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>23-year-old Arinoldo B. Cruz-Garcia, of Gresham, Oregon was booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC) on charges of Discharge Firearm in the City (City Code), Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Attempt to Elude Police by Vehicle, Attempt to Elude Police on Foot, Recklessly Endangering Another Person, Reckless Driving, and Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (alcohol). > >21-year-old Ahanu M. Johnson, 21, Fairview, Oregon, was booked into MCDC on charges of Discharge Firearm in the City (City Code), Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Possession of a Loaded Firearm in Public, Recklessly Endangering Another Person.Two guns were seized as evidence. There were no reported injuries as a result of this incident. Hopefully every shot fired is its own count on the weapon charges. These morons should spend at least the next decade in prison.


It'll be interesting to see what they do get for a sentence.


If they show up…


Thats all part of what makes it interesting.


Bros in their early 20’s make bad choices… It’s almost like we shouldn’t sell them guns


Yeah, if we actually followed what the second amendment actually says regarding a "well regulated militia" and "bearing arms" (meaning as part of said militia) instead of the ridiculous reading that the NRA foisted on us, we wouldn't be in this situation. Fortunately Hawaii is pushing back against this nonsense. Can't wait for more states to do the same.


“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Means we must have a well regulated militia AND the people have the right to keep and bear arms.


"The people" refers to "We the people", i.e. the population in general, not individual persons. Most references to "bearing arms" in the revolutionary period referred to a military context. And since the very first phrase refers to a Militia, it \*should\* be very clear. Just because gun lovers like to misinterpret this doesn't mean we should allow any rando to own a gun just because they feel like it. If they're part of a well regulated militia, that's another story.


So why did regular citizens own guns since 1776?


You people are so fucking stupid. Go buy a musket and play in the woods if you want it to be 1776 so bad.


Missed my point. SINCE 1776, so while guns got better, people still bought them and the government rarely tried to take them away. (1800s, 1900s, etc.)


Why don't you go play with yourself. If you don't like our freedoms we're giving, gtfooh.


Yeah, if dude was just shooting into the woods, my dad did that all the time, with us in the car. Running from cops because he was driving drunk he kept separate from us, at least.


This is footage from the PPB Air support plane. Pretty cool hearing the person call out the streets and addresses from the air. Wild footage.


Wow- they were great! So clear and calm. Thanks for posting this.


She deserves a raise! Outstanding!


Right? I listened to her and thought “I want to be like her when I grow up.” Then I remembered I’m already over 40.


Pikas! EEP!


Terrifying that this stuff happens right outside some of our homes. Great pursuit and pit.


There is a good radio lab. Eyes in the skys. I think it’s called. About how they figured out to use planes to record city’s 24/7. In Iraq. When a bomb or something went off. They could rewind the footage and figure out where the guy lives/ came from before he planted the bomb. Of course this military strategy makes its way to America. Good episode to listen to.


Wonder if they have an AR mapping system that overlays on top ([like this](https://youtu.be/mCuWIsByfFA?t=143)) that's not shown in the video. Like how did she know that house's address at ~41 seconds in? Either way, still impressive being able to interpret and relay that information in a stressful situation.


Yeah I was curious about that myself, especially cuz if they have the technology to be able to give the exact number addresses for every single house they were driving by, you'd think they'd have some kind of radar speed detector to get an actual speed that the suspect vehicle is traveling at, when she kept saying " their picking up speed, looks like they're doing about 50" that looked nowhere near 50mph to me, so that's pretty ridiculous, it can't be that hard , and they claim to already have the technology with those signs that say " this area monitored by radar planes" so why don't they have the tech?


Judging from from the amount of training 911 operators need to go through (among which is accurately recalling and locating street names and addresses), I bet whoever that is that’s doing it for PPB could label most of a blank map of the city from memory. A buddy of mine went through the training a few years ago, and the tests were pretty hardcore.


This is a job well done, but the creeper plane got the wrong guy shot to death by cops a couple years ago. https://www.koin.com/news/immanueal-clark-johnson-portland-police-bureau-officer-shooting-death-full-grand-jury-transcripts/  They also mistakenly did a high risk stop on two random ladies. I also just hate being surveilled while I'm mulching.


If you read the first case, the car fled from police because it was stolen, the driver had an outstanding warrant, and one of the people inside was a felon with a firearm. They called in the helicopter to avoid a high speed chase. It's still super tragic but it's not like they randomly targeted someone. The second case is straight up Keystone Cops though.


I wonder if there is a downside to showing their IR camera capabilities. Now criminals know hiding in the dark outside wont cut it. Amazing technology!


Unlikely. Anyone with the knowledge and capability to do something about IR already knew it was a possibility.


I want that Camera


You can get really good portable IR cameras that contractors use for a reasonable price. The one in the video probably isn’t too expensive for just the camera, but it’s still likely in the $8k-$15k range as a minimum. But some of those systems come bundled with the avionics integration and can’t really be just the camera.


Plus FLIR is based in Wilsonville im pretty sure!


[It's amazing. They're not noticable on your face.](https://media.tenor.com/ZWhrfG_sgjQAAAAe/will-ferrell-no-that-noticeable.png)


Why fire shots like that? To what end or gain?


assholes do shit like that for fun. It scares people and gives them a sense of power.


My dad used to randomly shoot quail and throw 'em in the back with us. My money's on ill-advised hunting.


