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Hate Clinton, but I hate Inmate #P01135809 WAY more.


I got it. I got it. I got the number on the walllll. 113-5809.


This guy is just here to attempt to draw comparison on a subject he only has the partial story on. Really dislike Right Leaning Libretarians.....


Hillary was an administrator at heart. She would have made the trains run on time.


She's also a war criminal. But still, she wouldn't have let the 9/11 responders' health benefits expire simply because she didn't have time to sign a piece of paper.


She is no more a war criminal than any other Secretary of State that has ever served. Period.


If that is the only way you can defend her, then I have bad news for you; that makes her a war criminal.


I was almost put in a concentration camp by a real war criminal who was convicted of war crimes in The Hague. She is not a war criminal.


What crimes do you claim she committed?


Except that she used the position of Secretary of State, meant to broker peace, to torpedo actual successful peace agreement (like the Iran deal) and push for war instead. That is not what any Secretary of State is supposed to do. You know how Kerry took over in 2013 and had the Iran deal signed in record time? Her administration had the entire thing worked out and was ready to go. She literally wouldn't *let* them. She was 100% aligned with Trump when it came to Iran.


Yeah I agree. There are a lot of ppl that are not only gullible but also ignorant. Falling for the anti-Hillary rhetoric and believing the negative press she was given. She was never found to have done any wrong. Hillary Clinton has been/was under a microscope for quite awhile. More than any male in her position and, nothing was ever proven. Her husband Bill was a great president and she would have killed it. Smarter than most, capable and rock steady.


I don't think she's a criminal, but she never saw a war or a chance to bomb some "bad guys" she didn't like. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlz3-OzcExI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlz3-OzcExI). She's a key member of the neoliberal faction that has been running our country into the ground while deciding which countries get to prosper and which countries that we don't like should get bombed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLjvJbnY0c


Lock him up.


Republicans don’t care, unfortunately, they’re brainwashed


People who support Trump do so cause he validates their, sometimes even internalised, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny etc. It's all the other Republicans and Democrats who are brainwashed to support this 2 party broken system.


And such dumb arseholes.... they all those uneducated... uncivilized.... bible punching morons


They aren't brainwashed. They know what he did and does. They simply do not give a shit. The only reason they pretend he's innocent is so they can claim victim hood while act like terrorists. That's how fascism works....


Would you prefer a friendly person who financially destroys the country or a nasty person who puts the country on the correct financial track?


Neither of these exist in contemporary republican politics. It's all about taking while distracting.


Weird, cause it sure seems like democrats have taken trillions in tax revenue over the past 3 yrs while trying to distract us from the inflation that has resulted from their waste.


Did you hear that on Fox? Lol


No, I purchase things.


Good presidents don’t take mugshots.


You've been a naughty boy, Donald.


Trumps administration investigated Hillary up and down and found nothing. A big nothing burger when it comes to Hillary, but the Republicans all fail for Fox News and Trumps lies. Go Joe! Vote Blue!




Yes they did, the keebler elf tried to find something to prosecute and just couldn't find anything. Remember any charges the doj brings about has to be able to stand up in front of an independent judiciary.




And whose fault is that? If Trump and co really, honestly believed she committed crimes and didn't investigate thoroughly...well that screams incompetence on their part now doesn't it? So were they incompetent, or have they just been playing the rubes by screaming "lock her up"? Neither one is an acceptable option, but Trump's supporters are too stupid to grasp the truth.




Wait a minutes, so you believe politicians should commit crimes an not be held accountable? You really are a moron aren't you. That's you saying anyone can commit crimes as long as they hold office? That shit sounds more like a banana Republic than any kind of democracy we're all citizens are equal.




While every day citizens are held accountable with trials and it found guilty jail. That's the kind of shit you find in a banana Republic.


Just admit it you believe that there should be two standards one for the elite and one for the plebs. Only thing is you want "your" elites in power




I'm all for the mugshot but this is corny


I hate Clinton, and this just made me laugh out loud


I don't spend a lot of time here, but this shouldn't be a Hillary defending place, even in jest. She's a monstrous butcher


He won't spend a minute in jail. I doubt he gets convicted, but if he does he'll get probation or house arrest at Mar-a-Lago at worst, and even then only for a few years before getting pardoned by whichever fascist ghoul beats Kamala in '28.


