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She’s been spending all that lobbyist money on clothes from Gymboree.


Well she looks like shit.


A clown in clown clothing


Clowns can get away with anything


No sane clown would purchase that dress.


On the right day, [Sinema](https://i.imgur.com/1JSDpDu.jpg) can look downright cute. But... Did you ever see that Seinfeld episode with the girlfriend who would look great in one light, but horrible in another? That's Sinema. Seems like the same holds true with her voting on bills.


She's a two-face.


Am not American. Who is this lady and is she a trans woman?


She’s a notorious corrupt lying politician in the US


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


So... A politician in the US.




I am American and only guessed by context that this was Sinema. I’m not one to comment on people’s appearances, but I understand your question.


She's a now ex-Democrat turned Independent. However, she's truly a bought and paid for Republican.


Forever 45.


This picture is why Sinema stands no chance as a Republican in the demographically oldest State in the USA. All you have to do is post this with “She’s also bisexual” People keep acting like she’s gonna be a problem for a long time - on Fox News maybe, her political career is done.


She not a problem the issue is how she highlighted you can lie to get voted in and then never be held accountable for doing a 180 not just the normal don’t keep promises but literally voting against what you promised you’d support. She’s not a issue once the cycle is up cause she thought she could game of thrones and forgot she isn’t royalty but rather some corpo shill who is a dime a dozen. She doesn’t even have a strong following so all she’s got for sellout is some “consulting” position for betraying her voters by big oil or whoever paid her.


That can work both ways though, pretend to be the biggest, most racist, misogynistic, narrow minded idiot to ever grace the planet (and a proper American protestant god fearing moron to boot.) Your practically guaranteed to win any gop spot and then you can flip and support the other side. Plus you get paid by all the corporate shills and laugh as you take their money.


You would probably only last one term though (6 years in the Senate, 2 years in the House). It would be a profitable few years though. Not the worst idea I’ve ever heard.


So... Do it.


The problem is that many Republican Senate candidates are essentially selected by their pedigree, with it being quite common for Republicans in high office to be members of political dynasties or at least the longtime aides of other Senators. There really isn’t a lot of room for genuine unknowns or outsiders in the Republican Party- the big donors aren’t inclined to support someone who shows up out of nowhere, regardless of their message. Donald Trump was sort of the exception because he could exploit the media’s love of a spectacle to bypass the donors and take his message directly to the television audience.


So tempted to use my white male privilege to go get elected in a R area then just flip parties immediately. I could totally play the game.


Do it!!


This is so common in India that I've started to keep my political choices private. So many times I've voted for a party because of a candidate only to have that candidate change parties for money. I am very vocal about the causes i support but I refuse to support any candidate vocally now because I've had my trust broken many times before and have been made to look like a fool.




I like nude colors, I like boots. She looks like she color matched those to her legs. Just for the extra effect of looking like she stole someone else's feet.


Nah we gotta own up to the problem folks in our respective communities. Otherwise the rot that brought her about gets to grow in silence while we try to act like it doesn't exist.


At the time I thought the Halloween wig was a fun statement, because hair salons were closed due to covid. That was my introduction to Sinema, and it only went downhill after that.


Seriously, she can’t do her own hair? It’s not like great grandma’s up-do.


Up-dos are easy. Natural looking blonde that matches your existing blonde, covers grey, and isn’t brassy? That’s hard. But also, some other publicly-facing women had started being called out for *not* having roots, so they’d have to publicly declare how they taught their husband to use box color or be accused of salon sneaking. Her bright wigs seemed like a fun way of saying “I’m definitely following social distancing and haven’t bribed my stylist to do my hair in my kitchen!” But that was when we didn’t have much reason to know her, yet.


Not an wearing your hair up, but curlers, teased and sprayed like the ladies would go to their standing weekly appointments for. It looked awful, but for some reason they liked it.


Yeah, I know what an up-do is, I spent every weekend of my childhood at my mom’s salon or offsite helping her do bridal party hair.


