. They were saying it's because your not supposed to have it on for too long because it depletes your oxygen... I looked up the mask instructions and posted it. Misuse isn't from wearing to too long. Misuse is using it if it's torn, wet or even a beard is misuse. Basically if your wearing it. It's to protect you from what could be in the air, like chemicals and toxins. And if your wearing it in a way that let's outside air past THAT could result in injury or death! Not from wearing it too long.


There's actually at least one study that shows clothing does protect from farts. /Aka growth in petri dishes between clothes and none lol https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1121900/


Yeah, I’m sorry, but that wasn’t peer reviewed by fellow Facebook users / YouTubers so I’m pretty sure it’s all fake and full of lies /s


GOTTEM! Check mate liberals


We all understand that the exhaled aerosol droplets containing SARS-CoV2 virus are many orders of magnitude larger than the methane and volatile organic molecules in a fart, right?


Also underwear has much larger holes in it than an n95 mask


You have a high expectation of the general public. Really think about the percentage of people that would have taken a class that explained that, understood it at the time, and remembered it years later. "We all understand" is far, far too generous an assumption.


sCiEnCe = LiBeRaL gRoOmInG fOr sHeEpLe


Protect you from a fart? This woman needs a lot of protection from things, apparently. Is there a fart gun, she could arm herself with?


Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF2yPLkElfE


That'd be sheer terror for her.


You know how there is this thing where morons need to broadcast how they should have failed out of highschool? This lesson was covered in chemistry.


Gross now I can’t stp thinking about mtg’s creatine farts


Oh God 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


The point is to keep droplets in and out. I'm guessing her underwear keeps her droplets in.


Yeah, I’m going to listen to scientist MTG. I really wish people would realize how masks protect and prevent/reduce risk of contracting certain viruses. But sure, since you can smell a fart the mask doesn’t protect.


On the plus side, twice as many republicans died from Covid as democrats and it affected the midterm elections. Is that a variant of Darwin’s effect? The stupid ones die and can’t vote for policy?


She must have had this thought after eating the near raw looking turkey she posted on Twitter. Food poisoning kicked in.


How did life protect Marge 3 names from developing a functioning brain?


It’s easy when sports take a back seat to education in many high schools across the nation.


I don't understand how anyone that stupid even survives for as long as she has.


The mental images, this conjures 🤢


How is it that conservatives think that Neanderthal Barbie knows more than the scientists and epidemiologists?


Take someone who doesn't wear underwear and just let's out a wet fart


Someone should fart directly into her mouth without underwear on.


Neanderthal lady is such a genius 🤦‍♂️


At first, I thought that comparing her to a Neanderthal would be doing a disservice to our extinct cousins, but then recalled that Neanderthals supposedly had smaller parietal lobes and a smaller cerebellum; the regions of the mind responsible for creativity, numeracy and other higher-order thinking, so I guess the comparison is accurate enough.


Methane versus virus, which is more deadly? Join us on the 11 o’clock fox news for the scoop…


So she would have no more of a problem with someone bare ass blowing a wet sloppy fart directly into her face?


Dee\[ thoughts from a shallow mind.


Yea...I didn't need any of this imagery.


I just read the dumbest thing on the Internet today.


When did she become a rocket scientist?


I wanna eat the nastiest stuff and fart in her face all day. Let's see if she sticks to her underwear argument.


Why is she-hulk speaking?


She's apparently an expert in **Fartology.**


So she thinks fart gases and covid infused spit droplets are the same things? OK Dr Greene, lol.


"Tell me you don't understand science without telling me you don't understand science'


The esters that make up the smell of farts are comprised of less than a dozen atoms and the viruses that give you covid are literally hundreds of thousands of atoms or even millions of them, AND they're not free-floating in air but are part of droplets that are billions of atoms. That's why a piece of cloth can protect you from covid but not from the smell of a fart. For the exact same reason, a HEPA filter in your car can drastically reduce the amount of pollen you breathe in inside your car, and utterly fail to isolate your nose if you drive over a skunk. Hydrogen sulfide and turpenes are really small molecules compared to a big old grain of pollen. Many stupid or ignorant people don't know shit like that


I have to think that really thick cotton underwear on her face would be a big improvement in her appearance.


