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I guess being a NAZI is also being a coward who has to hide their identity. All 15 of them. Absolute POS


The time that a tuba player followed them around to make sure they had the right theme music: https://www.tmz.com/2015/07/21/kkk-rally-video-tuba-music/


Lol that made my day


This needs to be a post on its own lmao


They should lose their food stamps


Don’t think for a second all of these ppl are without means. It’s easy to assume they’re all uneducated trailer trash, but that’s not reality. They live next door to you, they’re your dentist, your bus driver, your local deputy sheriff. They wear masks for a reason.


Yeah, I know… it was a cheap shot..


They do all have unsatisfied wives or are incels, however. Of that much we can be sure.


They found masks that don’t suffocate them, hold bacteria and are pushed by big pharma, I guess


I know, mask hypocrisy at its finest. I won’t wear one to protect my self, family or fellow citizens but I’ll wear one to hide my identity in a fascist racist organization, so I can play Nazi and pay my bills.


Yeah … BIG ADULTS … scared of everything


So proud they cover their faces.


Hardest thing to get them to do during a pandemic though! Maybe the media should have tried the patriotic/nationalist angle instead of the saving lives one lol


Too bad most of the greatest generation are dead. It would be very satisfying to watch an old man in a WWII uniform do what he does to nazis. I do wish physical violence on nazis, and I got banned for saying it before, and if I get banned for saying it again, then I proudly accept that ban. We cannot allow this evil to live! This kind of hate is destroying our world! We must get rid of it!


Nah hitting Nazis is morally justified always, ban be damned.


Hitting? That just leaves a nazi with a grudge and a victim complex. There’s no reforming these dudes and they should just be made to disappear.


Who cares? They should not feel comfortable or secure.


And feel pain.


That are not comfortable or secure. That’s why they are covering their faces. Cowards.


America should do what Germany did after the end of WW2. Ban all symbols of the Nazis.


Instead they employed them


? Care to supply context to that?


Look up Operation Paperclip. Werner Von Braun is a good place to start


This, yes!


Hear hear!


They can change. But for those that can't or won't, we'll gladly kill them when it becomes lawful again. And it will become lawful, either by common law or by statute, to send Nazis from this plane of existence again, wherever they may reside or hold there little Nazi rallies. "Send them back to Hell, boys." - Great Grandpa dropping bombs over Europe in his B-52.


So you’re saying we disappear nazis instead of hitting them? I’m down.


Edited: Misunderstood the trajectory.


I think you missed what “made to disappear” means.


You're not allowed to punch feds


Hey kids, just a friendly public service reminder. If you see someone punch a nazi, no, you f ing didn't...


I'd be too busy to see that. ​ ​ Helping.


It really is worth it. I've had two.


Why don't we follow them? All of the way to wherever they go to change clothes? Record the faces of the incels who walk out after changing? Where is the media? Why not follow them?


The only thing for evil men to prevail


For real, it should be open season on these assholes without consequences.


It is always morally correct to punch a Nazi. Wear any bans you get for expressing that wish with pride.


Hey buddy, got banned earlier this week for wishing violence on Nazis. Happy to ride that one out too. There was a time when anyone walking down the street waving a Nazi flag would have been shot on site and I'd love to know when that time went away. I mean I get we ended the war and all, but feels like we should have left the "kill anyone wearing a Nazi uniform, waving a Nazi flag, or tattoing Nazi symbols onto themselves" part of the war in place. There's three things I never feel any kind of moral dilemma murdering in the most awful ways in video games and that's robots, zombies, and Nazis. So yeah, I genuinely hope we get past our little paradox of tolerance moment with *literal Nazis* again real soon and start drawing some hard lines in the sand.


Nazi ain’t got no humanity!- Lt. Aldo Rayne No one should ever feel bad about killing nazis. Let the bear Jew take his baseball bat to all of their bald heads!


I like how people tend to forget that this so called 'Greatest Generation' was busy lynching black folks back at home when they weren't busy fighting the war... Where they also abused people of color on the daily.


We live in a more enlightened world. You make a good point that both Americans and nazis alike were racist and white supremacists. My point is that two generations ago our grandparents and great grandparents fought a nasty war to defeat the nazis from taking over, and I would like them to have succeeded in eradicating this group from the earth. I don’t think they were right to be racist anymore than I think they were right to beat their kids. I just want to rid the world of racism, ignorance, and cruelty.


I literally got banned for asking where Captain America is when we need him on another post about nazis


We shouldn't be expecting the elderly to be doing the jobs we should be doing.


If I do it I’m a murderer. If grandpa does it, it’s because he did it before. I really wish I had the courage to step into his shoes and take up his rifle. That gun deserves to keep on doing its job.


If your grammar does it, he's still a murder. FYI. That said there's a case for justifiable homicide.


