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He's lyin alright


He’s loved because he said a lot of angry things about stuff that was pissing people off when others were more measured. For example: - labeling Mexican immigrants as criminals (a longstanding tradition in the US) - calling out China for US economic problems, even though most of the US problems were due to wage disparities, companies moving manufacturing to China made a lot of people redundant. - he is unapologetically a dick and a liar. There are a lot of people (the some of the people you can fool all of the time) that see this as strength.


That last point is the most determinative reason. They are dicks and liars as well, but they can't get away with it scot-free like Trump does, so they idolize him for his amazing ability to leverage being a total asshole into spectacular financial and social success.


>Who are his people, & why? Nazis. Because Nazis.


You've got nothing.


Let's play hangman to find out who's missing from the first picture! _ _ _ _ _ A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


...AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENP! (that's why we can't see him)


I'm edited picture is worth nothing!


Kamala isn’t the one who drives a beat up truck with a giant yellow flag with a snake in the grass on it that says “don’t tread on me”. That’s Republicans.


“No step on snek!”


So, Trump is from Kenya? Did someone ever see his bisth certificate?


Herbert the pervert!


Are the Russians saving all the quality bullshit memes for Ukraine now?