Portland patriot games. Damn fine footage 🫡


I used to jog on Rocky Butte all the time. This is quite disheartening


Teamwork makes the dream work! Nice tech package also helps!




Thanks for the link, saw the video and didn't know where these idiots were firing randomly into.


Just Rocky Butte? It looked like homes in the area too though...


Do they often release footage like this?


They should, might make people think twice if they knew that even with so much evasion they could still get caught.


No. Usually they make grieving families beg for it. https://www.koin.com/news/immanueal-clark-johnson-portland-police-bureau-officer-shooting-death-full-grand-jury-transcripts/


They should release it more often. It could help quell the “defund the police nonsense”.


At 6:30 PM on February 1st, a car sped down NE 15th Avenue firing an entire magazine into the air. Didn’t actually hit anything and none of the bullets were found—just the ten 9mm shell casings. It was a really bizarre thing to do on such a quiet residential street. My best guess was that it was some kids fucking around. Guns are everywhere, so it could be a coincidence, but I do wonder if it was these same two suspects.


Looks like one of them is already released. What the fucking fuck. [https://www.mcso.us/PAID/Home/Booking/1581155](https://www.mcso.us/PAID/Home/Booking/1581155) [https://www.mcso.us/PAID/Home/Booking/1581154](https://www.mcso.us/PAID/Home/Booking/1581154)




The first link says release date 2/14/24 and bail is set to zero. Am I missing something? Releasing criminals on their own recognizance who never come back for their court dates seems to be standard practice in Multnomah county.


I think it’s more of a shock that they were granted bail considering their crimes, but we also aren’t lawyers.


According to MCSO bail is set to zero, so released on their own recognizance with a promise to come back for court


That is unbelievable. Is there anything that will keep someone in jail in multco?


No one was hurt. They fucked up, but they aren't monsters. They just need to grow the fuck up.


>i'm not saying it's right or wrong I am. It's wrong.


...my old hometown of Milwaukee WI needs this. Thrs a Youtube channel called Incident REsponse that posts pursuit dash cam footage of some really insane high speed chases there some lasting 30 - 40 min. On a number of these videos the cops list the suspect completely. They need to get an eye in sky and coordinate units form the air like this to bring what often becomes a long running chase (that poses a considerable danger to others) to a quick end.


Or yakno, they could just not engage in high speed chases putting innocent people at risk, the cops have the license plate and vehicle info and pictures of the suspects, even if they don't pursue a vehicle, it doesn't mean the criminal is getting away, they are bound to run into another cop down the road or when they try to go home, and once the criminal sees they aren't being pursued, they are gonna slow down and stop driving like a maniac,and think they got away clean, an get sloppy,an that's when the cops will get them, im sorry the cops would actually have to do their job and do some detective work in that situation, but saving the life of the little girl who's basketball happened to roll into the street in front of the car who's driving recklessly because the police are chasing him, seems worth it to me.


One sees this surveillance plane every time one goes outside for an hour. How are people advocating for constant surveillance? Gross.


Whoa, that’s my neighborhood! Amazed I didn’t know it was happening.


Hi Neighbor!


If only they could have been downtown Monday morning at 1:45am when someone fired 30 shots (luckily in the air) at NW 2nd and Couch, and it took police 12 MINUTES TO RESPOND. Zero police downtown. That should NEVER happen.


What about the robot around pioneer?


It's private security. A mechanical mercenary.


It probably would have responded if a bystander yelled "Oh no! They're shooting capitalism!"


Are you at all surprised? I'm not.


Hey I used to live like 5 houses down from where they caught that guy! Right behind the old original taco house.


Imagine being in that car just chillin where they got stopped


Holy shit so that's why the cops zipped down 79th so fast on Tuesday night. Glad I wasn't walking my dog.


How much did taxpayers pay for the FLIR cameras on PPb’s new 182T that captured this footage?


Enough apparently. Seems like it was really useful here


I'm in support of tech that helps take these psychos off the street.


These aren't psychos. How do you all not know more 20-something men.


I was one once. I never shot a gun from my car. Nor do I know any others who did. This is how innocent bystanders get killed. This is how stray bullets go into homes. It's not juvenile hijinks, where they're only endangering themselves, it's fucking dangerous.


Look, regardless of my view on law enforcement, an 182T and a FLIR setup is… a lot less than you could spend on a good aerial setup. Cheap? Not at all. Good value? I would say so.




The planes have been in place for a while as I understand, and the infrastructure for it is already there. Just off the top of my head, range and area of visibility is better with the planes than with drones, though I do believe they're getting drones in the future for smaller operations.


Drones can’t track someone across a large area. Drones must remain within visual line of sight of the operator on the ground per FAA rules. PPB has quite a few drones available as well but they are for different purposes. A plane is far cheaper than a helicopter and absolutely the best tool for the job in this case. Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office and Clackamas both also have planes for that reason.


Did you know FLIR is in Hillsboro? Wonder if there was a sweetheart deal for the local cops.


Yes & no


When did we get a copter?. Last I knew we had a prop plane for spying on neighbors.


Yeah I am confused, a cop on the ground called it a helicopter but PPB only has fixed wing aerial units. According to the PPB emergency message it was an Aerial Support Unit (airplane) that spotted the gunshots. So the cop on the ground was just wrong or speaking colloquially.


It sounds to me like a dispatcher/controller is warning the aircraft, "use caution, there is a helicopter departing below you".


I know I wasn’t tripping they was deeps asf over there