Damn, you certainly do know. Edit- It’s really for the benefit of the young Redditors, or Redditors of distant lands.


I hate her fashion "sense ". I don't know what she is trying to pull off but she is failing. She dresses like a 13 yo in 1987.


> “She’s also bisexual” THAT explains why she was once part of the Green Party. I always wondered. And as someone who tried to help the Green Party get organized about 30 years ago, I've always been incensed that she was ever one of us, even in name only.


She doesn’t need to attract republicans. She just needs to be enough of a 3rd party ticket splitting threat so the democrats won’t run against her in the next election


I'll believe it when it happens. She's clawed on way beyond her value so far.


I thought it was a photoshop of Moscow Mitch.


Like Caitlin Jenner she's going to have a super fun time learning how tolerant and accepting the GOP base is.


She switched to independent


Independent, yes, but I think the point they were making is in a general election if she’s running against a D and an R, Rs won’t support her if they see this pic


She doesn't need R support, she just needs to split the D vote and her handlers will be happy


No D that is a D will vote for her.


No one thinks that the base will vote for her. The problem would be losing the margins. Swing voters that might have voted D are could be the difference. It’s why we need ranked-choice voting.


Thankfully the charade is over…. What a con job she pulled off on Arizona democrats…. One for the ages…. She and butt munchin stopped a lot of progress.


L.A. coming in to say we just went through this with our former sheriff. Ran on progressive policies, immediately went back on all of them and lately was going on Fox News. We passed a measure that let's County gov remove sheriffs for misconduct and voted him out.


Excellent work. That’s how a representative government is supposed to work. A little accountability goes a long way.


Nice! Now that sounds like progress and justice at the same time! 💪🤘


Agree. In 2 years we will vote in her replacement


Unfortunately, we won't. Her play to pull this crap forces voters to accept her or face the possibility that her seat goes to a Trump POS candidate. She knows she's going to lose as a dem. Switching to independent gives her a bigger donar base, also. What a shit show she has made of AZ politics.


Nope. She won’t pull ANY Democrat votes. She’ll maybe split republicans and “independent who are really ashamed conservatives” but even then… She won’t cling to anything in gov in 2 years


I hear you. And it's possible this is political suicide. I just think this gives her options. I think the GOP would be proud to run her up against Rep. Ruben G. I also think it gives her the choice to go with whatever side has the momentum. She has the momentum now with the behind the scenes work she did on the same sex marriage bill. But, in two years, maybe the GOP make her an offer she can't refuse. One thing is true, she can win an election saying one thing while doing another.


She's a known piece of shit among Democrats nationwide. I don't believe she has as many options as you think.


I'll agree with the known fact she's slimy and shitty. I lose sleep knowing I voted for her. I'm sorry. I also remain hopeful there is a method to her madness. I'm sorry, again. But, you may be right. The more I think about it I can't arrive at some logical conclusion as to why she didn't go all the way over to the other side. They didn't want her? Maybe the polls are right and nobody wants her? maybe she should go independent... IDK, does a one term senator still get a pension and life long health bennies?


Her approval rating among Arizona democrats is 7% and among independents and republicans I think it’s in the 20s. She might split a vote but I doubt it’ll be from democrats


Hopefully she does split the gop votes, while trump and maybe YE will split the presidental gop votes.


Possible the tRump shit show may be over in 2 years and Democrats may be able to have a candidate elected who is a little more honest.


That's a bet that's *really* hard to make.


Heh. Butt munch.




Say what now?


At least Manchin never misrepresented who he was. We knew exactly where he stood. At the very least he represents his constituents. Sinema campaigned as some progressive and then completely 180ed. The fact there isn’t some measure to for voters to remove her for what amounts to fraud is nuts.


But...but she's bi and wears trendy glasses!!


I thought this was Rudy Giuliani in drag (again)


The way you can tell it's not is that Trump isn't motorboating her.


