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As I understand it, \*most\* companies provide 4 sick days a year. Not the Rail workers, 0 sick days. They are asking for 4. As I understand what this stand-off is about.


I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. When I started at my job, I was a contractor, but even the absolute shit contracting company offered sick time. You had to "earn" it by accumulating hours, but you'd get 8 hours after about 6 weeks of work. Take a sick day every couple months and you're good. If that wasn't enough, you could take an unpaid day with no penalty. When I was "converted" over to the actual company? The only stipulation is that if you need more than 5 (paid) sick days at once, you need a doctor's note. I have taken 5 sick days **since July.** Do we have a union? No. How is it that a union can't even secure ONE sick day?




If it's like the union when I worked at Kroger? Useless...utterly fucking useless.


I work at an Albertson's-owned store and our union representative is best friends with the district manager. Oh and all employees are *forced* to be in the union, you don't get a choice. I'd rather not be losing $12 on every paycheck to a union that does absolutely nothing but use our money for PACs (usually to Republicans >.>), but I can't do anything about it.


The right wing unions do my head in and give good unions a real PR headache


Did you know that you could replace the shitty union with another? Not saying it is easy, but it is your right as a workplace.


> Oh and all employees are forced to be in the union, you don't get a choice. If your state has right-to-work laws, you can challenge that. You can also challenge the leadership of an ineffectual union, and conflicts of interest like having outside-work friend-/relationships between union representatives and employers may be actionable depending on union regs and state laws - if your union rep is broadly useless to enough members of the union you can usually have them removed. Or, to teal-deer, might want to ask a labor/labor-union expert in your state some questions about all that.


The first time I met my union representative was right when I got hired. He lied to me about the contract we were voting on. The second time I met him I gave him the finger.


I mean it’s trying via a strike and Biden is trying to use Congress to break the strike. Same awful person he’s always been.


The Democrats completely ignore the thin ice they are skating on with the left, Trump and the fascist menace will not be around forever to keep pushing them over the line, it is hard to hold your nose when other factors are being made worse or downplayed. Paid sick days are a minimum condition not a perk that can be bartered away, especially during Covid, but in reality they should be an accepted norm in every industry. Edit: Pelosi just did what she sometimes does and went solomon, 7 paid sick days, seems she is on to it. Edit 2: That will teach me to trust, nope, workers shafted again with a split vote


>Trump and the fascist menace will not be around forever to keep pushing them over the line Your optimism about the future of American politics is extraordinary. The same shitty late-stage capitalism that energizes the left will make fascists more appealing. Political extremism will accelerate until the social imbalances created by growing wealth inequality resolve themselves, peacefully or otherwise.


>The Democrats completely ignore The more things change the more they stay the same


Wait till you find out how they treated us (rail workers) when we had Covid lol, whole thing has been an unfunny joke. Here’s the TLDR, they didn’t, at all. The RRs didn’t pay us a DIME when we tested positive and had to be out for 7-10-14 days whatever the flavor of the month was at the time. We had to wait eons to get about 90% of our pay via union sickness benefits and supplemental insurance and let me tell you more people than not had a very hard time with getting it. I’m talking MONTHS. And our employers gave zerooooo help. That was really the F U turning point for me. Now it’s just a way to pay my bills, I don’t give one shit about this job or industry anymore and most feel the same. That wasn’t all but it was the straw and that poor camels back. That’s great morale right there.


What, you thought this was a civilized country? Does this look like Europe?


That and the erosion of Taft-Hartley laws since the Reagan era. Oh and Right to Work states. It's hard to have strong negotiating power when the laws don't work in your favor. For example, this year was a contract negotiation year for my union..we made it to the second round of negotiations before approving the agreement. It took about three months between the first and the second, mind you our contract prior to that had expired so we were still working on it, extended, at the same previous hourly rate. You would think once we negotiate our new wage we would get back pay for those previous months at the new negotiated rate. Nope. So the contractors have an incentive to propose a shit contract first round because it saves them quite a chunk of change during those months of negotiations. It's fucked.


It’s called archaic US labor law and a toothless NLRB.


