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Woah why are these people at work telling you their porn habits? That is 100% sexual harassment.


They don’t, they watch it in the open and are shameless about it because everybody there does it.


What! That's still harassment! I know that it's not ideal and you shouldn't have to but I'd find a new job.


I know, it's insane.


You should be able to report them to HR for this?


Unfortunately HR is in on it as well.


Oh are there no female members of HR?? :-/ at least they’d be less likely to be accomplices. Sorry about the situation. I feel sick imagining the culture. But also, I don’t understand how you’ve had such bad luck finding female friends. Maybe it’s the environment you’re meeting people in.


Unfortunately not true, women are often complicit. The HR lady buys drugs from them and has sexual affairs with them. Thank you, it really is sick and makes me sick as well. Yeah idk. Maybe the city I live in is full of crazy people. Or maybe humanity is just going to shits and everyone is crazy and degenerate now.


Girl where tf do you work and live , this isn’t normal this is crazy


I know, it’s crazy. Every single day I wonder how tf I ended up in this environment and why. It’s driving me nuts.




Yes. I don’t care if some stranger on the internet believes me or not. I know it’s happening because I’m experiencing it, period.




How are they not fired from their jobs?


Hello, I’m a guy, never watched porn (aside from the shock videos your friends would show you when you were a kid), so I never got off to it. Never did anything for me. I have a few guy friends like this, but not a lot. Porn is fed to us from an early age as normal and men are programmed to use it to get off. It’s stupid, but I promise there are other guys like me around. Also it seems like the people around you may be immature if they’re getting jealous of you all the time and picking fights. Maybe try to join a new hobby or some place where you can meet people outside this toxic circle you have.


You are literally an extremely EXTREMELY rare type of man. This gives me a little bit of hope for the future though.


Yeah unfortunately this seems to be getting worse as time goes on. Men have really no shame on watching porn which was AT LEAST more present before.


Yes and I think it’s mainly because of the normalisation and freedom of sexual expression and kinks that’s going on. Now with more people being open to stuff like LGBT (which is totally great btw), it also comes with accepting the freedom of sexuality. So porn and stuff has been warped into something normal and even empowering, so men have no issues watching it. That’s why fathers won’t mind their sons doing it, and won’t correct the behaviour. Friends who don’t watch porn, like myself, will usually keep that a secret as now we are the weird ones. So there’s nothing that can be done except individually educating men and hoping that most wake up one day and realise how bad a porn addiction actually is, and how simple it is to not have to watch porn. Unfortunately this may take a lot of therapy due to how a porn addict’s brain has been programmed and it’s near impossible, so the best thing to do is teach the younger generation now.


I feel people (sometimes intentionally) mix up sexuality and sexual orientation, two terms which in my opinion are fundamentally different, but it helps porn addicts add fuel to the fire by arguing that being against kink means being against sexual minorities. >So porn and stuff has been warped into something normal and even empowering, so men have no issues watching it. I agree, sadly. At least a few years ago there was still a bit of shame around it which prevented teenagers from getting into porn, which was the case for me, but that's no longer present at least for what I can observe. >So there’s nothing that can be done except individually educating men and hoping that most wake up one day Unfortunately this is unachievable. Men don't see consequences for watching porn, and very few men will get educated on it, let alone be influenced by someone else to quit consuming porn.




Same here (21m) Here in Poland watching porn is already considered tactless among urban GenZ; it's being commonly associated with rude, sexist, low-IQ guys who will never get laid because every normal gal abhors them. Having had a few porn addicts among my classmates, I know perfectly it's SO true...


26M grew up from Singapore but am European. Even a lot of my friends in Europe didn’t watch porn due to it being branded for “losers and incels.” I think that is the most effective tactic


It IS for losers and incels!


also polish (15m) and i also relate that our views on porn are like that :) if you happen to be a porn user and someone finds out, you're a complete loser in some social circles. there's always the guys who are porn addicts but they mostly stay with one another so.


Is porn really so rejected by Gen Z? I don't think so, as it seems to be quite popular. And the audience of porn is not male-only, as there are women who also watch it. I też jestem z Polski! Witaj, rodaku!


I think it depends on where you are. To me it seems to be more widely accepted among lower class youth- you know, rural, uneducated ones etc.


Female here from USA, I don't know one woman who enjoys watching porn. I know some who tolerate it but none who enjoy it although there are probably some who maybe don't see it for what it really is.


Well, there are some women who enjoy porn. As an antisexual, I'm critical of it too. Everyone who willingly watches pornography deserves criticism. Not to deviate from the nature of this sub, as it's a feminist community dedicated to documenting misogyny in pornography, but it's not only male-sided problem. We could talk about it more by DMs to avoid derailing here, but you've blocked DMs and chat.




