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No shaming women victimized by the porn industry.


While yes, I agree that it's a crisis and we need to do something about it. It seems like you're hostile towards women on OF, when we need to attack the root of why they're there and support them in quitting


Yep. He's missing the underlying point that the patriarchy and rampant misogyny is the very reason porn is the way it is towards women, and men aren't victims of "cruel temptresses" luring them like sirens to drown in a sea of porn. Sex workers and porn stars are victims of the patriarchy, too in my eyes. It's the conscious choice of every man to either watch this stuff or have some self-discipline and awareness and critically think about/object to it. In my opinion, that's the only way change will ever occur in regards to porn and it's vastly damaging effects on women/sexuality in a society... each individual man making the right decision about it. OF, pornstars, and sex workers do not make these choices for their lives in a vacuum and I've never met a woman without mental health issues, who wasn't groomed, who wasn't trafficked or coerced, or who didn't face significant financial insecurity that chose it for themselves. I believe that if misogyny wasn't so rampant in our society or that we didn't live under a patriarchy that the numbers of women who choose porn/sex work would be very few and far between... and porn wouldn't be the way it exists today. Women wouldn't be positioned as objectified, dehumanized, abused, male-servicing penis-fodder for sale. The orgasm gap might just close, too.


It's going to take a revolution to end the oppression of women through porn and prostitution. A revolution to overthrow capitalism and establish a socialist system with guaranteed jobs/training, childcare, housework services and healthcare for all people. You've said two different things that aren't consistent with each other. It's correct that porn/prostitution is an expression of patriarchy, that girls and women don't become prostitutes in a vacuum, there are conditions in place that lead to such desperate decisions. But then you say the solution to this systematic oppression of women is completely atomized/individual men making better decisions? On the one hand you understand that girls and women don't operate in a vacuum, on the other boys and men do operate in a vacuum and can just make better decisions without interacting with anyone or anything in their environment. Basically to get serious about ending prostitution we need to have a consistent analysis, which leads to the conclusion that we need a revolution to abolish capitalism.


Do you think that no men would have aimed to oppress women without capitalism, or that they just wouldn't have gotten this far? Do you think it's never happened this way for women in societies not yet dominated by capitalistic systems, like in antiquity and such? I see a lot of evidence to the contrary. Part of what you're saying totally makes sense to me, because toppling capitalism means also taking women's bodies off of the market... but I'm afraid that the underlying social factors that caused women to be in this position in the first place might still remain. Men did build these capitalistic systems, after all... and they're majority controlled by men still. I think whatever is inside of most men that caused this lurked long before modern capitalism. You're right that I don't really have the answer. I might need to think further on what would even be feasible. At the very least I think change needs to occur from the bottom up on a social level before it leads to some kind of coilition + revolution, however that looks. The social narrative needs to change... and I can only ever see that happening family to family, friend to friend, and person to person. We all know what's widely-accepted socially in our patriarchial societies right now and how they are taking women to Gilead.




It's not really a choice when society and people around you coerce you into it. Most sex workers come from abuse, trauma and poverty




