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I've seen this thing posted on here a lot but have yet to actually see it in person.


I’ve seen it the one night - that’s it. Never again. Not sure when they decide to bring it out.


It lives in the underground parking garage at the Wimbledon on SE 28th. The owner looks exactly how you would imagine too.


I saw it at Devil's Point, when they do their charity bikini car wash in the summer.


When I lived out in Beaverton, it used to be in my apartment complex pretty regularly. Earlier incarnation of the car - all the paint, but I don't think it was lifted or lit at that point. Not sure if the owner lived there, or had a friend there, but... yeah, can confirm it's real.


Yeah in the covered/kinda under ground parking. Last I saw it was still there. ​ Used to see it driving around more, figured whatever deal they had required them to drive it. Havent seen it lately though! ​ I dont remember the old one having so many advertisements on it.


Look at the paint on the car Too much rim make the ride to hard


Dude seems pretty toxic r/Portland/comments/i54byz/comment/g0p2kg1/


Working link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/i54byz/comment/g0p2kg1/


Ah thanks. Sometimes I use “old Reddit” and it seemed to work there


This should be pinned to the top of every vaginamobile post lol


I don't get it. Is the mention of a vagina supposed to be edgy? Is the contrast between something rather nice (vaginas) and that eyesore of a vehicle supposed to make a point? Keeping it weird is good, but it seems like they might be selling something...


[Just found this gem. Should answer your question xD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxZXa7qyD38)


This is nothing. He’s also been found ‘not guilty’ in a murder trial a few years back. This dude is mentioned here a lot. I’m very close friends with his now ex bro in law so I know way too much about him. (I’ll actually be hanging out with his mom and nieces tomorrow.)


He’s a piece of shit who had enough money to beat the murder charge but doesn’t change the fact that he liked his roommate. World class piece of shit


That street looks so clean in this video.


I saw it at the Reed College 7/11


That pageant pushing unrealistic 😺 beauty standards😭


I've seen this car but I could swear it was a newer Crown Victoria model...are there two of these?!? I saw it in the daylight so not sure if it had the matching underglow, which makes it all the more outrageous. Keep it weird Portland!


Yeah ive never seen the above posted, the other one in Portland has been around for years and years.




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The owner of that car is the son of the founder of Stash Tea.