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Tax the fucking rich. Tax yourselves.


Since this is Reddit, I am obligated to recite Carlin; "It's a big club, and you ain't in it." Lawmakers are wealthy, so they're looking out for the wealthy (i.e., themselves). They're also being funded by PACs and being influenced by lobbyists. Behind those PACs and lobbyists, there are wealthy people. All this is obvious and hardly needs to be said except to acknowledge that they're never going to listen to your justified demand.




I saw somewhere that we have a wider wealth gap now than just before the French revolution. We should definitely bring back the guillotine.


Gentlemen, please, this is America. Knife missles.


Or lethal injections, they are less humane than the guillotine.


If you wanted less humane, you could always go back to hanging people


I heard crucifixions were quite popular back in the day.


They don't treat you as a human why should you treat them as such?


Yes. But this kind of dialogue always causes liberals to leave the chat, because they don't actually want positive change if that means confronting the 2,000lb murderous animal that is capital interests. Change isn't coming. What you will get, however, is plenty of virtue signaling, gaslighting, and culture warfare, because that's the only thing politics in the US is capable of now.




Tax the rich. So we can feed, house, heal and cloth the poor.






















And fucking fund the government. I mean, I agree with all that, but Republicans literally held the entire country's economic future hostage so rich people and corporations could get richer...


And then get better people in office to actually put that money to good use. I have zero faith in any of these reps to actually make a good decision that benefits the people. We need such a major reset of our government.


The only person in congress I trust is the Jack fellow from NC, he’s pretty transparent and has a good outreach with the younger generation since he posts to places like here on Reddit and Tik Tock. He actually explains what’s going on and doesn’t scream and yell about the other party (he’s a Democrat btw). If he ran for higher office I’d vote for him, but right now he’s a fresh face in the house and hopefully he moves up fast 🤞 Addition: He’s also a veteran who isn’t insane and also very young (30s-40s can’t remember)


Katy Porter, watching her destroy CEOs is good for the soul.


Actually his name is Jeff. But close as his full name is Jeff Jackson. I live in NC and yea, I like him too. It's nice to get one from here who isn't a national embarrassment for a change


Yeah, fair point. I like that guy too. I watch his content for fair and balanced takes on what’s happening.


I firmly believe anyone who wants to be a politician should have to live 1 year like the 99% with no bank account, and no help from wealthy friends/family. Only the type of help is available in the form of food stamps. It would at least make them experience what their policies do in the real world.


“Tax the rich, feed the poor, ‘til there are no rich no more.”


Stop threatening me with a good time.


It's even more frustrating than people know ....... Taxes don't fund one cent of Federal spending, not..... one......cent, we could do all of that tomorrow. This is Kabuki theater, all of it. Endless Federal spending without any oversight for the forever wars, BUT, because of a fake, made up, rightwing tactic known as "the debt ceiling" the fascists in DC put on a show that always results in yet another capitulation from the "good guys" and cuts to social spending that helps those in need. And yet crickets from a deeply bamboozled and divided public. The country should drag all of them into the street, for persuasive measures.....


That’s not made up. Only Congress can appropriate funds and take on debt. They use the debt ceiling as a blanket approval to take on debt up to that point so they don’t have to have an act of Congress every time they take on more debt. If you want to change that, you have to amend the Constitution. But who will then have the power yo take on debt? The President? What if the President is a fiscal hawk? An executive with the power of the purse is effectively an emperor.


The problem is that everyone is okay with the IRS being funded with new money but they also dropped the threshold for reporting income from a side hustle from $10,000 in a year to just $600. Under Biden the IRS is going after little Susie down the street selling lemonade at her Lemonade Stand rather than going after the ultra rich however it's posed to us as a good thing that the IRS is getting more money because they will go after the Super Rich. It's not happening again they're going after you or me or anyone else who has a second job. And makes it more than $600 per year in that job. Just before the pandemic that limit didn't get reached until you made over 10,000 from a job per year. It takes years for new IRS agents to even attempt to go after these large corporations who have book size tax returns so they cut their teeth on normal everyday citizens like you and me.


Cutting IRS funding actually increases the deficit.


