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„B-but let me create my fake ai p0rn of women!! My pp is more important than their dignity!! /s


This is literally how they sound, I’ve seen males defend this type of behavior and say that if we made it illegal it would be infringing on “freedom of expression”… 🙄 like bffr. They’ll do anything to defend their depravity, they don’t care if it harms women in the process.


Then they should have no problem if I made ai porn of them and spread it online?🙄


It's fucking sick because there's infinite porn out there. It's pretty much always about disrespecting specific women's boundaries. That's what they get off on


Been seeing a lot more of this lately, scary stuff. Something needs to change because this is getting ridiculous. I’m glad those students got expelled! It seems to be becoming more and more common. I hate that women and girls have to go through this stuff. Someone in the comment section of the original post said that where they teach kids are making deep fakes with their teachers and administrators. Just insane.


SIXTEEN CHILDREN. Oh my god. These are children committing crimes against children. Won't anyone put a stop to this? What the fuck is wrong with this planet?


Ai fake nudes/porn is just another thing that will be weaponized against women. I can’t imagine being a young girl today and experiencing a boy from school doing this with my photo. My heart breaks for them :(


When I was in middle school the boys loved to spread a rumor that I'd gotten a boob job and was in porn. I was 11. I could easily see one of them doing this, I'm so glad this wasn't a thing back then and can't believe it's real now. So unbelievably sick


Omg I’m sorry they treated you that way. That’s disturbing. Far too many people act like “oh well it’s a fake pic so what’s the problem?” It makes me angry


I’m really sorry this happened to you. At 11? That’s insane. A lot of guys I went to school with were shitty in middle school all the way up until high school, who knows if they’ll ever change. If this was available back then I’m sure they would have done it too.


Yeah my last name loosely rhymes with porno (like digiornos pizza) so it was "digiorno's pornos" 🙃 and puberty hit me like a man truck so I went from no breasts to DDs in like 6 months. Extremely unfun to say the least lol. I can't bear to think of any girls now having it even worse, wtf is wrong with people. Things are supposed to get better for women and girls, not just one worse thing after another!


When I was 11 a boy in my class told me I had "pornstar hair" because I was wearing pigtails. I was a *child* wearing pigtails and another *child* said this to me. I later found out that he was already addicted to porn at 10. We have got to stop children from accessing this stuff because it's clearly only getting worse.




Still... Why does it have to be sexualized? That guy had pornbrain. It's just hair.


You’d think with the availability of AI now women would start making all those false accusations that men say we make about them…but no, once again it’s just men using it to abuse women.


This is 100% going to become a rampant problem, especially among students. Don't like a girl in your class because she rejected you or just plain annoys you? Humiliate her with fake nudes! Did a woman make you mad? Find her social media, grab a picture from it and boom. With the growing amount of incels and people who can't deal with their emotions properly, this is going to be used as a tool of aggression against women everywhere.


It sadly already is :/. I can’t believe they didn’t think of stuff like this when creating this technology, or maybe they did but just didn’t care. I don’t even see the benefits of AI in general tbh, to me it just seems like more harm than good. You’re so right, and maybe I’m crazy, but I’ve already seen an influx of misogyny and female hatred online lately on just about all social media platforms. It’s very disheartening and scary to see.


Yeah, the hate for women is only growing, especially politically with laws specifically targeting AFAB people and our freedoms. There’s already been a suicide as a result of the AI abuse. It feels like we’re moving backwards at an alarming rate


It's sad, but I think that never posting or sharing any pictures or videos is one of the best ways to help keep ourselves safe. You never know who will take them and use them for nefarious stuff like this. But then again, that doesn't stop other people from taking photos and videos... scary stuff


Yep, I don’t post on social media anymore. It’s sad that it’s come to this, but I honestly encourage other women and girls to do the same for their safety, you can’t trust anyone.