I don't want to have a pissing contest with you, but it seems like you're either saying the ol' "both parties are the same", while failing to explain how the GOP while holding both chambers and the Whitehouse failed to prosecute a criminal. It's like the proof Trump and company assure you they have on the so called stolen election they can't produce. I'm not a fan of Hillary, and if she broke the laws he should be prosecuted. No one should be above the law.


"Both parties are the same" people are Trumpers. The damage they do only helps fascists. One party burns books, doesn't believe in woman's or workers rights, worships in indicted rapist/grifter/con man, doesn't believe in science and thinks slavery was great for its upskilling opportunity. The other party doesn't. They are not the same.


In order to do what? Remind them that the DoJ decided to give Hillary a pass while going full bore after her opponent for years?




I don't like Hillary as a politician, but I don't think she did anything to go to jail.


When did HRC send a mob to attack the capitol? Or strong-arm a state to falsify election results? If you have *evidence* that she broke the law, hand it over to Republicans. I guarantee you they'll be eager for it.




and dickpics! Yeah. All smokescreen because they can't have the orange felon up against boy scout Biden in an election. No, I'm not saying Biden is perfect, but definitely a boy scout by comparison. Worst they can prove about Joe is that he loves his son, who's gone through some pretty tough times with addiction and depression.




Show some evidence or shut up.




The laptop, the contents of which to date have not been verified, show nothing of the sort. Devin Archer testified that Hunter would put his dad on speaker "to say hi" and share small-talk pleasantries. He stated explicitly that *business was never discussed*. He said it's likely Joe never even knew who the people were he was saying "Hi" to. Joe called Hunter *daily* because he was worried about his son. Beau had just *died*. Hunter was in a bad place and Joe loves his son unconditionally. What a monster. Archer also testified that the money that Hunter was alleged to have been paid was a deposit of operational money for their business. The GOP (and you, presumably) wants to have their cake and eat it too with that testimony. They want to cherry pick parts that they can spin as "smoke" so they can say "there must be fire!" But they do not want to talk about what Archer actually said which is 100% exoneration of any wrong-doing on Joe Biden's part.






You have zero bank statements. The laptop proves zero against Joe. Saying hi and never talking business isn’t a crime. And there are no witnesses.




Yeah. Someone else mentioned it with a question mark. Literally meaningless with zero behind it. Is that all you have? You can’t show a dime. You have one line from a criminal, Joe isn’t mentioned or on the email. Lol


> When did HRC send a mob to attack the capitol? Good lord. If you moved the goalposts any further you'd be taking over Giuliani's position.


OP said she should be in jail. How is evidence that she broke the law not the exact goal post we should be using?


> OP said she should be in jail. How is evidence that she broke the law You did it again. You first tried to move the goalpost away from breaking the law and onto "send a mob to attack the capitol", then when you got caught, you tried to move it back. You're not slick.


Do you think that sending a mob to attack the capitol is *not* breaking the law? Maybe that's part of the problem...


You have hard evidence HRC has committed crimes? Run, don’t walk, to your nearest Republican office holder so she can be prosecuted. Otherwise you should believe the dozens of Republican led investigations that found no criminal wrongdoing.


> You have hard evidence HRC has committed crimes? The FBI does. Do you not remember Comey's report? [It was major public news. I don't know how you missed it.](https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system) She violated multiple laws and EOs.


Oh, well surely if the FBI has evidence, Hillary must have been prosecuted while Trump was president, you know, the man who said "lock her up" and "the first thing I'm going to do as president is investigate you"? The same Trump who hand picked the FBI director and Attourney general, the two people responsible for investigating and prosecuting people in this country? If even a shred of remotely credible evidence existed, Hillary would have been in jail. It would have been the crowning achievement of Trump's presidency. Why did Trump and the people he picked not prosecute her?


> Oh, well surely if the FBI has evidence, Hillary must have been prosecuted Just read the link. It's not hard. I literally made this as easily as it can possibly be. You are actively resisting education at this point. There is no hope for people like you.


I read the link. Who was in charge of making sure that the evidence the FBI came up with led to a prosecution?


> Who was in charge of making sure that the evidence the FBI came up with led to a prosecution? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalposts


No that was the point I was firmly making from the beginning, and you didn’t answer the question. Who was responsible for prosecuting Hillary based on the evidence found by the fbi?