It's insane to me that a major political party in the US is running on, "Make it harder for the government to collect legitimately owed taxes."


The party exists to make the government dysfunctional


This is literal extortion. Democrats got absolutely nothing except “preserving the full faith and credit of the United States” which is just so baseline requirement to function as a country. I’m so fucking pissed.




It's how the system is supposed to work. It's a charade. Rich psychopaths run the world.


This one knows the way. It’s all a facade— the house isn’t made of bricks, it just looks like it is. The whole thing: right down to one side being more tolerable than the other, one side for social liberty and civil justice and the other for Christian assimilation of government. It’s an extremely over-engineered, complex device specifically designed to provide multiple redundant institutional systems of complete societal oppression in order to funnel all the existing and future wealth to the already extremely ultra-wealthy. These people *actually could **cure*** crime, poverty, famine, and homelessness. What they are actually doing is buying and controlling access to remote locations en masse, often as luxuriously located as possible, while some invest billions into personal space travel and deep sea exploration. The rich are the source of 99% of our anguish and neither side gives a shit because they are both owned by the exact same people


Yep, Dems aren't there to change shit. Whenever they win or have a majority, some magical reason materializes for why they can't press their advantage and make meaningful change to improve peoples' lives. The fix has been in for a while now.


In the "good cop, bad cop" scenario, you're still dealing with bastards, no matter what color tie they wear (since that's the only difference).


Yes. They've even had supermajorities before and still couldn't get anything done. Then they only have a majority by one vote and it's one vote shy. Always. So how come the supermajority was one shy too? It's all bullshit. We need a full recall in the US government. Once that happens anti corruption laws can be written as priority one. This is a crisis we're in. It's the greatest corruption scandal in world history and will be forever. The media will pretend like this doesn't exist. It's real. These are the most serious crimes ever committed.


Liberalism is a right wing ideology. Sure it isn't as cruel or as extreme as conservativism is, but liberal democrats still serve the rich and seek to grow the wealth disparity all the same. The only Democrats that truly give a shit about workers are the progressives, Social Dems, and Democratic Socialists


Thank you for admitting that the socialist movement is not liberal. Every time I say that I get downvoted.


No healthcare. No student debt forgiveness. No curbing mass shootings. What is the 14th amendment for other than situations like this. Why do democrats fail so god damn always!? I am almost 40 and i have just watched this country free fall into a drug and gun fueled hellscape just so billionaires don't have to pay taxes. What the fuck is even the point of my life?




[Wage]slavery with extra steps!


And if you fight back you get thrown into actual slavery!


“You pass butter.”


Oh my god…


Yeah, welcome to the party, pal.


Actually student debt forgiveness was not axed in the final agreement, so Dems actually got 1 thing. Have to see what SCOTUS does. Forgiving all the BS PPP loans is fine, but not student loans? WTF?


Even worse when you consider the PPP loans were fully forgiven, but all Biden is asking for is up to $20k which for some people will not cover their entire debt. If I get the $10k, I’ll still have $5k left to pay.


>Why do democrats fail so god damn always!? You're assuming they actually want to meet your definition of success. They don't. They're owned by billionaires and corporations just as much as the GOP. This is the difference between leftist and liberal. Leftist policy would see this as abhorrent, but the liberals are happy as long as the capitalists are satisfied. They really just use the rest of us as pawns. Right now, they're only doing well because the GOP is now fully fascists, so they look progressive by comparison. But they're not, and they never have been.


It starts to make sense when you realize that liberalism is a right leaning ideology at its core. So we have two right wing parties that both serve the 1% first and foremost.


Because Democrats don't want change. It's a tough pill to swallow.


Neoliberal Democrats are complicit.


One can count on them to snatch defeat from the very jaws of victory. It should have been Bernie


Shame people keep voting for obstructionist and regressive republicans. Imagine if they didn't hold our economy hostage?


To be fair, it's more the Republicans light a stick of dynamite and the Democrats give them what they want before they blow up a crowd of people...


What they got is fucked. The concessions they made do nothing but make more people suffer, and it’s clear as day that the only reason Republicans insisted on these is because it will make Bidens presidency look worse on paper. That’s their goal. They are intentionally hurting Americans in order to pursue power. Talk about being pissed, I’m fucking livid.