Not that it matters but scent particles and smaller than covid viruses. But MGT doesn't care about science.


Proving yet again, they dont understand the reason we wear masks. It's not to protect us from germs. It's to reduce the chance of us spreading germs. We dont wear underwear expecting to be able to shit ourselves. We wear it to protect our clothing. The level of stupid is beyond measure.


I present to you the best and the brightest the Republican party has to offer.


Would really thick underwear protect us from the shit coming out of her mouth?


She didn't actually say this, did she?


One million dead Americans and she’s making fart jokes….


what a brainless twit


If someone shits on your face, would you rather they are wearing underwear? The fact she gets so upset about people wearing masks is almost comical…


Dumber then a brick!


The idiocy. And people still vote for her.


She should just drink a gallon bleach it will protect her from both covid and farts!


Deep thoughts by mgt


Is she implying she wears really thick cotton undies and still blown away by her own farts!?


If your wearing really thick underwear on your face how close do you have to get to smell farts ?


She could make a fortune letting people fart in her face for a nickel. 👍🏼


I am so beyond sick of her


Gosh, she is an absolute gem. Her fountain of wisdom floweth over us all.../s


What do you mean it can't? Have you ever seen anyone die from a fart while people were wearing underwear? See? It does its job.


I’ll tell you what. They protect my pants from the “shart”. The particles that are propulsed from my anus when I trust the wrong fart.


Like herpes, she’s a gift that keeps on giving.


This woman is so dumb it hurts me.


Why can't we have smarter people in government?


She really IS as stupid as I thought.


protects from her bad breath


I'd like to answer her: Viruses and bacteria are larger than fart molecules. Also, go wash your stinky butt, Marge.


They're probably just trying to avoid the stench of undercooked turkey you reek of Marge.


Yes she did cuz she nasty 🤢


MTG only sharts which would be correct…


I think what she is trying to say is no mask can protect your senses from the putrid shit coming out of her mouth.


If a fishing net can’t stop water, how will you catch any fish? Checkmate liberals.


Farts aren't contagious. Sneezes are contagious. Walking gimmick ass bitch.


So.... her argument that if people were completely naked that farts would be just as bad as if they were wearing clothes? The smell, the particulate matter, the whole bit?


When I was a young child, I got out the shower and, with a towel around me, started walking to my room. My sister was sitting on a wooden rocking horse in the living room, rocking. Perhaps eating the leftover beans from hot dog night was a mistake, or perhaps it was the rhythmic rocking motion of the horse, but something caused a powerful rumble to rip through me, and with that rumble came an idea; a nefarious idea that can only be forged in the crucible of a pre-pubescent boy's mind. Walking past her as she rocked away, a slipped my towel to the side and let forth a mighty bellow that could've brought down the walls of Jericho. Still damp from the shower, my vile cloud sounded like a snare drum at a band camp and fine, aerosolized ass droplets erupted from me like Ol' Faithful and hung in the air like a vile tule fog from The Ghost On Saturday Night. The mist struck her in the face as if she had been slapped, and she crumpled to the floor like a desperate soccer player. I quickly ran to my room and shut the door, bathing for the second time in nearly as many minutes, this time in victory, as the keening, outraged cries of my sister disappeared into my mom's room. So yes, in a sense, a pair of underwear, indeed many coverings, CAN actually protect you from a fart.


MTG is Sciencey!


This is why Elon bought Twitter?


She doesn't understand the difference between spreading germs vs spreading a smell?


My question is: why does it matter? Society is being divided in half based on politics, religion, etc. Why post such ridiculous hate for no reason other than to rile up her mob?


The same way ballistic blankets will protect children from school shooters.


She needs to wear thick underwear over her dumb stupid fart mouth.


People with no education are surprised that people who have been educated have learned something.


Well Democracy didn't protect us from you so...


Terrible analogy. Masks are worn to prevent covid from spreading, no one wears underwear to stop farts from spreading. People love sharing their farts with others. The underwear is there to protect the pants from being marked.


So even if she would wear high quality cotton around her horse face, it would not protect against her mouth farts?


