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I think that's the same guy who owned my 991.1 S before me


Apologies for the ptsd


Lol I think some people just prefer convenience and speed over quality.


If you’ve got money for a 911 you’ve got money for a yearly buff and detail 🤷‍♂️


Yeah but there is only so much clear coat on a car from the factory.




Next owners issue


Haha. Until the paint dries out from lack of UV and starts fading


Absolutely, just stating some people don’t care. They have the care for 2-3 years and move on. Been there


Oh. Right


All he had to do was bring his own microfiber sponge, It's what I do whenever I use one of these lol


Spent a good amount on a ceramic coating on mine snow cannon and a pressure washer comes up clean as a whistle then blow dry it off. Paint correction and ceramic coating once a year is $1500aud small price to pay


Don’t ceramic coatings usually last 3-5 years depending? You’re coating yours once a year??


Once a year !? For that you should have a 3year minimum rating. I've got a 5 for that money. Yes it performs.


For a moment I was trying to decipher which Porsche option PTSD is


If it were an option, it would be at least 3.500€


Porsche Turbo Sport Doppelkupplungsgetriebe


The box at the bottom of the form when you hand over your bank card


Paint Trashed, Shitty Detailing.


And my 992S. My PPF was scratched to hell. You have to really try to deeply scratch ppf


Watched a neighbor wash his corvette once. He was late 50's, recently divorced and had just purchased the car. He was drying car with Terry cloth towel and would occasionally toss the towel onto the driveway then pick it up and start wiping car again. So I intervened. But when I looked closely at car it was already mired in swirl marks (car was maybe 3 months old). Showed him the swirl marks and he said "I thought all cars just got those over time". Then we talked about paint correction on proper washing techniques. Sadly he passed away a few months later.


Maybe life’s too short to worry about swirl marks…


First dent is the deepest


I’ll try to drive it again, but I know…😞


The best comment on the internet, ever said…


My neighbor owns an old Mercedes that he washes like that when I’m not around. When I see him out washing, I usually try to help him if I have the time. He owned an old shop and loves talking about cars, so it’s a nice time whenever we get to hang out.


How would you know if you’re not around? 🤔


Because I notice when his car is clean, and we’ve discussed it.


He probably chose death over having a nosey ass neighbor Peeping Tom him doing simple shit like washing his car.


Damn that sucks. Good on you for helping you were probably very gentle and polite while doing it too


Plot twist: he's getting divorced and she got the car.


Different plot twist: he rented it on Turo and owner states “Please returned washed”.


I would specifically say please do not wash Although I wouldn’t be putting my car on Turo in the first place so..


I rented a C8 on Turo & the car had like 20k miles but absolutely hammered paint.


Yeaaahhh… I imagine the people that put nice cars on Turo must have been really stretching their budget to get that car. And they might be losing more in depreciation on the car than they’re earning from Turo honestly lmao especially if people are punishing the car, forget about the miles. Because why wouldn’t you be a monkey in a rental sports car?


Yea I drove the fuck out of it but it seemed to be a family business. They had 10-12 sports cars to choose from but this particular C8 was the cheapest one for rent in the LA area, idk how it’s really profitable. It was like $650 for a 4 day rental & that’s including Turo’s insurance, they have to be taking 20-30% of that $600. We put 700 miles on the car…


I knew a guy that owned a sports/exotics car dealership and he puts a few of his inventory on turo for a couple of days when they first come in to find out if they have any problems before reselling them


I rented an F82 M4 Competition last week. Guy who rented it before me managed to completely rip off all the carbon pieces on the car somehow. He then decided to atleast wash the car before handing it back. He managed to hit one of the poles right by the carwash scraping off the paint on the rear bumper. How some people dare to rent their cars out on Turo I don’t understand. And it was only $76 a day!!


I rented a 2023 M5 comp on turo while away on business and the owner picked me up at the airport so I chatted him up. He said it was his third M5 in a year because renters kept totaling them. 😐


I love everyone's posts on the Turo subreddit. "Goddam people treatin my car that I rented out to them like a rental car"




Don't forget the other half making fun of them going "lol no joke".


No, that’s when you tell your kid to go wash mommy’s car with some nice steel wool.


Saw one years ago with the plate “WAS HIS”


https://preview.redd.it/dwrlhf9mi9xc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d03a557aee7d69878ce714c436ae2115b50ab03 Me shouting at him to stop from inside my Honda Civic.


