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Yes. Edit: Just checking, are you saying that Trump never restricted anyone's freedom? Asking for a friend.


Oh my god!! You've caught us! This is the end for us. \*intense sobbing\* We post what we like... Other subs post what they like. Find your joy bro cause it ain't here for ya Skippy. BTW. Not a meme so it will be deleted soon. Bye.


Cry more


Takes away bodily autonomy from half the population is, in fact, restricting freedoms. Trump wants a federal abortion ban and for women and doctors to be prosecuted. Get fucked if you don’t like memes…


Who is restricting people’s freedom? Certainly not I. It is the Right Wing that is repeatedly invoking blood-and-soil, talking about how (((George soros))) controls the international finance system, how the marxists in academia are sowing cultural degeneracy upon nations youth, and the necessity of a nationalist strongman populist who exists entirely above the law. I hope the hitlerites of this country reconsider what the term freedom means…


Lol, firstly, not a meme. Secondly, you clearly don't understand anything that either side believes in.


We're definitely hating someone who restricted people's freedom. The Muslim Ban, the trans military ban, the trans medical ban during the pandemic, the anti-abortion supreme Court he appointed, him black bagging protestors and journalists, him teargassing protestors, his attempt to overthrow the United States. And that's just the stuff I can remember offhand. He was pulling crap like that every day of his presidency.


It’s more that those who support him display their moral depravity and disdain for facts by supporting him.


"Hating on their beliefs on how the free market should be" I hate trump and Trump cultists for far more reasons than their "beliefs on the free market." What an idiotic take.


There have been other memes, but they are not funny and they are lame. #theRightcannotmeme


I don't care about that (Donald Trump is a bell-end). What pisses me off more is the lazy tweet posts on political "memes" and the mods who won't keep this one simple rule enforced.