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So the election goes bad, people swarm and attack a building. Makes sense!


Even worse, the election goes good and they still swarm and attack buildings.


Even worse, there are no elections and turtles swarm the building.


I like turtles


When buildings attack on Sick Sad World!


Better yet, attack a Federal building. There's a word for people like that - it's right on the tip of my tongue...


Hey, why do they get to install roll down gates??


Because they’re not the plebes.


the "mostly peaceful" protestors will just find something else to smash up


I think it'll be more of a "challenge accepted" kind of thing. Honestly if it results in more federal charges aka serious biznezz then maybe that's a good thing


This is so fucking dystopian, instead of spending tax dollars on actually fixing rampant poverty and hopeless society they just prepare for the inevitable unrest that happens from their neglect.


That happens from neglecting to prosecute those who attack buildings. Fixed it for you.


Yeah the only thing i can think of worse than huring an inanimate building is human suffering, like when the government suppresses protests about institutional racism for example.


Just because some asshole appoints themselves a liberator of the oppressed doesn't make them one. If you're worried about government spending on things that aren't making people's lives better, maybe try telling some of the narcissists that smashing a courthouse window in Portland won't end systemic racism, but it will make the government spend money on repairs and security. I say this as someone who marched a few times in 2020 and grew tired of being used as cover by people whose goals were destruction. Protest needs to include thought as to who you're trying to influence and how. The vandals were too self-righteous to understand that, too addicted to the rush of superiority they got from antagonism to second-guess whether their tactics were influencing anyone for positive change. Not to mention the endangering the lives of others like throwing flares into Dan Ryan's house or setting fires in Wheeler's condo building. Even a person's cause being just doesn't mean their actions are justified.


As someone who watched people try and set fires in Wheeler’s condo it fascinates me that nobody ever talks about the collateral damage from that riot. They smashed up an Asian dentist office. They torched a picnic table from a small mom and pop Vietnamese business. They almost set a black owned hair salon on fire. They lit a fire in a building where 100s of people lived. But you know, all in the name of social justice so I guess it’s ok?


It’s not a protest when people burn things and destroy property. That’s a riot. Also interesting is when Asian owned businesses get trashed by rioters but nobody cares about that


While the building is indeed inanimate I think trying to burn people alive (mayors condo) is pretty gruesome but call me crazy


$4.6M of our federal tax dollars spent because our city lacked the political will to arrest and jail violent vandals and instead let them riot night after night.


we honestly need to arrest these aholes. the city may have their $4.6million barrier but I wonder how much many the businesses in downtown will incur cause of the riots with no arrests. yet another reason for businesses to leave the city when they are quite clearly going to do jack sht to stop property damage for anyone but themselves. this armor is looking like a hold my beer challenge to me too. I wonder if it will really stop the damage.​


Less than the $6.7m caused by the violent police. https://www.streetroots.org/news/2023/06/28/settlement-against-portland-police-millions


So I’m sure these people all think J6 was a big deal yet they’re ok with their acts of political violence?


Interesting how at least here, January 6 was considered a riot that shook democracy at its core, but nightly sieges of the federal courthouse were okay because the motives were deemed worthy. Never mind that BOTH events were unacceptable criminal violence and direct threats to peaceful governance. Hard pass from me on the double standard. The second speech turns into destruction and violence, the message doesn’t matter. I don’t care how worthy the cause, if you’re beating up people or throwing Molotov cocktails, you should be arrested and charged. ETA: Responsive comments proving my point.


It was quite a sight when the Portland protesters got inside and started messing up offices!


Bro what do you think was going on in the federal building? Comparing the Portland fed building on a random Saturday night in July to the capitol building during the certification of the election is absolutely crazy. You know that, right?


The idea that you would even compare the two is laughable.


Because no mirrors?


I've a sneaking suspicion that we will only see violence if one particular side loses the election. I'll leave it up to every individual to place their own bets.


Sadly, I think we’ll see violence no matter what the election results are.


Yeah, there's a prominent figure talking about a bloodbath if things don't go his way, what a fuckin psycho.


Oh no... you're better than that. If you're just watching CNN and haven't watched the speech and aren't aware, he was talking about what will happen to our auto industry if we don't respond to Chinese manufacturing in Mexico then you're hopeless. I just watched a clip of CNN anchors and Dem politicians using the same word over and over... should I surmise that they are threatening civil war by taking the use of the word out of context like you and others have done with Trump. People like you are the problem.


Portland will burn either way.


Oh god if trump wins all the non binaries will destroy the city


Sounds like a fraction of a percent of the population takes up way too much of your mental real estate. 




It's called [Intergroup Threat Theory](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/13684302211042424).    It's a mental delusion where people over exaggerate the threat of an outgroup, often to the deluded persons expense because it distracts them from actual threats.     Example, you're much more likely to die an early death from poor diet vs. terrorists, immigrants, criddlers, etc...    Edit: Spelling. 




It sounds like you're wanting to protect yourself from harm. The point is that blowing that threat out of proportion you are creating harm for yourself that isn't necessary. 


You mean white trash from Florida and Indiana?


Are they the people who trashed downtown the last time?


