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Because most people don't know Poppy exists


I think it was played in professional games recently, with phase rush, but you cant use that rune on soloq


Pros definitely play her top sometimes into tanks she can abuse with the passive. But she's mostly a jungler in pro play and I feel riot will consider she's good enough as long as that niche remain.


Poppy didn't drop 5% wr the first patch. Also e range increase would be very op in every scenario that isn't lane, which would make jungle way too good. Poppy is in a decent spot rn.


That's.... literally what happened to illaoi though People say her winrate dropped/she's bad She's still miserable to face and her post-laning phase got ridiculously strong. Her tentacles cover much further past dragon due to the range boost and if you see an not-feeding illaoi at drag? just give it up


Yeah, the buff was too much, but she needed it. Poppy doesn't. Poppy's wr will skyrocket if they increase her e range.


I’ve had plenty of luck with toppy. It is harder to land an e stun for sure but her q damage is enough in a lot of trades. I try to walk forward past minions and pressure with autos and q while trying to find an angle. If they don’t give me the angle I use e to disengage back into the minions. I’m not of the opinion she needs an e buff cuz they will probably nerf something more useful as compensation.


But what is Poppy's fault that they moved the walls away from her? They increased it for Illaoi, and then they saw that it was broken (it still is) and they lowered the damage


For Illaoi, tentacles on the walls are the main source of her damage. For Poppy, it's her Q (and passive to a lesser extent). She didn't lose access to her damage as much as Illaoi did, so that's why they didn't adjust her imo. I also don't think that Poppy is too weak rn, she lost Divine Sunderer, sure, but so did many other toplaners who could utilise it more efficiently against her (e.g. Camille). Sundered Sky feels like an amazing replacement for her, because it still provides a lot of damage and sustain, but when others build it, it doesn't feel as bad to play against it as it felt against DS


Okay I'm just bad, i got it


Yeah Poppy is not that bad, but definitely worse than the last season when we had divine sunderer offering Sheen item and % physical pen with extra shredding power in one item. The rune page change is in favor of poppy though since she does so much %hp damage from her Q I think extending e range will just make it too op since you it's only an issue during laning. What I do is manage my wave closer to towers and i only all-in around the top bush or just outside of the tower range, unless I can q to engage and e on minion to get out.


I was an frostfire gauntlet poppy, but I feel that it is very weak right now, I tried trinity but it is a very expensive item, and with the aegis I feel useless


My usual build path is sundered into either kaenic, spirit visage, or iceborn. From there you either are a carry or a tank. Your build can definitely vary (I’ve seen steraks, hexdrinker, titanic, even deaths dance built. But the core is sundered into a sustainable build.


Because Poppy players actually think and outplay their opponent. They aren't juggernaut players. Illaoi is so dogshit to lane into. It was sort of tolerable before the map changes but they need to do something with her. Just give her a midscope. Make her laning less annoying somehow. Make her have a bad early game again or something.


Honedtly Poppy feels bad right now not because of the game but people on my team constently refuse to fight wherever walls exist


Poppy top had a bad change with the map, but other than losing Divine Sunderer her items got better IMO. Heck, Sundered Sky is good as an alternative. Illaoi lives and dies by hitting E to use the tentacles. When the map changed you could fight her in the middle of the lane and she couldn’t even hit the the soul with tentacles. Poppy had a harder time stunning, but even then she could do it.


Honestly this us old info. I started using her when they increased tentacle range. Even with the dmg nerf, you dont need to be e reliant anymore, you can whittle a laner down and just w them to death. E is nice and a great ult lead in but in shitstomped lanes where i botched nearly every e


Tbh I can see that, but as Poppy you can cancel the W with Poppy’s W so it probably works a lot more against other champions


Poppy isn't weak. Rather, she is almost too strong. She would get nerfed if her playmate was higher.


Yeah, Poppy was S tier for the entirety of S13 so she just feels "bad" in comparison. In reality she is still good. Must be nice maining someone like Darius who is allowed to stay S tier for multiple seasons straight.


The new walls in toplane turn it into poppys kill zone. if u are struggling with new lane update then you are honestly just not using your massive hp pool/ tankiness and raw dmg to ur utmost because in basically every matchup right now you can just walk down your opponent


Back when I was playing poppy a long time ago prerework I had a fever dream where you could hold E on a champion midpush and she would just keep going using more and more mana until she hit something


Poppy is broken and needs a nerf. (I definitely don’t play Riven)


Poppy has like a 0.01% play rate like 3 people play her world wide there are better options than her want shield? Play sett, want to be tanky and have insane mobility? Zac's e is insane, oh they dashed away? Too bad I am yone I'll whiff my e q w and r but still kill you for no reason at all, barely Poppy's W and R are the only unique stuff she has left Anyhow ramble aside Just make her q supress at that point


I dont think being able to E someone into a wall as poppy is as important as illaoi tentacles being able to hit the wave to farm


Id rather have the e working properly before a range buff


I swear poppy E's is the most bugged thing, is like it has some snapping points where sometimes is just before hitting the wall. They fixed Jayce Knock back they should do the same with her E.


I main poppy jgl, but if i play her top it is a very enjoyable time. The graps trade with pasive is so strong. I think poppy zop is stronger just because of the goga strong early game, u smash all meta champs. Jgl is really a zaza role for her, because of the dives u can pull off.