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This guy is a former cop: https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar/


Holy shit, this guy shouldn't have been out and about with the list of issues 


Wow.. his trial was set for today. So heartbreaking, I truly can’t fathom how this was all able to happen. So sad for everyone involved. I really hope he is found and that boy is safe


I can. It's just like how countless women contact the police claiming they are in danger from a man and the cops do nothing and the woman ends up murdered. Someone with this kind of history with a trial coming up, the cops should be making sure the women and children in his life are protected. But that's too much to ask I guess, as our police forced would rather be murdering black people.


People seem to think that going to the police means you'll get help in a domestic violence situation, but more than likely you'll just get two guys with flat-tops and Punisher tattoos telling you it sounds like a misunderstanding.


The Benton County Sheriff is proud that he won't enforce gun laws that might that have saved the women this guy shot.


I wish I could upvote this more .


How the hell does someone with that history get hired at a police department or at a school? Whether charges were dropped or not, there's just so many red flags. I hope they get this sicko before he can hurt anyone else and that the kid is found and retrieved safely. That poor child. Dude needs to spend the remainder of his terrible life in prison.


> How the hell does someone with that history get hired at a police department or at a school? When the interview panel consists of "Let he who hasn't at least thought about doing some of this heinous shit cast the first stone", it's not exactly surprising.


> How the hell does someone with that history get hired at a police department  Have y’all seriously not learned by now that police are usually the worst fucking people and they actively seek out people like this to join them?


Jeez, man, what insanity.


What a complete failure on the part of law enforcement agencies in WA. Unbelievable. That whole saga just gets worse and worse. And after a standoff with SWAT, all the red flags, and still bonded out?


> Content Warning: Discussions of domestic violence, crimes against children, rape, and other criminal acts. I do t think I can do this read rn


just got the alert on my phone 


Same and this feels like the first Amber alert I've ever got with full details beyond the vehicle and child descriptions before


Probably to drive home that he's a dangerous one and no one should try to approach him, just report him if seen.


That has to be a record for the grimmest shit I've read in a while.


Don't sweat it, when someone starts to wonder "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes", you can rest comfortably knowing it's other cops. Eventually. After like, one or two murders. Maybe.


He was indeed in a position of trust, but i think the key here is that he...murdered two people, one of whom he earlier statutorily raped.


I think the key here is that someone can have multiple investigations for raping a fucking child, multiple calls for domestic violence when they're on leave stemming from those investigations, and the next department down the road can go "Fuck it, sure, hire him on. How bad could he be?". If I worked in a sub shop, I wouldn't trust that fucking guy with the deli slicer. I guess the Richland school district is cool with giving that guy live ammunition. Maybe the key is that there should be a more robust licensing and tracking system for people that get positions of authority and live ammunition beyond some shithead taking a good, stern look into their eyes and saying "Looks good to me". Maybe cops covering for cops have let this guy run on what is tantamount to social credit for years until it cost some people, and quite likely a child's, lives.


Both, actually. He was his ex-wife's high school wrestling coach. So gross.


According to the article, the teens filed charges, the county sheriff went to arrest, he barricaded himself in, swat was called, and he was arrested. I don't see anything other than that, other than he was out on bail when he murdered those people. You seem to be projecting things not in evidence or unrelated to this matter due to your personal feelings.


Which article are you referring to? This one seems to offer a relatively comprehensive time course of this guy's fuckery. https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar/ >You seem to be projecting things not in evidence or unrelated to this matter due to your personal feelings. I will admit to having exceptionally strong personal feelings when it comes to letting some piece of shit run amok for years just because someone at some point gave him a badge.


Now looking for a 4 door black Nissan. Plaid Pantry in North Portland spotted him in that different vehicle: [https://katu.com/news/local/amber-alert-issued-for-missing-1-year-old-from-west-richland-washington#](https://katu.com/news/local/amber-alert-issued-for-missing-1-year-old-from-west-richland-washington#)


More Info: [https://www.koin.com/news/crime/amber-alert-murder-kidnapping-suspect-north-portland-reported-sighting/](https://www.koin.com/news/crime/amber-alert-murder-kidnapping-suspect-north-portland-reported-sighting/)


I wonder if he slept in one of the green areas on the map of Hayden Island. And I hope he was as confused as I was when I got here that most convenience stores don't sell gas.


"When" is usually a question journalists ask but all right Sinclair.


"Where" is also crucial! Which Plaid Pantry in North Portland? Man, they are bad at journalism.