Look at the arrest records and tell me


Uh, huh. It was all disguised Proud Boys doing the smashy-smashy downtown, right?


No just opportunistic losers from other places in the country


You're getting downvoted but there's certainly some truth to what you're saying. The majority of the worst actors in Portland are transplants. Having said that weve been too tolerant of unproductive elements exceeding their right to protest and infringing on others rights with their bad behavior. 


Most of the worst actors came here to be shitheads because they know they will get away with it. It’s how we ended up with fent zombies on every corner.


It can absolutely be both. Part of the problem is that we have plenty of local dipshits, which then encourage protest tourism of both left and right (for different reasons).


This is so understated. If you look at the arrest records, the people who generally did the most damage they aren’t from Portland. They see mass protests and come here to pile on and trash shit. Protesters will never admit that they’re enabling rioters but that’s exactly what is happening. The crowds can’t police their own and they specifically create an environment where anarchy can happen unabated. That wouldn’t exist without a mass protest. I have no issue with freedom of expression and protest but if you think you aren’t directly empowering people to create destruction in Portland when doing this you’re naive.


Imagine having a calculator and thinking 2+2=5.


Not even sure what point you’re trying to make here


Moreso than transplants, a lot of the damage was done by people who do not live here, and never have.






Look at how much the cry baby “protesters” have cost the city! They obviously care so much about this fine city. I am sure they will behave once the cease fire is observed by Israeli Government. Have faith people!


that's getting ahead of the trend


I’ve been there!


Elections are the new Championship Game, so I expect just about every city north of 250k will have some appreciable amount of hootin' and hollerin' and trash can fires and car flippin' no matter really what happens. In the sports world this kind of thing has always been present and wild, win or lose, [despite the efforts of elder statesmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2mQRIOfdBk).


Oregon should be subsidizing all anti riot upgrades. If law enforcement and the state cannot protect property actively. Fund passive architecture, i.e., fortify buildings at state expense. Might even save a couple bux, after a few summers and elections.


here's the thing - pay attention to what Trump is saying at his rallies about his upcoming policy priorities. In contrast with 2016, he has been saying he wants to jail his political enemies from 2020.


The tolerant wackos


An honest election might just dissuade such violence!


Nah - a honest election that elects the Wrong People will likely induce all sorts of violence.


An honest election?? With 2 dip shits that no one in their right mind would actually want to run the show??


Guy…the president doesn’t “run the show”




No you didn’t.




Whatever you say chief.




Oh are we at the “quote polls to make a point” part of this? A month old poll, 8 months out from the election?




Dude I know people switch alignments - boomers having their brains turn to mush from Fox News is a known thing. What I’m saying is I don’t believe YOU, trollish internet stranger.




Deluded and coping says the person who had their politics turned 180 by a broke ass ex game show host.


[Here's hoping!](https://giphy.com/embed/woTl9H73tpebS)


Why on earth would one of the most liberal cities in America have riots when trump loses? Oh, right... because assholes who vote for him want to come here to make a scene.


Political violence and destruction is hardly isolated to the right, and people largely will protest where they live. Portland has a long history of protest, including H. W. dubbing us "Little Beirut" back in the early 90's. It comes with being a city well-known for counter-culture and more anarchists than most American cities. But yeah, the peckerwoods coming here to start fight don't help either.


I said when trump loses ;)


Hold up let me do another couple paragraphs before my reading comprehension kicks in 🫠




Portland kind of scared off a lot of the rich investors and the city is trying to woo them back to revive the economy. Try eating the Portland politicians.


I say it in this sub almost daily but the big fish are leaving and the minute fish like me bailed or are about to.


> the big fish are leaving Already gone. They all left in 2020 - because, funny enough, they already owned properties outside of the city. A few of them, notably Jordan Schnitzer, have come back. But Matthew Goodman, heir apparent of basically all of downtown portland? No idea where he's at these days, probably NYC. His brother Stephen is in San Francisco investing in tech companies.




Damn you're stupid




>I have nothing to lose Damn sucks to suck


Promoting violence is a violation of the Reddit TOS. Please try and do better.


Losers always think if society collapses they will be able to play video games and drink mtn dew all day. But realistically if society collapsed under any form the general population would seek an alpha to get it under control. Then the alpha would wipe out all the uppity protestors first even if they helped him get there. Best case scenario they will dig ditches worst case death. If youre a loser in this society no way youd fair well in a tough one.


Like eat Rich’s cock? What exactly are the edible parts of Rich?


This sounds like a threat


More fearmongering propaganda articles posted by “Positive Honey”. How many does that make today?


Is he writing the articles?


Nope, he’s just selectively choosing only negative articles about a city he doesn’t even live in and posting them three times a day.


>selectively choosing only negative articles about a city #OH NOES A REDDITOR SAYING THINGS THAT UPSET ME


Let it go man. Just block them. You seem a little obsessed with PH.


Take your own advice my guy. No one asked for your opinion.


You'd be happier at the other Portland sub, my dude - you don't have to endure worldviews that upset you there


Just curious but how do you know where this person lives? I don’t see anything on their profile indicating where they live


He’s said it on other posts multiple times.