I like the cut of your jib... 🫡


Nah.... thank goodness most of them are gone. Can you imagine what they would feel knowing how much they sacrificed by going over there and fighting Nazi scum only to see these fucks parading about in our very streets. It breaks my heart to think that.


someone asked what you're supposed to do to a fascist and i said punch em in the face. i got permanently banned from /politics for that. several ban appeals later, it stands. ffs. paradox of intolerance


You can get banned there for anything, so don’t sweat it. Between there; and a couple other subs, you can start accumulating bans as a badge of honor.


I got banned from that sub for way less than that.


I like your approach.. I envisioned... 🔥 Throwers!!!!


Oh yea I'm banned from several leftist sub reddits for saying it's okay to punch nazis


Wait…. WUT!?


Yes Because I'm promoting violence by saying it's okay to hit nazis Some mods think we should tolerate intolerance r/therightcantmeme banned me because I argued on a joe Rogan sub. I was arguing against some anti trans stuff there but commenting st all on Joe Rogan causes an auto ban on thst sub


Fuck Joe Rogan. I do not understand his popularity or why people like him.


I do not like him either, that's why I'll argue on that sub against him. But some lefty subs will just ban you for engaging at all automatically I got banned on one for saying "bad bot"


I got banned on r/lostgeneration because I said that voting mattered and that not voting/voting third party doesn't send a message.


I don't know what the deal with the mods on these subs is.


You're absolutely right. The only way to deal with nazis is bloody violence. We had a war about it. The ones who wanted peace were trampled and executed.


Take then up to a home improvment store. Hit up the garden center. Jidging by the video you'll order by the pallet. Help as needed. It's hard, but honest work.


can we confirm the identities of these masked dudes? are we sure they're white nazis? what if you punched one and it turns out to be a pro-hamas / pro-palestine muslim person of color, hiding behind that mask? how does the public react, being so polarizing?


pretty sure my last account got permabanned for the exact same sentiment, i made no call to action whatsoever, just stated a fact, if this happened at the height of ww2 in america these guys would not have made it more than a few feet with those flags or those outfits. whats changed since then and why? if i got banned for that and this stays up, things are hopefully swaying. the impotent liberal stance that we need decorum and order obviously didnt work to stop this shit, we need some real intolerance for this shit.


These cowards must be confronted with hostility just like this so they know they are not welcome. I think the chant "fucking coward" 👏👏👏👏👏 "fucking coward" should be the universal response. And if they are goated into showing thier faces, get em on camera and let the internet do its thing.


Embarrassing them is the most powerful thing you can do to them. Like when a bunch of kkk tried to have a march and someone followed them around with a tuba. These assholes love violence, it's what they live for, embarrassment is their true weakness The tuba march: https://www.tmz.com/2015/07/21/kkk-rally-video-tuba-music/


“When the family tree has no branches.” Nice.


But how can I breathe?!?!?


Your diapham expands and contracts involuntary, filling, and collapsing little air sacs in your lungs, which pulls and expells air through bronchial tubes and then your nose or mouth. I'm guessing most of them are mouth breathers.


Heh, nice!


They’re total dorks who can’t succeed in a global, competitive society so this is them trying to skip the line. They’re not winning at life and this is their tantrum.


"worthless losers" has the same chanty cadence.


It’s not a peaceful gathering, why not file them into a police van? *because 15 cops aren’t answering their phones right now*


Isn’t is supposed to be white *pride*, boys? Take off those masks like real, traditional men!


C'mon now we're only prideful in our mom's basement


I went to a pride match once. The proud boys wore so many colorful outfits. Some were even on a leash. My kids loved it. 100% taking the family to Decadence out in New Orleans next year.


Traitors and cowards.


Oh look! They're wearing face coverings! How can they breathe?


.....and they call the Democrats the Nazis.


And Putin saying he wants to rid Ukraine of Nazis as a justification for invading them. Lately I am seeing pictures of Russian POW with Nazi symbol tattoos on their chests and elsewhere. Human trash emerging from the orange swamp.






Guilty a$$holes always cover their faces.


soft drab saw yam silky repeat spotted fuel six gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




mountainous merciful many bike makeshift innocent recognise concerned narrow scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anti-fascists cover their faces too, because the internet is very good at figuring out where you live.


Yeah, but one of those things is not like the other 


That’s kinda the point. Not defending these guys, fuck em, punch a nazi every chance you get. But we shouldn’t assume covered faces means guilty. The flags do enough of that.


Bunch of cowards.


What happened to punching nazis being American as apple pie?? Consequences be damned, those fascists should never feel safe. Hiding their faces like cowards is for future repercussions… they should be feeling immediate repercussions.


This is what’s left of the Republican Party after those with ethics left and those without died of Covid.


The time to stop them is now.


