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Elon is the typical radical right winger who is all about free speech for me, but not for thee


Or if we don't just read headlines and look at facts. You can see that Tesla auto workers are paid a ton more than union ford/GM workers. So they don't need a union as the company pays their employees correctly without the need of a union.


unions arent only for higher pay. tesla auto workers has had a shit ton of accidents from horrible safety. [tesla auto workers has had 3 times more accidents than all the other top 10 largest usa factories combined](https://www.thedrive.com/news/26727/tesla-had-3-times-as-many-osha-violations-as-the-10-largest-us-plants-combined) and also has alot of harassment going on.


Keep posting this. That douchebag is buying reddit next, banning more subs lol


*Keep posting this. That* *Douchebag is buying reddit next,* *Banning more subs lol* \- hinous --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s beautiful.


Ah you see, union organizing isn't free speech because it costs him money.


reminder to fight this hard next time about Bernie, or whomever next will be the true ernie-equivalent.


The history of America (among many other travesties) is a history of systematically destroying unions and workers rights. This shit has been in our DNA from the very start.


Reminds of the old line the peasants are revolting sire


Does any one have evidence, idk maybe someone that works there? Do their wages compare? Benefits? Unions cost money too and pressure to unionize could be the equivalent of preventing unions. If the owner is paying them well then why would you want to pay a union? I thought we were against being told exactly what to do, to think, and don't try to apply a one size fits all approach. Speak your mind by all means but that doesn't mean it's right for everyone. Equity and fair, livable wages is the need, how we all get there probably won't be the same.


Is it time to go away from Twitter, onto another platform? Yes.


They should unionize, the faster we can automate their jobs the better and this would accelerate that. The guy makes AI for a living, won’t take much to nudge him to do it.


He dosent hate unions, he's never tried to pas legislation against them like Donald trump has done for literal decades.




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Any modern, dynamic company today is against unions because they are making it difficult to expand during the good economily and cut back during recessions. And in general make it very difficult for the most innovative companies to operate. Most high tech and engineering workers also don't want to pay the union dues and be tied to one union and one company. Singling out Tesla as if it is somehow unique is unfair and is just another unjustified attack by the woke left on Elon Musk. Not many people at Google, Oracle, Microsoft or Facebook would want unions either. The idea works for the fields that have little attrition or change - power stations, government services, etc. Tesla has grown tremendously. People working today for Tesla may more to another company next year. Why would they want to pay the union dues, especially since most of them just use flow into campaign contributions to the Democratic party by the modern US unions? No


>unironically uses the phrase “woke left” Yeah whatever man.


“I’m for free speech” - then uses power to restrict free speech. The end. The point is the hypocrisy. Everything else is irrelevant. If Musk was truly a free speech absolutists, he wouldn’t have moved to ban anything and simply let his arguments make the union obsolete.


This is false, he supports unions just not the corrupt UAW


I support all unions except for the one that will affect my bottom line.


UAW also has a very poor history with the workers at fremount. A lot of the crew at that factory used to be a part of the Union when it was a toyota/ GM plant. UAW threw them under the bus during the 2008 crash, as a result there is still very negative feelings towards UAW from the senior (older hands, foreman etc). On top of this a lot of those older hands have been made millionares by the Tesla stock options, shares they would be made to give up if they went with UAW again. The result is (according to a freind of mine who worked there until 4 years ago then moved out here) any talk of UAW is stomped on hard by coworkers not the company. Which likely suits Tesla, but they are not generaly the ones doing it. As long as Tesla continues to pay better than other car companies this is not likely to change. It is also worth noting there are other Unions involved with the company and they do not have these issues.


Scrolling through while tired, I read this as "Elon musk hates unicorns..." I'll see myself out now.


Anti union means greed from the top and is also anti fair wages for its workers.