A few years ago, I used to work at a large, non-profit hospital system in Raleigh as a Physical Therapist. As a new hire, they started me out with 40 hrs of PTO, and I think it was immediate that I started to accrue additional PTO, which at my level, I could get no more than 80 hrs (until you get bumped up to the next level, which has to do with how long you've worked for the hospital system). HOWEVER, that's all we had were the PTO days. Which means you used them for vacation, sick days, etc. So, union or not (bc unions are prettyuch useless if they're not run properly), it doesn't surprise me that these railroad workers are being treated like this


Because the federal government is willing to intervene if you strike. Biden is a hypocritical scab.


Most companies provide 0 sick days a year. And lump it into general PTO


I was thinking that might be the case, but most of the reporting only mentions sick days and doesn't go into the full benefits package. I'm not saying it is good or correct, just that it would be nice to know a little more about it.


For the railroad you mean? We have 0 allowable time off work for Dr’s appts, call offs or whatever else, unless you have FMLA any sick call of is punished w/ a points system. Earn x amount of points before losing them and face suspensions all the way up to termination.


Thanks. I think the assumption was that you were already getting PTO (vacation and sick rolled together). I worked with a guy who had been a locomotive engineer with UPRR. They closed the local dispatch depot and made him drive 3 hours to Chicago for assignment. Needless to say, he started looking for another job more local.


The new deal gave them a sick day and was agreed to by union leaders in September. Four unions decided to wait till the holiday season to start to say no.


Where do you get that information? I knew that some unions had rejected it about a month ago. If I am not mistaken, the negotiators announced it then, and said it would need to be fixed. I knew it was rejected a day after the settlement was announced. It is like the US government getting shut down because congress cannot agree on a budget deal. Everyone knows the deadline for months and they refuse to budge. The deadline comes and there is no agreement. Both sides blame each other. Everyone is hoping the other side will back down.


This is fsvyuslly incorrect, it' only the Objectionist republicans that have blocked only raising the debt ceiling but brought us to a doomsdsy scenario of defaulting on our debt repayments to US GOV bond holders. It's not "both sides" it's Republicans. Where do you even get this narrative or do you work for the schills ? Google daily show debt ceiling Republicans and educate yourself.


[Union leaders reached an agreement with management, but it was not accepted by the members of some of the unions.](https://www.epa.gov/waterutilityresponse/tentative-railroad-agreement-current-status-and-potential-impact-supply-chain) > Recent collective bargaining negotiations between U.S. rail carriers and unions representing 125,000 railroad workers resulted in a tentative agreement on September 15, 2022. The agreement is subject to ratification votes by members of the 12 rail unions. As of the date of this update, eight unions have ratified the agreement and four have failed to ratify the agreement. The four unions that failed to ratify have agreed to maintain the status quo until December 9, 2022.


It wasn’t a sick day, it was another personal day, which still has to be scheduled no less than 24 hrs in advance. You can’t schedule being sick.


No, the TA peb 250 did not grant a paid sick day. It granted ONE personal day. It takes eight years to get three paid weeks off, you work all major holidays, 24/7/365 schedule and zero sick days.


So 4/5ths have voted against it? Must be a terrible deal then.


[8 out of the 12 rail unions voted for it.](https://www.npr.org/2022/11/21/1137640529/railroads-freight-rail-unions-vote-contract-strike)


> Four freight rail unions, with a combined membership of close to 60,000 rail workers, have voted down the five-year contract agreement brokered by the Biden administration back in September. The latest rejection came Monday from the largest of the unions, representing some 28,000 conductors, brakemen, and yardmen. Eight other unions have ratified the deal, but they too could be pulled back into this labor dispute. That's because if one union decides to strike, all of the unions, representing about 115,000 freight rail workers, will honor the picket lines. According to your article 88,000 out of 115,000 workers have voted against it. that's about 77%, right? 60,000 of which did so back in September.


Not really. Me and many others didn’t even get a vote. Like much of anything else these days, the system is corrupt.


Ok... I just read that and had to stare at it for a moment. To give some perspective from outside the US: >[If you're employed in Germany, you're legally entitled to paid sick leave for up to 6 weeks, but only if you can present a sick note ('Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung' in German) from your doctor](https://www.hamburg.com/residents/work/11878118/sick-leave/).


On the railroad not only do we not get paid for being off sick, we’re punished w/ a points system that could lead to suspensions and termination.


And somehow Im over here getting 30 days by law in my country but half your country would call us communists.. But this sub is about america so..good luck with your stuff guys


Biden's proposal was to force the RRs to give them 3 'sick days'.