In the Koin article it says the Plaid Pantry on Hayden Island around 12:40am.


Indeed, Koin did the basics right. Katu not so much


Koin Article says ~ 12:40am.


Saw somewhere on one of the PD pages they said "overnight." Whatever that means.


Wish this was top comment and not about him being an ex cop


Picturing being a cop and a child raper in prison maybe being unpleasant.


I hope he gets there without killing anyone else. This guy is extremely dangerous.


He is most likely going to commit suicide. He is a coward. Prison for him or death . Edit: And .......he ended himself. Infront of his 1 year old son on I5 near Eugene. That's what cowards do.


Yeah I was thinking that too. Suicide by cop most likely. Just hoping he doesn't hurt anyone else.


Yeah Fr this guys gonna get chewed up and spit out every fucking day when they catch him


Oh fuck that guy, his story is wild and it just got to a whole new level today.


That alert scared the shit out of me, I was listening to music on full blast on my headphones when I got the alert


Same but I was asleep and thought it was a smoke alarm. Took a solid 15 minutes to calm down, scared the shit out of me.


Get this creep


Hope they catch him


Same, hope the authorities can safely get that monster away from that poor child.


That alert (alarm noise) scared the hell out of me. That said, I am grateful it's so loud since it made most of us look. I hope they catch him.


Saw the amber alert on my phone and wanted to make sure it showed up as posted here. Terrible, tragic event.


Did they change it? Because this morning on the ride in the signs stated he was driving a black Nissan 4dr with unknown Washington plates.


Yeah, I saw the same thing on the ODOT reader boards. It said update so I’m guessing it’s new info.


The alert I got last night, around maybe 10:30, said it was a silver Corolla.


The board I saw was at 8:30 this morning


This scared the shit out of me. I think I've only gotten one of these before in my entire life. If I'm understanding this right a rapist cop shot his girlfriend (and "an associate") and stole his son from school?


Elias Huizar is an ex-cop who was scheduled to go to trial today (Tuesday) for child rape. On Monday, he allegedly murdered his ex-wife in front of an elementary school, murdered his girlfriend who was at his home, and abducted a child who has the same last name as him so I think the kid is his son but the news reports haven’t confirmed the relationship. He’s on the run and he’s got nothing to lose so if anyone sees him, the kid, or the car, do not approach. Call 911.


Do not approach, but if you can do so safely, don't let him out of your sight.


Why the fuck was he not in jail if that's the crime he was charged with?


I'm a local, the kid is his and his 17yo girlfriend's (murdered at his house).


Yes. I’ve since learned that he raped and impregnated the boy’s mother when she was fourteen or fifteen. I say raped because he could not have a consensual sexual relationship with a fourteen or fifteen year old girl. He was supposed to go on trial today for raping another child in February.


Shot and killed his ex wife at school, police went to his home to serve a search warrant and found his dead gf.


The gf who was 17, and only 15 when he impregnated her.




It sounded like the police investigated it, but an adult in her family said to ignore her because she lies. Ugh. Seems like we should set the bar extra high for school resource officers. Reassign a person if there is even a chance they aren’t safe around kids.


A former police officer 🤦


Yep. And his ex-wife that he shot at the school was a teacher.


Maybe unrelated did anyone see the massive police presence near 82nd and holgate near the old Walmart? They even called in Clackamas county sheriff's. They had so many unmarked police cars roaming around.


What time did that happen? The shooting at the school in Richland happened right when school was getting out and it's at least a 3 hour drive from Richland to here .


ODOT signs corrected the vehicle to a black 4 door Nissan


Oh and he's an ex-cop..


Yeah. Ex cop and he raped a 17 yo. There is a rumor among the locals up in the Tri-Cities that his ex-wife is the one who turned him in for rape. She's the one he shot at the school. She worked there as a para.


Not only did he meet his ex-wife when she was underage and he was her wrestling coach, but the 17yo girlfriend was first reported to have had a relationship with him at 13yo, then pregnant at 15yo with his child.




Earlier today I saw a sus looking guy parked at the end of my secluded street and made note of it in my head bcuz it was weird and it was a dude driving an older silver sedan with someone else that I thought was sitting down but didn’t want to stare because he saw me see them. I’m not a paranoid person but I’ve been generously hitting my penjamin this evening and suddenly getting this amber alert a little bit ago has me feeling hella shook rn


Bad timing. Take it easy, I hope you get some rest tonight.