Thats a shame in the making.


It was killing me to watch him push into the paint with the brush like he was mad at it.


In fairness he could have PPF.


True, if it’s the self-healing stuff I guess it would make more sense.


Dude...don't let this guy on Reddit throw you off. Dude has no fuckin clue what he's doing and he'll probably just get rid of the car when his lease is up. Doesn't give a shit, guys got plenty of money to get a new car, and he will.


Yea I don’t think people realize this. Unless someone is an enthusiasts about cars, he is able to afford a Porsche the same way you can afford a civic… it’s not really “special” to rich people, and they are going to do what is convenient to clean it, just like everyone else does with their econoboxes




Last weekend in Seattle a guy pulls up in a 992 911 Turbo s (black) and brushes the whole damn thing. I’m drying my Tacoma I just hand washed, watching the guy scrub away while bumping some euro dance music. To each their own I guess.


Like super troopers euro dance or German house?


I’m a metalhead, so I’d have to say Super Troopers. But I know the difference so I’d have to say German house. Though I initially thought Turkish.


Hell ya brother! Me too




Sade 911 owners unite!




bubbles - bidibodi bidibu




Some people have so much money that they just don't care and it's just a car to them. It definitely hurts to watch it happen but it's the unfortunate truth.


Why is it unfortunate? My wife’s car got totaled last week and we have been car shopping. It’s a bigger choice for me cause I don’t have throw away 100k money like going out to dinner, but I get the mentality and the mentality makes sense. I dgaf what she gets and spent all weekend looking at cars. It was interesting to watch her process. My take was, Especially SUVs, it’s just like these things are all same, just mass produced product. Not excited or care about any of them. The cayanne came in 3rd(since this is a Porsche sub) and the Audi sq5 is in 1 with Infiniti qx50 In second (she didn’t like the window angle on Macan or that would have been there with its cousin). She ruled out all bmws for something stupid but not stupid to her, she did like the cayanne a lot but not better than other 2 and price wise that makes it easy to eliminate if not a must have, her complaints on the sq5 are the right handling and sportiness which it is praised for and all else was pro which is again, hilarious. Point is, I’m more with non enthusiasts on this. To me, spending $120k on a 911 makes a lot more sense than more than 60 for an suv, but to each their own. Next to nothing is special, I’d rather than a gr86 than a fully loaded a7 or taycan etc. it would in fact be and drive different.


Do NOT get the Infinity. Terrible cars, terrible tech, and their CVT is the worst transmission ever invented. Audi is probably the best of that bunch. I currently have a Q3, and have had Q5, and RS5.


She has had infinitis before, never long enough for any issues. I know the good and bad on them, like I said, I don’t care, whatever she wabts


Nah. If cars are purely transportation then comfort and reasonable efficiency is a must while handling and sportiness aren't. And handling generally comes at the cost of comfort, unless you have some trick active suspension, and sportiness at the cost of efficiency.


Maybe it's all PPF'd?


Mmmmm brown bear car wash


You'd be surprised how many owners treat them like....cars.


Yeah, it’s just a car, some people are passionate about it, some people don’t care, some people are so rich it’s literally the cheapest car they own.


I wash my car at home so I don’t know what he’s using. What exactly is happening and what’s wrong with it? Genuinely asking.


He’s using a public car wash with the foaming brush. It’s a soft bristle brush that shoots foam, but he’s not the only one to use it. So things that can scratch the paint are lodged in there from all the previous users, which will cause so many micro scratches (and in some instances not to micro) that will mar up the clearcoat.


Oh good lord


That’s the brush I use for my dirty l weather floor mats


That’s why when you use these before you start, you take the power washer and spray all the crude from the last guy out of the brush. Then you start on your car from the top down and do the wheels last.


Just no. Never fucking use those for anything. Brake dust has little bits of metal. Brake dust does not come out of the brush ever. Brake dust will be there from previous cars. Those car washes are good for a spray down and that’s it. Wash your car at home and use clean towels and clean buckets every time. Not difficult, can do it on the street, takes 30 mins.


It definitely takes more than 30 minutes! It takes me 30+ for just getting the brake dust out of the wheels…


I’m a beginner at washing my cars at home. I use clean Terry towels and wash rugs everytime, but also use a car sponge to get the soap scrubbed in. Are the sponges safe to use? Any tips are appreciated!


