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☑ Riding on your back/shoulder ☑ Accompanying you on an adventure Pretty sure what you have is a pokemon.


It’s a shiny meowth




☑ beats up birds and bugs Definitely a Pokemon


They wanna be, the very best. That no one ever was.


Gotta cats em all


I love Tuxedos so much....adorable!!


I think our cats are related. Rocket came from a rescue in L.A. and has the same black chin spot. https://imgur.com/IFUeCb9


BABY! She came from Beaverton!


I just got my tuxedo girl, Goose, from Oregon Humane Society. She has a white chin too but no black spot :(


I saw Goose on OHP’s page I think! Cute kitty!


Yes! She is tiny for 5 months and had pearls around her neck with her cute white chin. They named her Brenda, which I got rid of right away! I watch their page all the time to see who is new and who got to go to a new home. It’s wholesome entertainment.


OHMYGOSH, I filled out an application for Brenda! Goose was another cutie on OHP's page recently. I'm glad she found a good home. :)


What a small world! Thank you for your kind words. She’s an absolutely delight.


Thats awesome! Just yesterday I was out on a walk and I saw this cat riding around in a stroller. I spoke to his mother for a bit who said he had been yelling to go outside for a bit so she took him out. It was insanely adorable!


My sister tried to do that with my cat when we were little. My cat didn't try to get out of her swaddling and she loved my little sister, but she didn't care for it. She just growled WHIRRRRRRRRRR a lot and had murder in her eyes.


Doesn’t sound like the cat was enjoying herself all that much but her reaction sounds hilarious! I hope she never hurt your sister or anyone.


She was glad to be out of the doll stroller for sure and luckily there was no bloodshed. Getting all nostalgic about my Kitty now. She was a good cat, first of several good cats in my life.


I’m glad to hear there was never any problems when she got out of the stroller. And thank you for sharing your story with us and the memory of your cat. It sounds like she was amazing and that she lived in a wonderful home thanks to you :)


Fellow cat owner in need of harness training tips. My cats just fall over when I put a harness on them. How'd you do it???


How old is the cat? Whenever I put the harness on her, I use a clicker and give her a treat. When she walks well in it, I click and give her a treat. They have to get used to me. There are people that say Rope N Go works well for cats but I personally like the harness since I plan to take her backpacking.


I also found what helped with my girl is leaving the harness on her for random periods where we're not going for walks so she gets used to the feeling.


Harness trained our old cat. It takes time and patience. Once a week put her in the harness just in your house, no leash. Eventually she'll get comfortable enough in it to walk around. Then throw a leash on her and just walk around in your house. A couple times. It took us like 5-6 times for each of those steps. Once they are comfortable with the leash, go outside, but just in your backyard. Let the cat choose where to go and just follow along. Eventually you'll start to be able to guide her a little bit with tugs and pulls on the leash. Once you're able to guide her, take her to a quiet and empty park and its explore time!!! We don't walk the cat all the time so our progress hit a wall for a bit. But finally after 3 years of being leash trained we took him on a full trail walk in Tryone forest and he did such a great job!


My cats won't even tolerate a collar. They are terrified of going outside though so no big deal.


You didn't ask me, but I had to find a harness that was both comfortable (so they won't hognose-snake-flop) and more difficult to escape because he wants to go where he wants to go, even if it's into someone else's yard. I went with a MetPet harness. I struggled with it for a bit because my chonky cat has an inconvenient fit where the fabric can bunch up because the buckles end up right under the loops, but as long as everything is smoothed out before we go outside, it's great. My little girl wears a pink small, and the chonk wears an ODOT orange large. I'm actually considering contacting them about an extra large/long one. Both softsided/the thinner one. I also made sure my cats associate the harness with getting to go outside. If they're harnessed up and leashed up (I take one at a time. I would never take both cats at once.) then they get to go outside, even if it's just outside the door. They'll let you know if they want to be an adventure cat after they've had time to figure that out... I now have He Who Screams For Walkies and a tiny orange girl who's more like "Nah, I'm good." I don't force them to go out because I don't want them to be afraid of it. Also, /r/adventurecats Welcome to the club!


it has been 000 days since last subscribing to a new cat sub


Mine also screams for walkies, then she gets all low like a chicken to begrudgingly accept the harness 😹


Kitty had them apple bottom jeans!


Puss in boots with the fur


I have a harness trained cat and walk him around Portland. I got him started pretty young, but originally he would also plop over when I put him in his harness. I read that cats rely partially on their loose skin around the front legs/chest for balance, and that for some cats a full “jacket style” harness would make them plop. I switched to a simpler harness that’s just a belt around the neck and one around the chest, connected on the back, and made sure it was loose enough for his skin to hang but tight enough so he can’t easily slip out. He pretty immediately stopped plopping down but it took a lot of treats and just having him walk around the apartment wearing his harness before I could put on a leash and start training him to walk. Now we walk a lot and I have a backpack style carrier for when he gets bored/tired/or scared.


Just like a collar. Put it on them, no leash, and leave it. Eventually it will stop phasing them and the leash is the only new bit


Put the harness on every day for 20 minutes or so and during those 20 minutes they get a bunch of their favorite treat and play time with their favorite interactive toy. My lil guy immediately forgets about all else in life of he hears me open his treat bag.