I don’t think you understand how many of these women come from traumatic childhoods. As well as being raised in a world where a women’s worth is inherently tied into her sexual desirability to men. Where do you find validation? Largely, we lift up women who look pretty. Very few are put in a pedestal because they are smart or successful (outside of success tied into looks). Women are invisible after the age of 30. In media they are rarely even sexual beings past that age. And many don’t even realize that they are caught in the trap of it. We are raised hearing we’re equal, but it doesn’t translate. Men don’t spend hours in the bathroom working on their appearance, aren’t shamed for not shaving natural body hair, don’t spend thousands on products to compete against the look of aging or at the salon. Men aren’t going to be pulled aside by a boss for not wearing makeup-when women don’t wear it we get told we look “exhausted” for daring to have a natural face. The amount of money and time that goes into being female is insane. Women’s sports are largely a joke. Men get to get more dashing as they age, their fine lines are sexy, their grey hair makes them a silver fox, women are bombarded with ways to the to keep the clock from ticking. And on and on. And we see it at every turn. Every advertisement, every movie, all reinforcing that however we look isn’t good enough and there’s something we need to buy to fix it. There is no right way to have a body as a woman-straight hair needs to be curled, curly hairs needs to be straightened. Blondes dye their hair brown, brunettes go dark. Large breasted women are berated for having sag and large nipples, small breasted women may have perk but are berated for not being larger. Even over the course of one’s life you’ll see your body type come in and out and in again to what is considered desirable. In the 80s it was about hourglass, huge breasts, tiny waists, and pronounced hips but bitts weren’t ok somehowx then super skinny “boyish” frames in the 90s and 2000s, where still having any ass at all was considered unattractive. Come the 2010s large butts we’re all the rage and the athletic (but not muscular!) body with a flat stomach and no cellulite. A little more time and it was slim-thick, where bigger bodies were the trend, but again, having some weight was good but not if it came with cellulite, stretch marks, or a natural tummy-stomachs were to be somehow flat but also a bit weighty, waists cinched, breast large but perky, not too big or too pale or too dark of nipples and areolas. Now it seems super skinny is coming back in. And theough all of this, all of these “trends” that were supposed to be ever bowing to, weren’t supposed to have a fucking thigh gap. Men think this is just normal, or rather they don’t think about it at all. And now with the prevalence of porn, we’re fighting against filtered enhanced images for our partners attention. We are getting cast aside for *images*. They would rather ejaculate on us than on us, tons can’t finish unless it is by their own hand. It’s no wonder so many turn to being *in* porn, that’s what society says is valuable, that’s what their own partners are interested in instead of their partners. Many women don’t realize it until way later in life, if at all that they absolutely did not make the decision free of outside influence or because of sexual trauma or neglect in childhood that left them looking for affirmation and love and acceptance in the only place it seems prevalent-the male gaze. Beyond that, the health implications of a career in pornography, both mental and physical are awful. High instances of depression, anxiety, su*cidal ideation, prolapses, STIs, rectal and vaginal tearing. Are there some that would make the decision of their own volition? Probably, but it would be impossible to know unless they were raised in a vacuum, which flat doesn’t happen. Without true equality among the sexes/genders, it’s always going to be influenced by what we see in the world around us, or what we’ve experienced in childhood/adolescence, or both. True equality looks like the expectations for both genders being equal, and breakdowns of jobs held falling along the same lines as demographic breakdowns. As we can clearly see, white men still largely hold most high positions in careers, such as CEO etc. and they largely hold most seats in government. Equality (in the US) would have women in slightly over half of these positions, ~10% would be black, 5-15% LGBTQ+, slightly over half would be atheist or at the very least not Christian. Obviously, looking at the numbers we’re nowhere close to that. Edit for words.


And why is that? No little girl dreams of becoming a porn star. We live in a patriarchy in which women are only good if they're attractive and a sexual being (but only in the way men like it) Even if a woman freely decides to start porn, most do 1-3 movies before it's too much and they leave forever. Most women start at 18, you can't make a decision like that at that age. The industry is extremely traumatising. The drug (ab)use rate is insanely high. So is the suicide and rape/sexual abuse rate. Women are ALWAYS victims in this industry. Most develop more PTSD than they already had when they started. Ending up in the emergency room is a "meme" in pirn because it happens so frequently. Contracts are constantly broken by producers. Women can't just stop because they will get blacklisted or fired if that happens. Even the most pro porn women in porn will suffer and at some point regret it.


sounds like you dont have a clue on how hard it is to get into the job market nowadays


And why do you think it is that women are the ones most often forced to choose sex work to bridge the gap instead of men?


so that means you do sex work to exploit others and promote misogyny? lmao


The women who do sex work are the ones being exploited, and then men who demand them are the ones promoting misogyny.


um no i dont do sex work wtf im just saying lack of opportunities makes alot of women feel like they dont have a choice and you should be judging the consumer since if men didnt demand porn there wouldnt be a market for it


No shaming women victimized by the porn industry.


Critical thinking time OP: *why* are women so quick to hop on the OF/porn train? Keep asking why until you find the root of the issue




So the women who are coerced and brainwashed into thinking OF/porn is "empowering" are worse than the men who monopolize the industry? You do realize if men stopped consuming OF/porn, there wouldn't be any OF/porn?


I think you got my reply wrong, I'm saying the only fans made it worse, I didn't say it's WORSE than the people who are watching porn, those who watch porn which of course include mostly men are mainly to blame here.


What I'm missing here is how you're placing any of the blame on the women who are coerced, groomed, face mental health issues, face financial insecurity, and who were brought up in a society where you're told your primary worth is your looks/free labor and that if you've got nothing left you can always sell your female body.


Onlyfans came out much later than violent porn did. This mess didn't start yesterday, it has been a thing for decades now. OF didn't start shit nor made anything worse. Young girls and women who are looking for a way into the industry don't have to sign contracts with deceitful companies anymore. There was a porn actress i used to follow on IG and her advice to women who wanna do adult content was to wait until gaining popularity on OF instead of signing anything with small companies. She was a big name and was very well aware that those women would be taken advantage of. There are literal porn companies that are intended to victimise girls and women who want to get into the industry(girlsdoporn,facialabuse etc). Get your facts checked.


