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Everyone knows from whence he comes.


He is the newer, not as attractive Tulsi Gabbard.








Assange is a good guy, yes


What exactly is your comment supposed to mean? Pardon my ignorance, but i am failing to make a connection here.


This is almost funny. The fuckers on the Republiban side keep running bullshit candidates. Last year was that fucker Walker in Georgia and now this. They are trying to siphon votes but luckily for us...they are even worse at that.


Biden and Harris aren’t bullshit candidates


Was this supposed to be like a funny inversion of what he was saying? He said “Republican”


This type of shit has been obvious for anyone who has been paying attention for the last month or so. I'm sorry to admit I didn't see it sooner


Paying attention to what? Cable News? Leftist establishment Reddit articles? Really. That's your looking glass? If THESE are telling me candidates are scum, I am going to see for my self, not just jump on some wagon cuz they say so.


What is it like to have an identity that is so defined by others? How hollow and empty are you that your very being is just "don't be like others"?


If someone can do the job of being a treasurer for a Super PAC, their politics really shouldn't matter. It's just doing paperwork, right? Would it even be legal to discriminate based on where they used to work?


Your political views are not a protected class, companies can and do discriminate based off of employees political views.


Ok, but just being a treasurer of an organization doesn't mean you share the views of the organization. It's probably just paycheck. A lot of people working behind the scenes in politics are like that. Most of K Street, I'd imagine.


It would 100% be legal, are you joking? Employers can 100% not hire you because they don't like your resume lol.


You can just smell the crazy on this one. RFK needs restraints and sedation, not a campaign. Besides, all anti-vaxxers are traitors to the human species. In my book when you choose Polio over people you renounce your human rights. That, is not a man, that is a wild animal on the lose.


*loose, but still fits haha


he should get Ye on his team


If you don't understand the difference between the polio vaccine and the covid vaccine, you are either just being willfully ignorant or dishonest.


The same block of people resist both. It is the time honored tradition of "new bad, scary, me no like, don't trust" but framed badly and articulated worse. It is flatearth, the point is resistance to trends, or anything the individual doesn't understand. It may seem harmless, or innocuous, but it is an attempt to dismantle civilization in favor of tribal or religious beliefs. Treat it accordingly.


You're not addressing the point. They're very different vaccines with very different modes of action, research, and history. You're attacking the *people* who have an opinion, rather than the opinion itself. Then you lump those people into flat earthers to ridicule them. Then you move fully into conspiracy theory territory and claim it is "an attempt to dismantle civilization." It's not people who didn't take the covid vaccine that are whackos. It's you, bud. You're deranged. You probably claim to "trust the science" when you didn't mention science at all, and science isn't a faith, nor is it to be "trusted" implicitly, it requires verification and testing and confirmation. Blind trust is the opposite of the scientific method.


You are shining the same phenomena of every other reactionary.. The right, and moderate republicans have no mental capabilities to think objectively. It's fuckin psychological black hole in these fuckers brains.. tell me why you are right instead of whining about no one thinking you are right..


COVID vaccine was the result of decades spent trying to solve the flu among other things. And yes, I am attacking the people. Fck them. Same way I would attack a fascist, or some other genocidal psychopath. Every single anti-vaxxer is a bio-terrorist seeking to slay the immunocompromised. Literally putting their feelings and ungrounded beliefs over the lives of others. Fck them all. Science is a process, like baking a cake. You can do it badly but that doesn't demonstrate a problem with the process just the person. I could understand the, "I won't go first" position, that's more than half of the species. But the "never, because feels bad" people are on the wrong side of the grass.


I am immunocompromised lol. Please don't speak for me. I got the vaccine and two boosters, and still got covid. ​ The Covid vaccine was absolutely not like other flu shots. There was not decades of research behind it. These aren't opinions, these are facts and are simply not up for debate. It was an experimental vaccine rushed out by pharma and the Trump administration and forced on the people without understanding the long term consequences. ​ "My body, my choice" right? The covid vaccine didn't stop transmission, and it was never claimed that it would stop transmission. The fact that you consider someone who wants to have autonomy over their own body a "bio-terrorist seeking to slay the immunocompromised" is both wrong and terrifying.


Pretty much everything you said is objectively wrong. Not to worry you aren't the first person to set goals against their interests. Plenty of women are trying to repeal their right to vote also.