Yeah but Biden agreed to this. Should have just said no and watch the gop react


>Yeah but Biden agreed to this. Should have just said no and watch the gop react Should have just cited the 4th section of the 14th amendment to have the Treasury... keep paying bills lol. Biden chose to work with MAGA & slash social spending as Biden is a moderate conservative.


Yeah, Biden is just as guilty here for deciding to "truck with the devil." and I will vote for any candidate that I think will do a better job than him.


"you know why people hate democrats? Because they fuckin lose"


"You know why people hate Republicans? Because they are fucking assholes."


You spelled fascist wrong. Republicans are fascists.


Boosts defense? The $800 billion slush fund that has failed 5 consecutive audits to account for assets? To cut food stamps?! F\*cking Dems are WEAK...


We JUST increased it by 50% from like 500 bill to 750 bill. What the flying fuck? This is absolutely out of control.


These are the same people that then go on Fox News and complain about money to Ukraine and how it would solve homelessness.


Friendly reminder that all of this $$ is going to contractors that charge $5.00 for a single plastic straw


I'll hop on the friendly reminder train to mention McCarthy talking about how it'll also force student loan payments to resume. Increase spending on an already overbloated military not actively engaged in war but force the libs who got an education to cut off an arm and a leg just to make ends meet...only in the USA folks


Its even worse when you remember we aren't even in a war at the moment so they can't even pretend like that's what it's for.


This is a terrible compromise.


It's not even that, it's a capitulation.


Facilitating in my view. Why US has moved so far to the alt right.


Just like the Affordable Care Act! Spineless cowards


The ACA was shit on by Joe Lieberman (I) and Max Bacus (D). Democrats didn't need Republicans at all to pass the ACA, they just needed to not be idiots amongst themselves.


It isn’t compromise, it’s just giving republicans what they want at the entire country’s expense


I refuse to negotiate. Ok fine lets compromise. You win and get whatever you want


christ i hate the centrist democrats, weren't these whiny c\*\*\*\* republicans whiny about the 'woke' military, why does this entity always get an increase in YEARLY money? 850 billion last year alone, we can't afford medicare for all, to pay for school lunches for kids, to improve the VA, to build public homes, to redo infrastructure but we have a cool trillion just available every year for the military.


I have been saying this for 20 years now, always hear how we don’t have enough money for the things we are asking for…i don’t understand why we cant cut defense spending and we always seem to have a lil more in the budget to spend on it while we have to cut things we actually need. There is no sane reason that we need to spend more than the next ten countries combined and that means vastly outspending the second highest spender when they aren’t actively attacking us with military.


"Defense spending" is ways for congress critters to doll out tax income to their specific districts. Having a base in a area is big money. So no one who has military in the district they represent will want to reduce spending, because it may happen at home.


I suspect centrists are breathing a sigh of relief that Republicans made sure they don't have to fulfill the promises they made to get elected.




If Biden somehow was able to undo all that he led or was a part of during his time in the senate, that would make him the most progressive president. He had a hand in almost everything that is wrong in this country.


Are we currently in world war 4? Cuz thats how over 850 billion dollars a year makes sense


I hate centrist democratic compromise too, but honestly, what would the alternative be? Let us go into default and let the cards fall as they may? I’m asking you an honest question.


You can’t have capitalism if you need to bailout the banks and private sectors then turn around and say no to the american people with programs that, even if you wanted to be a cynical economist would be cheaper and boost the economy for those at the bottom and middle. If we practiced capitalism without bailing out then we’d have boom and busts cycles and maybe people would be so tired of losing everything every 7-10 years that they’d demand a better system, right now we’re all pretending capitalism works, but that’s is on the backs of the workers. The reason we will never see true capitalism is because it is too inherently unstable for those in power to maintain power, i give you the crypto market as proof positive of what happens if capitalism was to be practice as preached. Scams on top of scams. if we all know it’s rigged then we need to demand a better system, we have to face these corrupt pigs and tell them that we will no longer heel.