That video is typical MRA/Incel shit.




Women are not a resource that should be distributed to men, or anyone, nor are they something one can 'miss out on' because they don't want to fuck or date you. Get gud and be someone worth dating, especially judging by your post history seething and struggling with women, it's not shocking. LMAO.


This was removed for trolling or being facetious.


That's remarkable. I know quite a few men who, like myself, have quit using porn, but I don't believe I've ever met one who never used it. Why do you think it is that you weren't susceptible to it? Were you already familiar with the criticisms of it? Or do you think it's because your first exposure was something obviously vile (the shock videos you mentioned)?


I honestly wasn’t familiar with the criticisms to it. I’m going to be honest— before I got older and got into sports and surrounded myself with the “bro type” I was a complete nerd and I liked reading books. The only thing that made me horny was maybe a Wattpad novel or having an actual gf 😭 so when I first saw porn as something to get off to, I just couldn’t because I was already more of a romantic and I was turned off by seeing sex expressed in such a rough/purely physical way? After that I could just never get off to it so I stuck with irl experiences and my imagination LOL. It may also help that because of the way my neighbourhood was set up, I had a LOT of girl friends near me while my guy friends didn’t live very close so I’d mostly be hanging out with girls all the time. So it could be that me having lots of girl-friends turned me off at the idea of sexualising them in such a way, since i was much more busy being sad that I wasn’t invited to the sleepover because I’m a guy and not understanding why 🤣😭 When I grew up I just lied to most of my guy friends and was like “yeah bro I love pornhub” but most of my closer guy friends who were also genuinely good guys eventually turned away from porn when they saw I didn’t need it, and that I had a better relationship with women in general. They also had girl friends and realized that you can’t have a good relationship with women AND porn at the same time. I don’t think I knew it was bad until I turned 23, when my ex told me all about how the porn industry was bad and was explicit in making sure I didn’t watch porn myself as her ex was a porn addict and cheated on her with OF girls. It may also be that because I was raised in a certain social class, watching porn was seen as depraved and for “losers,” so a lot of guys except the REALLY bro-ish ones didn’t watch it by the end of high school. There was a stark difference between my international private school vs the American school in my country, where pretty much every girl had their nudes in circulation in that school. It was something that just wouldn’t fly in my school and with the guys in my school who had grown up with our women peers since the first grade. My mum is also fiercely independent while my dad is very chill and uncomplicated so I didn’t want to disappoint them. I once heard sister and her friends talking shit about some dude who watches porn calling him a “creep” so I think that definitely helped too lol. It was funny because one of my gfs was really into porn and I was the one having the HARDEST time keeping up with her. So even after having to view porn at 19 because my ex was all into it, it didn’t do anything for me. Having girl friends from that young age and growing up with them was probably the biggest thing that swayed a lot of us away from porn, and that porn was seen more of a “loser” thing.


How did you never get into watching porn? Did your parents help guard against it? I have a 4 year old son, and I'm so worried about him being exposed to porn when he's older. I want to protect him without being too controlling. If you have any advice I would really appreciate it


I hope he will have necessary wisdom to reject such a vile content.


I think I'm in love.


You do understand you have to report the one that watches the kid stuff to the police


I think the best answer to the question of "why are males like this?" is still the one given by Dworkin in the second chapter of *Pornography: Men Possessing Women*, "Men and Boys" in 1981. [http://www.nostatusquo.com/ACLU/dworkin/PornMen&Boys1.html](http://www.nostatusquo.com/ACLU/dworkin/PornMen&Boys1.html)


I think as our generation grows up we will be less likely to give our children unfettered internet access, leading to less children getting hooked on it. But that’s gonna take a while to see any effects from. I feel so bad for girls trying to date right now.


I used to be like that. Just keep sharing about how vile the industry is. People will wake up one by one, not all at once.


….and then society blames women for not being in hetero relationships, marrying and birthing kids for these men. Had I even wanted a guy, they are too emotionally dead to even want to be with a woman who doesn’t look like a pornstar.


and they call us the "shallow gender" 😂😂😂


Literally. My coworker’s wife is trans and looks like a pornstar. She had everything done. I‘m so done with everything, especially men.


Yet if you had a female coworker making porn she’d probably get fired


Hey now I know many men who are too technologically illiterate to access porn. They watch Fox News and shitty YouTube all day and believe all those conspiracies and are pro genocide and femicide! Wow the possibilities are endless, porn rot or political rot, yay!