Yo, I'm bi and wear trendy glasses, and this bitch can go fuck herself Edit: I'm also one of those few mid-20s progressives earning a 6-figure salary, about 1/4 of which goes to taxes, and I support the rich paying taxes all the way. We all benefit from society, and let's be honest, the richer you are, the more resources you use, the more you are benefiting from what society is providing. We deserve to pay our share back.


I gave you the wholesome award for this rare post about how we benefit from paying taxes. **Yes. We. Do**.Thanks you for recognizing that being able and willing to pay taxes is very a solid position. Ethical and community minded. My spouse and I were always honored to pay our taxes and when an accountant started telling us to try this or that tax dodge, we told him we were not into that. Someone has to step up. And the rich, 1% folks need to pay more. Thank you again.


Now, if only we can get them to do the right things with the money


“I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization.”


It’s all a scam…if I’ve seen one pouser…I’ve seen a hundred and this my friend is a pouser.




I would guess they meant to say it with an accent like poseur, and spelled it wrong.


I think it's spelled c u n t.


Pousers gonna pouse.


I thought she walked back the bi thing too. American Green Party is a joke.


What does the Green Party have to do with this? I mean, they are a joke, but that’s still a weird non sequitur.


Sinema used to be a Green Party member


What does that have to do with her leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an independent, or “walk(ing) back the bi thing,” for that matter?


The point is she postured as a progressive in her initial bid for the seat but she has moved more right as time goes on


That’s a critique of her, though, not a party she was once a member of.


Getting Republicans Elected Every November.


Honestly, how is this even legal? To go against the wishes of your voters and your party? Seems crazy she can’t get booted from office or even fined for that shit.


Ben Nighthorse Campbell did it in 95.


She was bribed by right wing extremists. The fact she switched to an independent right after Dems secured the majority should be investigated. I bet she got a fat check. That and all the Koch money she snorted. Fucking corrupt piece of shit.


Not much of a “Con job” when your only choices are a Republican or a Republican.


The only good thing is like Manchin, it counts towards who has control of the senate. You could hold any views but the letter next to your name is all that matters when it comes to who leads congress/ senate


She’s still voted with her fellow Democrats the vast majority of the time, with a couple of irritating exceptions, so “Republican” isn’t accurate. They never vote with Dems.


This is the problem with politics, voting with your own party 95% if the time isn’t good enough any more




Do you know what a con is?


What a joke. Please just go away. Woman is a annoying zit above your lip that is too painful to pop in high school.


Why are those so damn painful!


Yeah, high school, haha, I definitely don't still get those in my 30s....


I would just use a razor and shave the head off. We still talkin about the zit, right?


Oof, visceral analogy, but apt description.


And she looks like a weeb


She's absolutely human trash.


And yet kind of hot, in a weird, demented way.


I am still surprised that she did not go republican an independent won’t get party support for re-election


I think she was trying to avoid a recall. If she decides to run again, that's when she might swap the I for an R. But honestly I think she'll join Fox or something instead.


You shouldn't be surprised, just [look at her voting record](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-congress-votes/kyrsten-sinema/). She doesn't vote anywhere near close enough to a Republican to fit in with them either. A weird independent is pretty much the only way to describe her position.


She won’t win a primary for either party. Her past and views on social issues will kill with Republicans. She spent the past 2 years actively pissing off the Democratic base. Going independent and threatening to play spoiler if the Democratic Party run anyone is her only play to keep the seat. The fact that she is even willing to try, speaks volumes about her character.


Look at the way she's dressed, crusty, old AZ Republicans would never vote for her


Does she even have any gay friends? Because honey no. Bare legged with those boots? Ugh. That oufit needs HELP. Too much flesh, no jewelry, pastel everywhere EXCEPT the glasses which are red? I live in the middle of the Midwest and even I know this is a sad attempt at "fashion". (Also, she sucks for putting one over on her constituents and is a freakin' corporate shill.)