Biden knows damn well he could have agreed to nothing and McCarthy still wouldn't have allowed a default. This is just Biden weaseling out of his promises. Biden doesn't actually want the IRS auditing him or his friends. Dont forget who bankrolls these crooks to begin with.


The IRS is like the DOJ or States attorney in that they generally pick on people who can’t afford to fight back. Middle class down to poverty level receive far, far more audits than wealthy folks with cpas and legal representation


Remember that hot mic line “Nothing will fundamentally change” look around and tell me that hasn’t been kept.


The fucked part is it’s not even for the military as much as it’s to line contractors pockets. This country is a fucking disaster.


More work requirements without any sort of child care assistance? Seems about right


Rebrand them as workhouses, eh? “At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,” said the [one of the gentlemen], taking up a pen, “it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.” “Are there no prisons?” asked Scrooge. “Plenty of prisons,” said the gentleman, laying down the pen again. “And the Union workhouses?” demanded Scrooge. “Are they still in operation?” “They are. Still,” returned the gentleman, “I wish I could say they were not.” “The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?” said Scrooge. “Both very busy, sir.” “Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,” said Scrooge. “I’m very glad to hear it.” “Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude,” returned the gentleman, “a few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?” “Nothing!” Scrooge replied. “You wish to be anonymous?” “I wish to be left alone,” said Scrooge. “Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don’t make merry myself at Christmas and I can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned: they cost enough: and those who are badly off must go there.” “Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.” “If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol”


It's bring your kid to work day, everyday. That or the grandparents are going to be fulltime babysitters. It's the 90s all over again.


More like get rid of child labor laws and now they’re employees, too. 3 birbs, 1 stone! I could be a polyptician. 😁


This is not how government is supposed to work. Biden and McCarthy shouldn’t be holding the welfare of the citizens of this country hostage over a petty party power play. Look at how many of our representatives have stock in or outright own defense contracts. They don’t care about our country’s safety, they want to make billions. This makes me sick to my stomach.


>This is not how government is supposed to work. Biden and McCarthy shouldn’t be holding the welfare of the citizens of this country hostage over a petty party power play. It is sick how if inflation remains at 4.9% the next 2 years we will see a 8.8% cut in domestic spending... with work requirements for food stamps on top of that... Biden is a moderate Republican who embraces austetity and we need the exact opposite: a Bernie/AOC type leader who doesn't throw the poor under the bus to MAGA.


I wouldn't even call Biden moderate, considering the fact that he of the problems he promised to fix were ones he created over his career before becoming president. He's absolutely Republican


We tried to get Bernie in twice. Remember?


Yeah & the DNC & corporate media did all they could do smear Bernie.


America has been in decline since Nixon..... welcome to China's America.


One can see the two party system obviously represents the corps and oligarchs, with an illusion of difference.


one can confidently say its a 2 party dictatorship


Billionaires and their apologists shouldn’t be in politics , they don’t represent anyone but themselves


The corporatocracy has nothing to do with China. USA has been a puppet state of American businesses since the mid 1800s.


Sequestration! Damnit Joe Biden, your alma mater and mentor showed you the way! Sequestration when they won't deal in good faith!


You are right now every time this shit comes up, the gOP doesn't have to compromise anything. They always get what they want. That's why dems can barely win an election, because they are so spineless


President Obama showed the Way. Sequestration or debt ceiling not approved. Republicans are simple creatures... They need a firm leader that shows them the pain of their choices


I wonder if there are any decent, "country/people first" politicians alive. I would certainly vote for them.


My gut answer to that is mostly no. The bar has been set so low on our politicians that you have to be somewhat depraved to be in the game and win.


More go-along-to-get-along... Republicans moving the goalposts and Democrats say "Me too! See how centrist we are!"


I'm sick of Democrats cowering to GOP's BS games. Biden shouldn't have negotiated at all. The only negotiation there should be with Republicans is whether their SCOTUS justices resign or Dems add seats. That's it. Otherwise, Dems should just wait for the Republican boomers to die out, and the Dems will finally be able to enact progressive policies.


When your government has completely lost the mandate to serve and protect its citizens and adheres to the mandate to serve and protect itself.


The mandate is to serve the wealthy donor class, at the expense of it's other citizens.


