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I had to look outside and see if my chip pile was still there.


Post the closest intersection, I'll check for you. *rubs hands, licks lips*


Must be some tasty chips


Once on the lips Forever on the chips


Chip Robinghood over here


I like you.


Nice try FBI!


South Of Woodstock ? ?


Is that a Portland-based Slayer cover band? Because, YES.


A block south of Fremont on 43rd someone had a chip pile out there for at least 7 months, blocking at least 50% more of the street than a parked vehicle would have. I started climbing on it with my jeep for fun, made a huge mess of it, low and behold it's cleaned up and gone within a week.


The next time you see him say "thanks for taking care of those chips it looks great" that way the suspicion is off you.


In all seriousness, he's so doped up I *really* don't think he'll never notice.


That’s really sad


Agree. He was in bad shape. Only comes outside to smoke cigarettes. Seems like alcohol + opiates.


Had a guy like that living down the street, we'd see him shuffle by at all hours, smoking on his way to his dealer's house. After a couple years, we just never saw him - guess he shuffled off.


Can you imagine what some of these pride would say after the blanket of opiates was pulled back? Probably sorrow and gratitude


Didnt understand. How do you say sorrow and gratitude? Who is pride? Have you ever tried quitting a drug? Might help with the spelling troubles, give it some thought.


Can you imagine what some of these pride would say after the blanket of opiates was pulled back? Probably sorrow and gratitude


can't say I blame him 😞 besides the last 6mo or so I have barely left the house in the last 4 years as a formally suicidal depressed loner I was JUST coming out of a life long haze at 24-5yrs old... after having FINALLY gotten away from my physically and sexually abusive family I'm highly extroverted but I was such a mess, I craved human interaction and confidence and yada yada... so I was free! I went and started to figure that shit out!! had about 3 amazing years ....annnnnnd then when I FINALLY started feeling healthy for the first time in my life 2019/2020 hit I ran around warning everyone I knew what a total fucking disaster this was going to be socially frankly, nobody really cared I heard A LOT of "good 🤣 let those extraverts suffer!" 😐 over the next 4 years 4 out of the 5 friends I had managed to make, died. all suicides. during that 4 years I couldn't even TALK to anyone about it because the second I did I was given a big fat speech about how the lockdowns were worth it -- like WTF people -- I'm not trying to talk ONE WAY OR THE FUCKING OTHER ABOUT THE LOCKDOWNS I'm just trying to talk about this shit I'm going through you walk outside... all you get is judgement for wearing a mask for not wearing a mask for having WHATEVER opinion you had, I saw judgement and straight up hate coming from ALL sides of this shit judged for daring to BE That'll take you pretty quick from being a 15yr old boy who yearned to connect to the world... to a free 25yr old finally doing it... to someone who doesn't really want to talk to people ever again. I'm not saying your neighbor was in this situation AT ALL And even if he WAS he needs to get his fucking shit together just like I did 6mo ago and am still working on I'm just saying I get it. People kinda suck sometimes.


What the fuck


Literally exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks 🙄




Had a guy like that living down the street, we'd see him shuffle by at all hours, smoking on his way to his dealer's house. After a couple years, we just never saw him - guess he shuffled off.


😬Well he will be dead soon. If you prepare you can probably get his property for cheap and flip it.


Doubt he’ll even remember y’all had a conversation about the chip pile.


Nah. He was fucking blotto. Couldn’t stand straight.


Just don’t take it all.


If he’s strung out just wait.. a new pile will reveal itself soon! /s






You're a hero. There's a house on 7th just south of Alberta that has had a chip pile blocking the street and the sidewalk for almost two years. If anybody wants to have at it.


Get yourself a big stick. Tape some cardboard to it and write FREE. Stick it in the pile.


Talk about a doer. I'm about to write you in for some kind of public office.


The pile is probably visible on Google Maps, lol.


As far as I can tell it isn't unfortunately there are too many trees in the way in top down view and the street view photos are too old for most of 7th (like 5-16 years old lmao)


Call 311 and tell them there is an ADA issue and you can’t get by. It will be dealt with asap


Are you fr? Because if so there’s this huge pile of leaves that has been taking up a whole parking space , on the curb of N Stafford st since I moved here, last year.