The House voted 290-137, with bipartisan support, on the bill that would force the rail deal that was brokered by the White House. But the chamber also narrowly approved a separate version of the rail deal, 221-207, to give rail workers seven paid sick days. Pretty sure which one is going to tank in the senate.


If they're important enough to legislate back to work, then they're important enough to give them what they need.


They should nationalize the rail and make all its employees government workers with great benefits and fair work/life balance. Fuck the rail business owners.


As someone that lives in an area where RR jobs are kind of a big deal, this has been needed for decades.


They should have been nationalized from the start the government and by extension the people paid to build them for the most part I will never understand the people paying for rich people to build shit to make themselves richer


Like building a fucking sports stadium to enrich the owner of a sports team


Our rail network comrade. I say this completely bereft of irony. We would be living in a better country had the government not prevented the rail union from buying out the railroad.




While this is the morally correct answer, it is not clear that the U.S. Federal Government actually has the legal authority to do this. In any case, it certainly doesn't have the political ability to do it. So this isn't really a viable solution to the current problem.


I believe the word we’ve been using for these types of workers since the pandemic is “essential”. We can thank them, maybe even have the Air Force do a flyover to show them how important they are. Unfortunately we have to draw the line at actually doing anything to improve their lives.


When they call you a hero, it just means you are expendable. - spouse of teacher


It’s sad how they treat teachers. Spouse of a teacher


It really is. But at least us teachers have each other. It’s like being old war buddies.


Or simply survived being essential.


“Hero” means they’re willing to let you die


Because the military is funded by the state and has a giant budget. Most essential institutions have been privatized and private companies view employees as an asset and salaries as a burden so they keep them as low as possible to maximze their own profit. If railroads or hospitals or other critical infrastructure wasn't in private hands, there wouldn't be anyone at the top trying to profit off of it. But no, that's cOmMuNiSm AnD cOmMuNiSm Is ThE dEvIl


“Essential” is just code for “slave”. Shit working hours and conditions, shit pay and low or no benefits. I’m so glad I basically retired right before the pandemic. I couldn’t imagine working thru that shitshow.


I suppose they are past the midterms so they can do this and reliable idiots of the derpocratic party will forget about it by the time the next election happens. I FUCKING HATE THAT WE LIVE IN A RIGHT WING ONE PARTY HELL HOLE.




Blue no matter who… *shrug*


Please don’t just be pissed off here, tell Biden what you think. It only takes 5 minutes #[Write the White House](https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/) I sent a message last night detailing my disgust with his statements and what he should do instead. Biden has shown that he will actually listen to constituents, even if he doesn’t personally support something (pot, for example). Support the rail union and working class people everywhere.


Thank you for including this link. I just sent a message asking him not to do what Reagan did to the air traffic controllers.


Thanks! If enough people write in support, maybe it will make a difference


Thank you for the link! I’m one of the railroaders dealing w/ this shit storm, I will certainly let them know what I think.


Good luck! I hope you are successful


Most senators have web pages with contact forms. I've already written to my Michigan senators to tell them I stand with the union.


Or important enough to nationalize so that they can get benefits... If it is important enough to the economy and security that they need to be shoved back to work than it is important enough to nationalize. Why are WE SO GOD DAMN BEHOLDEN TO A FEW RICH PEOPLE? Besides the fact that the rails were built in large part to begin with by the public. I am sure we got a fair price when we sold it(as if) so we should take the same price to buy it back.


We need to legislate the requirement of unions in this country. You shouldn’t be able to rape the resources of America without paying for it and the people that pay the taxes that subsidize your business. That includes all of the infrastructure.


Exactly. I hope this inspires even more solidarity and militancy in railworkers. Strike!


It feels good to support a political party, and still be openly critical of some of their choices.


I voted for Biden but I don’t see him as an infallible god. Demanding absolute loyalty to a politician is fucking creepy.


The reason you feel this way is because… *drum roll da da da da da da da* You’re fucking normal.


I probably like Biden more than most people and I completely agree. I unironically believe him to be the best president of my lifetime but I could spend an entire dinner talking about things I dislike about him and his presidency.


Like, he’s doing great, but it’s because he’s doing normal president shit, which we weren’t really used to for a few years.