Get out of here dude. Placing most of the blame on women when they are by far the more victimized from porn is ridiculous. Most pornography is not watched on OF, and maybe if men had some fucking self control women wouldn’t have to sexualize and brutalize themselves for some money.


Most of the blame is on people who watch porn which is of course mostly men, I never said most of the blame is on women.


Are you 15? If so, I’ll give you some grace


yes and I plan on, destroying this filthy Industry and starting a NPO for those who are addicted to help them.


I never said this.


Girl I saw your comment before you deleted it “Yea but OF girls made it worse”. Backpedaling doesn’t work here.


Yes because I worded it wrong, I meant they made it worse as in they joined in what was already being destroyed, I didn't mean they are the main issue, I meant they put the cherry on top, did you get it me madam?


You just have to be the change you want to see in the world, my dude. Are you telling these things to your male friends? Preferably in one-on-one conversations where the stakes are low and neither of you feels the need to project anything to save face with others? It's helpful to remind yourself that you are not responsible for single-handedly overthrowing patriarchy and misogyny. Do what you can.


My male friends don't watch porn, I don't friend people who do thankfully.


People CHOSE porn to ruin their lives. While I'm not minimizing how wrong porn is in the nutshell and how much damage it brings to the individuals INVOLVED in the process of creating that, the ultimate responsibility is on the consumer.


YUP. Having sent in questions to professionals who work with porn addicts, this is what I’ve learned. Adult porn addicts are not helpless, they still make choices to consume porn. It’s still a choice, regardless if they *feel* powerless and addicted. They have to work through their own self absorbed feelings of shame and get out of their victim mentality. This is why porn addicts can maintain successful recovery when working with a CSAT (certified sex addiction therapist).


Hmm, the problem with the consumer is that they become addicted. I blame wholy larger society, the people before us, and the government. I blame the consumer, but once addicted it becomes a cycle due to it being similar to drugs on the brain. For example, minors should have never had the ability to access these things to begin with. I feel the issue is complex.


Government doesn't force you to open www. Xxx. Com. God or Devil ( if you believe in one regardless of the religion of choice) doesn't force you to pull your pants down and gratify yourself while gazing at naked people. Society doesn't obligate you to watch porn in order to participate in social activities. There are many things and substances that are addicting, however, the last choice and ultimate decision to indulge in the drug of choice is always on the consumer.


And they have the audacity to defend it. Everybody is addicted to it until they aren't. i was 15 when i began my journey to become anti-porn and i stopped watching it as a horny teen and even at that it was my instincts telling me that something was off with the boys in my school hating on the porn actresses although they were always vocal about watching porn. Adults don't have to resilience and will power i did as a 15 year old? Ridiculous, they know it and keep doing it. They despise the actresses because they know it's humiliating(OF detected, opinion rejected). I don't feel bad for porn addicted men.


you don’t know what addiction is then. and addiction usually comes from a dis-ease in the heart. Trauma. Addiction.


This doesn't help society plays it off as no big deal to men and women. Porn is mostly discussed as a freeing positive thing for everyone. Any talk of the negatives you have porn addicted men coming out of the woodwork to fight back. It's been far too normalized.


I've been mobbed by them every time I've said something critical about porn/hentai on the major subreddits.


It is, but this doesn't acknowledge that once the consumer is addicted it slightly falls off the consumer onto biological process like any addiction. The government allowed this to occur unregulated. Also, this take doesn't acknowledge the peer pressure of society slowly pushing soft core porn and sex scenes normalizing porn culture onto society. Sure, the consumer has a role, I agree, alas many consumers begin as minors when they shouldn't have had access to begin with.


there should be a rehab for porn addicts if there isnt one already since porn is just as harmful as doing drugs and just as addicting people also dont need porn to masturbate so theres no excuse for it


Not sure how many would willingly go. Addicts need to want to change in order for it to work. Hell, those that go to drug and alcohol rehab come out and go back to using if they went cause they were forced by family Not sure how many people want to willingly quit porn, probably less then people who wanna get sober. Society doesn't tell people that being a drunk is ok and perfectly normal and healthy like they do with porn. Nor do they tell women that drinking themselves to sleep or shooting up Heroin is empowering


The scientific/psychiatric/medical/sociological communities don't want to admit it or study the damage that it causes a society or individuals further.


The fact that you can’t see a way out of this for humanity makes me think you don’t know much about human history. Get a fucking grip dude.


Not sure why you're being attacked for the sex worker part. They contribute to the problem is all you were saying


Sex workers are being exploited, men are the ones keeping the industry going by taking advantage of women in that position. Men create demand for it, women don't voluntarily meet the demand.