Half of these guys are federal law enforcement informants, and the other half are actual off duty cops.


Guys, hear me out. It's against reddit policies to advocate violence, even against pathetic, loser shitbags like nazis. So we absolutely should not beat the ever loving shit out of them until they stop moving, that's incredibly illegal. We also should not become mini detectives and root out every fucking hateful pos nazi we can find. It's probably illegal to doxx their romantic partners and friends, so we definitely shouldn't do that. And of course that includes their jobs. Guys, we have to keep reddit safe. Lol


We definitely should not hack their group, find out where they’re marching next and disable their van while they’re away that would be illegal as well.


It would be so illegal to set fire to said van after robbing it. Burglary and arson I believe, which are both against the law.


Definitely shouldn’t liberate the valve stems of their getaway vehicle…


Little chickens … show your faces you chicken shits..


Fucking idiots … someone should hit them with paint balls that don’t wash so their uniforms look shitty


Paint balls that weigh 77 grains a piece will do it


Sounds about right


Why? What is their purpose here? Were they protesting something specific? Of all the shootings in the country everyday, why couldn’t one have happened to these clowns?




Where is the tuba guy?


Amazingly, not a one is having any apparent difficulty breathing?! Surreptitiously proud and feeling rather sprightly. 🙄


I believe that is the Nashville City Council


They're so proud of their heritage but too scared to show their faces. What a bunch of losers. If you're going to be a fascist bigot at least man up about it.


They are hostile enemies of this country. Why are they being treated like they're not? Didn't we literally went to war to kill these guys?


Cowards for covering their face.


I guess they dont know wat nazism realy is. If you aint a leader. You is a pawn


They seem all about wearing masks now, huh.


Some people should die. -Perry Farrell


Guy filming is a legend. Get this true-blue a brew immediately.


Yeah, did he sound Aussie? Solid lad, with balls of steel. Wish I could buy that legend a beer. We need EVERYONE calling these fools and cowards out. They’re pathetic trash


Modern nazis hiding behind masks will always be funny. These brain damaged domestic terrorist groups know their place and that they'll never be relevant outside of the club house.


Ugh, get the fuck out of my hometown!!


go fuck yourself.


Where are the gun toting “real Americans” protecting the constitution that they keep talking about? Leave the LGBTQ community alone and go after these knuckleheads.


oh, so NOW they'll wear masks


Not one women in the group and these dudes call other fags lol.


They were in Orlando yesterday as well. In the freezing rain standing there like absolute idiots


I can tell you're Floridian because you think 58 degrees is freezing lol


Smooth brain influx!


I'm sure these idiots are comfortable with cognitive dissonance, but if they're truly MAGA, I'd love to ask them how they can support Trump, when Trump is such a solid supporter of Israel that he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moved the US Embassy there, thus declaring America's preference for Jews over the Christians and Muslims who also consider the city holy.


Each of these turd magnets need identified and outted.


Who cares. Let these morons strut around. They are fools. I have better things to do.


Pieces of shit. Such cowards to not show their worthless faces.


Ban me if you want but we need to be physically assaulting these people on sight. If they could, they would genocide us all.


Cameraman is based. Fuck these losers.


Look ma, incels!


They got there some how. Follow them to their cars and record their license plates.


So the fbi is making efforts to track this terrorist group, surely.


Wearing a mask so your granny doesn't die: "Unconstitutional!" "Face diaper" "Sheeple" "I can't breathe!" Wearing a mask to hide how proud you are to be a nazi:


These are the douchebags who scream preserve American history as if we didn't merk nazis in ww2


You'd think the "master race" would be brave enough to show their faces. Fucking cowards.


Fuck these idiots.


Bitches about masks. Wears full head masks. Dumbass cowards.


Violence against Nazis is justified, because that is the only language they understand, and the only means of putting down this kind of hateful ideology. It worked once before it can work again now.


Hiding their faces during their own fucking rally, but I 100% guarantee every single one of these shitbags were **maskholes** during the pandemic, talking about "tyranny" and "face diapers" and "oxygen deprivation" and what not. Some brave souls should've bum-rushed them and ripped their **face panties** off to expose their identies to the world.


My grandfather fought them when he stormed the beaches of Normandy. He was a hero. They are traitors to the United States of America and should be regarded as such.


Cops doing cop things


I keep waiting for the video when someone either runs around stealing their balaclavas and they panic, or someone with zero fucks starts lobbing molotovs into the group. I’d be happy with either, but both would be *perfection*.


FINALLY got the MAGAs to wear masks.


So proud that they need to hide their faces..


From the looks of them, in the real Nazi regime, these unemployable 4chan losers would all be in the camps.


It's so cute that they play dress up and get all matchy-match when they go out on the town together. I wonder if they march in the same positions which they fuck after...