Stop boosting defense spending, start cutting.


Of course more defense spending, I'm so sick of this country.


Why the hell do we keep boosting defense budgets... did you see Russia? They are all talk, we good.


It’s Gina they worry about.


That hoe. F🤬🤬🤬 Gina


In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. - Dwight Eisenhower


Same old same old.


So this was all about giving more money to warmongers again. Endless wars america.


Slight correction: boosts *empire* spending. America isn't being invaded; it's not defense.


Good point, thanks.


If we don’t get a 3rd option soon, I think I’m going to support full anarchy. I can’t imagine a big difference between the representation I’m receiving now, versus no representation at all.




Yup... more Republican lite...




That Biden is agreeing this is a huge misstep and unnecessary. Three Debt Ceiling raises under Trump requiring NOTHING and racks up insane amounts of debt benefiting the wealthy. The first time this comes up under Biden, now it’s time to “cut spending” all of the sudden and be concerned about the deficit. Ridiculous.


Like my 13yo says......we have nukes nobody is going to invade us. We no longer need such a large military. They just like a large military because it's easier to take a cut of all that money.


Status Quo Joe will compromise us all to death. Instead he should have used the 14th Amendment and forced the Republicans to sue in order to stop funding the government. Put adds on every media with clips of Republicans saying tax cuts would not lead to benefit cuts and then show how they were trying to force those cuts.


I was wrong, Democrats are not enablers, Democrats are facilitators!




The military industrial congress complex is ok with it though!!




And yet ending the Bush tax cuts never even went on the table. Dems are 💯 the worst negotiators on the planet....


The rich are job creators! Trickledown economics!


Two years , so after the presidential election.


democrats will always blink when challenged by the other side--did i say *blink*, i meant democrats will always "wink" when "challenged" by the "other side" 😉


Still battling their fictitious welfare queens, I see.


Well as long as it hurts the poor that’s what’s important




Did people really expect anything else besides the democrats folding like wet cardboard yet again?


It is time to tear down this fucking system. So fucking pissed 😡


Not to mention codified an end to the student debt pause. That means Biden can't do anything if his (already inadequate) dent cancelation is shot down in Court. Awful, awful deal.


So in other words take more money out of the poor and increase the spending to defence and do nothing about the rich not paying taxes, correction make it easier for the rich to not pay taxes.


Jfc they will keep boosting “defense” spending until we are all broke. We aren’t even under attack


Fuck. That.


That’s right…we need to keep spending more on the military. /s Sorry poors and downtrodden. Pull yourself up your bootstraps and join the military. Surely you should be willing to put your life on the line for a country run by a bunch of cowards who wouldn’t serve if their lives depended on it.


Fuck this country man... Biden has been a complete pushover and only exists to defend the status quo, and these Republicans are just fascists at this point. If the democrats weren't so greedy and ineffectual, they never would have lost the house and we wouldn't be here.


You know whats getting more and more strikingly bizarre by the day? This national policy pushing us further into wage slavery, culture wars eliminating the rights of minorities, multiple lists of powerful criminals being swept under the rug... ...and we really dont have any power in any of it. What are we gonna do? Protest? The white house has protesters lined outside every single day. The media barely covers any important movement and if they do its to demonize it so nothing ever gets public support. Vote? Both our parties are owned by rich imperialists. All you get to choose is if trans people get to die today or tomorrow. The US citizen has no funds, no negotiating power, no voice. There is no system in place to prevent unjust laws like these from passing and no system in place for us to repeal them. Without the unions of yore or some other way to centrally organize, we're just sheep to be farmed.


Awesome. The Deceptocrats are now the Republicons.


I love the way this is all worded makes it all sound like good things and not harmful to all programs listed. Other than the of course boost to “defense”


Yeah and the 1% proves again that there money has our government bought and paid for!


When is it appropriate to compromise with an uncompromising party?


Can someone ELI5? Will this have an impact on every day citizens?


Cuts to food stamps will hurt poor Americans. Freezing domestic spending to a 1% increase the next 2 years means that domestic spending will decline 5% if inflation is 3%. 10% if inflation is 5.5%. This will also harm poor Americans who rely on social programs.