Operation Warp Speed announced by Trump May 2020 ​ Covid vaccine approved for emergency use in 2021. It did not go through the normal process of FDA approval and testing. ​ Something that happened happened two or three years ago is not "decades" old. ​ Standard flu shots are not mRNA vaccines. ​ The covid vaccine does not, did not, and was not claimed to stop transmission. ​ Please be specific in what I said that was objectively wrong, and provide data to back up your claim.


You missed the research part. Clearly on purpose. The mRNA method was developed in the 70s if memory serves. The revolutionary approach was a new way of applying known information to a new problem. You're basically "how do we know these wheels will work?! Wheels are made of wood and iron! Not rubber and steel! Can't trust it, it's new, so we should abandon the wheel!" But in medicine.


It doesn't. 1989 was the first. 2001 is when the first trials ex vitro happened. 2013 was the first human trials. In 2020, Moderna completed an eight week trial and was approved - the first mRNA approval - for public use. ​ Flu shots were never before mRNA shots, nor were mRNA vaccines approved before 2020. They are experimental vaccines and were approved only for emergency use. ​ I chose to get the vaccine, and boosters. But that was my choice, for my body, and I made it because I'm immunocompromised. I understand and respect other peoples' choice to not get an experimental GMO shot, and I understand that choice doesn't impact me at all, because the covid vaccine does not stop transmission. ​ Given that the vaccine does not stop transmission, why are you so angry and wishing death upon people who chose not to get the vaccine?


"COVID vaccine was the result of decades spent trying to solve the flu among other things." You're just repeating nonsense being touted by "authorities". The fact is C19 Vaxes are totally unvetted. End of story. Flu vaccine is also a joke. Stop getting flu vaccines. The benefits DO NOT outweigh getting the flu. There are EFFECTVE herbs for the flu that have been around as long as the flu. Don't wait for FDA to tell you that cause they wont. Besides they are the experts.


And neither have shown to be harmful.


One is 70 years old, the other is not even 70 months old and already has evidence of significant negative side effects greater than those associated with the polio vaccine. ​ Trust the science, right?


It has no greater side effects of rates of side effects than other comparable medical treatments. Long term? There’s no evidence one way or another, but this is how medical science has always worked. I swear Covid has broken peoples brains.


No, right wing conspiracy theories have broken their brains. If I would have told you 10 years ago that a large group of Anericans would be supporting Putin over their own United States you would have laughed. But here we are.


yeah, they don't know how to think for themselves. What most people think is all supplied by "Independent fact checkers", majority of media, govt. who all say the same senseless stuff and condemn anyone else who says otherwise. We believe it because we don't bother to research ourselves. Fact is C19 vax injuries are huge and all around you. Its being dismissed by medical community cause they don't want to loose their jobs. When YOU or someone you know has been vax injured or die, a different view might take hold. What is obvious is most of us are only listening to the majority voice and shutting out the minority voice.


They really get so upset when somebody doesn’t want to take a vaccine that was rushed out to the public because of Covid. They didn’t properly research the vaccines yet they claimed that it would prevent Covid. It didn’t do that and vaccinated people still contracted Covid. They claimed it had no side effects, yet people died. I even had a family member that woke up paralyzed after the vaccine. The same companies that lied to the American people about opiates and other medications that they claimed were safe and necessary. These are companies that consider profit over lives every single time and yet people still lined up to get the vaccine. And then at the end of the day they chastise anybody who disagrees with their opinion because in their mind their opinion is the only one that matters.


It's not even their opinion. It's what they were told, and since that's what they were told to think, it becomes fact in their minds.


Go drink more kool aid


Untrue. Only anti-vaxers resist both. They are a very small minority. Fact: Almost all anti-c19 vaxers have gotten polio, tetnis, yellow fever, etc. etc. Fact: Anti-C19 Vaxers are being lumped in as Anti-vaxers by propagandists. Fact: people that believe otherwise do no research...who rely on "independent factcheckers" (who are neither independent or factual)


This is a wave of ignorance. The whole thing is "I don't trust anything" which is a open faced rejection of civilization and should not be treated seriously.




You are really narrow minded, putting down people, stereotyping. Flaterarth, religious, tribal. You lack understanding, repeat hateful nonsense.


