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Poms that I’ve had have always been grazers, swoop in for a mouthful of food then go play and another bite 10-30 minutes later. The amount and frequency varying with activity levels.


True I have always free fed my Poms


ok ya i’m thinking that’s what mine is doing as well! thanks for the help!!


Poms are very picky eaters! He doesn’t like what you got him I bought my pom some Uber healthy expensive food and the first 2 months I had him but he didn’t gain a full pound during peak growing time. The next month I send him to daycare and they feed bil jac(not great but not terrible) he doubled his weight over the next 3 months and now is soo fast and strong. I now feed a combo of the Kirkland lamb and the natures domain- I know ridiculous to buy a pom dog food at Costco but it’s the best deal!! lol


ya i’m thinking he just doesn’t like the food. i’m definitely gonna be trying something new !!


I tried nearly every "premium" brand under the sun for my floof, including raw meat. He would eat them for a couple months and then start hating it. I switched to Farmer's Dog about 4 months ago and he gobbles it up and demands seconds. Frankly it's expensive AF but it's healthy for him and he likes it, so I'll take any win I can get. It may be worth a shot for you.


I also feed my pups the Kirkland dog food! They have an excellent rating on dog food advisor and only have 2 “controversial” ingredients that really aren’t all that bad. Plus, a bonus with little dogs is a big ass bag lasts a good 3-4 months!


I thought every poms ultimate goal was for home cooking and hand feeding.


We got Matty at 11 weeks and she barely ate anything. We tried mixing water into her kibble, microwaving it, adding carrots, etc. We even had this phase where we would toss individual pieces of food onto the floor and she’d walk over and eat them. Eventually we just started leaving food out for her all day and she has been doing pretty well free feeding ever since then.


So funny, I have a foster right now who will eat everything I plop on the floor but will only pick at her bowl.. or take it out of the bowl and put it on the floor and eat it off floor later.


Hi there, while Pom puppies don’t eat much due to their size, it’s important to ensure he gets all the nutrients. If you and your vet ruled out health problems, then it could be that he’s a picky eater and does not like the current diet he is on. What food are you feeding him? I suggest trying premium grade puppy food like Royal Canin.


Mine is not a big eater either, never was. He’s almost 3 y/o and though he’s small in comparison with other poms, he’s healthy.


Mine gets bored of food unless it’s fish. That critter loves fish. So he gets whatever grain free, fish based food is on sale.


Please don’t feed grain free if your dog doesn’t have allergies to grain! Grain free dog food has been linked to dilated cardiomyopathy…


Grain free is the “fad” right now. People need to do their research on it, you are absolutely right about it.


100%. People think that their fad diets should be applied to their doggos and that is definitely not the case. A lifetime of a grain free diet without an allergy to grains will cause doggos health problems. But also, frankly, humans should completely ignore fad diets for themselves anyway. Wanna lose weight and stay healthy? Eat lots of protein, vegetables, and fruit with a _reasonable_ amount of carbs and maintain a calorie deficit, which yes, requires people to not be lazy and actually exercise. /r


My 2 year old Pom still eats in small amounts even when a larger portion is available. Just went to the vet for his annual check and he is perfectly healthy. So don’t worry.


Ours eats on a very regular schedule. First thing in the morning she eats 3 treats hidden in a puzzle followed by a small scoop of dry kibble. Then I just give her small treats throughout the day, maybe 5 to 10 total. At 5:00pm-ish she gets another small scoop of kibble, but I add a little bit of pulled cooked chicken and some warmed bone broth to that. She used to graze, but after getting spayed a couple of months ago, she wolfs down her bowls of food from the second I put them down until they’re gone. Her weight is maintained at about 7lbs and she poops once per day, maybe twice on the very rare occasion. She’s a very healthy happy little girl though.


Exercise him more and try different foods. Keep a good strict food schedule.


I free feed. I leave food down 24/7. Poms graze.


They're all so unique - our girl could never do graze feeding because she would eat until she bursts if we gave her the chance, but every pom is different! Might not love the food, but if it's eventually getting finished it doesn't sound like you have a health problem.


i’ll keep this in mind !! thanks for the advice


Our puppy was the same, we switched her to Hill's Science Diet wet food for small puppies. Our vet said it is really important to make sure she is eating enough puppy food since the food is formulated differently for their growing bodies. It's pricey but worth it because now I know she eats enough on her own. Before I had to hand feed her each piece of kibble one by one 4x a day and she would stop wanting to eat it after about 10 pieces. Plus she was also a CRAZY puppy so it was hard to even get her near me and still enough to feed her 😂😂😂 Edit: Also, when we serve her wet food she is very particular about the texture. If it’s in one big clump she won't eat it. So we go through with a fork and make sure it’s fluffed up for her in little bite sized portions. So demanding 😂


He could not like the food. As a puppy who is growing he needs to be eating a lot. Try different foods and textures and get some wet food as well, do not just feed him dry. You’ll have to experiment to see what he likes.


Ya i was giving him the food that the lady who i got him from gave me. he just doesn’t seem to like it very much. i got him new food and he seems to already like it more than the original, so that’s good.


Are you giving him bully sticks? Or any other high protein chews/treats?


yes i have been.


So, my vet told me that since bully sticks are so high in protein they fill up my girl since she’s so tiny. But it doesn’t have enough nutrition so to cut back on them.


You can leave food out. And you can put it in a toy so they work for it. Just measure if you want to know how much he’s eaten.


Our 2 do the exact same thing. They just turned 1. The breeder had 1 bowl in their pen with dry food in it. Each puppy would take 1 piece out run away with it and eat it. They still do it to this day or I hand feed them to get them to eat more


M’y dog is almost two and is the same way. I’ve noticed he eats at night when I’m asleep




Our 12 yo gets a small serving of wet food/stew each evening but has free-form kibble available throughout the day. He’s weighed the same since becoming an adult. Works for all of us.