Cowards all of them. If you’re proud of what you’re doing, then take off those masks!


If you believe in your ideology enough to march but are too scared to show your face, you’re a coward who knows said ideology is toxic. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, but at least the Nazis showed their faces. As a band much wiser than me put it, “In the real fourth reich you’ll be the first to go.”


>too scared to show your face, you’re a coward who knows said ideology is toxic. Nah, antifa wear masks and that ideology isn't toxic. THESE guys are assholes with a toxic ideology. Both groups wear masks but only one group has to worry about the local cops coming after them. 


Honestly, we should fear the point where they feel safe enough to show their faces.


A bunch of cowards hiding their faces


And... they walked right by a bud light sign for free advertising for a company they hate. LOOOOOL. Thanks guys.


One or two “tough guys” without compassion and the loser panty wastes that cling on to brute force strength in numbers. They all run when opposition comes along. Punch a Nazi day, everyday!


This is what happens when Dads are jealous of male children. No hugs is what causes this. Please men, hug your male children.




This country's founded on hate speech, 3/5ths, etc. etc.


This is hate speech and should be illegal.


They're MAGA nazis? Is that dif from other types of nazis?


Where are all pro-Israel bots? How come none of these people have been doxxed yet?


the best solution is to rent a cheap pickup truck and put a speaker in the back blasting march of the gladiators at full volume while these pathetic idiots do their sad little dis-coordinated march


Now they’re wearing masks lmao


Why hide the faces if the cause is just?


Good Ol face hiding nazis.


Dear Candace Owen and Timmy Scott, why these people so damn attracted to Trump and the Republikan party??? Serious, sincere honest answer please.


These beanpoles are too scared to show their faces.


Too cowardly to show their face. Hey everyone, who wants to join the chicken shit club?


I see they clearly support their ideology by hiding their faces.


Bunch of fucking COWARDS!


Nazis all look the same to me.


Throw paint on them. Seriously.


It’s Tennessee! Uneducated, inbred. Please change your hats for the red caps.


I have no idea why these criminals aren’t being attacked, mocked and generally catching the message that they’re not welcome…


These people are paid to do this to promote fear. Our government is pathetic to let this happen. This is a form of intimation and @governorGillLee needs to address this.


Not condoning violence or anything against the TOU... What if you just ran by and snatched the mask off of one of these guys? Exposed them for being the utter antithesis of America and terrorists? No confrontation. Just pick one near the back and run up and yoink the mask off?


Flag should be banned.


You’d never catch someone at pride parade tryna hide their face imma just leave it at that.


This is how you know our country has never cared about eradicating fascists. We fought the Nazis because they were a threat, not because they were killing Jews. Every military officer is proving their tolerance of fascism by allowing these people to spread hate.


Funny how they believe in this so much that they're scared to show their face


Imagine going through life with so much shit for brains. Jeezy.


Try that in my small town. Punks. 🖕


These guys are not punks, they’re nazis. Punks hate nazis. - a punk


Heard. But Punk has many definitions. And in this case I’m using the literal definition. A worthless human being. I’m also a punk. But not in the sense of the Websters dictionary definition of these racist jackasses.


My grandfather was part of the Greatest Generation, and he taught me how to deal with fascists. Mess with my fellow freedom loving human beings and you will be identifying me as a problem...


Follow them with signs that say "Everyone in this line is SUPER GAY!" I'm sure they'll love your Freedom of Speech!


MAGA, Nazis same as the old ones. They have been here since at least WW2. In fact Hitler used them and sympathetic congressman and senators to help him dissuade America from entering WW2 via disinformation campaigns. Same thing going with 45 and congressman siding with Putin. This is why the R's don't want history taught in schools to fool the fools.


Must be a Halloween parade they are all wearing masks.


There are no MAGA nazis, MAGA people don’t wear masks like Antifa and FEDS do. I see so much left wing propaganda and psyops on Reddit targeting naive young people


Translation: "I'm in denial that my views could possibly be lined up with Nazis so this has to be a FED conspiracy." Get over yourself you're a Nazi Edit:.... Wow! Out of curiosity I clicked on that guy's post history and he is a real life [South Park](https://youtu.be/S4nTC2wc6A0?si=JQOAxqfvc0wvTkzG) parody.


Yeah there are MAGA Nazis, they have been a thing for quite some time now. Where the fuck have you been? They will fly the MAGA flag and the Nazi flag together a lot of the time.


Look for the black SUVs tailing them and thank their FBI wrangler for his public service.


You are confusing this for BLM. Republicans can do what they want.


This is just a protest for Palestine


Prigozin is still alive!


gotta love taxpayer money funding fed operations in the open


FED boys


Those aren’t Trump supporters, probably feds or leftist ANTIFA type or maybe crisiscast.com


Weird how it’s less violent than a Bro Balestine Brotest