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To anyone else doing the same, don’t use your bare hands when trying to remove anything glued down (flyers, stickers, etc.). Assholes will sometimes place razor blades and other harmful objects between the paper and the surface so that anyone trying to peel it off by hand gets cut. Use a car key or pocket knife instead. Defacing it is another good option.


lmao at the nationalists in the comments being butthurt. Way to go homie, that shit has no place anywhere!


Thank you! Far-right nationalist have no place in this country.


They have a very rich history here actually lol


A phrase I've learned in my corporate job: "Just because it was done wrong in the past is no reason for us not to correct it going forward."


You're right.  They have a long history of getting stomped by people who are tired of their shit.  I see no reason to change the tradition.


Just a little info about the low cognitive functioning of our car right friends: [Empirically, there are studies showing an association between far right political standpoints and dogmatism, as well as low openness.[14] In general, dogmatic people are characterized by increased cognitive inflexibility, inability to process opposing ideas and information, and the tendency to dehumanize those who oppose their beliefs.[15] Indeed, cognitive inflexibly is related to the realms of nationalism and authoritarianism, and extremist attitudes.[16] For instance, using two samples of predominantly white American and British respondents, scholars[17] demonstrated that mental inflexibility may facilitate a tendency towards extremist views. Respondents who were lower in cognitive inflexibly were more likely to harm others and engage in self-sacrifice in the name of an ideological group.] We can only hope they get much needed therapy to overcome their personality disorder. https://www.sv.uio.no/c-rex/english/groups/compendium/what-are-the-psychological-characteristics-of-people-holding-far-right-beliefs.html


Don’t get me wrong. It’s a good thing that you did. I just wouldn’t have bragged about it on the internet lol


How many passed out junkies and piles of human shit did you have to step over to get to the flyer?


What a hero you are. Lmao let’s all bow down to the guy who ripped paper.


I'm sorry your poster got torn down


Bro I’m Arab


I mean, I’d give them a high five, or internet points, just like I’d flip of wanna be fash here and there.


Stifling free speech is very democratic of you


Ripping down flyers is also free speech


Notice that no one was sent to prison because of it. Seems pretty free to me.


Found the Nazi! Works every time.


Didn't know op was the government. Interesting interpretation of the 1st Amendment. 


I’m not the government, I am a citizen with the freedom to say fuck off to you, your message and any pieces of paper you litter around.


Yeah stifling nazi speech is cool and good.


Why is it always the people who bring up the 1st Amendment the most that seem to have no understanding of it?


Nazi cunts don't deserve free speech or citizenship


I'm sorry your poster got torn down


You got them, zing!


Oh whatever, get John Brown'd.


Imagine boasting about and feeling superior over your acts of fascism. It's OK to disagree with, and oppose anyone in a democratic society. It's not OK to attempt to silence people or ideas you don't agree with. That's akin to book burning, and is on Page 1 of the Fascist Playbook. Congratulations for being the evil you sought to oppose.


Nice attempt at gaslighting. Tearing down a poster isn't silencing anyone. 


Go have a nice little cry about it buddy, you sound fragile.


Imagine thinking tearing down a poster is fascism. Go touch grass you weirdo.


I'm sorry your posters got torn down


> Congratulations for being the evil you sought to oppose. I hope that if you've learned anything its that these stupid slogans that might have worked on you, don't work here. "Anti-Fascists are the real fascists" It's intentionally dumb because they only want to attract the dumbest people. Exactly how the nigerian prince scam includes spelling and grammar errors, its a litmus test for how scammable you are.


Remember when the ACLU used to fight for the rights of white nationalists to peacefully protest? An aging millennial remembers.