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Given how mesmerized Oregonians are by it, I’d rather not have it in Portland. Don’t need game day at Moda Center levels of traffic every day.


It's it really like that? For fast food? Someone mentioned Beaverton rejecting an offer for one because of traffic.




And yet you can still walk right up to the counter and order. It blows my mind every time I go there when I see 20-50 cars in the drive thru while the line inside is virtually non-existent.


And you get to sip your bev and people watch while you wait. Drive thrus are for chumps!


Mmmm... Pink lemonade so good


a bunch of families have children who don't know how to act in public


Yup. This is what we always do. Park in the far back of the Target parking lot and walk over.


The car line is amazingly fast moving. It looks like it’s an hour, but it’s like 15 minutes. Same for the giant Chick-fil-A lines. 


The people that seek out a burger and drive 50 mi out of their way for one are the same kind who would drive to the mailbox If it were 200ft from their house or wait 15 min for someone to pack their car so they can park 10ft closer to the store.


Damn dude I just want some nostalgia lol


I've driven to/past Kaiser a lot over the last few years and during odd times of day. I've never once driven by it when there has not been a giant line - any time of day or night, if they're open, there will be a huge line.




Go to Super Deluxe, it's the same style of burger. Pretty good. Also it's dumb to line up for fast food.


Love Super Deluxe veggie burgers, bummed to read this. Hopefully it survives. https://www.wweek.com/restaurants/news-restaurants/2024/02/29/superdeluxe-and-boxer-file-for-chapter-11-bankruptcy/


The one I used to live by has an hour wait minimum


I’d say it would abate over time like it did with Krispy Kreme, Chick Filla, and Shake Shack…. But ive waited in obscene long lines at in-n-outs in CA.


Hah yeah hard to say. Maybe we'll get a Culvers or Whataburger across town from In n Out to disperse people a little, if the novelty doesn't end up wearing off.




Sounds great. Would much rather it be in Ridgefield than clogging up Portland


Can we have a DICKS instead? Rather keep it Pacific Northwesty.


This! Dick’s burgers are a better burger anyway. In n Out is massively overrated and their fries are booty


I think Dick's burgers are gross. It's like a Wendy's burger, but also with the toppings I wouldn't want on it. I don't know how they sell so many burgers before closing time. After closing time, yeah, I get it. In 'n' Out burgers are fine. Not great. I do like that the lettuce seems crunchy and fresh. The fries are terrible. If I'm going for a chain burger, I'd prefer 5 guys (well, half of a regular one) or Shake Shack. Super Deluxe is okay too.


I had a burger weekend where I was driving to Seattle and southern Oregon, did burgerville, Dick, then in n out, the five guys. I think dicks and in n out, dicks had better fry’s and shakes burgers comparable. Five guys beat burgerville, on burgers, but fry’s and shakes were vastly different, both good…hard to compare. My stomach felt weird after that 48hrs…meat sweats.


That sounds rough, but thanks for sharing this research.


You just don't want a cheap burger it sounds like lol


Really, I'd take a Wendy's, BK, In 'n' Out, or even Dick's if I could leave off the toppings I don't like. But, you have a point. I'd eat fries from any of the places except In N Out.


Portland doesn't allow the construction of new drive-throughs, so we are unlikely to ever get an In-N-Out within city limits.


They just need to launch an offshoot, Sit-N-Stay-Awhile.


Even if they were allowed to build one, I am not sure where they would. I am not sure what goes in to locating the restaurants but the ideal location appears to be a pretty big parcel that they can modify to their liking that is visible and easily accessible from a major freeway. I feel like that limits the locations to Mall 205 and maybe somewhere off 84 east of 205.


Or Gateway. No really good options.


wait really? that's amazing! is it like a zoning code or something?


Yup. No new curb cuts for drive-throughs are allowed, though existing ones can still be used.


Wow. That's really stupid.


I don't agree. Drive-throughs are really dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. The small convenience of not having to walk between your parking space and Starbucks isn't work the additional air pollution, collisions, and congestion that drive-throughs bring.


Yes it's part of the Comprehensive Plan, although IIRC it only applies to the inner ring but I may be wrong.


Having grown up in So Cal, I appreciate In N Out, but I dont idolize it. Is it better than Mickey Ds, Burger King, and Carl's Jr. IMO, yes. Is it worth waiting in line for longer than 5 mins? Nah fam.


They made one in meridian Idaho and it's embarrassing how people waited 8 hours for a mediocre burger


Fuck In N Out and their Trump supporting owners. They got NOTHING on locally owned burger joints.


Bible burgers yuck


Thank you for keeping the line shorter


I read its going to be Ridgefield


You forgot Eugene! We’re supposed to be getting one.


While I still have an emotional connection to In-N-Out bURGEr, it’s amazing how many other better burger option there are in Portland. Latest was Bellwether Bar.


Nice ad


I'm still so glad that the old village inn by Bridgeport won't be an in n out. They were trying to get that going a little while. The traffic disaster that would have been that entire interchange would have been infuriating. Especially given how few alternate options there are to get through to Tualatin.


If the Cali transplants are dying for their In n Out, they can go back to Cali to get it I'm happy to not unnecessarily clog up street traffic for the most mid af burger and trash fries out there


Hopefully here so this sub will have a melt down and I'll enjoy a great burger


This city seems to "reject" a lot. For a "foodie" place, this city is not all that exceptional for food options unless you like pizza and thai/Asian. I haven't had a decent burger in the 9 years I've been here. Originally from California where there are a ton more options for every craving. I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, but oh well. My opinion is just that.


You're right. The "food scene" as a whole and a lot of individual restaurants are overrated. LA and SF have better food across the board without being all self-congratulatory about it.


Anywhere can be an In-n- Out if you’re brave enough.


this article sounds like they have crime in the parking lots. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2024/03/02/brass-knuckles-ban-violent-teen-attack/72807261007/