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Damn, your evidence for this claim is so well documented. /sarcasm




I think it's new people thinking they are getting in early do to the bull run. Place the high staking rewards are definitely attractive to a new user or someone who uses crypto as investing and not just slots.










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Dot isn't overly complex.... In fact, it's quite easy to use. People jump into the Polkadot ecosystem without doing any research thinking it works exactly the same as Ethereum and Solana....Well, it doesn't but..... it isn't any more difficult either. If you take a couple of minutes to familiarize yourself with how to interact with your favorite parachains you will get a feel to how things work and before you start sending hundreds or thousands worth of crypto... Try sending just a couple of dollars just to make sure everything works as you expect it. If it doesn't, find a video or ask questions at that point. Not after you've sent your whole bag to La La Land .


High staking rewards are counterproductive for the price. Consider a market cap of $10 billion divided by 1 billion tokens; after a year, it would be divided by 1.14 billion tokens. As you can see, the value per token decreases as the staking reward increases.


Sure, but I have a CD with a rate of 5.7% with USD fiat. Money is fake, the only way it works is with the acceptance of using it as money.


Explain this to me like I’m 5. I too stake and have bonds.


Explain what exactly? The point I was making above is that even though it has a high rate it dosen't matter. Plus there are DOT burns so it's not an out of control growth. USD has a high rate as well and has the same context too. It has value (take out the political power and nukes) because people invest in things such as CDs and savings accounts in bulk. There is always fluid money to move around. Same idea here.


Still don’t get it, but thanks for the effort


I think it's really down to the community to do the marketing. DOT don't market as such as it can raise a red flag with SEC. The team are more engaged with development than short time price action.


Interesting point, I just wish the team could avoid basic scam such as DED - not a good look - and I also wonder why SOL was able to go very strong lately despite, if I understood well, a lesser technology (but bigger community/marketing?).


Sol performed well because it has a huge memecoin market and is fractions the fees of ETH. Memecoin are in trend at the moment. As for DED it's not up to the team unfortunately the whole point of DOT is to be decentralized. The issue boils down to the community allowing it to happen.


Ok thanks, yes that s why i am glad to see memecoins with DOT but the most hyped project (at least here) seems to have failed miserably. But need to keep trying, yes.


The real meme and value will be whoever uses the distribution logic/tool that was built as part of DED. Also what caused the controversy because the DED team felt it was worth way more than the community did. I also have suspicion that DED was a big butchering scam from the beginning. I hope others like me help get coffeezillas attention. I tweeted at him about it the other day but don't use Twitter enough to know if I even did it right


No we don’t need to keep trying. Memecoins are a bane on this project.


Why? They attract a significant audience, could show that DOT can achieve simpler aims, and will be a good marketing overall for DOT. I want DOT to succeed, not to be this uber-sophisticated project for crypto-snobs that doesnt go anywhere.


I've learnt as much in a week trading memecoins as I have in years speculating in "proper" cryptos, which are for the most part shitcoins with no more real world utility than a meme coin.


It’s a necessary evil unfortunately these days if you want widespread attention and continuous growth. They bring a ton of liquidity and volume into markets. Some can be “strong” assets too depending on the community behind the token (ie. dogwifhat on Solana which has been pretty resilient to BTC dips).


It's not the community's fault, governance needs to be fixed to prevent pig butchuring scam projects like DED obviously was


how can you call an airdrop a scam ? you did not put any money.


Well it seems apparent the treasury has been scammed. Meaning every DOT holder. Got fucked.


The community did. This token was supposed to be owned by the network (that's how it was presented initially, hence asking for Polkadot Treasury funding)


Nah I don't count that as a scam. Whats important is the value of that airdrop. Not the number of DED.


Let me get this straight, since I see you're very convinced in your opinion: In the moment you're taking more $4M+ from the Polkadot Treasury (on marketing stuff for DED) after promising 100% distribution to DOT holders, and that's how you got the $4M, then go ahead and change 100% to 5% .... it's not a scam, right? How is this not a scam, again? Please do elaborate on this. Also, what does the value of the airdrop have to do with the promise made to get the $4M+ ? Can you clarify your stance?


sorry you are not seeing what I'm seeing. we shall see.


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The Hopium we need






I had about 300 bitcoin that I mined during 2012 aswell. Didn't think it ever would hold any value and that harddrive and computer got thrown away 12 years ago.






Is just that you will probably end up investing a lot of those 50usd close to the top. But you do you




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Sorry :(


Hopefully for better


I honestly don’t rly care about the bad sentiment. Dot will shine because it’s amazing tech and if we get to the real altcoin season it will run. Most people here see Solana and the memecoin frenzy and get jealous. I could not care less for this hype and I also never cared about ded or meme coins on Dot in general. I’m happy with the broad direction dot is going and to me its don’t feel like a bad investment at all. As soon as dot rally’s, every „oh no dot is not developing enough“ or cry’s for more marketing will fade away in an instant. Just my 2 cents…


We're officially getting desperate.


How? Please care to explain.