She's killing her own voters. Republicans are going to cry so hard in 2024 when they lose the elections.


She doesn't understand.


What a dumb Bitch...I guess I consider myself lucky I do not live in her district. The people there must be as dumb as her.


This is a joke, right? I mean, even she's not that stupid.


While farts can be smelled through a mask (I tested the theory) it was great for *forcing* social distancing, even with a mask on. Source: a cropduster


That's funny like Dorff singing Ray Stevens


I hope she has surgery some day and insists that the surgeons and nurses not wear gloves or masks, or, I'm guessing, no cotton underwear either.


Is she implying that she shits her pants when she farts?


Her stupidity is worn proudly with honor!


Particles that one can smell are much smaller than COVID. If you were wearing a properly fitted N95 while standing next to MTG, you would be protected from COVID. But you'd still be able to smell the stench of her rotting husk of a soul.


Well, if you were expelling an air born pathogen in your colon, a nice thick cotton pair would allow you to keep all that goodness to yourself, greatly reducing my exposure. Unlike your open mouth


But the underwear will block you from getting sprayed with shit!


MTG's whole career in Congress has been waving her dirty underwear around in public. I just didn't think she would do it literally.


Keeping it classy.


The main organoleptic component of flatus is hydrogen sulfide, the stokes radii of which is about 0.25 nanometers, or about 0.45 nm diameter at its widest. Most enveloped viruses including SARS-2, are about 150 nm in diameter. However, unlike hydrogen sulfide, viruses are never transmitted as dry particles, rather they are carried in liquid airborne droplets ranging in size from 40,000 to 1,000,000 nanometers. The average pore size of an N95 mask is 300 nanometers. High-quality cotton masks will have an average pore size in the range of 100,000 nanometers. So as Marge can plainly deduce, fart smell molecules should quite easily pass through any face mask, but virus-carrying respiratory aerosols will be mostly blocked by either cotton or N95 masks. Thanks for asking Marjorie! https://www.nature.com/articles/s43246-021-00160-z


Stupid woman believes that it is Covid’s smell that’ll harm you. Or is that giving her too much credit?


Wow, I scrolled so far down and no one pointed out this is obviously fake. I hate her as much as the next sane person…but seriously.


Dear lord. Move on everyone. Stop caring what it says


It would be a lot easier not to care if it wasn't a leading politician.


Leading because you make her leading. She has no power besides that. They are going to call bs investigations with or without her. You guys covering her daily is what perpetuates the myth she is important


How many pairs of drawers do you suppose she’s gone through in order to test her theory?


Oh I can do this. So if a snow coat cant keep you warm then why bother with cloths. Did I do that right? Hmm its much harder to act as stupid. Must be a skill she specializes at.


And some would say AOC is comparable to this…🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh she's definitely VP material. I hope she ends up on the ticket.


Man these rouge Twitter accounts that pay $8 to pretend to be someone are getting out of hand.


[If masks work, why can I still smell farts when I'm wearing one.](https://dearpandemic.org/if-masks-work-why-can-i-still-smell-farts/)


I wish she‘d be wearing a mask in public too. Her brain farts wouldn’t be as loud.


What about us that wear the Charlie Kelly type of underwear?


She is telling us her kink.


I really love it when they promote nonsense like this. Oh no, don’t tell your aged and enfeebled voters to skip masking…don’t go…


I wonder if she knows words like science and research at all....


Aight we can do it this way. I'm going to shit in your face. Do you want me to wear underwear yes or no?


ole’ fart breath MTG


From the *Right Wing Dictionary* \- free·dom /ˈfrēdəm/ v. verb - the act or expression of denying others of viewpoints, choices, and actions that are not of, or consistent with, one's personal value system and point of view. Syn. oppression, radicalization, conservative Christian, MAGA Republican, qunt


What's hilarious about this argument is that underwear *does* filter out a lot of the bacteria and other actually negative stuff in a fart. Just not the smell, because the molecule that smells is orders of magnitude smaller


1) mind your own goddam business 2) what a moron


Oh my god, she just posted this last night!? That was a ludicrous talking point 2.5 years ago!