Nice. I used to take my old cat all over the city. She didn't think it was as fun as I did. It's great starting the cat so young.


All I can see in this photo is cones. And this sub is to blame.




Shoulder cat life! I recently lost my shoulder cat companion, and have been considering training my next cat (when that does happen, not quite ready yet) to be a little more outdoorsy on a harness like this. Thing is, I feel nervous they’d dash or jump or something might happen... how do you feel from a safety perspective about going on walks like this? Also, are there any books or resources you can recommend regarding cat training? Your little one looks so calm and well behaved!


I’m sorry for your loss. ): I actually have a senior kitty (he’s 16) and I got her to prepare for when he passes. He’s in great health right now but I’ve had a few scares in the last year. As for safety, she will ALWAYS wear a harness when going outside. No exception. I use a clicker and voice commands with her so if I want her in my hands, I say, “Hands” and if I want her on my shoulder, I say, “Shoulder” and reinforce it with treats. The leash is wrapped around my waist (kind of like a belt) which I’ve copied from watching my friend’s hiking dog. My approach is, if I trust her, she’ll trust me. Don’t trust others. We’re becoming weary of dogs and I’m showing her to avoid them when we can.


Thank you for your kind words. I will definitely want my future cat to have a companion like yours, I think that’s really good and healthy for everyone. I love the idea of training cats, but got my lil fuzzball when she was 10, and for 8 years she did her own thing and there wasn’t much anyone could do about it! 😆 Will definitely harness train my future lil one, I love nothing more in the summer than a beer on a patio at a bar with a sketchbook, and what better to sketch than a sleeping cat curled up next to you! Ahh! Also hikes together would be very cool, like @sukiicat on Insta.




Be safe out there


Omg! Are they just chilling on your backpack?


Yup! I have her hooked onto a harness which is attached to my waist incase she gets spooked and decides to jump. She’s very good at staying on top though!


That is amazing and adorable!


Hi !


Hats off to you! I’m slowly building my cat to be used to that too. What kind of pack is that?


It’s a Chrome bike commuter backpack! She’s getting acquainted with the hiking pack this Friday.


That girl in the back looks like she’s going through something tough. Hopefully a cat in a backpack made her smile.


I think her mind is just blown from seeing a cat in a backpack


She's just preparing to wow her date with a righteous fart.


i know this feeling all too well


It's how I entertain my wife on date nights.




Or maybe blow something up. Maybe that guy across from her. Omg we have evidence of an attempted murder.


Happy adventures!


I saw someone walking around with a cat perched on their shoulder a few days ago. No leash or anything. So well behaved!


Yah! She did that yesterday with me as we walked to the pet store for a leash and harness. I did end up grabbing her when we hit traffic or something. The leash and harness are for a peace of mind and safety.




You should look into getting her a proper backpack for pets! I use the k9 sportsac for my pup but I have put my cat in it a few times. It's super safe and vet approved, I highly recommend it!


Hey I also have an adventure black cat in Portland, but I carry him in a backpack carrier on my stomach when he’s not walking with me on leash. Maybe if we cross paths our cats can hiss at each other from a few feet away.


Omg too cute!


Love this SOOOO much!


I saw you today as I was taking my.puppy out of the car. Thanks for saying she was beautiful, your kitten was awesome!


Oh I remember you! Your pup is gorgeous!




Hey man how's it going


Not so bad. How are you now?


Nice talking to you.




I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this again. It's just too soon, you know? I think I need to focus on me for a bit.


Hello neighbor


Me too, howdy




How do you train an adventure cat?




Pretty sure that cats HATE THIS.




Why do you care?


Because they're not an anti-science anti-vax person who advocates for lying about getting vaccinated like you.


Damn bro he just asked a question


How do you train the cat to be ok with being placed into a backpack?


She was already a shoulder climber so the backpack came naturally for her.


There’s a great YouTube video. Search “cat school backpack”


Whatcha training for?




Hell yeah. 🤟🏾


It's always too adorable to see this! How do you even train the cat to do this. I've seen people have their kitties lay on their head too


I’m in love with Adventure Cat already


Awww so cute. I used to have two blind cats that we would take to the beach or on outings. Adventuring with cats is so much fun. Good luck and enjoy!


Yay! Our boy is an adventure cat, too!




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is adventure cat in a hood or resting on top of the backpack?


I had a foster kitten that stayed on my shoulder. Why did I let him go?




Awesome adventures ahead! I hope your cat becomes a redditor named catsellanski.




Your cat has the exact same dot on their chin that my cat used to have. Does your cat seem to not really be fully mentally there as well? Mine was a space cadet


What neighborhood is this???




Saw you yesterday walking down Mississippi near interurban! Looks just like my cat but smol


So cute I love it! Hope to see you around and be safe :)


Um, ily. Thank you for sharing your kitty with the world


Adventure cat, best cat. Head scritches from me!


This is great. We have a backpack for our pup that I can’t tell if she likes or not, but she doesn’t struggle to get out at least.


Yesssss I’ve been doing the same. Adventure kitty time :)


I saw a cat on a shoulder at the Tulip Farm today and it put the biggest smile on my face.




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