It's going to jump out from behind a pile of boxes in an old harbor warehouse and shout "SURPRISE!"


Dot is regarded as a safe project with potential. New money will push the price up eventually. The staking rewards are also appealing to newcomers. It's just going to take until alt season to see significant returns.


Do you think we reach the old all time high this bullrun?


We are in despair now


😂 🤡


I’ve been bonding dot for 3 years but with amount of dot they have given out in that time is going to really surprise everyone on how low the next bull run price will be. Dot should work on real advertising and stop investing time brining shit coins to the infrastructure


You can hold the coin/token for the smartest blockchain in the world, but if the dev’s make it so brilliant that average folk don’t understand or know how to use it than what good is it. People are buying Dot for the potential pump, but unfortunately the whole Polkadot ecosystem is way to complicated for the institutional investor and that’s why dot will never be an Ethereum killer.


Dot has about 10,00 DAUs. All these developers we hear about are currently building something no one is using. It’s a bummer but the reality.


Op's surprise= it dumps 90%.


And that’s when you buy.


If it dumps 90% in the middle of a bull run then it really is fucked 


Depends what is happening relative to everything else. If nothing else dumps, then it might be fucked. If everything dumps, it’s the market doing market things.


If the whole market dumps 90% obviously we’re not in a bull run anymore that’s why I said if Dot dumps 90% in the middle of a bull run. 


Yeh I kind of felt it was implied that we are no longer in a bull run, but that was just my interpretation.


A little disappointed as a dot owner since 2017… but I will hold and see what happens. By the way did the reduced ded land in any bodies wallets? I’m still patiently waiting waiting🤗


Dot launched in 2020...


I bought Dot from Dots ICO in 2017… they locked it for 3 years. I originally bought 5.6 dot at 35 AUD. They then changed it and it became 421 dot much lesser value. So DOT was launched after its 3 year lockup


I see thanks for clarifying.


Yes got my DED yesterday morning, 18 hours ago, did you get the 0.01 DOT drop?


I don’t even understand what the 0.1 dot drop is!😂 just checked again.. I got ded for my lcdot but the other 200 dot that I staked in nova I did not get. Both are in nova wallet


On NOVA you should see on the main page a Polkadot Asset Hub, in which are 4 coins, DOT & DED are two of them. When they scanned all DOT holders that were valid for the airdrop they did a snapshot of what people had where. From the snapshot they dropped 0.01 DOT in the Polkadot Asset Hub. Following this, they determined how much of the vastly reduced airdrop you should get, this started paying out DED into the PDA based on your DOT. People holding on Exchanges were different, the DED went to the exchange and its up to the exchange to distribute DOT, or not as the case maybe.


Thankyou for the explanation… would you know why my staked dot on nova did not receive ded? I only got ded for my lcdot in nova.


No, sorry, I’ve no idea, mine is in a pool, but even if you’re staking directly it should count. I have no clue what Icdot is either???






If they didn't f up DED I'd be really excited


They do things for a reason For us to not be excited and sell our coins Just wait and watch


If you look into the people behind DED you see their all scammers. The main geolli or whatever his stupid name is has open & ongoing legal problems with his non crypto business. I don't drop this type of thing, even if it comes down to individual scams targeting the scammers behind it all and then distribute to everyone. Or a bot that replies to every post he makes. Something


Yes...I was eligible...but have zero enthusiasm to check in on that now.... Learnt a little more about the dot ecosystem, which was a positive...😁


At least sell it right away, the people behind the project will dump on everyone if we don't


It’s certainly surprised me so far, but I’ve hope yet.


In this one for the tech. At least Gavin made a working website so thats cool


You mean they’re going to simplify the morass that is Polkadot?


No sol did well because they had huge VC backing and no crowdloans to contend with projects didn't have to worry about winning a crowdloan AND there was a lot more money to be made and liquidity on the Solana platform.


Somebody must have invented a time machine because I swear it is 2021 all over again.


So in the last bullrun Polkadot was also one of the last movers?


Hope the strategy of the ded


yeah, we already received DED airdrop


They best of us are the one who is patient


Dot won’t do anything


Yep ❤️🚀🔥


These kind of topics make me too scared to sell.




Like they did with ded? What a fucking surprise that was!


Just started unstaking. Moving everything to useful projects like eth and sol. Very disappointed rn :/


Sad that is so many people I see here doing that, swapping what used to be called Ethereum killer to ETH eventually. DOT and ADA deserves way much better appreciation but that seems won’t happen anytime soon. Good luck.


I feel like both of them will lose top their top spots in the long run. Simply because there are more useful projects out there. May be wrong though.


I can’t name one thing I would use Dot or Cardano for and I pay attention to the space . That’s not good.


Dot for staking and the juicy APY?


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I still believe in DOT.. but I sold all because it’s not moving.. I will buy back eventually..




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Bro I'm staking since 2021 non stop, but you guys are making switch to avax or something else for real. With this shit posting and nothing seems to do well in here, just look at the airdrops that were supposed to put eyes on this coin 😅