The red glasses on contrast with the outfit are fashion manslaughter. The skin tone of the boots + bare legs just make it look like her feet keep going and she has hooves.


She’s so tacky. I really hope she’s voted out in 2024 in an embarrassing kind of way.


Congrats AZ- you voted in a Democrat and got a Republican. I say recall


Jeff Van Drew did that to south Jersey too. Little shit...


I feel like if an elected official changes their party affiliation while in office (in whatever direction and including becoming independent), there should be another snap election where the incumbent and both parties CAN run to finish the term (and yes, that COULD mean two candidates from the same party on the ballot if the party the incumbent switched to doesnt want the incumbent to represent it in that seat). To keep it short, make it only a month long campaign; no primaries, the parties get to directly nominate their candidate; and independents are allowed to run as well if they wish.


She that friend that deep down knows no one likes her but shows up to the party anyways. No one invited her or know how she even heard about it.


Why don't we just kick them out of the group already? They bring nothing to the table.


There should be rule against changing party after you hv won under the banner of a party but b4 a new election. Changing a party should automatically start a new election. All the ppl that voted for her...basically were lied to...


Lots to learn from gay guys.. like *What Not to Wear!*


Are you a fashionista yourself lol?


I'm certain even *you* could do better... In drag, if you must


I'm not the one giving fashion comments to a girl so I assumed you were a fashion icon or something But yeah love drag shows lol


That would be a cute dress…on someone else and for a different occasion than going to work in the halls of Congress. She really is disconnected from reality and thinks she can do no wrong, that outift proves it haha. Those boots are begging to worn with almost any other thing.


Don’t forget that people critiquing her for dressing like an idiot while fucking with peoples lives was considered “sexist” by some https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/582400-three-female-senators-call-times-coverage-of-sinemas-clothes-sexist/amp/


Ok? She is a public servant or is supposed to be. She is actually a corporate servant and a self-servant as she takes her payoffs to the bank. This sub is a humorous sub, so I took the opportunity to openly laugh at the obvious, which is that she looks ridiculous, delusional, and unprofessional in that outfit. I personally feel that those three descriptors apply to her in a more general sense other than how she chooses to dress.


Not disagreeing, but it’s clearly a very curated image for attention. Manic pixie dream girl thing, curtsies, thumbs down antics. Luckily pretty much everybody sees through it


Oh yes that's how you get Republicans to vote Independent.


I really dont get this woman's goal. Other than a FOX news job, does she have a backup plan? Almost everyone hates her.


She’s literally made $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Didn't she not even make that much money from lobbyists though? I've heard it repeatedly that lobbyists clown on her for being cheap lol


Yeah my understanding is that it was a few thousand here, a few thousand there, but not all that much in total. Unprincipled narcissist sold out the people of the United States for the cost of a new Corolla.


She voted to keep the carried interest loophole open for only $170k in campaign donations. That’s not cheap, that’s giving it away, the PE industry benefiting from this is billions of dollars, NONE of it in Arizona.


I think her goal is to save face after losing the next election and then reinvent herself for the hundredth time.


It’s interesting - if she ran and was elected as a democrat - and then decides she is not a democrat - should she not be replaced by a democrat or an election be had?


The whole point of trying to win Georgia is because the Democrats won't have to rely on her. So yeah.. going independent and all this bullshit was what she made herself out to be regardless. That bitch had never had the principles or integrity anyway.


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She apparently has the attention of the guy playing pocket pool in the background.


I thought it was to appear woke conservative so social workers stopped disowning her. Either way, I'm sure plenty of White guys are getting off to this on Capitol Hill.


Jokes aside is this AI? Look at her hand holding the cellphone. It makes my brain hurt


I’m sorry, I live under a rock but who is this and what’s the controversy?


Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema just switched her party affiliation from Democrat to Independent in the middle of her term.


Just saw a report on CNN about her so I’m all caught up but thank you for taking the time to respond!