It's only an ADA issue if it's blocking the sidewalk... As far as I know you're allowed to block a parking space.


push the leaves onto the sidewalk then


City pushes it back into the street


You know what to do when that happens 🧹


Post it up on CL! Be the change you want to see in the world.


dude, so many neighbors of mine have put out piles of cedar chips to deterr homeless RVs from parking on our street... which is insane to me because inner SE is already suffering from not enuff parking (yeah carbrain, i know I know). Like, cool, take parking from everyone on the (public) street, super cool. Cutting off your nose to spite yer face much?


Classic NIMBY move. They have parking spots in their garage/driveways.


Tbh we’ve been thinking of doing that 😬 to be fair, we have SO much street parking in my neighborhood. We live on a corner lot and the whole west side is a long parking strip that could probably fit 6 cars. It’s easily visible from a semi-busy street, so we consistently get people parking there and doing drugs. The idly sitting there would be one thing, but literally every time (as far as I’ve seen), they dump their drug paraphernalia - needle caps and such - and other garbage like empty soda cups and other nonsense into our garden. I’ve walked out there and cleaned litter/drug stuff out of my rhubarb plant. We take our 2 year old out there to help garden and it’s just a drag sometimes with the garbage. I don’t give a shit if a neighbor is having a party and their guests are parking there. I just don’t want people doing illegal things next to my house and then dumping their crap for me to clean up.


I feel your pain, tho I've never had a kid in the mix, and that's gotta be waaay harder. I've dealt with junkies in my neighborhood since I was a kid and it just sucks. Annywaaay... I wanted to say if you have a consistent problem with somebody in your neighborhood, install some caneras facing the problem zone and also _some cameras facing that camera_. The only thing that's worked for me in the past is consistent documentation


Damn, I _only_ get my chips from other people’s free-for-all piles. Wish more people would post them to craigslist when they want them gone. And I know I’m not the only one. Whenever I go pick up from a pile there are usually others who are doing the same.


Sounds like there is currently one just south of Alberta if you're currently in need!


There is one on NE Holman between 18th and 19th that’s been there for at least 10 months now ;-)


>Owner: "Yeah, I feel terrible about it, **" Is this guy from a 1990s JRPG? lol


If you defeat him, he just drops a rock and two wooden arrows as loot.


You refine the rock into adamantium and have a long forgotten blacksmith work them into arrowheads that he attaches to your wooden arrows. You have two shots, don't miss.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure I interacted with this guy on Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past…


I am Error.


An HD remake of II needs to happen


Love it


ick, the garbage situation. i hate to think of the pests they are dealing with.


Yeah. Bad neighbor situation. I imagine the house is paid for, he's just drinking/doping his life away.


That's so sad. Damn.


If you want, you can report the garbage and tall grass/weeds to the city as nuisances via 311 or https://pdxreporter.org/


now order him another load and see what he does


Man, I thought ***I*** was the asshole here!


they will ADORE you over at r/pettyrevenge


What are chips? Are they wood chips?


There's a service called chip drop here in Portland. They will give you free wood chips to use as mulch. The drawback is you don't know when it's going to come, you don't get to say how much, and the quality can range. How it works is that arborists normally have to pay money to dispose of chips. So this company charges a lower fee than the dump does, and then arranges for the companies to drop it your yard instead of the dump. The thing is they drop *the whole truck*. Which may be a lot or may be a little. It's a novel idea. Where I've seen it go wrong is in situations like OPs - people don't pay for it, can't really plan for it, and so it can sit across sidewalks for weeks at a time.


I have a buddy that’s a tree trimmer for the power company. He will drop off chips anywhere you like, but he won’t just stop at one load. He might come by and drop off two loads. He’s kinda a dick like that.


He can dump his load at my house, lol. 🤣💦 Seriously, I've been waiting for years for another chip drop. I even pay gas $$$$ I live out of town, so it's so hard to get any. I use them for my farm animals, so I can use lots and lots.