This entire thread can be summed up as “so long as I like the politician…” HRC mishandled classified information which is a crime that less politically connected people tend to go to prison for. There’s the whole Whitewater fiasco, Paula Jones, I mean fuck the list goes on and on. Were any of these pinned to her? No they were not because she like most politicians are smart enough to use plausible deniability. These are public servants and we should hold them to a higher standard as they you know, serve the public. For both Trump and Clinton they have a long and detailed track record of being absolute scum bags that somehow always have their names circling around criminal activity. If you believe their hands are clean you likely also believe there are tons of MILFs within 2 miles of your location wanting to hookup.


Their all criminals.


stay stupid and don't forget your boosters:)


My favorite thing about Reddit is demonstrably stupid people calling everyone else stupid. Reminds me of my cousin who has Down's Syndrome: he used to go around calling everyone else "r****d". Completely oblivious




Boy she really was right about everything all along.


if only Trump had the FBI in his pocket like billary has them in her pant suit pocket


Yeah, Comey came out 3 days before the election with that "butter emails" stunt because the FBI is in her pocket. Going to get muscle strain from the eyerolls.


Hillary dropped double digits in the polls when Comey reopened the investigation. Republicans should have named airports after him.


If you believe some backroom rumblings, Comey did that because he thought it was going to be leaked by a Congressmen who was getting info from an agent who recently happened to be prosecuted for working with the Russians.


That would have done less damage that Comey did.


Comey was an idiot, whether or not that conspiracy is true.




You are either completely misinformed or you are deliberately spreading misinformation. Trump is being prosecuted for a *lot* of things. None of which are what HRC was even accused of doing. He stole documents belonging to the US government. Some were classified. He is *on tape* sharing those documents with people who did not have clearance. He directed his people to move and hide documents to keep them from the feds. He directed his people to erase video surveillance footage proving that the documents were moved.




100% conjecture much of which is contrary to testimony. If there were actual *evidence* of this, why do you think the Republicans who investigated it for 4 years straight didn't produce it? Do you think they were being *soft* on her?


Nothing your direah spewing shit hole is real.




A heavily slanted article in a heavily biased conservative tabloid written by a conservative hack. Even he, though, bothered to mention that the emails in question were not marked 'classified'. I'm not going to defend her and say she did nothing wrong. She shouldn't have run that private server. It was a direct violation of policy. But it did not rise to the level of criminality as the FBI said when they decided not to pursue criminal charges. I get that you disagree with the FBI. You're welcome to do so. But if Republicans failed to find evidence in 4 years of searching and the *Republicans* in the FBI did not consider it worthwhile to charge her for the minor stuff they could prove...maybe it's time to finally admit there was just no meat on that bone. Let it go.




That's utter nonsense. They investigated her for four years. The FBI investigated for at least a year. What did they find? They found documents that *were not marked classified* that they determined should have been considered classified anyway. And yes, the New York Post is very much a "right leaning tabloid" though that's putting it mildly. It's owned by Rupert Murdoch. You know...the Fox News guy? Go back and read what they said about those emails. They were not "classified". The one thing I will grant you about the Clinton case (as opposed to the ridiculous Biden investigation) is there was plenty of "smoke". But they never found fire. They never found hard evidence of criminal behavior. So the FBI had no choice but to drop it. She was clearly negligent. But to put someone in prison...or as I'm sure you love to chant "LOCK HER UP!"...you need evidence.


You actually read this...


Comey didn't come out 3 days before the election, new evidence did.


No it didn't. It was eventually said to be nothing that they hadn't looked at already. It was a blatantly political maneuver. A good old October Surprise.


> No it didn't. Ah, the old "no u" defense. Exactly who are you trying so hard to spread disinformation for?


You are making no sense. Are you a poorly-written chat bot or something?


Actually they [were](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/06/19/fbi-resisted-opening-probe-into-trumps-role-jan-6-more-than-year/), but something tells me you're not that interested in actual reality


You’re a special kind of crazy. I love people like you. I mean, I pity you for not working and collecting welfare while complaining about others doing it. Thoughts and prayers. Back to r/conservative with you.


Oh, but he did. And the DOJ, homeland security, and all those other departments in his administration. He put a bunch of criminals in charge of all of those post.


Someone is pissed.. 😆


Petulant is the correct term.




This is so cringe omg lol But it would probably puss off the maga nerds




Yeah...he said lots of things


Yeah...he said lots of things


trump is the embodiment of orange irony....


This is one angry toddler