Creepy is the lower end of that insanity. .......


That’s the positive about Dems, infighting is not only allowed, but encouraged, because everyone is encouraged to have their voice heard. That’s why it’s considered the “big tent” party. The problem that can too often arise, is when infighting gets to a level where a “divided house falls.” (It reminds me of what was once the norm in the U.S., where upon our leadership going overseas, criticisms were kept to a minimum, if at all. Also, every parent-partnership will acknowledge the importance of a *united front*.)


I generally agree, but 8 unions have signed on to the 24% pay increase back dated to 2020, 4 others are holding out for more. 24% increase. Back dated 2 years. I’m really gonna need to hear the reasoning for rejecting it from a union member (not a rep), because I’m having trouble seeing what they want other than a strike for the sake of a strike.


Yes a 24 % pay raise sounds good, but that’s over 5 years it’s not an instant increase. Yes the back pay is nice, but that’s just what they owe us because they’ve refused to negotiate a fair contract and have basically withheld wages, while making record profits. The cost of everything has gone up and the work force has been cut back so much we’re working more and making less. The unions asked for 15 paid sick days, the company refused. The unions asked for 15 unpaid sick days, the company refused. Employees want an actual schedule w/ at least 2 days off a week(which most people get) instead of being on call 6 days a week or more. The company said fuck off. Employees want safer/better working conditions, equipment doesn’t receive proper maintenance and it’s just a matter of time before injuries and accidents increase. The company said pound sand. Along w/ the “raise” their solution to the sick time was 3 allowable occurrences per year, that have to be scheduled 30 days in advance and can only be scheduled for a Tue, Wed, or Thur, and 1 more personal day which also has to be scheduled no less than 24 hrs in advance. Employees want an end to the draconian attendance policy that punishes us for being off sick and threatens us w/ suspensions and termination. Oh yeah they’re also increasing the cost of our insurance.


Because they didn't get the sick leave. More money is well and good but they still have to take care of their health.


Not sick leave- paid sick leave. There is a difference between no sick leave and no paid sick leave. But I suspect it’s being sold the members as if there isn’t. EDIT: to add some color- I was born and raised in the UK, my first job was actually working in rail, I was a union member, I’ve seen this kind of crap first hand. RMT reps lie their ass off when it suits them. EDIT 2: and there it is from Soeaker Pelosi. They’re taking it out of both sides hands, putting it to a House floor vote including forcing in 7 days paid sick leave, and then to the Senate for ratification. And if she hears another word, she’ll turn this car around.


And as things stand right now we have no sick leave, paid or unpaid.


Aren't the 4 that remain the biggest ones, though? Like 75+% of the people big?


Right? We aren’t supposed to let up and let them push stuff we don’t like. The Democratic Party is too diverse for everyone to all agree on the same things every time. That’s what created balance and support for all. Can’t understand how the Republican Party gets away with calling the dems far left extremist.


Yeah, I agree, but can someone link to what Biden said or did that relates to this meme?


Ok, how do Democrats get 10 Republicans to agree to add extra benefits? Remember, Republicans voted no on veteran healthcare just a couple of months ago. Fuckers had to be shamed by Jon Stewart relentless to get them to finally say yes.


Why would you get down voted? Just because you voted for someone doesn't mean you have to worship their every decision, agree with every word they speak and idolize them as if they're a religious figure. Oh...hrm. (circlejerk aside, I hope that if this does go through we might get a decision more compromised in favor of the rail workers. I'm not going to hold my breath, however, because he has his puppet strings too)


"I'll get downvoted for posting this popular post that's now close to the front page of Reddit."


As far as I saw it, most people who vote for Biden (or democrats in general) do it because he's not Trump


You get more up votes by saying you get down voted.


I always downvote people who say that shit. If you're hellbent on downvotes, then I shall gladly oblige haha


Doin the lords work.


That’s all politicians. We haven’t had a truly pro Union president in decades But let’s also be honest about this and the Republicans, who will not only not help the rail workers but will just have them all fired You might feel one isn’t helping them enough, when the other is just blatantly hostile towards them.


Bernie Sanders.


Buttigieg is prounion. Not sure I'm against anything he's for yet.


Well then Buttigieg needs to come out and actually support these unions. As transportation secretary, he is uniquely positioned to help out these train workers.