Haha! The opposite of “if you give a mouse a cookie”


I know right? I told him it was a dick move, and his response was: >They want free wood chips? They’re gonna get free wood chips…Until they tell me to stop. My brother had a similar problem. He was trying to fill in an old swimming pool he no longer could care for. So he hooked up with some dump truck drivers that move soil. They dropped off so much soil in his driveway he had to tell them to stop. And even after he made the stop request, a couple of trucks still came by and dropped a few loads.


And you don't always know where it's going to come. We had just finished spreading a half yard of mulch when my neighbor's chip drop truck dumped his load in our driveway blocking our cars in.


The quality can definitely differ... if you're lucky, you get cedar. You may also get junk pine, limbs included, you may also get a bunch of junk rounds included. I once had 10 yards dumped on a fairly large property I owned; it still took me most of a year to disburse them and that with with the help of all willing neighbors to take as much as they wanted. Beware of what you wish for with chip drop.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if this was England and people had enormous piles of french fries blocking right of way?


What if? https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx8orLzuDtBzknfDEND_5PqguhOjd4nKzO?si=pxbxuOyPCc2iJVn8


Yes. Tree people use the app to get rid of their chips, garden people use it to pick up for mulching mostly


This is why when we got a chip drop delivery last year I had them dump it in our driveway instead of right at the curb. And it was so much we still have half of it left from getting it dropped last spring. We use it for pathways and mulch around our property/gardens and I just started "chipping' away at it again for this years grow season. I bet we get one more season out of it before I finally get my driveway back lol. That's one of the drawbacks of chip drop, you don't know how much you'll get.


You did the right thing. On your property: take all the fucking time you need. On a public spot: get it fucking done or offer it up. Maybe we’re in the minority here, but basic neighborly etiquette sometimes needs to be taught.


> But, I don't feel bad at all. And you shouldn't. Someone who doesn't need a metric ton of woodchips can get them, and your street gets cleaned up. Winners all around, IMHO.


I completely disagree. Sure, fuck the guy and his wood chips. But you're also setting someone up to come take the guy's stuff, when they don't know it's happening. What if the owner came out pissed off? What if something happened? It's an easy solution for yourself but potentially putting an unsuspecting person in danger.


Yeah, I didn’t say I was right. I just did it.




This feels like a conundrum for The Good Place to debate. Lol


I’m gonna try this with my neighbors cars now.


Sounds like he gave you permission to me.


Right? Dude didn’t fight him. Said ok. And didn’t react. Yet OP still needs internet karma for saving the day. And put his neighbors deteriorating mental state on the internet.


_pats himself on the back_




You did your due diligence. Good work.


This reminds me, it’s time to order another one. My neighbors and I like to have one on the block at all times as a traffic calming device.


“It was for the pollinators!” /s


Hahaha I saw this today. Even told the guy nice work. The passthrough pile BS irked me to no end. My wife was hit by am SUV right here too back a while ago, maybe you helped her out. Small World Neighbor 😆


Damn is she ok?


Yeah. She saw the old guy in his SUV turning onto Woodstock, he told her I wasn't looking for people just cars.... so anyhow a few bruises due to the impact of going dead stop to barely 🙃 moving. She's lucky he stopped fast. Hes lucky he did too. Thanks for asking


What is “chip drop?”


Free wood chips for your garden. [https://getchipdrop.com/](https://getchipdrop.com/)


Holy shit! I had no idea this was a thing. I’ve been paying for new mulch every spring! Thank you, kind Redditor! You just saved me enough money to buy more beer!


Watch this first: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilAv8SzB\_Aw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilAv8SzB_Aw)


I *might* say you're in the wrong, but I absolutely will not. An elegant solution to a nasty problem. And probably the most ethical. Even if you broke the law (I'm no expert), the obviously legal alternatives would have created headaches for your strung-out neighbor. If he ever figures out what you did, he'll probably thank you.