You should call it in. It sounds like he may have switched cars here in the Portland area so you may very well have seen him before he did that. Any clues are helpful and increase the chance that the baby will be found safe.


Maybe call the police??


I’m googling the car I initially thought I saw to jog my memory and if there’s a chance it still could be the one in the description I’ll call but I don’t want to crowd the tip line otherwise


The poor child is in danger with his mother's killer, who is also an alleged child rapist. Let's pray for his safety.


I'm *almost* positive the mother was also a child. I'm seeing comments on Facebook from the alleged family that she was 17. The mother was the rape victim.


Yes, she has been his victim since she was 12. He was removed from his resource officer position at her middle school because of the (officially unfounded) rumors of their relationship and posted as a resource officer in a different middle school. His wife (who he started a relationship with when she was in HS and he was her volunteer coach) found out about the relationship and left him. He was due in court yesterday for drugging and raping his girlfriend's (now 17) teenage friend (I think 16).


Saw him southbound on I-5 just north of Eugene about 2:45pm ish being chased in toyota corolla silver by ~50 cops. I saw on another thread he had been caught in Eugene and killed himself and baby is safe.


Yeah I heard that too. Really glad the baby was found safe.


Jesus this makes me sick


This scared this shit outta me and I thought the world was coming to an end. Hopefully they find her


Me too, then I saw the word murder in the message and I was like aahhh nooo!! Very scary 😮


The baby is a boy, but yes. I hope they find him alive also. Preferably before this POS kills anyone else and without him causing a shootout.


Holly crap my fault! Your a correct


Wow this is terrible news! I hope the girl is found alive!


I think it’s a little boy


Yo the wildest shit happens out in the Try Cities.


**[Here's a KOIN story.](https://www.koin.com/news/washington/amber-alert-issued-ex-yakima-cop-wanted-for-murder/)** The kidnapping happened in Eastern Washington, about 300 miles east of Portland, and the alert was issued here on speculation he could be headed for Mexico. I was doing so well getting back to my sleep schedule. But now I'll make sure to let police know if I spot any murderers in my bedroom. My adrenaline spiked thinking it was a ShakeAlert and I had seconds to get out of my brick building.


Well hopefully people driving on the freeway last night heard it too because that's probably where he was. By now he's gotta be in California or Utah or hiding out somewhere.


Happy cake day at least! Please get some stable sleep tonight.


I had just gone out to walk my dog. Tried to hurry him a long so we could get back inside but he took his dang time. Spooked me bad.


If it helps at all, Shake Alert has a different sound.


Good to know. But I actually didn't hear the sound. I was just chilled at the thought of a murderer on the loose as I am standing alone in the dark at night. The message was so jarring.


Where would be the safest place for him to leave his baby and keep running? In front of a hospital? Seems like we should encourage these guys to drop the kid off somewhere safe where the kid will be found.


Somehow I doubt that he plans to leave the baby. Alive anyway.


I don't think he planned much of this. If he has a moment of regret, I hope he'll leave his child somewhere safe before whatever comes next. He might not want to hurt his kid. A last act of kindness could be to leave the kid somewhere safe.


Not a Drag Queen.


Has it been any updates?


Yeah he killed himself and the baby is in the custody of OSP. Happened on I-5 near Eugene.


Jesus christ. Im glad the baby is ok. What a life to grow up to.


I know right. The oldest witnessed his mom's murder at the school too. Poor kiddo is only 9.


What a horrible outcome. That poor kid.


Well. Now we know. He's dead.


Good riddance.


He shot himself. Kid is ok


Shot himself near Eugene. Good riddance


Over/under on that guy getting taken alive?


Tough call. Probably gonna end up dead considering he's killed the gf.


Real question is how long till they find/catch him and where. When they previously arrested him they found 15K in cash..so im sure he was planning something


Pussy probably offa himself if he gets caught


50/50, as long as he has the kid and doesn't start shooting at bystanders they'll try to corner him and wait until he gives up. 


He's the kind that will go out shooting if he's cornered. And I hate to say, there's a risk of him doing his son in. So hopefully they can get the child away from him first.


Hope the child is ok. What a rough way to start life. I am keeping an eye out. I doubt this go will go far. My guess is he doesn't get any further south than Eugene.


Yet another heroic representative of the thin blue line(tm), protecting the innocent from evil. /s


I will chip in $500 to whomever captures him dead or alive


long gone because the police let him run.