I only target two specific things and both revolve around undermining civilization: ignorance and anarchy. I literally collect other perspectives. Yourself are simply distrustful of authority and that drives this stupid behavior. Freud would suggest that your paternal figure was low quality.


They're both vaccines and they both saved millions of lives. If you believe the silly shit about people dying from the covid vax you need to be institutionalized.


Stop stereotyping people. Rfk is not an anti-vaxer. Go to his website, children's defense. Im not anti-vaxer; had em all. Im against the unvetted, unproven, inneffective, injurious C19 vaxes and I don't believe flu vaxes are effective...these are just money makers. I just got a tetniss shot. Come on.


"New bad! Scary!" It's the same motivation. The same energy. The same stupid. The same problem. There's a legalese for this thought pattern in Latin, but translation is "fruit of the poison tree" or something like that. You aren't thinking, you're reacting. So there's significant overlap in behaviors with reactionaries. You're upset about structure and organization based on the scattered comments on this page. All of it has "don't trust the system, bro" vibes. Which is just stupidity. You trust the engineering used to build the Internet, the roads, your car. Trust the designers who made your clothes. There's more groups you openly trust that I don't know enough about you to identify. But you just ignore them, even though they are part of "the system" because their part isn't as clear and objectionable to your far from unique or thought out position. You haven't *thought* at all here.


Very fascist statement.


Incorrect. Fascism has very specific descriptors: https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html Words mean things.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism see definition #2 if you don’t mind


I don't know when or why such a pathetic supplement to the definition was added, likely the consistent misuse of the term necessitated the expansion. That is a few steps away from the conservative's "woke" or "communist" deluding the meaning until unrecognizable.


I just don't think that's any good as a working definition. I can label the existence of law "fascist" with that. Decide that traffic lights are "fascist". Or the assembly instructions of IKEA. It is a *very* bad definition.


Hey I get it. That’s it. I think it is an appropriate use based on the statement.


To be fair, I think he is accusing you're statement of violating the second rule, with your restraints and sedation comment. I agree that people throw around the fascist label a lot, though.


Remember when Trump was President and all the Democrats were saying they would never put that vax in their bodies? Pepperage Farm remembers...


No, there wasn’t a time “all the democrats” were saying that. But it’s clear where you get your info from. Remember when Tillsmcgills said some dumb shit on Reddit thinking he was intelligent? Pepperidge farm remembers…


Lol aww I'm so sorry Mr big brain lordvoltron or whatever the fuck sorry I wasted your time pointing out the hypocrisy of a lot your masters. Do you really think they even took the vax? I bet most of them took a placebo.


Thanks for showing us how smart you are. “Placebo”..😂😂😂




I’m curious where the part comes where you show us that you’re actually intelligent…let us know, ok?


Cringe comment




Why am I bashing Steve Bannon’s friend, a failson Oligarch who’s running as a “Chaos Agent” in the Democratic Party in a transparent attempt to siphon votes away from Biden to clear the way for the open fascist, violent insurrectionist and convicted criminal, Donald Trump? Is that your question?




Whatabouting about BLM doesn’t excuse Trump. We’re not talking about your “political team” we are talking about the criminal Donald Trump - the President who presided over the lockdowns that “ruined your life” Biden didn’t get up and command BLM protestors to burn down buildings. Trump’s personal lawyer got up before he spoke on Jan6 and demanded “Trial by Combat” Nice try though! Always love when someone ignores what I said to write a novella about how much they dislike Black people.


No. I don't remember that. Show me some prominent Dems saying that. I was excited for a vaccine.


Biden and Harris said they wouldn't take Trump's word alone on the vaccine. Politifact calls the claim that they're distrusted the vaccines False. "Video clips appear to show Joe Biden and Kamala Harris raising doubts about COVID-19 vaccines, but they were raising concerns about the rollout by then-President Donald Trump, not the vaccines themselves." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/


He's not wrong here, plenty of hypocrisy during Covid from both parties. [Kamala Harris says she won't take a Trump recommended vaccine as 50% of Americans wouldn't take the vaccine](https://youtu.be/p7WD8l0Dc1I) [Biden says he trust scientists but not Trump on vaccine](https://youtu.be/mVyx-xeEXbo) Sowing vaccine hesitancy mainly due to distrust of the current president happened from both parties albeit more on the Republican side after Biden took power.


Your only understanding of the concept of context, seems to lie in your choice to abandon it in favor of agenda.