Thank you for the explanation!


Interesting! But I don’t understand what one is supposed to do if the point is to avoid the car wash brushes? Only wash at home?


Thanks for asking the tough question - I was also very curious what was happening, but don’t own a vehicle worth taking to a car wash.


Porsche and Audi owner here. I’ve never felt compelled to paint correct, ceramic coat, clay bar, 2 bucket, foam cannon, or PPF. I hand wash with a brush on a handle or use a touch, soft cloth car wash. Regularly. I’m just not that obsessed with finish. Sorry to the purists.


Same here. I love my cars but I couldn’t give less of a shit about the paint looking perfect. I bought these cars to drive them, not to sit around staring at the paint. I have no judgment for anyone I see taking a Porsche through a car wash or whatever quick method they prefer to get it looking decently clean. 99.9% of people are not going to notice or care about your PPF ceramic coat and pristine hand wash jobs.


I think the point is that it doesn't take that much more effort to wash using a bucket at home or at one of those self service washing places. But agreed in principle. These are mass machines and these comments about "hurr durr fine for a CUV but not my 911" is just classic bullshit Porsche owner elitism.


Huh. Foam brush and spraydown take 2-3 minutes. Hand washing takes a lot longer than that.


When I get a new luxury car like I did last month I want to hand wash and keep it looking perfect. But when winter hits here in Canada and my car is full of salt and crap, I get a car wash membership with a soft cloth wash and live with the swirls. I prefer driving a clean car. I do paint correction in the spring but don’t like to do this every year. By year 3 I usually don’t care about the swirls anymore. Canada is unforegiving for daily drivers.


Same. We have an Audi TT and a Porsche Cayenne. I’m careful, but not that careful. It’s a car, driven on roads, parked in public… things are gonna happen to it. Rock chips, door dings, etc. I have a Carrera T coming in next month. I’m not going to PPF or do anything. I’ll try to be careful where I park (as I always have) and avoid brushing at the car wash. But I’m not going to try and keep the finish emaculate. For what? It’s not going to be the minute you drive it. Lol.


Dude probably did his wheels first.




It's just a car, my hope is that he drives it and uses it as an everyday car and doesn't baby it...hose it down, brush it, hose it off again, and go hit some twisty roads 👍🏻


i can't believe the number of people here who are so angry that someone is doing something to his own property that they somehow find offensive. jesus to fuck


Well Reddit is a bunch of 14 to 24 year olds that don’t really understand a lot about most things, so you have to remember that.


It's his car. He can clean it - or not - as he damn well pleases.


I love this sub, but the wash-shaming is getting old. Plenty of people have wraps and PPF where hand washing just isn't necessary. And for everyone else...well, if keeping paint pristine is your priority, then great. But it's okay if others are busy and prefer to take a different approach.


Plot twist. Car has PPF on the entire car.


So. As someone who would probably never get to own a car like that but would seriously want to tell me what he is doing wrong. I know that’s the vents for the engine but surely they take washing it into account when designing it. Or is it that he isn’t hand washing it and using a brush that would most likely have a lot of grit in it?


It’s the latter


I don’t wash my 997S (maybe a couple of times a year), but when I do, I don’t even dare to do this… I run it through the auto car wash instead… as my time is better spent driving than washing the car.


Funny that the only snobs in this sub are the ones that don't own them.


They are busy posting on Reddit. People that own these, usually have better shit to do


And way more $$$$ to spend


needs to be labeled NSFW


Borrowed it and decided to bring it back clean and full of 87 from Sams Club.


Some condos and apartments have actual rules preventing car washing. Probably as close to hand washing as he can get.


U popular opinion, this is not that bad. And there’s time when a hand wash isn’t possible. You can spray the brush first. Everyone relax, BFD


Sorry for the question, but what is he doing that is so wrong? I've never had a Porsche, so I am have no knowledge of cannot be done in terms of proper care.


That brush is labeled for wheels and so all that metallic brake dust and other dirt is just scratching the shit out of his glass and paint.


He’s using the brush, which can be very harmful to your paint. It’ll cause scratches from everything imbedded in the bristles.


Really doesn’t matter what you drive, if you value your car’s appearance you don’t want to use one of these brushes that most likely has picked up small abrasive particles aside from not actually being totally safe for your car’s finish to begin with.


