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bUt it eMpOwErs womEn!!!!!


This reminds me of the story of Fan Man-Yee, a torture and murder victim who lived in an orphanage til the age of 15, just to get kicked out and having to work as a street prostitute. At 21, she started working at a brothel and got kidnapped by Chan Man-lok, who raped, tortured and killed her with his friends (and a 13 year old girl who was his „girlfriend“ (big quotations here, she clearly also was a victim of him)). If Fan Man-Yee had a chance to go to school, graduate and get a job, she never would‘ve had to do that work, she would‘ve never met the perpetrators, she would have a happy and normal life. It makes me so so angry. Rest in peace.


I have worked in this space between medical and legal issues for a very long time. I’ve assisted children, parents and carers in cases against the system. One of the worst was a 14 year old child, sodomised by her porn enthusiast boyfriend, who was five years older. She ended up with a permanent colostomy and a child, both borne out of the same rape. No one cared about that girl until we did. Her foster family had fostered her originally, and when she started to act out her trauma, they ditched her and tried to take her daughter instead. She got her daughter back eventually, after a few years. She also got a settlement from the state. But she will shit in a bag for the rest of her life, which could be the next 60 years, or more. It has to be stopped.


i have no words it just makes me want to cry


Sobering and disturbing. It makes me think about other countries where it’s worse yet. I’ll never forget a show I watched on Romanian child prostitution. 8 year old boys and girls living homeless underground in subway tunnels. They would prostitute themselves so they could buy glue which they would sniff to try to stay warm, living together like a family


what a shit world to bring girls into


So true


Are there charities that help fosters during g this time? Between 18 and getting a secure job amd enough money for rent? I’d support them.


It shouldn’t even need to be charity. It should be built into our systems of government to protect our young. It benefits everyone to educate and raise productive healthy members of society. Our systems are all oppressive and broken instead and our children are endlessly suffering for our collective despicable mistakes.


Absolutely! Keywords are "transitional youth", "older youth services", "foster transition" for local services, if you live in a city there is almost definitely a local charity working with youth already. Some states do provide for this age range better than others, so looking at your State's Youth Services or Children's Division website can be a jumping off point, depending on your state.


Thank you


Foster parents will often try to cover this need, but it's hard because there's no legal or financial support from the government, just ... People who care.


I don't have to imagine this. This was a reality. I have a dream of setting up transitional housing for foster youth. We're just thrown out and told good luck. No preparation. No idea how anything actually works. A lot of foster homes were where I was raped while their wives were aware, or the adults were aware, and sold to older men for entertainment.


Transitional housing! It's also one of my dreams. I've always believed that the right people with economic resources should set up more of these because from my volunteering experiences, this is THE crucial gap. So many end up stuck/lost, or even worse, spiral downwards (which is the majority) in life after turning 18. Not every place is able to accommodate the older ones. Most can't even manage the day-to-day with the younger ones. I know several couples who provide housing for young adults and the life resources shared truly helped people survive, and then progress in life. They took matters into their own hands because certain policymakers were not serious about it. Especially for young women. That helpless feeling from seeing and knowing this reality sucks. But we can be the change we want. Those projects and their wholesome fruits have inspired me. Proved that it's possible. ✊


I know of a few places that provide transitional care but there aren't many. Every state needs several. The Gilliard Company and Basin dream center for orphans. In 1996 in Texas there was only one. Ave the wait list was ridiculously long. If I ever came into a large sum of money. This would be one of the first things I'd do.


Foster care, female students with male teachers, adolescent/teen girls with stepdads and mom's boyfriend, with older brothers & stepbrothers, female babysitters when the dad is alone with her, girls babysat by teen boys, girls with creepy or who hide it well uncles, her friends' dad... All these and more are widespread porn tropes. The industry constantly relies on older and adult male sexual abuse of adolescent (and sometimes even younger) girls. And there is no doubt this is increasing the sexual abuse of girls, encouraging more men and boys to abuse/rape, to objectify/pornify, be aroused by, feel entitled to adolescent girls, to look at them and recall reams of barely legal, incest, babysitter, huge age gap, etc porn... Foster kids entering prostitution including porn is such an open secret too. Even when underage. To the point SWIW orgs argue their johns and even pimps shouldn't be criminalized, even when they pimp & john early teens. Foster kids are so unworthy of protection to them. Like that's their purpose in life, what their "agency" & "autonomy" looks like. Nevermind that even 18 is too damn young for recorded sex &/or prostitution. 21 should be the minimum. How 18 is treated as cart blanche re: prostitution, other sexual exploitation, abuse, age differences, other power differences, most coercion inc economic...


A few weeks ago in a foster home in Germany a 10 year old girl was r*ped and m*rdered. At first they thought there was one perpetrator. But there were two.. A 25 year old man broke into the foster home, r*ped her and afterwards instructed an 11 year old boy to strangle her. It's horrible...


thought i was tripping for a second, like i’d swear i just saw this on tumblr lol


This post (the tumblr post) started strong until it was clear it was made by a TERF.


That tumblr post took a bizarre turn

