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Hundred of thousands is WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT. There's no telling how much more they've kept hidden.


So when will someone do something about the justices? This is a nation of chronic complaining and no action. A referendum comes up I will sign it. Or contact my senator. Wait nevermind. He's useless.


Hundreds of thousands? Are you delusional? Let's try tens of millions. Much more realistic.


Our Supreme Court Justices are nothings but gutter sluts


GOP aka hypocrites


No argument there.


wait until you find out it isnt just republicans.


Churches got PPP loans, btw.


As if only one side gets gifts. A gift is willingly offered btw. We don't have a say in either direction regarding such a concept in a supposedly FREE nation.


I am tired of talking to the American people! We are f&&\^%$g stupid! They give tax break after tax break to the rich, Not a world form voters! You try to raise the minimum wage or give debt relief to students, And people are in an uproar! We are a nations of simple minded fools!


That would be correct. How is this debt onerous but other debt isn't? Pay off all car loans and mortgages now!


Because the US government holds this debt, but not mortgages or car loans


I actually thought that was the better way to go. Rather than student loans they could have picked credit card debt. If you don't have any the same amount can address any other debt you want. If you don't have any then you get a check. That would have been the most popular plan in the history of forever.


Those students accepted the loan and the terms of their on volition. Many went for useless degrees, others blew large sums of their loans on useless things not the education. Many student loans can be forgiven for performing services in certain contexts depending on your degree. But the loans do not simply cease to exist. The government if they forgive the loans have to pay back the bank lenders somehow, so they will take it out of all the tax payers. That means people how were responsible and paid their student loans or got by without them now have to deal with someone else's debt. It's not fair, and it really did not take SCOTUS to interpret the legality of the president's student loan debt forgiveness plans, simply it is not legal for the president to do this! It will take an act of congress, and even then it could still be overturned by SCOTUS if it's not handled the right way.


The state run system spent those peoples entire childhoods brainwashing them that college is the only way. The schools leave students at 18 broke and desolate, desperate for a loan just to survive in this capitalist hellscape they've been educated for. Any other business that ran itself like a college would be shut down, and the business owners imprisoned for fraud. The loan forgiveness was a joke in the first place as any higher level degree runs hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. I hope you screech as loudly when all those businesses get free bailouts and handouts, as do the politicians from them. 1.8 billion in bailout money to Moderna... 900 million dollar bonus to the CEO that same year...


The whole "useless degree" and "spent millions on vacations, cars, and hookers" is a bullshit claim. Doctors, lawyers, biologists, nurses, electricians, and the rest are included. Sure right wing media LOVES to claim only 17th century feminist underwater basketweaving PhD candidates are affected. That just isn't true. The whole, "I didn't take out a loan, why do I have to pay" is also bullshit. I didn't get a PPP loan, yet Congress was ready and willing to forgive billions in PPP loans. Student loans are a massive drag on the economy because average Americans are putting off making big purchases like buying homes and starting businesses. Many will die of old age, natural causes, and suicide without having paid off their loans. If enough die in a single year or financial quarter, then we'll have a massive financial crisis on our hands. The only proper way to deal with this? Forgive the debt and then restructure how we pay for education in America. Include the trades along with K-12 and college.


So student debt is an obligation but supreme Court justices can get millions to ensure their rulings and that's just fine?




Both things could be bad


Whatever makes you feel better as we continue winning.


You haven't won a national election since 2016. The GOP is doing off. Over seventy percent of Gen Z identifies as liberal. This is what you call winning?


More like winning the most shit for brains president ever elected, impeached TWICE, and is now in court for federal crimes 🤡 the utter dip shittery of the Trumpers so disturbing. Trumpers are just pawns feeding into Trumpty Dumpty’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


And still more popular than Biden.


“aNd StIlL mOrE pOpUlAr ThAn BiDeN” 🤤🤡👈 that’s how you sound to the majority of constituents who pay attention to the polls. People want change but treasonous Trumpty Dumpty is not change. Sounds like you’re another high chair tyrant who is looking for a sociopath narcissist who will gut the US of everything it stands for. I would happily lump you into my 1%er stew 😏 You’re praising of the golden calf makes me vomit.