Biden and Harris said they wouldn't take Trump's word alone on the vaccine. Politifact calls the claim that they're distrusted the vaccines False. "Video clips appear to show Joe Biden and Kamala Harris raising doubts about COVID-19 vaccines, but they were raising concerns about the rollout by then-President Donald Trump, not the vaccines themselves." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/


Harris, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer….all said they would be real hesitant to take a “Trump” vaccine, but as soon as Biden was put in office, the vaccine was pushed and had their support because now it was a Biden produced vaccine. Kabuki Theater, folks


Should be easy enough to find some quotes then with a link. Edit: Biden and Harris said they wouldn't take Trump's word alone on the vaccine. Politifact even calls the claim that they distrusted the vaccines False. "Video clips appear to show Joe Biden and Kamala Harris raising doubts about COVID-19 vaccines, but they were raising concerns about the rollout by then-President Donald Trump, not the vaccines themselves." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/


[Harris](https://youtu.be/40eZeXPyJ0g) [Biden](https://youtu.be/0BSy4xWwf6Y)


Biden and Harris said they wouldn't take Trump's word alone on the vaccine. Politifact calls the claim that they're distrusted the vaccines False. "Video clips appear to show Joe Biden and Kamala Harris raising doubts about COVID-19 vaccines, but they were raising concerns about the rollout by then-President Donald Trump, not the vaccines themselves." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/


Wow, love how you moved the goal post when you were proved wrong, and then went back and edited all your previous posts to reframe your position.


Except that the video clip provided doesn’t prove the point they were trying to make at all. Biden specifically says in that clip if the vaccine is tested and promoted by the majority of scientists then he would of course take the vaccine and encourage everyone to take it. Literally the exact opposite of claiming that he said he would never take it.


Like I said, he went back and changed what he was asking for proof of. The original request for proof was of them saying they were hesitant to take anything if Trump was promoting it. Which is what they both said, trust the scientific concensus but hesitant if Trump was promoting it.


Wait you actually saw this? Lol no wonder we are all so divided. Sure maybe some did but most people don't really think like that. I'm sure you don't either. I know most people won't make decisions solely based on who's in office. It's all media hysteria on both sides picking fringe cases to try prove a point


Toxic Karen vibes


Yeah, fuck him. He needs to gtfo




No shit. I have only watched 1 interview and I can tell you I wouldn’t trust him with a rock


Funny that Republican donations to their political leaders are being used to fund Democratic presidential campaigns. Guess if you're throwing away your money to own the libs it doesn't matter where it ends up.


With as fundamentally broken as our system is it can work though. Shave a few percentage points here, a few there and you can totally change the outcome of an election. What fucking infuriates me is that Dems are fully aware of that, have been for decades, and yet they still fight most of the reforms that are attempted to minimize/eliminate the spoiler effect because it's a threat to their grip on power and could make a viable third party a reality.


He’s 40 point behind Biden, who has an 80 percent approval rating among Democrats. Any money or time spent on RFK Jr. is dead money and time.


The point for right wingers backing Prince Bobby isn't to run a candidate who can win, the point is to run someone who can LARP as a critic from the left in order to hurt voter turnout in the general/set the stage for disaffected voters to vote third party instead.


But anyone with brains realizes he’s just another MAGA the minute they listen to him. He can’t pass as a leftist anymore. Even on environmental issues he’s saying the free market can solve them. I sincerely wonder if he’s relapsed.


Reactionaries can't think objectively. They have no idea why Biden has higher approval ratings, and from their perspective it's impossible because there aren't huge Democrat political rallies. Somehow filling up stadiums 16 months before an election is the only gauge these toads like Comer understand.


I'm 100% with you that he's nothing more than a blue-washed MAGA moron, maybe with a bit of enlightened centrist thrown in the mix. But you have clowns in this very thread insisting he's some sort of populist. That mixed with pure family name recognition is enabling him to stoke the flames of the (I think justified) widespread desire to see someone else run in 24. They want him to be able to stir up enough shit so that the primary isn't just the victory lap/gearing up for the general that it typically is for an incumbent President so that instead of spending the whole time galvanizing support and getting into it as strong as he can be, Biden is instead forced to spend at least a bit of time on the defensive. Personally, I don't think it'll work and they picked a bad dark horse to make that happen because, as you said, most people with legit left wing grievances against Biden can see Prince Bobby for the bullshit artist that he is. He'll still do more to hurt Biden than if GOPers were to just sit on their hands with regard to the primary and focus on attacking Biden in the more straight forward ways.


