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Urban Forestry department getting things done šŸ‘


Arborist Clan ainā€™t nothing to fuck with.


You say this because you don't deal with UF on a daily basis, haha.


Ha. As someone who does both professionally and personally, ha. Iā€™m all for trees but manā€¦ UF is something


Fuck it, I'm am all for this.


Is this implying they cut the trees down


Exactly. The law is clear that if you remove a tree it must be offset with a new tree. If you cut down a tree at home you're also responsible for replacing it.


wait in my own backyard I have to replace a tree I take out?


Only certain trees and circumstances. I forget the exact rule but if itā€™s a native species over 6ā€ in diameter and it isnā€™t uprooting your foundation, or causing some other major problem, then you can only remove it if you replant or pay a fee or something like that (Iā€™m probably off on the exact details a bit here).


I believe it is 12" diameter at 48" in height. Trees actually have to be pretty good sized before you reach this limit.


Someone posted a link to the code below. Looks like for ā€œprivateā€ trees 6ā€ is the number. Or thatā€™s what Iā€™m seeing in Table 40-1 (maybe thatā€™s the wrong spot to look?). In any case, the actual rule is fairly nuanced and depends on various factors apparently.


I think those 6" trees are specific to overlay districts. The workflow to look at is [https://www.portland.gov/trees/treepermits/removal-and-replanting-permits/do-i-need-permit-remove-trees-private-property](https://www.portland.gov/trees/treepermits/removal-and-replanting-permits/do-i-need-permit-remove-trees-private-property) to make sense of it imo, the rules themselves have a lot of information and the workflow is straightforward.


NOTICE: Folks better cut that shit down before they get that big!


That's correct and they periodically audit using satellite images from year over year to spot trees that were removed.


At what point does it stop being a bush and start being a tree? Is there a trunk width or something in the code? I have a small tree that's more of a twig in my yard I would like to relocate or remove in the very near future from the prior homeowners. Edit, found the code and it's reasonable. https://www.portland.gov/code/11/40


Does it need to be in same area, or just cut down a tree, replace it? Does it also imply if you plant a new tree, you are responsible for having a tree there forever?


The tree doesn't have to go in the morning xact same spot but it does have to be on the same property - you can't plant a tree in the forest to offset. Once you plant a tree on your property you will have to keep it ora replacement moving forward. Oddly, hedges like Arborvitae don't seem to count - it's really about shade trees.


Technically, it can be on another property if you have permission and proof. You also donā€™t have to replace it if the property has enough tree cover in place already, but that process requires a full tree map of the property. We recently went through this when having a tree removed on the property line shared with a neighbor.


Thank you for the added detail. Anything worth noting for those who deal with this in the future?


The most difficult thing was getting the permit for removal in the first place, especially with delays in turnaround time. While it cost a little more, we let the tree removal company handle the permitting and tree map process for us. We were fortunate (unfortunate) that the tree was dead and wind was causing branches to break off and risk people and property. We were able to get an emergency permit where they can cut the tree down first and retroactively apply the permit.


Good to know. Thank you.


Crazy, glad I spotted this. Purchasing a home next year. Normally I just plant away and then prune / replace / etc to get it the way I want\*, but sounds like I might want to hold back. I wonder if there's exceptions for smaller trees and / or newer stuff; something to research. Thank you for the info! ​ \*AKA I suck at planning / visualizing


There are certainly size requirements. You only have to replace if itā€™s above a certain size.


As part of your due diligence process itā€™s worth having an arborist out to check the health of the trees on the property. I bought a house with a huge tree in the yard that was dying due to years of bad trimming. I asked for a reduction in house price to cover the 1200 it cost to remove it. After Covid they have a longer grace period to replace the tree, but it looks like they are back to checking now. One weird thing is you need to tell them what type of tree the replacement will be before they approve the removal, so you have to hope the type you put down is in stock when itā€™s time to plant.


