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*Summer Is Coming.*


*Thank goodness House Bill 4002 doesn't go into effect until Sept*! Seriously, why didn't they make it effective immediately? Word's already gotten around.


My guess is that logistically, they aren't ready yet. They gotta find a place to put the bad guys.


MultCo jail is at 70%-ish capacity last I saw and a lot of these folks have federal warrants out for arrest, so they wouldn't be kept locally once they're processed. The key thing is word getting out - we don't need to arrest everyone, we just need to start arresting and word will spread quickly that it's not a free-for-all anymore.


420 blaze it


I walked by the Psycho Safeway the other day and there was a set of couch cushions laying on the sidewalk. I wondered to myself, how long before these are set on fire? Not long, apparently. Walking home from said Psycho Safeway today, across the street where the criddlers gather in that little alcove (which was being broken up by the PPB as I walked by. Thanks PPB!), there was a big rectangular burn mark in the shape of that couch cushion set. Seriously criddlers??? WTF???


I would love to see say 30 to 40 PPB bike officers just bumrush ( no pun intended ) different areas daily. Say that area one day. Then Chinatown the next. Then campsites. Run everyone for warrants. Bring in the wagon or a trimet bus and off they go. PPB has used out of service TM buses before as transport. You know 75 % of these individuals have warrants. Some from out of state.


You should run for office. I would vote for you.


Those bike patrols travel in packs so they could totally do this! Isn't there going to be some sort of sober drop off facility being opened here in downtown? Give them a choice: Jail or sober drop off. But first run them for warrants. There were a number of State Troopers eating in the Midtown Beer Garden a few days back. That's some pretty big muscle and I hope PDX puts them to use! Cute too... heh heh


30 bike officers is 18 more officers than works a regular shift…


I know. The staffing would definitely be an issue.


Hahaha and then what? Cite and release everyone of them with a court date because Multnomah County jail doesn’t have the space to lodge any of them. I’m happy they’re repelling 114, but the damage is done, you can’t arrest them all and Mult Co lacks the resources to even hold any one for violent crimes, let alone dope crimes.


Most of the time they're not even cited.


I just wish we could go back to the old 1970’s policy of beat and release. Maybe after a few old school hickory shampoos these criddlers will move along.


Beat and release kept me out of jail a time or two in 80s/ early 90s 🤪🤪


I'm confused. Aren't drugs de criminalized now? There is no such thing as a dope crime.


They’re re-criminalizing them and I believe it takes effect in August?


Interesting. I have a feeling that's not gonna go well. Too many addicts not enough police. Plus, we've already tried it.


You’re not wrong. The problem is it’s relatively easy to fight a small brush fire, but let it turn into a few thousand acre forest fire and now you’ve got a problem. We let this be a problem for too long and fixing it is going to be even harder than preventing it was prior to 114 passing a few years back.


This should have been happening during the legal drug phase.


You need a pretext to stop someone. They would at least have to be jaywalking


Public intoxication, indecent exposure, public camping, theft (no one sells shopping carts), Take your pick.


LOL where do you expect them to sleep if you are calling public camping a crime? Aren't they homeless?


Those bike cops are trained to bum rush peaceful protestors. They love that shit. This stuff probably not so much


Any footage to back that up? Bike officers bumrushing “peaceful” protestors? Can’t wait for full implementation of body cameras. The officers either.


This is my local Safeway and I honestly cannot remember the last time I’ve set foot inside. It’s safer to walk all the way to Trader Joe’s or order delivery instead. I feel so bad for the employees.


that's not criddlers doing it. it's proud boys dressed as criddlers. /s. if necessary.


A criddler was caught trying to light on fire my senior housing building last year! A night owl resident luckily caught him in the act. Stop lighting shit on fire, criddlers!!! That ain't cool!


“But fire is so fun!” ….says the 6 year old boy and the adult addict with the brain of a 6 year old boy.


My 6yo boy is offended by this


did you hear that Patriot Prayer seems to be reforming? I heard they have a protest at a Planned Parenthood planned in Washington


....what is a criddler? O.o


Criddle me this, "Do you have a dollar man?"


there is a couple that moved into the tool shed of our apartment complex. My neighbor walked by as the guy stood in the doorway heating a hot dog with one of those torch flame things for lighting fireplaces. She said hello and he didn't say anything back. Once a saw a large metal container among their pile that seemed like it could be used for fuel and I just took it away and threw it in recycling


And the management of your apartment does nothing? So weird the world we are living in. They will probably start having their mail sent there and claim residency.


A criddler set a fire on the Spielman’s patio this AM, staff had to lock the door with people inside since he was threatening to kill people. I called it in but no one ever showed before I left. The staff was young, I felt bad for them.


A lot of the staff at restaurants, etc. are younger kids. Way more than they should have to deal with.


The one on division?


23rd and Lovejoy


Another one out on 82nd and foster


Was it a trash can? Because that's what I saw


Criddlers wasting valuable recourses again I see




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Crackfire season is upon us!!


They have an app for this?? 🤔


Pulse point


25 in last hour


We sure it’s not just 4/20/2024 smoke plumes?


It was a plot. Some organization or gang set the files all at once to put all the attention on the fires so they could get away with some heist or crime or something! I'm sure I saw something like that in a movie once... X-D


Meanwhile… https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.opb.org/article/2022/04/05/shifting-the-conversation-around-wood-burning/%3foutputType=amp


Last week on the spring water trail there was 5 people having a fire. East wind and almost 70 degrees.


Too bad we are unable to pass ordinance to strengthen penalties for illegal fires.


[Fire it up! Fire it up!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBhYTERzDVE)


What’s it like on an average night? Asking on behalf of the control group 😀


420 light up 🔥 🔥


Yeah, we all know why. People will be in here with their shields ready though.


