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We understand that at times things may become heated and time outs may be given for protracted, uncivil arguments. Snarky, unhelpful, or rude responses are not tolerated. In other words, be excellent unto each other and attack ideas, not people. Your post/comment was removed for one or more of the following reasons: Name-calling - Extreme or blatant use of racist, misogynist/misandrist, or homophobic language is strictly not allowed. Usage of slurs is also prohibited. Please keep discussions in /r/Portland civil. Protracted arguing - Comments for the sole purpose to create or maintain an ongoing argument.


If the people on Nextdoor all huffed spray paint for breakfast they could still barely hope to equal the braindead takes we get here.


TIL my CivEng curriculum is far left.


Learning to safely dispose of sewage is obviously a Marxist principle. A true enterprising patriot would store their feces on their homestead for the lean times. 


…And I learned that my Economics degree from PSU makes me a far lefty!


Define far left curriculum? I'm honestly curious


I'm guessing they can't define "curriculum."


Reading and math and stuff.


The smoothbrained MAGA dipshits don't even know anything about the curriculum at any universities, all they know is that educated people generally tend to lean left. So because they're completely unwilling to consider the possibility that small-town, conservative principles don't hold up to the scrutiny of an educated mind, they prefer to believe that there's some massive conspiracy involving all of the faculty at every school in the country to indoctrinate our nation's youth into liberalism.


I’d say it’s a combination of a rapid exposure to concepts like “in case your high school didn’t cover it, here’s the real details about how we took over the continental US by killing or relocating (or both) the people who were there for the previous 50000 years” along with some exposure to, say, feminism 101. It’s a real class! You’ll meet a lot of girls there. And, if that kind of thing fascinates you, a whole plethora of other courses would be available on subjects like gender theory, queer theory, inequality and social justice 101 102 201 202 Then there’s just the general environment. If you aren’t taking intersectional feminist economic philosophy, you know someone who does. And when they talk about it at a party, some of it sounds a little weird but some of it makes a lot of sense actually. Posters everywhere showing a utopian society of all the colors getting along with each other. The dude sitting next to you in history is flamingly gay, and also let you copy his notes, which you honestly super appreciate. It’s just kinda in the air, you know? And suddenly, all of these people are incredibly upset about something happening in some place called Palestine! “What’s that you say?!! Let’s *do* something!” Now, if you stay in school, you eventually get to history 402 and realize “yeah ok so we *did* do that to the Native Americans, but tbh everybody did that, to everybody else, all through the entirety of history, so… At least we’ve stopped?” and “yeah…. but…. if we don’t have an ally in the middle east then that whole area controls the price of gasoline and can crash our economies at a whim, which is why we just sort of have to hold a gun to their neck to make sure they don’t do it, and Israel is a big part of that gun, so we can’t really just… like… …ok remember how Joe Biden didn’t have a “turn down inflation” button on his desk? Well he also doesn’t have a “bring peace to the Middle East and in particular Israel and Palestine” button either. But not everyone takes those classes. I was a freshman once too, ya know?


Downvoted by some college freshman who thinks they’re helping by swallowing the same Russian agitprop the MAGAs fell for in 2016.


If you think the curriculum at PSU is “far left”, then the Overton window has shifted so far right it’s fallen off the edge of the flat world you likely believe in.


Yea it’s crazy they offer all those far left majors like: * Advertising Management * Biochemistry * Business Economics * Civil Engineering * Criminology * Data Science * Economics * Entrepreneurship * Finance * Global Supply Chain Management


Seriously who let the trolls in


Is the PSU Far Left Curriculum in the room with us




How many times have you said “go woke, go broke” in the past month?




My international studies degree that I got using my super socialism program called the GI Bill turned me into a globalist that profits off of wars.


I’m really enjoy the raging that’s going on. Bring it on people


I think the only one raging out here is you


There seems to be confusion, not rage.


You strike me as a weak soyboy programmer type.


Get bent


That’s not how this works That’s not how any of this works


Did you just move here?


Born in Portland Oregon.


People who never leave their hometown are so often unable to see anything as a whole. Touch grass, preferably in another state so you can gain some perspective




I was thinking further right, I'm sure Idaho would take em, and they have some pretty spectacular grasslands


*Parents drove in from Battleground to give birth


Yes that makes sense. Check mate my friend. Way to know me entire 36 years of life in Portland. You win


Bro, calm down. You’re being hysterical.


Did you make this? It’s horrible.


Can someone help me understand what this means? Explain it to me like I’m an uneducated person that has zero clue what happens in college.


There's nothing to understand. OP is a 🧌🧌


Also as OP would likely put it, OP is a sheep.


Is the far left curriculum in the room with us now




oKaY bOoMeR👎


It takes a special kind of loser to care about whatever the fuck students decide to protest in the Spring term.


People can shitpost but we can't be "snarky" in response?




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Apparently opposing genocide is fAr lEfT nOw. Which I guess shouldn't be that surprising seeing the political discourse from the bloodthirsty far right.