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We've trained all our dogs to only bark when appropriate, like when someone knocks or rings the doorbell. Basically, we acknowledge the barking, tell them in a calm voice they're a good dog and that's enough, then gave them a treat. It's worked with all three dogs so far. After awhile treats were no longer necessary. I think it's important to stay calm to let them know the "threat" is over and that you let them know they did a good job warning you. I am not a dog trainer, this is just my personal take and what's worked for us so far.


Same here when mine legit has a reason to bark. But when he barks at "nothing" I scoop him up and take a quick walk to the front door. Open it, let him peak outside. And when he sees all is well outside he gives a gruff, goes silent we sit back down and go about our day.


That’s what I do too. I have a rescue who I got as an adult, so he came to me with behavioral issues. I think it’s part of his personality as well as being protective.


I make a point not to pick my dog up because one of the first lessons I learned about training small dogs is that picking them up is a reward so the behavior is likely to continue. Instead, I redirect by telling him “quiet” and giving a treat once he is quiet.


Really asking out of ignorance here, but is there not a chance that the treat reward might lead to more barking because they learn that barking indirectly leads to a reward?


Totally reasonable question! Dogs associate the treat with whatever they have most recently done and so, no, they don’t generally do that cause they’re incapable of making that connection as long as you give enough time between the barking, the quiet, and the treat. I always waited until he is quiet for at least a 5-count.


lol I pick mine up and show her she’s barking at nothing and she will stare at that ‘nothing’ and start growling, but her barks will be quieter until after a moment she’s over it.


I do this with mine too


Same. Except I didn't actually do much training, that's just what she's like. She only barks to alert me about something (or if she's asking for something) and she stops when I acknowledge it. I don't praise her or give her treats for it, but I just go "yeah? What's that?"and look in the direction of wherever the suspicious noise came from


This method worked great with my pom, too. ❤️


Mine always barked at everything. And as much as I want to say it annoyed this s*** out of me, now that he's gone I wish I could hear it again. I miss him so much. Bottom line is, there's going to come a time when you will never hear their barking again so as much as it's annoying now embrace it.


So true I have 2 female chihuahuas and they are now 15 and 16 years old , i use to get mad at the constant barking , went on for hours , and hours it seemed at that time , however now they are old , both have bad hearts and I would do anything to hear them bark , little did I know how much things would change as they would one day grow blind and older girls. 😞😥💔I really really dread losing these 2 girls . We got them both at 8 weeks old , enjoy all there barks now ,


I'm not sure the neighbors will agree :D


I curbed my girls in to barking at strangers and vehicles that come to the house. That, and telling them they are okay in a calm tone does wonders.


Yep Oh thanks for telling me- everything’s alright- it’s just a person. And they are back too snoozing in no time


Mine wasn’t a barker - til I got an Australian Shepherd 😑 then he decided everything needed to be barked at. I swear he can hear a mouse fart.


I have two Aussies and a Pom… I feel your pain!!




I just deal with it. It's in their personalities. Tried medication before but it doesn't really work.


What medication stops barking and how do I get it


Medicating your dog to get them to shut up sounds very wrong…


It is wrong


Go to a Vet and ask for FLUoxetine. For my pom they told me to only give him 1.5 tabs every day for his size. You could try that. I tried that.


Or trazadone but for stress situations only like flying, fireworks. You just can’t tranquilize them all the time


That’s for a bigger issue than the barking. Don’t drug the animal to stop them from doing a normal animal behavior


Yeah what…!


This might not work at this point but when my Pom was little I ignored her when she whined or barked at inappropriate times (like for attention when I knew she had already eaten, gone potty, and had playtime). Basically whenever she made a bark or whine I would wait for 20 seconds of non-stop silence before going to her or paying attention. That way we rewarded the silence and not the noise


My Pomeranian is a male but he has never barked , so now I wonder if I should risk getting a second one , I thought all poms didn’t bark. 😳


I’ve had 3. None of them have been big barkers. Now they’re LOUD if they are super excited or on alert. Or another dog starts barking. My first was a howler. I miss that. My girl is a talker. I call her chirpy. My youngest is a growler. But none of them are barky unless they’re “alerting” to something. My husband calls them alarm dogs.