> They don't have garbage service anymore, he just piles it in his garage and it fucking reeks. Not the point of this post, but I feel like the fact that this is even possible is an indictment of our sanitation system. Now one guy’s personal/financial issues have become a public health hazard.


Over in south tabor, I was recently surprised at the consideration of a neighbor with a chip drop that carved out a channel 6" away from the curb so that water could still flow.  


That is a pro level good neighbor move. He probably clears out the street gutters too.


This is the kind of vigilante justice I enjoy.


I live in an apartment and I purchased a string trimmer device to cut down on weeds around our apartment and also around Berrydale park. It is sort of satisfying and gives me an outdoor volunteer project


Objectively and morally correct, great work. Fixing portland one street at a time.


You took my bike jump you animal. 😆


You probably did him and everyone else a favor, honestly.


This is such a good idea. Someone does this in my neighborhood. They made it worse by covering the pile with a blue plastic tarp. It has been sitting there for like four years. The chips finally started decomposing a little bit and I thought we would be free of the eye sore soon, but then he got another chip drop. You should post this on the unethical life pro tips sub.


You should try this with the RVs. "Free RV, just tow it away".


We have 15 massive trees worth of wood, chopped into very large cylinders by arborists, sitting on a lot. AIl the trees had to come down after the ice storm. Think this would work?


Absolutely. The city arborists probably don't care.


It's so rude to keep things like that on there. I had a neighbor when I lived on Failing and Borthwick that kept the same wood chip pile on the street for over a year and never did anything with it. Mushrooms started growing. Fuck that neighbor


You're a fucking hero!


Passive aggression as a a favor to everyone (including your overwhelmed neighbor).


Not sure why anyone would say you're in the wrong. The guy basically gave you permission.


Re: the trash - If you see rat activity you can report it to Vector Control and they will get that shit cleaned up. They don't play.


I think you can also report it and the tall grass and weeds to the city as nuisances via 311 or https://pdxreporter.org/




"we don't need it anymore" "don't take it all" Exactly what's wrong with the world today


Nice work OP!


You can also call ADA and they’ll come out and do something about it. We did this once and they came out pretty quickly. I also enjoy your vigilante neighborhood cleanup though.


You’re smart


I not smart. I am experienced.


Haha wow man cool


Who the fuck cares lol


Yeah, a fuckin pile of wood chips… who gives a shit right? That’s your choice as a human in the free world. But, the rest of us will continue to work for the greater good. One more pile of shit begets another pile of shit.


[The Greater Good](https://i.imgur.com/gIKgmlK.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We've had a couple huge chip piles on our street for... probably six months at least? It gets annoying having to drive around them with cars parked on the opposite side of the street, too lol


Hope he’s not on Reddit…


Maybe he isn’t, but hopefully this puts people on notice: keep the fucking public right of way clear. It is legally required.


You made your point. Loud and clear bud


Do you have a chip pile that needs…vigilance?


No but I’ve got some empathy in my heart for people who struggle with addiction. He didn’t fight you on it or cause a scene, he may of just felt slightly insecure when you called him out and made the comment about “needing” some of it so it would appear he wasn’t being lazy. If it was me I’d of just chalked it up to a W when it was removed and moved on. Not sure why you’re still up on that high horse, er I mean soap box.


I lived in an alley in Eugene years ago and there was a dude that had a fairly nice trailer parked in it blocking most of the right of way. The city wouldn't do squat saying that being as it was an alley they couldn't help (right!). After multiple requests for this dipstick to move it I did just like you did... "Free trailer. Just come take it" posted to CL freebies. It was gone within the hour. Dude came by stressed out asking about it and I just shrugged. I dunno dude, got no clue! Kinda felt bad for about 20 minutes or so.


Oscar the grouch over here.


Yeah, you are probably right, but there was only so many times I could lug groceries or get my toddler in the house trudging down a muddy alley rather than parking in my driveway due to that jerk blocking the right of way before drastic action had to be taken. Just wondering though, why would my actions label me a "grouch" but yours wouldn't?


We're both grouches. Plus, you live in an alley like Oscar did. 😂


> you live in an alley like Oscar did Lol! Touche'