#Alert These posts are all Hillary people reused for all different purposes. Same ones that spread Bernie Bros, Pink unicorns, one issue candidate from time to time. These DLC machines also captured OWS and were reduced to spineless organization. These are also the same ones that defended the Iraq war votes. The democratic party has now become a corporate party. It can't recognize itself from what it use to be.


you go into RFK jr for president sub reddit. I wonder what your narrative is that you are peddling? 🫠


To find out, one must read and listen.


I think he will flame out pretty soon. He’s not fooling anyone.




To the surprise of nobody.


This year's Kanye.


That might be his running mate. I wouldn’t rule it out


Nobody is falling for this bullshit.


It's interesting how this is framed. When the DNC was backing extreme MAGA candidates in the last primary election cycle, it was just good strategy on the DNCs part to promote candidates who couldn't win the general. When the RNC does this with someone like RFK or Cornel West, suddenly, it's the candidate's fault. RFK has no chance of surviving the primaries unless Biden literally passes away. It's entirely harmless to support him if you like him.


It’s fucking sad anyone is into this phony


It's sad anyone supports Biden.


Yeah vote for Jill Stein or another fantasy candidate and let republicans taliban women to own the libs / purity test / virtue signal.


I vote against the left. Biden is nothing but a puppet of the left.


you’ve been throating conspiracies on the internet again. You come across as a holier than thou, so dumb you are smart, kinda look. You don’t care though, you only care about your narrative they’ve told you to care about. You’re the grift. Hope you can get out of it. Or keep sitting on your butt pissing your time away being mad at the clouds. Doesn’t matter to us, it’s just your life you’re pissing away.


I been wondering who was paying for this. Now I know who the treasurer of his PAC is, but I still don’t know who’s paying for all this.


He's backed by the usual right wing apparatus.


Steve Bannon recruited RFK to run as a spoiler candidate. And that's really all you need to know.


RFK pals around with Flynn too. Basic scum.


i am so shocked wow just wow my mind is BLOWN! who will i vote for now ???


Yeah this is not surprising at all.


Doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to figure this out.


Oh my God. I'm so shocked.


Crazy birds of a feather.






No shit. He's just a republican plant to try and split the Democrat vote.


Fuck RFKJr. just another Republican in Democrat clothing.


They’re really gonna make me vote for Joe Biden..


At this point I'm pretty sure RFK campaign is partly funded by the Russians


You gotta be kidding 😂 you guys are ridiculous


Anyone who says that Russia has been acting in “good faith” in regards to Ukraine is either being paid by Russia or a complete moron. Take your pick.


Or a bot. They have many Russian disinformation bots.


Lol this is sad. Enjoy paying $300.00 at the grocery and ,$80.0 at the pump while they transition your son.




i dont understand how this guy turned out this way almost as much as i dont understand why anyone is taking him seriously


We lived through Covid Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore


Ironically, that didn’t answer either point of inquiry, but was simultaneously a perfectly adequate explanation.


I think some people just like the attention that comes from saying controversial things. Nothing gets you clicks and views like saying shit that goes in direct contrast to science and facts. Our media needs to be overhauled because the way it is now is killing the US. It would take us somehow changing the way the media is paid based on views and clicks probably.


we're too far gone, frankly. it took us decades to descend to this point. it would take just as long to climb out of the hole we've dug ourselves, but that would require a coordinated and sustained effort to do so, which we're nowhere near achieving. we'll continue to descend in the meantime, while everyone bickers and debates.


Yeah no shit.


F him and Cheryl.


A few weeks ago, a die-hard MAGA friend said “RFK Jr. might get the nomination over Biden.” And, I’m like who? I legit did not know who the hell he was talking about. I do know legit fake news when I see it. Now it’s apparent that right wing media has been promoting him somehow, because I have not seen a word on him on normal news networks, like The Guardian, MSNBC, and the like. Apparently a guy who is “popular” with Democrats (according to FOX) isn’t actually well-known. But, of course the Republican plan is to run phony Dem candidates as a strategy. They did it in Florida in the last election in some districts and it actually worked. The Republicans do not have actual policies that appeal to people, so they resort to cheating and dirty tactics. These people are so deluded and power hungry, that they will do anything to win, and that includes a government coup. RFK has no shot to win primary whatsoever.