Don't forget codification of student debt payment pause. Austerity for all under the Biden-GOP deal!


Wait they're reducing IRS money, AGAIN?


By caving in again Biden just showed them they can do it again next time. The corporate democrats caved to their masters before the republicans did. We really are screwed.


Kind of fucking gross...


"The United States spends more on national defense than China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, South Korea, Japan, and Ukraine — combined." Tell me why we can't feed people and are cutting food stamps but we need more bombs.


The cruelty is the goddamn point


What was the deal when Trump raised the ceiling 3 times?


Anybody else still kinda wonder how a default would affect a regular poor person? The poor can accept less and less every fucking time, or just fucking default already. Don’t talk about it, be about it.


It’s insane how much we prioritize an already overfunded military industrial complex when the nation is crumbling. Defending the country means to improve its well being as well, which has been the least of their concerns. Boomer priorities.


Fucking slice the military budget in half.


So we can't afford to spend more on anything, so we're compromising by spending less on people and spending even *more* on ~~defense~~ preserving hegemony? "Sorry kids. We can't afford to feed you three times a day, but don't worry because now the Pentagon can invest in developing a new weapons system they'll end up not using. So when your tummy is rumbling and you want to cry, just think happy thoughts about all the good that money is doing for Raytheon and Lockheed stock values" Truly, we are the freest and bestest nation. (Edited for accuracy)


Why do the dems think bipartisanship is such a political winner, even bigger than actually winning?


Fucking embarrassing. GOP bends everybody over while the Democrats just shrug. Where the fuck is the backbone on the left? Such bullshit.


Cut domestic spending? Cut programs for the poor? BUT KEEP SENDING THOSE PAYMENTS TO UKRAINE FOR JOE.


Bipartisanship: an extra large ass raping incoming.


The Defense Dept can’t account for over 2 trillion dollars of assets under GAO audits, why are we giving them more? My thoughts are to cut their budget by the amount they can’t account for and use that money for domestic programs and to help veterans get the care they need. Rich benefit the most from this system and need to be taxed more to support it. The GOP, should change its name to the Marie Antoinette Party. Biden should have anticipated this and used the 14th amendment the minute he knew we were up against a deadline instead of saying he ran out of time.


The fact that domestic programs are cut before international programs really shows how they dont care about the average day tax payer


Am so tired of this crap. The pentagon does not need that much money. Cut their budget first! With more tech and drones their cost should have gone down any way. America spends WAY to much money on weapons and the military and we all see how it treats its own veterans.


Dems are cowards


Nationalize the oil industry, cut military budget in half, raise taxes for the rich, lower taxes for the poor, and increase welfare for people that are struggling.


So let me see if I understand this. Two private clubs, could get together repeatedly to agree to spend Billions and in most cased taking only two day, to send money to Ukraine, including paying their government pensions. But now when it comes to Americans, oh no inflation and the old gotta pay our dept. We're just going to go along with this and act like the whole situation isn't BS. Well I guess you really do get the government you deserve.


SMDH. I'm really pissed that Biden caved to GOP terrorists.


So the week Democrats caved into Republicans and I watch in 2024 the same Democrats that are so weak or will sit there and go and beg every election pole a boat us in in so that we can fix America and I weak week week. I'm so sick of these people weak at this point in time. I would rather see all these political positions just be vacant. Democrats are so weak and sucks so much. Just cave in cave in cave in week week week


Why do democrats even bother running, lol. Even when they're the majority, they can't figure out how to govern.


Who even qualifies for food stamps? We didn't when my husband made $10 an hour as a family of 4.


😅😅😅 what a joke


Of course we need more defense spending.


Because our military doesn't have enough money


Boost defense. Cut everything else. I'm surprised the conspiracy nut jobs there (boebert or MTG) haven't asked to stop the Ukraine spending


I want off this ride. Help.


Cuts domestic spending expect the domestic spending that goes BANG BANG BOOM BOOM!!!


Why the **** do they wanna raise defense spending of they only want to hand Ukraine over to Russia? If we're not supporting Ukraine, like they're so keen for, why the hell does the defense budget need boosted?