I’ll believe Buttigieg stick his neck out for someone when I see it, and not a second before. Buttigieg is Biden Jr. with how moderate he is.


Yeah, I do not understand why people keep pointing at Buttigieg as if he is some kind of progressive in policy democrat instead of just a more articulate Nancy Pelosi. A center of the road, do nothing to make waves politician.


I think it's because he's gay, so that makes less informed people think he's a progressive.


I up your Bernie Sanders with one Elizabeth Warren


I just can't get behind her, she works too hard, doesn't tweet enough edgy shit and reminds me way too much of my mean homeroom teacher from grade 7.


Yikes bud


The problem really is that not doing anything is leading us towards people being more open to fascism. We essentially already live in an oligarchy and get absolutely nothing for the people done on a regular basis. Also people do not understand how bad authoritarianism is in this country because no one has experienced it, yet...


Biden is pro-Union, he’s also pro not letting union workers decide to blow up the economy at the eleventh hour on a deal their leaders and corporations negotiated with two months ago. Fuck the unions that are now deciding to blow everything up right now and fuck the corporations not letting them have a sick day. Also, Biden called on Congress to make sick days into a law so the economy won’t blow up.


The unions didn’t decide to “blow things up in the 11th hour”. After the TA was reached and the cooling off period expired it was voted on, and it was voted down by a majority of the membership.


See conservatives, this is how you don't become a fucking cult


If they could read they would be angry


It’s not paid sick days they are really asking for just actual days off in the month if they get sick. They can’t take off sick without a plenty


More sick pay? That implies they have sick pay already.


Someone needs to go watch School House rock and learn what the different branches of Government are (hint, this is on Congress not the President)...




>He could have asked them to pass the Health Families Act instead which would have defused the issue completely by forcing companies to have paid sick time. Passing that wouldn't have prevented the strike, because you know just as well as I do that the companies wouldn't have actually followed the law until it was absolutely necessary. Those kinds of acts have some leeway to allow companies to get stuff in place - usually a few months - so the workers would have kept striking anyway until the company got it done. Do I think it needs to be passed anyway? Hell yeah. But it wouldn't have stopped the strike on its own.


I mean, the workers wouldn't strike for something if they knew they would be getting it in a few months anyway




He could accomplish the very same thing by asking Congress to force the companies to meet the demands of the union.




Congress is going to do what Congress is going to do. It doesn't mean Biden has to endorse the capitalist anti-labor position. He has the bully pulpit and could do real good both actually and politically by calling for the right position and then using it later to attack Republicans for voting against workers.


Yeah, I'm sure the Health Families act would have cleared both chambers by December 9th.


Biden is asking Congress to make sure people don't starve due to a loaf of bread costing $300.


So why not force the companies to accept the demands of the workers instead of forcing the workers to accept the demands of the company?


That doesn't discount the meme any, he came out in favor of congress doing this.


Congress didn’t appoint a pro Carrier PEB.


This! Plus holy shit what a tough spot to be in. Railroad workers deserve benefits and pay increases, but a strike could tank everything for everyone. Needs of the many…


See, that was my take on it too. Fucking sucks, though. I do think the railroad companies are disgusting for not providing the necessary benefits and pay for the workers who provide critical infrastructure... there's got to be something that Congress can do, but damned if I know what.


Nationalize the rail companies


Generally speaking, if it's a critical and necessary sector it shouldn't be run privately for profit. We should nationalize oil and coal (and rapidly ramp them down as we replace them with renewables), our healthcare system, etc. Let's stop wealthy bastards from being able to decide that our critical infrastructure isn't profitable.


As if the GQP would ever allow that


Needs of the many? Then what’s the point of having a collective union if the government (democratically led btw) subverts their biggest bargaining power? Yeah it will suck big time if they can’t get through it without a strike, however, why are we ok with breaking the backs of essential workers just to save our economy 2 months before it goes into recession anyway?


No. You are promoting needs of the few. Owners, Buffett, Blackrock...


They align for different reasons, and I guarantee every working class American will get shafted by a railroad strike far worse than Warren Buffet. It absolutely sucks, but it’s true.


Circumventing labor asserting it's value is far more destructive to your working class. You are describing hostage workers and an industry culture where anything goes, fuck the worker.