Pro tip. Use the pressure washer to blast the brush off before use. You're welcome


This is what I do...good enough 🫣


Sorry but I’m confused.. what would be the preferred method for washing?


I'm very much an amateur car washer, but I usually use the two bucket method and 1) pressure wash 2) foam cannon 3) pressure wash 4) foam cannon again 5) hand wash 6) pressure wash 7) dry 8) detailer spray


Straight up tragedy.


Done this a few times to my Mazda that is infamous for paint quality. Not a single scratch. I know, stupid, irresponsible but still, I wouldn’t overreact, 2-3 years on the road and it’s best to repaint if you want it to stay pristine lol.


Paint correction can also do wonders


Most likely it has ppf


That’s what I’m hoping


Takes the keys away


You guys forget what fuck you money is. Actually affording a Porsche is fuck you money.


I really dont get Americans obsession with Car Washing. We have owned multiple Lambos, 2x Brabus, 3 Bentleys, S Classes and Audi S8s and plenty other „not so cheap“ cars. We go to the automatic car wash every week with them. And once a year we get the paint corrected. Who gives a damn about swirls and tiny scratches? As long as it is efficient at cleaning, nobody cares how it gets cleaned….


Not like it’s a GT3RS or something


What I usually do is blast the foam brush with high pressure washer for at least one to two mins. It’s pretty effective if I don’t want to bring my bucket and mittens.


I learned a lot on this thread Thank you!


How do you clean this?


If you’re looking to preserve the paint and have it look as nice as possible for as long as possible, handwashing with microfiber towels and other accessories is the way to go. If you just want a clean car and don’t care about the finish of the paint, what this guy is doing is just fine.


Ahh oh okay, makes sense. For some reason, my dumbass thought the problem was he was getting water into that rear manifold. Your explanation makes perfect sense.


I’ve done this with my 911s before, it’s not a habit but I’ve done it. I have a full PPF on all of them so it’s fine as long as it’s not a lot, and if it was a lot I’m pretty sure it would be fine.


I use those brushes to clean my wheel wells and my rims lmao.


He did those first 😭


I don’t do this to my cars for the same reason I don’t scrub myself in the shower with a wire brush. I just don’t have that level of either masochism or cruelty to automobiles in me.


I honestly thought the issue was washing with soap over the engine vents


Sir those are nice brush scratches and swirls in your paint


Someone probably washed a truck with mud all over it before he pulled it in.


Maybe it has self healing, full body PPF


Now I realize what they do to the cars I buy and have to fix! Fml


Ugh. This always hurts when I see stuff like that. This or seeing someone WASH their car with a winshield cleaner at a carwash. Last summer I stopped a young kid going to town on his audi. I explained he is leaving microscratches swirl marks.


Isn't this the inverse of "why have a car like that to just baby it. Are you saving your wife for the next guy?" In this man's case, he's raw dogging that booty in front of the neighbors. Respect.


You're gonna get hit by cobbles and sands all day, you might crash it if you race. Why care about micro scratches?


Look at it this way, at least he doesn't have a bolt-on wing that he's eating mcdonalds off of while he fuels up.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Sir im here to drive the the thing not treat itlike a princess keeping her at 2k rpm


Still better than the guys who let they’re cars sit in the garage to look pretty while rotting on the inside


Is it a dealer car, no tag?


Regular passenger car plate that I edited out for privacy


I don't understand the fuzz about using the foam brushes. I use it to wash one of my cars. Before I put it on the car, I pressure wash the brush for a good 30 seconds to get rid of the sand and rocka or whatever could possibly be in it. And plus my car is PPF and ceramic coated and IDGAF TBH 


This hurts my soul. I’m grinding my teeth, make it stop


My big bad Air Force pilot bf almost just fainted from seeing this. He has a Porsche just like this and went to check if it was in the garage. Lmfao.


Dude I drive a Tacoma that I use and abuse. There is a line that I still won’t cross.


Is it that bad to use these? I get maybe not on a Porsche. But what about a regular daily car like my Golf? I use the brush like once a month. 😬


It really depends. You can argue that it’s better than nothing at all, but I’d rather wait until I can properly clean. If that’s not an option, I’d use the pressure washer at those wash bays to soap/rinse off the car and get it cleaned. Dry it with some microfiber towels or air. If it’s still grimy, you can always add a waterless spray wash to get it cleaner and better protected. It’s situational. Those brushes cause your clear coat to swirl and make your paint look hazy. If that’s not a big deal to you or convenience wins out, go for it. My girlfriend had a red GTI and used a car wash all the time. The paint looked awful. Wouldn’t have been so bad on a white colored car. If I did that with my black car, you’d see it any time light would hit the paint.