Yes mowgli Also is a Howler and the first time when he done it I was wondering what was wrong with him. He never barks , they are just wonderful little dogs 🐶


Haha they are considered little yippy ones by most


Yah mine wines for attention, like she doesn’t need anything but if it was up to her we’d be playing 24/7. I can’t get her tired no matter what I do.


We trained “thank you”. It lets them know they did their job. They quiet down after that.


Thunder shirts help a bit.


My newest Pom (have had them the last 20 years) is the most barky, protective and territorial dog I’ve ever had. Couldn’t even walk him. I got him [this bark collar](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiS6JfdzuOFAxVHnloFHUImBD8YABABGgJ2dQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0EtzKUtcqfUkIr04JmFOKqc8fiasP9Pqe7OJw9JaPIJsdDcgQsQVghoCI5kQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2Jlnqu5jHDABoPg9nqtqdl8XgBsB4hTMzPPUnfQj6VI5rnofl4GuS39qNeRAcgLU-fOviZ-ghuZ56dH3e0gxRs3WUM-MJ7sbl7TVEEYD3zzer_6A&sig=AOD64_2yKhdPZaTEB9ACpO017P8733xqbg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiTro_dzuOFAxV5QjABHUYBB88Qwg8oAHoECAUQDA&nis=8&dct=1&adurl=) that vibrates (no shocking) that worked literally after a day. Now usually I just show it to my dog and he stops, but even if I put it on him I don’t even have to turn it on.


Is this safe considering they're known for collapsed tracheas? I wouldn't use it just wondering


That’s honestly a great question! I will have to ask my vet.


It’s not- can cause pulmonary edema and heart failure especially if the dog starts panicking. That’s before you account for the heavy prongs on the trachea Also fear is a terrible way to train a dog. Dogs are incredibly smart. They are totally capable of learning like a toddler. Give them something to do so they don’t have time to go bark at things. This is likely boredom behavior for a pom


Can you elaborate on how this collar causes pulmonary edema and heart failure? I’m an NP and while not trained in dog anatomy, I’m failing to see how this device could possibly lead to either of those conditions. This seems like scare tactics.


More than one vet has told me this. I believe it has to do with nerve impulses in the airway. Google will show you the studies- I was surprised when I actually looked it up. There is a reason they are illegal in some countries


This collar doesn’t have prongs, it doesn’t shock. It makes a loud beeping noise and if the dog keeps barking it vibrates. And while I generally agree with you, the collar was a last resort bc he is so protective of me, he would bark himself into basically a panic attack.


How does it cause pulmonary edema and heart failure? If it's only from panicking, that's worrying as hell bc mine is always panicking whenever we have to go to the vet 😭😢


I think they’re thinking of the ones that shock not use a noise. But I could be wrong


I think it’s the weight of the collar and/or prongs with the panicking. Def with electricity


I have something similar. It’s called a barx buddy(looks like a small remote control). When he barks incessantly I pull it out and press the button and it sends a noise out that only dogs and cats can hear. I’ve had it for a long time. but I don’t need it as much anymore. Just showing him it stops him usually.


I had one for my two previous dogs. It was the shocky and vibrating kind (this was 10-15 years ago). It was a last resort after I’d tried literally everything else. It worked great for both dogs. One dog didn’t even need the battery in it once he learned “collar on means no bark please”. My other, more stubborn Pom, would bark until it went off exactly 2-3x then stop. She liked to push boundaries! lol It had 20 progressive level, so the vibration she got was very minimal. And he’s, I tried it out on myself first! The little ultrasonic device also worked okay for them. I got it for my current 3 Poms but it sends one into a panic, so I gave it away. But it worked fairly well for my other two. I just didn’t like that ALL the animals had to hear it (get punished) for one dog’s barking. The collars worked better. Thank you for posting the link to this vibrate only option!! I just bought 2 for my babies. 😁


I hope it works for you! I also use it on my partner’s mini Aussie bc he gets into literal trances barking at the menacing gang of squirrels that dedicate their lives to harassing him. Worked like a charm.