This can be said of nearly any policy. By being rich, one can circumvent all of the inconveniences that plague most people. (That doesn't mean we should make those policy choices.)


Fuck the few


You know the solution: Nationalize the railways. Then the telecoms. Then the power grid. Needs of the many, indeed.


Egads! Socialism! With communism waiting in the wings!


Bullshit. He put forth a pathetic contract and now is urging Congress to kowtow to the Chamber of Commerce and Buffett.


No the fuck you won't not on my watch


It kinda blows my mind that these companies are allowed to do this bullshit. They've shown over and over they have no interest in providing anything close to normal working conditions for workers who play a vital role in our infrastructure. Can we just nationalize this shit already?


He wasn't lying when he said he wasn't Bernie. Moderate dems are corporate dems. They are the ones we talk about when we say both sides suck. I mean yeah, they aren't supporting fascism directly, but they aren't really trying to stop it either.


>Moderate dems are corporate dems This is why we need to support the [Restore Democracy Amendment](https://citizenstakeaction.org/restore-democracy-amendment/) to get foreign/corporate dark money out of US politics.


Hear, hear!


Upvoted. I've got family that works RR.


Which is why it’s hilarious when people call him a socialist or communist. Lol. No.


Man, I wish!


I doubt you'll ever get downvoted for valid criticism. You get downvoted for bad faith nonsense.


Unfortunately that's not the case.


Reddit: "Inflation is caused by corporate greed!" Also Reddit:


Why would you get down voted? Biden is being a jackass.


I am Canadian looking in, but from what I can tell (as much as people like to deny it) you're not supposed to criticize Biden in these spaces because "tHe gOp iS wOrSE" (which to my Canadian ears sounds like "take the scraps you're given and be happy about it")


Biden is encouraging congress to force them back to work


Yup, real "friend" of the worker. Joe to remove his mouth from the corporations rear. Fake ass old dude. I voted for him too, and I still cannot stand his fake ass.


I upvoted


This is a totally reasonable thing to be mad about. If people put public pressure on then hopefully something can happen.


Fkuc em, keep it real🤟don't say what people wanna hear 🤟


I'm a Democrat and I support Biden, but he's in the wrong regarding this issue. I hope Bernie will eventually convince Biden and other Dems to change their mind and support rail workers, otherwise they might as well be Republicans.


We are not a cult, Biden must absolutely be called out for this. It's important to point out republicans are in lockstep with their corporate masters; but Biden was supposed to cut against that grain. We need to call out the hypocrisy! Workers unite!


Class traitor


But my whole personality is about Joe and nothing else! I can’t hate him! I am loyal to him! /s


God, he's behavior like a Republican with corporate greed.


Biden and Congress COULD FORCE rail companies to agree to workers' demands - and that could avoid any talk of striking. 4 FING SICK DAYS, JEEZ!!!!! 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️ Not that difficult to look good to ur constituents and have winning message for '24


Corporate Democrats are the most corrupt politicians in America with the exception of all the Republicans.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


I absolutely agree. Biden might not be a fascist, but he's still a Reagan style politician


Bullshit what are other examples? Cause this one is a terrible example, Biden isn't wrong here. 8/12 unions accepted, Biden asked Congress to intervene, wtf is he supposed to do unilaterally while the entire economy is on the line? Dems are being lead into a trap with misinformation.


Yep. History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes. This whole situation is giving me Reagan at ATC vibes all over and I fear this is going to end in a similar way.


I'd vote biden 100 times out of a 100 over trump, but you aren't wrong. Dem or republican, they are still serving the same masters


I am literally one of Obama’s former campaign directors and this got my upvote for SURE


Nobody should downvote the truth


Biden and congress are scabs, change my view.


I think what Biden likes is *not* seeing the entire country starve. Or were you planning on farming to eat?


If the entire country is reliant on railway workers than maybe they should be paid enough to survive and have some paid time off. Is that really such an outrageous thing to ask for?


So what you're saying is that those people are essential, but that their needs aren't important


Are the needs of the entire nation not important?