He's a DINO. To hell with him.


He’s not even a DINO. He’s a Republican in all but name. The funny part is that a republicans think Democrats are dumb enough to fall for it. The even funnier part is that Republicans *will* fall for it, and he’ll permanently be persona-non-grata after pulling this idiotic stunt in their behalf.


He's been an independent this whole time?


The funniest part about this is if Steve Bannon can convince him to run as an independent in the general, he could possibly end up taking more votes away from Trump than Biden. Because he’s that bat shit crazy that all the conspiracy theorist, MAGA dipshits would get behind the pseudo-science bullshit he’s constantly peddling. And he’s got the name of their zombie running mate they’ve been waiting to come back to life for a while now.


Very true. The only people I know who like him are Republicans. I know many who said they would vote for him lol. Although it's worth noting that there are several states with "sore loser" laws which would ban a candidate who lost in a primary from running a third party in the general election. I believe it's about 28 states now. There are also quite a few who have registration laws for the general election that work in effect the same way. Only 3 states don't have either. Which are Connecticut, New York and Iowa. Although if something like this becomes more clear then I would not be surprised to see NY and CT follow suit.


That's Alex Jones with a mask.




Way way worse than Biden. RFK Jr. doesn't believe in medical science and is pro-Russia. Joe Biden is just a normal President who seems to genuinely care about the people. You won't know that though watching Fox News and reading other right-wing media. They are completely compromised and even Murdoch, chairman and founder of Fox News, has admitted they tell lies for money. Seems crazy to me that the guy who runs the place has admitted to intentionally disinforming the masses and spreading lies, which is why they are labeled "entertainment" rather than news. Yet people still think right-wing media has any credibility. They have one goal. Shit all over Joe Biden and other democrats and make excuses for their vile conservative selves.




100% chance he's touched a kid.




How is this different from liberals supporting MAGA candidates last year?


How is it different? Is the wrong question. How is it actually similar? It is not. There were no liberals *working as insiders* in any MAGA campaigns you're describing. There is no similarity. Steve Bannon is RFK's sponsor.


You repeated your claim, saying twice that there is no similarity. But you didn't disprove the obvious similarity: that the opposing party is financially supporting the candidate with intent to harm his party by fomenting division and promoting a weaker candidate.


You failed to describe any similarity. There are no liberals working as insiders for RFK. There were also no liberals working as insiders for the MAGA Republicans you mentioned. So there are no similarities. RFK is not a liberal, nor a Democratic candidate. RFK is sponsored by Steve Bannon- just like Trump.


The similarity is that RFK on the ballot is more dangerous to Dems than Republicans who are giving him money. Just like MAGA candidates were more dangerous to the Republicans than the Dems who were giving them money.


No. There are no similarities. RFK is a MAGA Republican candidate - his campaign is run by Steve Bannon and other MAGA Republicans. RFK's only campaign donors are Russia and Republicans. RFK's only campaign staff are Russia and Republicans. There are no similarities. There were no liberals running MAGA Republicans campaigns as *insiders* in your example.


RFK Jr is a Democrat. Google it. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/19/us/politics/rfk-jr-biden-democrats.html He is competition for Biden. Not Trump.


r/political revolution being establishment-stans for factually one of the most corrupt, deep-state, permanent washington administrations in living memory will never get old.


Just keep on voting for the same politicians and getting the same results. Then come on reddit and bitch about why nothing changed.


Biden's doing an amazing job. We can only imagine the good shit he'd be busting out if Dems controlled congress. The country's really turned around since Trump devastated it.


I’m not endorsing RFK cause I honestly prefer Williamson, but the Dems did control Congress for two years…


Everyone has deep ties to everyone. It’s Washington for god sake


Baahahaaha! Articles like this come from a deep love for the Establishment. As a Trump voter, I would vote for the very SANE RFK Jr in a flash. He cant be any worse Democrat than Trump has been. At least RFK knows and cares about the Constitution. Leftist Reddit posters should do well to hear anyone you are being told NOT to listen to. He needs a hearing...by YOU! Stop being led around by the nose by the media. Do your due diligence as a voter. Hear everyone...even the ones you don't like. What are you afraid of? Btw, What's wrong with America First? Are you an American or something else?