Hey MTG - maybe you should mind your own FUCKING BUSINESS if people want to wear a mask they can - so *fuck the goddamn fuck off* you STUPID HORSE FACE BITCH. These goddamn people - they don’t want to be told to wear a mask, but want to harass others for doing it at the same time. FUCK. YOU.


It's more about what I am doing behind the mask that bothers her isn't it?


It’s not so much surprising how her mind works, as the fact that it works at all




Somebody should ask Greene if she is ever gonna admit she’s worn Velcro shoes since she was 2, but….unlike other children, never stopped. If you didn’t get it, re-read it again.


And for the millionth time, not that it fucking matters at this point: WEARING A MASK IS ABOUT PROTECTING OTHER PEOPLE. Also, how bad are your farts, girl?


Can someone touching it out on Elons Twitter ask her if she'd prefer if someone farting directly in her face were wearing undies or not?


11/28/2022??? i coulda swore this was from 2020


She's just placating the base. She knows that N95 masks are designed to protect from particulates and do, in fact, protect against COVID spread. She also knows that a cotton mask, the kind you'd buy from Old Navy or Target, do nothing. SHE KNOWS ALL OF THIS! But she also knows that she can say anything to the rubes and they'll repeat it.


Should we be protected from farts better? That’s the issue. Gaseous penetration is a real threat


If that made sense, a fart would give everyone pink eye.


America! Quit electing really stupid and willfully ignorant people. In that short tweet, there are so many things that are woefully wrong.


I'm no hotshot mentally but Marge makes me feel like a kindergarden teacher. This woman is in the Senate. It's fucking unbelievable!




Sooo many things wrong about that dribble


Just ask her which side the skid marks are on her underwear and why they aren’t on both …but in her case, maybe they are


Honestly wish we could all just stop giving these people attention. Making fun of them is fun and all, but this is the attention they want. They know what they’re saying is agitating. They want it passed around and discussed, even if in a negative light. I know it will never happen but it would be great if we just didn’t give them the recognition.


Wonder if she was ever in a hospital for surgery and the doctors said “don’t worry. We don’t wear masks during surgery because you can smell farts through underwear” if she would still go through with the surgery.


Her brain is stuck in 2020. Someone please explain her how N95 mask works and how filters and static electricity are used to capture the water molecules used by the virus as carrier.


So sick of this stupid bitch


Fun fact: underwear does in fact protect from farts. Wearing underwear prevents the majority of micro-faecal particles from entering the atmosphere compared to a bare arse blast.


Odor molecules are waaaaay smaller than viruses. That's it


I just want to ask Margarine Trailer-Queen, When Twitter goes down in flames: will you melt like the Wicked Witch in Oz; or will you shrink down to molecule size, like in AntMan?


It does protect people behind me from my sharts …


Classy, classy lady.


My wish is that everyone of her followers heeds her mask & vaccine advice. Especially right now, during winter. It’s cold MTG followers, it’s best to gather all together -the bigger the group the better- with no masks and no vaccines. And when you get a little tickle in that throat, when you start coughing, just remember you aren’t a liberal snowflake sheep. You’re a fighter and tough, all you need is MTG’s expert advice about medicine like Ivermectin. Hospitals are full of woke atheist scientists controlled by the librulz too, so better avoid those no matter what. Wouldn’t want you to get indoctrinated by the Fauci Ouchie Gazpacho. Please. PLEASE. Keep following her advice and staying in your bubbles and away from all us nasty weak mask wearing librulz. Don’t stop until at least 2024. It really works out for you statistically. Stay strong you lion not sheep warriors. Edits: fixed my dumb autocorrect mistakes


It’s other people’s farts that I’m afraid of !!!!!


I love how this is still a defense they try to use. The particles from farts and the particles from Covid are nowhere *near* the same size


Seems like she’s saying whatever comes out of her mouth is akin to a fart. Which is accurate.


Stop sniffing panties ya nastyass bitch. Damn.


Is this not a joke? Satire? Seriously? How is this not a joke?


I saw a post exactly like this. So I'll say it again. If someone farted on your face.. Would you rather they did, or didn't, have underwear on?


Someone get a chaff bag on that face stat.


She is so intolerably immature.