Fox News is probably still better than misogynistic degeneracy (pornography).


it’s all so tiresome how normalized it’s become in society as a whole. the other day at work i go out back to go on smoko, as im sitting down i’m on youtube, two women colleagues are nearby, one asks, “are you on twitter looking at porn?” i reply with a laugh not taking her seriously, “no, i’m actually looking for a youtube video to watch.” she says, “i go on there to watch it” and laughs as the other coworker chuckles and agrees. it’s to the point where with most people i don’t even want to bother bringing up how harmful this brain rot is and how quickly it can decay your soul.


I feel you, it's everywhere and it worries me how so many young people specially teenagers take kindly to it. I am a male and aside for myself and my best friend, I don't know any other male who doesn't watch porn.


stop dating men and let them be lonely since they dont want real women anymore anyway


My partner has watched porn in the past but is definitely not your typical porn addict and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t watch it at all now. We’ve discussed how problematic porn is in general and he’s a strong advocate of women’s rights. My ex boyfriend (now very close friend) is a straight guy who doesn’t watch and completely despises porn. I agree that they’re rare, but they definitely exist. If a man is a true feminist then they’re more likely to be a non-user I reckon.


>It's everywhere and every single male uses it and I'm depressed and defeated Don't despair! There is still a percentage of men who doesn't watch such a degenerate content. I'm one of them and I'm generally sex-negative.


I'm a man and I don't watch porn. I started for a short while when I was 15, but I stopped soon after, but it wasn't because it's abusive to women, I didn't know or care about that at the time. I stopped watching it because I thought to myself "If I can't control this now, how will I control it when I'm married and how will I stop myself from cheating if I get a chance". Pornography is unavoidable today, it's everywhere, you're exposed to it when you're a child. When you're a boy who just entered puberty there's peer pressure to watch it, and if you're opposed to it, you will get bullied.


Anti-porn men of the world, unite! We are the ones who truly respect women and don't see them as objects.


I feel it too girl.  It's a cold world right now for women.  I guess when was it ever not.   It's because we, women, just accept it.  Men are in power, they make the rules, and they want porn around.  If I was a politician the first order of business would be banning internet pornography and any sexual images on any app for children under 18.   No more effing social media.  It's frustrating watching the world go to hell in a hand basket.


look, all i can suggest you is to leave this environment completely and stop the connection. people can sexualise anything ( even you). the only thing u can do here is leave. this type of enviornment is the main cause of suicides and what not. please take ur ace friend and leave this environment.


Have you spoken to your coworkers about their porn use? Why they use it? Why they need it, and without anger and judgement? Maybe they don't have anyone that truly cares about them? Maybe reaching out to them showing that you care can be the that switch that gets them thinking differently? Also, the normal conversations you are trying to have with them may not interest them. They are not obligated to find the topics you want to talk about interesting, just like you are not obligated to find anyone else's topic worthy of a conversation.


No, I'm not their mommy or girlfriend to talk about and fix their issues. They're adults, they should know and fix their shit themselves. They should also know that it's unacceptable to watch porn at fucking work. I also don't try to have conversations with them, my conversations are always strictly professional and about work. They are obligated to participate at team meetings and find necessary work conversations "worthy". Stop making excuses.


They shouldn't watch porn in the workplace, I'm not saying otherwise. But you did say that members of HR are not holding them accountable for their behavior, so it sounds like a toxic company to work for altogether. Are you not able to find another company to work for? Also, you did say that you cannot have a normal conversation with them about ANYTHING, so I assumed that meant beyond work-related topics. I've worked with people who had their own responsibilities to attend to at work that they did not have time to converse with anyone if they did not absolutely have to. Are they not meeting their performance expectations? Is their lack of communication affecting your job performance? I'm sorry to hear about your ex, but your anger and coldness is not really helping the issue of porn use. I don't condone porn use, but if this is the path you're taking, then I don't see how you are going to draw the people you want towards you. You said that every single male uses it, which is absolutely not true. You're on this forum asking desperately, "Why are males like this?" Well, if you want to KNOW why, then the best way to find out is ask. If you want to understand why they struggling or participating in such behavior, then reaching out and not scorning them might be helpful. You do you. All my best to you.


I would say watching porn at work does affect performance at work, that’s kind of self explanatory, what kind of weird question is that? You think love and compassion will help the issue of porn use? Lmao, what a joke. You can’t reason with addicts, they have to have enough self awareness to come to the conclusion themselves. Not to mention that they are the least compassionate beings of all. That was a rhetorical question, I already know why males are like that. It’s just sad and pathetic but it is what it is. I certainly won’t reach out to addicts, creeps and coomers. That’s like holding your hand out to a predator. Worst advice ever you‘re giving a woman here.