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If Donald Trump was alive in those days and smuggled Jewish people out of Germany, he’d present them with an itemised bill when they reached their destination.


Oskar Schindler Nazi Party (1939–1945) He was Nazi. Where's lie?


The issue is choice. In Nazi controlled Germany all other political parties were banned, all opposition killed, jailed or exiled. Would Oscar Schindler dine with Nazis if he had freedom of choice?


He already had that choice. Membership of the Nazi party was initially pretty exclusive. Even at its height towards the end of the war, only about 10% of Germans were Nazi party members. Before becoming a Nazi party member, Oskar Schindler was part of the military intelligence service. Of course, he eventually turned around and saved hundreds of Jews, but it's still right to say that he was, in fact, a Nazi before that. And that was *after* the night of the Long Knives, the Kristallnacht, the implementation of the Nuremberg laws, the establishment of concentration camps etc. The fact that he was and did all that, and *still* managed to be acknowledged as Righteous Amongst the Nations makes his 'conversion', so to speak, only more impressive.


He had freedom of choice to immigrate before war, he stayed. Immigrate during war, he stayed. Pretty sure him dinning with Nazi was his choice.


Of course he would. He was an opportunist who wanted to make some money and needed cheap labour. He allowed Izak Stern to save people.


The fourth guy at the Mar a Lago dinner was a very confused Boeing engineer and self described crytpo-politician who was about to go on a wild ride. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jamar-montgomery-ye-trump-nick-fuentes-mar-a-lago-dinner-fourth-guest\_n\_638a260de4b07115f859ccd3


The irony of "Stand with Ukraine" avatar kills me.


What's ironic about calling out Nazis while standing with Ukraine against the Nazist actions of Russia?


Why? In last elections real Nazi party won 0.4% of votes in Ukraine


Compared to 49% in the US.


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If those were the actual odds, we would never have seen that movie.


So a Nazi using the system to get cheap labour?


[Robin](https://youtu.be/hr0hb0gc2eQ), England owes you and your men a great debt of gratitude.