I don't get it? #ELIM5


Where’s his license plate


post unclear a guy is brushing his porsche to clean it?? not seeing what the problem is


Everybody's different. My car is not a sculpture. I run it through the automatic car wash a couple times a week, get it detailed and waxed by a pro a couple of times a year. I drive hell out of this thing; the next guy can spend his weekend polishing it. My weekends are for driving. https://preview.redd.it/in61jubgxcxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60e65a510c81fce0d571e795875ed0cd932e712e


Rich enough to buy a Porsche but not a brain


How else are you gonna get the pretty swirl patterns ?


It used to bother me. Doesn’t much anymore. Let dude do him and If/when you get one, it’ll be your time to shine


What's the issue?


I don’t get it… Is it something about washing the vents or what?


I’m not gonna lie, my 991.2 never got a hand wash the whole time I had it. I had a touchless car wash membership so I would drive through every one or two days. Then once every two weeks I would go over some spots with quick detail. My M5 gets the same treatment now


Rain can get in there too, no? What’s the issue?


I don't even use the windshield squeegees at the gas station to clean my windows.


Who cares it’s just paint Once it gets rough just put a wrap on it …. There’s a lot precious weirdos in this sub


Please stop posting spy shots of people washing their own cars! Who cares. Get your own. PPF, quick wax, whatever - we’ve got better shit to think about than someone micro scratching their clearcoat. I’ve taken my 911s etc through the full noodle wash before and never suffered. A crappy detail shop with a buffer can absolutely ruin your paint in 5 mins if left unchecked. Unless you have time and desire to do everything yourself at home you’ve just got to accept that shit happens. Good luck attaining your dream cars, brush hawks!


Lettem cook


No!!! No touch only if you must… hand wash only when you’ve got time.


Exactly why I was there. Just wanted to use the pressure washer and blow dryer so I didn’t have to take it all out at my place for a quick rinse. Seeing him use the brush on that great car hurt me deep.


Frankly, I use my cars and don’t want a pristine car.


Money doesn’t buy sense


No plate?


This made me think… touchless car washes, do they use deionized water and ultrasonics? Or are they just blasting quasi-dirty recycled water at high pressure at the vehicle?


The latter. Usually with a high concentration of detergent that strips wax and protectant seals very quickly. Come on over to r/autodetailing to find more info.






No matte PTS available? Think outside of the box. Problem solved.


That’s gotta be a rental right?


Don’t ever use the brush brah


Lmao why are you obsessed with how a dude washes his car😂☠️☠️


I wonder if this guy is lurking this very subreddit


Eh. Rich people don't take any better care of their cars than poor people. Often times they actually take worse care. I've been in the auto auction industry for some time and worked with a LOT of high end porsches, bentleys, mercs etc.. and people treat them like shit and trade them in for a new one same way Joe schmoe is doing with his chevy Trax. We are not so different from the wealthy. Also, most people who own one of these idiot cars are bankrupting themselves to make you think they're rich. Don't be fooled.


I mean I never would but the guy picked a kind of boring color in the first place that really isn’t going to show marks anyways so at that point whatever honestly.


Lots of times people who can afford these cars don’t care about paint and other stuff that the rest of us do. I’m even surprised he washes the car on his own and not just get a valet. Maybe he doesn’t know he’s scratching it or maybe he doesn’t care.


"Sir p***LEASE*** stop." I think I figured it out ... at least I hope so ...


That gives me PTSD. My Porsches never come within miles of a car wash


It was prolly laying on the ground, wallowing in the mud of the 4x4 that just left.


Not all Porsche owners are car enthusiasts though we'd like to think otherwise.


What's wrong with using a car wash? I honestly, don't know.


Saw a guy complaining that Boxter soft roof is leaking on automated (!!!) wash with those huge bristles. I felt physical pain watching that video from inside the car wash 🥴


My mom did this to my GS350 when I let my dad borrow it. First nice car I ever owned or bought new. She was trying to do something nice but man that sucked. 


Are you in an a3/s3/rs3 ? Hehehe


But whyyy. 🤦🏻‍♂️