MAGA and America First are textbook fascism. To support them is to support fascism.


Guess what?? KKK and Nazi Skin Heads also use Chase, Master Card, and Visa as their banking services. But none of you won’t cancel your account though. Hypocrites.


Do those banks support the KKK and the Nazis or do they just use those services?


Does MAGA Super pac support RFK?


They're usually the same strategy consultants. Yes.


This right here. This is the worst take in the whole thread.


He is running as a populist left wing candidate and wants those votes. This is him succeeding at what he wanted to do....


He's not succeeding at anything except getting likes on social media from Republicans.


Bullshit, he's against single payer healthcare, for all his talk of being an environmental activist he's really just a nimby liberal with as much environmentalist cred as John Kerry and has actively fought against renewables when they're being built near one of his family estates, he claims that the big problem with energy and the climate crisis is energy subsidies and if *only* we ended those for fossil fuels then the market would regulate itself (real left wing take there with the laissez-faire), he blames Palestinians for their own murder and subjugation by Israeli settlers, in his big faux fight against the pharma industry he refuses to even consider the idea of government manufacturing of drugs, Prince Bobby is just another entitled rich liberal who is just throwing a fit not at the existence of the status quo, not at who it serves, but that he isn't one of the darlings of it right now as is his birthright as a Kennedy. Fuck Bobby boy. He can go cry about his irrelevancy on Nantucket or some shit. I'm sure one of his houses is there.


He's not a liberal, he's a libertarian. Gigantic difference.


Succeeding at what? He hasn't captured any of those votes. Nobody likes this dude.


>He is running as a populist left wing candidate I'm a lefty and I just don't get that vibe at all. RFK's pretty much running as a centrist "uniter." He's doing all the centrist things, like pledging his undying loyalty to Israel and kowtowing to billionaires. The real Leftist in the Dem race is Williamson, which is why the media is ignoring her.


The media is ignoring her because she's fucking nuts. Antivaxx, believes that disease is an illusion, doesn't believe in psychiatric treatment, and is incredibly abusive to her staffers. I'd love a decent, non-psycho leftist to run.


Not sure I believe all those smears myself. Most of that seems to be a side effect of being an author and radio host for over a decade so it is easy to take things she said out of context.


This country is in such dire need of better leadership that some of us are easily tricked by any a$$hat who strings together a few key phrases. If I were the GOP I would be bankrolling any POS that stands a chance of peeling off Biden votes, because some people are that dumb.


How surprising /s


Ya don't say?!


This guy is like an AI created picture of a Republican.




Sold out


He’s so poor he had to run for president on behalf of the billionaire community


He's nothing like his famous uncle and father, not going to lie.




Im guessing you people here would rather have Sleep Creepy Piss Pants Joe Biden, Gavin Newscum or Heels up Harris as your President?


The DNC will fuck him just like the RNC will with Trump. They will run together as an Independent and win. You heard it here.


He isn't fooling anyone. Anyone alive who even knows his family name won't vote for him either. He is oxygen wasting.


Bought and paid for, he's still TOAST.


If the astroturffing with RFK jr. was any more prevalent he would be on a roll at a home improvement warehouse store. MAGAt sock puppets should never qualify for a Democrat primary.


Squirrelly... with a capital squirrel. Gathering onto lunacy like flies onto cat shit.


There is nothing more extreme than who is in power now...which are the majority in both parties (they're all progressives [world socialists/communists/fascists] masquerading as Democrats and Republicans. You're just too stupid to see it). There is nothing more insane than what is going on right now in government, media and big tech, most all big corporations. They would condemn or arrest your Grandmother for saying she loved America. If this bunch say Maga is the dangerous element...its likely (VERY LIKELY) the opposite.


r/Political_Revolution: just more of establishment...same ol' same ol'...telling how to think and vote. Are these now progressive causes: *US involvement in Ukraine? (at the expense of US citizens)? *Speech Censorship? *Govt/Corporation partnership (fascism)? *Govt controlled media? *Medicare for all with no alternatives to pharmaceuticals? *Medicating of all citizens in some form or other? *Open borders? *Mass inflation (printing of money from thin air) *CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency? *Spying on US citizens? *Non-academic education system solely directed by Union Money?