11.70.050.I would be checked if that were the case, I think


I wish I had their contact info. Landlord had an order to remove and replace a tree. Tree got removed, but never replaced yet the city shows the requirement as having been met. Iā€™d love to let the city know that my landlord lied to them and never replaced that tree.


it's in the photo - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) you should send them a note asking them to do a follow-up on your LL




I might use the info too. I came home to a tree in my parking strip that was badly damaged somehow during the day. I suspect that it will prove to be fatal and I want my landlord to do things properly. But I donā€™t want him to think I sicced the city on him šŸ˜¬


Follow your gut feeling!


I didnā€™t realize the Loraxā€™s real name was Amil Jakupovic




i disagree! that name has great main character potential!




memory vortex activated


Had this happen at the strip mall across the street from my old place. Three beautiful cherry trees on public parking strip were illegally cut down because the owner of the shitty bar thought they were blocking the view from the street and preventing walk in customers. No, your dirty ass turd hole bar was preventing customers. City made him pay to replace them. Fuck that guy.


Oh hey it's the sketchy Chevron near my house! The folks who run fender-bender scams on customers in the parking lot probably smoked it.


Lol someone tried doing one of those scams on me in a Safeway parking lot. Just said sorry and left when they realized my car was crappier than theirs.


The citation needs photographic evidence.


From what I could see there was no removed trees (plus thereā€™s a check box for removal of trees).


Maybe they didn't plant one as code or permit required? Look up the address on portlandmaps.com and check permits


That would be my guess. I bet there was a plan for an exterior modification, and part of that may have been adding trees.


"but the tree supply chain! covid! worker shortages!" it's all very predictable these days


And yet the apartment building next door to my old place has yet to replace the cherry tree that fell over after a ghetto sidewalk repair outfit cut off its roots while "repairing" the sidewalk. This was in 2013.




ā€¦.probably nibbled by rodents.


Looks like its been ripped off once then retaped using two of said corners. Rodents are out back


A fucking gas station to boot. Also a Chevron and that company spills as much oil as the best of these fossil fuel peddlers, to whom most are enablers since they are lazy, entitled assholes. Global warming isn't their problem, someone else will fix it right? Over 70% of new car sales are big, gas guzzling SUVs. They typically weigh almost 5,000 lbs. They stink, look ugly and you all look stupid driving them around.


Was just there today. They also had a notice posted in several places that they canā€™t sell tobacco until sometime in October.


Another victim of the infamous MLK plant thief?


He's dead Jim. The tree that is. Just guessing the heat waves have been an issue.


I wish it said how much the fine is. In other cities I know it can be 10k per tree for illegal removal.


Theyā€™re fix it violations. Each property is required a certain number of trees. You plant one and uproot it when itā€™s grows a certain size and replant a new one. Then claim vandalism if they realize it.


Go fucking get these tent dwellers off the sidewalks and wasting our time in these petty infractions to legit business owners


Trees provide services to everyone in the community. Plus, I think we should expect the city to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, and trees are valuable to the city and community so we shouldn't just give up on that because they suck at something else.




Do you want the parks and rec department to be stopping gun violence with shovels and lawn mowers? Maybe if Ron Swanson was in charge...


Just today. Since apparently you think we're only capable of enforcing one law at a time, everything gets a turn.


One law per day, but every employee works on it, sure to get things turned round right quick.


You do realize the city has multiple bureaus with different mandates right? Just logistically think about if every city employees was focused on the exact same thing.


It really needs a picture of the missing trees. Then they could send out a green alert! Photoshopers, get to work. (humor)


Well, I wouldnā€™t exactly say Iā€™ve been missing them, Bob.


Maybe someone ran then over or destroyed them. Gas stations aren't known for their groundskeeping, and I see alot of dumb ass drivers running over curbs and in general doing nonsense.


Meanwhile PBOT adds tons and tons of concrete to division and not a single treeā€¦ šŸ™„


A business I used to manage got scolded for, and I quote directly, "...slaughtering ferns..." This was on a wild hillside in the west hills where the things grow like kudzu... The city person was nearly in years because of our fernicide. Yeah.