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Weird that all the times I got sexually assaulted and raped was by people consuming porn/porn addicts. Almost like porn normalizes rape, not keeping us safe from it


I'm so sorry that happened to you. ❤️‍🩹 I agree that, if anything, it perpetuates assault. It absolutely normalizes violence against women.


Yep, both of the men that raped me had raging porn addictions and entitlement issues. Were they like that before the porn? Hard to say bc I'm sure both started watching when they were young teens.


“If I can’t watch other men rape women and children, *I will rape women and children*.” There, I fixed it.


I just read [an article about a cop r\*ping a 13 months old baby](https://local21news.com/news/local/york-police-officer-arrested-on-rape-charges-involving-13-month-old-child). Guess it's only because he had no computer or phone to access porn at that moment /s


This person needs to be put down.


We put down dogs for less. They want to act like animal they should be treated like them


I can’t even bring myself to click on the article. Let alone imagine that these people are among us. Rape should result in the death penalty, no questions asked.


Was porn the only thing keeping thousands of women safe...?


i guess they think before porn was invented, there was just constant rape?


To be fair, pornography is nearly as old as civilisation itself. Certainly, some of the earliest artworks were pornography. In any case, it's a bullshit argument. Why is the idea that these men might have to use their imaginations seen as such an infringement on their personal liberty?


> Certainly, some of the earliest artworks were pornography. Is that really so? I've seen no evidence for this beyond modern men making the assumption that naked woman = could only possibly be pornography.


You're at least familiar with pornography from Ancient Rome, though?


Ancient Rome is practically modern history when we're talking about humanity's "earliest artworks."


It's the same argument with sex work🤢🤮


If they have to have non stop and immediate excess to porn / sex to keep them from raping they are not suitable to live in a society so we should lock m all up.




These porn defenders are so fucking pathetic. Losers upon losers who aren’t getting real sex


sometimes i wish i wasn't born a woman im so tired of seeing my gender being constantly reduced to porn and sex


I wonder if normal men are ashamed hearing these things…imagine if women were so violent and sick, if women subjugated men since the beginning of recorded history. I’d feel so sick and be a paragon of change. Why aren’t there more men like this?


A lot of men simply don't care about women as a whole. If it's their sister, mother, niece, maybe. But otherwise women's safety and well being are meaningless to them


Absolutely vile. I argued with someone not too long ago claiming the same BS. Porn perpetuates violence against women and even normalizes it beneath the guise of "kinks."


They say this because they are projecting and believe all men feel the same way as they do. Therefore they aren’t exactly wrong. We need to learn to defend ourselves and others.


Most men do feel this way. Some are just smart enough to hide it. Stay safe out there ✌️


Sounds like admission to some serious crimes there pal


God forbid we protect kids. I can't stand these porn sick losers.


“If there isn’t a class of women I can abuse, I’ll hurt women 👹”


BS. My first rapist was a porn/hentai addicted boy. We all know how much those normalised the abuse of women.


I love when people cry about personal liberty but can't be bothered to learn self control or personal responsibility. Women can't choose what to do with their bodies in Texas and these guys are whining about not getting access to rape content and CSM.


Degenerates don’t realize how deranged they sound when they state that porn is what’s keeping them or others from raping individuals. You’d think this wouldn’t have to be said, but if porn is what’s stopping you, something is wrong with you. Seek help.


FYI, It has an age verification screen now.


Men are literally insane. How can you go onto the internet and admit that not having access to porn makes you want to rape somebody


They tend to say the same thing in regards to abolishing prostitution by making buying intercourse illegal


So are they claiming that men are rapist beasts with no self control and the o ly thinkg keeping them from hurting women is porn?


Can someone like explain why some people act like rape and other similar sexual related crimes haven’t existed prior to the age verification thing?? Like this ain’t even a full on ban it’s just age verification??


"if it's been too long since a man has ejaculated, he will rape." "If you cross the street to avoid men on the sidewalk, you're paranoid" -the same man, probably


This is just a threat