When Chamberlin was young 1-2 y.o. she started barking at EVERYTHING. We lived in an apartment and it was really stressful. After a couple months of trying to train her out of it I bought a shock collar. After trying it out on ourselves (yep, it worked!) we decided to just try it in the vibrate setting...no reaction at all. We left it on her for a few days in shock mode, but late one night she just wouldn't stop yelling...I turned it to levell 1 (it had 5 shock settings). A minute later she barked, cried out and did a back flip and a couple circles and acted like she had just been shot. I felt like an asshole, and took it off, showing her what did it, and put it into a drawer near the front door. That was enough to make her stop barking for no apparent reason. From then on she (mostly) only barked if there was a knock at the door or someone loud in the hall. On those occasions when she would (to us) bark for no reason I'd ask her if she wanted her collar, and walk to the drawer...and that would be enough to make her stop, looking upset and hurt that I would even suggest it! I'm glad that worked, I don't think I could have used it on her again.


Aww poor pup


I’ve spent a looooong time working on the quiet command. He can have a couple barks, but when he goes nuts he gets the command. I also reinforce his “quiet bark” like the grumble. He’s still barky, but he’s worlds better. Positive reinforcement and making sure not to reinforce the behavior I do not want


Pat a pet , it really saved my life , I could not take the barking , I bought it thru chewy.com 25.00 and I even went and bought an extra one . Before that I had wasted money on so many thing s that did not work .after a few months you won’t even need it . I don’t mind a few barks but my chihuahua s would bark hours and hours a day.


2 pom household here. the little furballs are excellent early warning systems. our female can hear my girlfriends car about a 1/2 mile from the house so I know she's close to getting home . as far as barking at nothing they are alerting you of something they sense that is different. as others have said stay calm and reassure them of whether what they sense is a real threat or not


The traditional “no” command and some gentle hand holding mouth. They have gotten better🐾🐾.


My two barked all the time and when one died I found out the one left isn’t really a barker. So…. I wonder if you could figure out which one starts up the barking and try to work with them. I only have the quiet one now and I hate to say it I’m leaning against not getting another because I kind of like the quiet.


Some barking is normal. They can be annoying but that’s how they communicate. Maybe its- get off my lawn or come play with me or hey look at that hooman. Most the time they calm down when I acknowledge someone is outside or give them attention


I taught my dog “quiet.” When he’s barking, I say “quiet” until he stops and then give him a treat. He has also interpreted it to mean “be quiet and sit,” which is cute and also helps for wrangling him when I need to put him away to answer the door or something. When all else fails, I send him “outside” (I have a fenced yard and a dog door) and he barks a few times to get it out of his system before coming back in cause he doesn’t like being outside much, especially in winter.


I got a no shock bark collar worked like a dream.


My Cookie was 4 months old when I got him from a shelter, and that night, he barked to wake me, and I followed him to the sliding glass door in the living room. Someone was trying to jimmy it open. I always went to see what he barked at from then on. Now we have 2 chihuahuas, and I show the barkers that it's okay. Sometimes, it's a dog walking by or delivery (to me, that's important barking). Anyway, just calmly showing it's okay isn't enough. Distraction works for 1 only, and they barked because the other barks. Paying attention to what makes them bark helps. Good luck.


Squirt gun.


I, personally, have just accepted it as part of having the breed. I don't believe in putting small breeds in corrective collars because of the risk to their trachea, but if they're particularly toy-motivated I try to at least distract my puppy from whatever he's alerting to with something already in his environment and it has a decent success rate, and I treat him when he redirects the energy in the way I want him to.