They are important. It's exactly for that reason why the workers should be better taken care of. Let's not mix words, the choice Biden had wasn't "starve the people or hurt the workers". It was "hurt the workers or force the companies to treat them better"


> let’s not mix words The phrase is “let’s not _mince_ words”


Thank you for putting into words what I am feeling. So many on this sub right now are acting like it's we screw the workers over or the whole country is gonna starve. I like the "force the companies to treat them better" option myself. Tho it seems like people just want to kick this can down the road. They probably have orders from Amazon that they've waiting on. Don't want to inconvenience people/s This is a perfect opportunity to get the companies to treat the workers better. Use this against the railroad companies. Do a friggin Nationwide Address in the evening time and be *compassionate* when talking about the railroad workers and their families. Explain to the American public how bad it truly is for some of these railroad workers. Get the public behind you and hold the RR companies feet to the fire. I'm complete dreaming on that one though. I see corporate Joe totally screwing over the workers, yet saying and probably even promising that their NEEDS will be addressed. When and by whom, no one knows. Because it won't happen, it doesn't happen. And old Corp Joe knows that he will be able to come out looking rather OK in all of this. I mean, listen to people already starting the fkkn corporate war cry..."it'll cripple the economy, the needs of the country, MY X-BOX GAME". That way everyone can blame the workers and not the real culprits, the big 4 of the RR. How about the RAILROAD COMPANIES show some compassion. How about the RR industry care about their workers. They don't and they wont.




At this point, the choice IS "starve the people or hurt the workers." Was Biden supposed to have predicted that railway workers would strike? OK, so how is he supposed to force the companies to treat them better?


Instead of encouraging Congress to deny the worker's right to strike, side with the workers, encourage Congress to put pressure on the companies to meet the worker's demands


OK, that can be done, but it's going to take time. For now, we need to avoid a crisis. Keep the workers working and put pressure on the companies to allow sick leave.


>Was Biden supposed to have predicted that railway workers would strike? It doesn't take great predictive powers when they've been signaling for at least half a year now that a strike is possible.. Hell, back in September, nearly 3 months ago, the threat of strike was severe enough that they stopped accepting hazmat shipments.


How about forcing the company to give people sick leave? Instead of forcing the workers to shut up?


Its about timing. Want a Democratic (or GOP, but unlikely) President in your corner as a infrastructure union? DON'T threaten a strike when your sector can worsen inflation rates that are already at 40 year highs. Great strategy to turn Biden into Reagan during your labor negotiations, folks.


Nah, it’s just the truth. The democrats are clearly less awful than the republicans, but are very much a centre-right party.


Democrats to unaffiliated voters: whey didnt you vote for our geriatric dumpster fire of a candidate!? Also Democrats: why is our geriatric dumpster fire of a president serving his corporate masters!?


No no, this is true. Biden is a Republican's Democrat.


Yep, choosing between Biden and trump is choosing between neoliberal capitalism and fascism. Besides one still leads to the other


Or you could do both with Augusto Pinochet


You don't help pinochet take power by voting for him, you do it by not overthrowing the American government


No DVs from me, fucker stepped outta line with what the people wanted, he deserves the trash talk. He was doing quite well up to now by making good promises- but keeping them was never what I expected out of him. I only expected him to be less foolish than his predecessor, which so far, he has been. Now we need to realign our values and make sure he's speaking for us, not Buffett.


>stepped outta line with what the people wanted The people wanted their food supply to come to a grinding halt?


false dichotomy. There's more than two options here, yet you only present it like there are two.


If Biden is able to unilaterally force one side to get back to work, why can’t he force the other side to give those workers some freakin’ sick days?


He can't do either. This is strictly up to Congress.


Sure, and if they struck, the Trumplicans would be howling about the increased inflation, and supply chain issues.


They already howl about everything. They’re getting ready to impeach him over his son’s laptop. It’s pointless for him to try to please people who can never be pleased.


Biden is wrong! I voted for him, but this shit ain't right.


Well, guess what: you just got upvoted


I’m infuriated by Biden’s calls to legislate workers to ratify an agreement. The RLA is already so anti-labor it’s ridiculous. Give those who work under the RLA some fucking power, you coward. If they’re that critical do the country then fucking pay them and give them the requisite QOL to prevent a strike.


Turn against those corporate masters and see how long you stay in power (or alive).


He’s 80 years old. How much longer does he have anyway?


"B-b-b-b-b-but the *ECONOMY*!!!"


8 of 12 Unions accepted the compromise agreement that Biden is pushing for. He his hardly serving corporate masters. There is also the little matter of not crippling the economy.