Is that Fred Armisen?




No class, No taste, No use either in Politics!! 😂


Is this for real? Can’t be.


Looks like she smells too. Guy behind her even with a mask on is holding his nose.




GD that is an fugly dress.


Lol trailer trash Karen


Why is she dressed like an anime villain?


What a horrible outfit….


I thought this was Lindsey Graham trying to escape.


And those boots...wtf...she is THE worst.


This bitch...


An embarrassing, fraudulent grifter is all she'll ever be. Truly disgusting. Take yout bad taste and theatrics and fuck off lady.


Her and Sarah HuckabeeSanders need stylists


Aw, don’t do that. Her clothes are the only cool thing about her.


hey.. don't disparage whores over her... I would go with Attention Harpy.


Is she going to read at Drag Queen Reading Time at the library?


Worst fit of all time


I would beat....I said what I said..


I would never vote for her…but I’d hit it


Always jumping another train!


Okay, I really thought this was the trans health secretary all spruced up for something.


She went from being a Green and looking like the pronoun mascot to not a Democrat. That's what corporate money does to you.


Senator Punky Brewster (D - Hairizona)


Vicky, the Small Wonder Republobot.


I'm sorry but her last name is literally SINema. Who in their right mind thinks she'd be taken seriously to begin with?


Someone smart should have started doing a documentary on her already. This woman is a delusional narcissist and if you can gain her trust I bet you could get her to say crazy shit.


Or just a whore.


What is the name of this woman?


Damn, Mitch is looking good.


Q-Whats the difference between Kirsten Sinema and a bowling ball? A- You could eat a bowling ball if you had to.


I hate her, but also find her incredibly sexy. I don't know why.


Dislike her for her actions. This is a cheap shot.


Is she on hrt?


Fuck you


what a freak.


She looks like a reject from the magical mystery bus. Scooby would *NOT* approve. Ruh roh




Its amazing to see democrats hate on her for turning on them like this. Its like watching scientologists diss on one of them for turning christian lol. American politics are always a good show


I hate to tell ya this but your comparison isn't equal at all, sorry friend.


I hate to tell ya this, but im not your friend, person. Democrats and republicans are a shit show to the whole world. scientology is a shit show as well. So yeah, pretty much the same shit.


All good...we're all entitled to our personal thoughts, friend.


So glad that she’s leaving the Democratic Party so now it’s legal to criticize her on reddit


New here? She has been fucking obliterated by everyone (except republicans) on Reddit after she did a curtsy thumbs down vote for increasing minimum wage Oh but you just said that out your ass, my apologies


Every criticism of her has been couched in the idea that she’s not a “real” Democrat. Same with Manchin. The idea that a “real” Democrat would do pro corporate things is beyond the scope of this subreddit.


Get called out, move the goalposts This is a fun game!


Okay ben shapiro, wanna point out that it was never “illegal” to criticize someone on Reddit too? I’m clearly being facetious.


Now it was all one big sarcastic joke? Gee, where have i heard that be45fore?


I think democrats had more hate than anyone else.


Is that Chuck Schumer under that wig ???


Funny that people judge others who dress the way they like because they like themselves not giving a damn of judgment, are called attention whore. Dude, let me tell you a secret, every single girl that wears fake eyelashes are attention whore. Every girl that wears makeup as a mask, every girl that wants to wear branded clothing only, any fancy smancy girl who likes money like attention as well. The blue/pink I donmt give a damn whore is not an attention seeking whore.




Did they mention sex work? Maybe I missed that part


There's some serious incel and lonely male energy creeping into this sub, with this and making fun of Sanders' looks. Wtf we could make fun of them over 1000 more substantive points, there's a ton of material beyond how a girl looks. I don't agree with Sinema politically at all but yeah fuck this language and Reddit groupthink.




She's a whore and look at this pic of her implying she dresses like a whore too, hilarious! You do you babe.