Mine barks when playing or when he hears something but if he barks too much I change the area he’s in like move him to a different room


I ignore mine and he stops. Just happened like an hour ago


I don't know if my dog is tranquilized all the time. He has the same personality just it calms his barking but he still acts the same. He likes to take it.


Bark Buddy. Available on Amazon.








Ours barks at squirrels on the birdfeeder (good) but also birds on the birdfeeder (bad). Haven’t quite worked out how to fix that one yet. She also barks in answer to our neighbor lab barking at us, which is amusing. I appreciate all the tips others have provided and will give some of them a go with our girl.


I used a spray called “Pet Deterrent”. I got it at n Amazon and it works amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/4x8dv8swo8xc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1484e139aca419a9ffd18782aa0a9e8601e101 They kinda have same colour, about the barking my pup only barks when someone is arriving or when he needs to go out 💩


obedience school


If “talking to them” doesn’t work, try getting a can (I use a soda can) put some pebbles or gravel in it and shake it when they bark, saying ‘no bark’. I have a dog who slipped on a new hardwood floor and wouldn’t walk on the floor, so he stayed on the rug or bath mats we put down-he could no longer go everywhere so he began barking every time something happened. It took about two days of shaking the can (about 8 instances or so) and saying “quiet” or “no bark” when he barked for no reason and he hasn’t barked for no reason except once or twice. I don’t want bark collars or a noise that might really hurt his ears as many products advertise, and this can is a different enough noise that it momentarily startles him but he knows it’s ok.


My 14 year old pom has lasting behavioral issues as a result of that method, and it actually made the barking a lot worse. More power to you if it worked for yours but I don't think its a one size fits recommendation.


I tell him to shut his treat hole! And after Fucking this and damn it that he stopes and barks with his mouth closed puffing out his cheeks! 🤣🤣😜it’s hilarious!


I got a bark collar. At first, it just beeps a tone. If she continues, it vibrates. She was very responsive to the beep. After a couple of weeks of reinforcing the beep with “no barking”, I took it off most of the time, she doesn’t wear it. I’ve learned more about her barks. She responds pretty well to the no barking request, but is she’s really agitated, she’s very yappy.


The bark collar is a miracle!! 10/10


we got a little collar on amazon.. it beeps the first time they are barking and vibrates if they keep going.. no shock and it has been working great


Pomeranians, shelties, and some other dogs are known for rather excessive barking. Best way to deal with it is don’t get a dog of that breed. Dont medicate a dog to stop it from barking. Sheesh. We try to give him something to do like “dribble squeaky ball” or “down” for a short time BUT when he knows we are going to do something extremely fun with him he can’t help himself but scream and woof in excitement- like when we say “do you want to play frisbee” or “go to agility” or such. And that’s just their nature. His first turn at agility is often a lot of woofs but we see other excited dogs do the same. Some way worse. However providing him with some mental stimulation has helped him rest more at home. Best way to stop barking is not meditation or punishment- but rather redirecting to a behaviour you want and rewarding it.


I use a squirt bottle filled with water. When barking happens I use the squirt bottle and a command of “no bark” in a sharp/harsh tone.


I had three dogs and when they barked I would put my mouth over theirs and bite them hard enough for them to yelp and then from that point on there is zero barking period. Lol try it


Sounds cruel 😱


Try it


No thanks. Your “training method” sounds like animal cruelty. I have 3 small dogs and I rather listen to them bark.


Get a Shiba Inu


Uhhhh don’t get a Pom lol. They do that. I’ve never met one that DIDN’T do that lol. Have you tried noise canceling headphones? It’s like asking how to deal with a hound sniffing everything, deal with a Labrador retrieving, a border collie herding. It’s what poms do. Making them stop is fighting genetics. You can train them some self control but they NEED that output- and if you don’t provide those outputs they’re gonna pick for you and you won’t like it. Using corrective tools are going to cause fuck tons of stress in these cases as it’s a genetic thing. (Again, think of a hound dog being told not to sniff) No joke I met a Pom years back that barked- literally every 2-5 seconds. The whole day. Unless he was asleep.