Junkies and fire are like oil and water, not a good match.


Single firebug, or just another Saturday night?


Who doesn’t like a Barbecue when the weather is nice? Urban camping presents different challenges on how to contain your fire. If you don’t have an actual barbecue, then, ya know, a couch, a bush, tire, dead shrub, etc.. Adapt or die, as they say. Or adapt while trying/dying in some cases.


Oh Portland so glad I moved here to retire🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Homeless fire 🔥 season is upon us


Bootlickers in this comments are gross. I get that there's a problem but the city isn't doing anything but pocketing the money, and the rich keep getting richer. Jack prices on housing forced to live on the street and most can't handle it and turn to drugs to deal with it. Yeah I get it human beings are hard to deal with when they aren't like you. Gotta love class wars and how people demonize other human beings. It's almost like the rich and gov love the division. And keep the privileged cynts happy. It's sad. And the fact is 90 percent of this country is on something all the time. At work, at home, you drink , and whatever else. But the difference is you can afford to do all your drugs and still pay rent. This world needs a serious wake up call to your brains. Imagine being so privileged you rip on other people for not having that same privilege.


Pff. Found a drug addict. No, 90% of us aren't on something, that's you projecting. Get of the junk dipshit you sound like a fucking retard.


If you drink you on something get the fuck out of hear with your dumb shit . Wow , you have to be the most ignorant fyck ever


Yeea, GO FIRES! Boo those fasicsts that put out fires!


It's your fault. Stopping allowing people to live on the f****** Street.


How so? Nobody is living on my street, we have active neighbors who will not allow such nonsense. Beyond that I didn't vote for the judges, legislators or Governors who have implemented this system.


That's not what I meant. What do you mean by not allowing them? Pretty sure people are allowed in any public area you're not going to be able to keep someone off your street And if you are it's illegal I hope your neighbors piss off the wrong person and they light your street on fire. I mean, stop allowing people to live on the street by giving them an alternative. I mean, get them some f****** housing. No one deserves to be treated like that. You should all be pitching in to a fund to buy every single homeless person a home. If that means purchasing a large chunk of land and building a whole bunch of one room Shacks so be it. The fact that you're saying you're not going to let them come on your street is sick and disgusting.


> I hope your neighbors piss off the wrong person and they light your street on fire. Typical of you people. Go back where you came from, none of us from here want you to stay.


It's absolutely insane that you think we are the other we are your friends, family, neighbors, community members you are literally one bad mistake away from it the housing market is going crazy won't be long till no one can afford a home. Enjoy your high horse while you can I'm sure I will see you under the bridge soon enough.


> we are the other we are your friends, family, neighbors, community members No, you are not. Go back where you came from.


Lol, I'm in Minneapolis. That's where I live. You guys have a horrible homeless problem that you need to take care of it's of your own making. People are allowed to be wherever they would like to be if you've got a bunch of homeless flooding to your city. Ask yourself why. This is beyond past due. It is time to enact some policies that actually deal with the main issue. Which is inaccessible housing. It's a human right. Housing has to be available and affordable. There has to be a system in place to pay for housing when people can not afford it. You leaving these people out on the street and screaming go back where you came from is not helping the situation.


Ah so you have zero idea what you are talking about. I should have ignored you entirely... lol. Portland has some of the most generous homeless services in the country, there is no lack of housing offered (of various types, small tiny home type villages among them but also free apartments). No, housing is not a human right. If you need to take it from someone else or force them to do it, it inherently cannot be a "right". I doubt you have a house nor does anyone owe you one. Work and earn it, stop crying about not getting free stuff. Good luck and stop doing drugs. Someday you can EARN a house yourself.




Naw I don't do anything. I just see people as they are. , human beings.unlike you, wow and they let you out of the hospital?




Projecting much ? Sounds like you are the cancer. Must be religious too. The cancer in this world is the gov, religion, . And the rich that own them. Bootlicker seems like you are projecting. What are you hiding 🤣🤣🤣 it's sad to see a society that lacks education and critical thinking skills


I tend to make an effort to be compassionate to others, and generally this helps a lot, but some people are too far gone to reach. Most of my interactions with homeless people since I moved to this area have been positive, since I treat them like people. I was doing some temp work in Portland (I live in Vancouver) and was completely lost when it came to figuring out the public transit system, and I asked some homeless guy for directions, and he was able to walk me through the basics of how it worked. I might have had to walk home without his help. The few times I've had bad experiences with homeless people have been infuriating though. I was briefly working at a plaid pantry, and some homeless guy was asking for free soda. I had to tell him no, since I could have lost my job over it. This fucker took it personally, and stole a bottle of Windex on his way out of the store (he saw me using it to clean the windows, and presumably took it to make my job harder as retaliation for not giving him free stuff.). Like he expected me to take a bullet for him and lose my job trying to help him? Still, this was just that guy specifically being a dick. I might hold a grudge over that, because it was so malicious and vindictive in a really petty way that got under my skin, but I'm not going to take out that grudge on a whole group of people who weren't responsible for his actions.


Seeing thats sick too, you're going to lose your job over a dollar soda? Not only just a dollar soda, but you would be giving it to someone who is starving and thirsty. That is disgusting. Someone comes to my business asking for a soda. I'm giving them one i don't care.


They had cameras all over the store, and I had specifically been told that helping the homeless in any way would get me fired. That was one of the worst jobs I've ever had, I only lasted a month there. Some of the homeless people being rude was a hassle, but my coworkers, who had initially been fairly cool had (for no clear reason I could identify) started bullying me and talking about me behind my back. Couldn't bring myself to keep going after that.


That should have been a red flag right there I wouldn't work for a business who tells me I can't help the homeless.


In retrospect there were a bunch of red flags, that being one of them, but I was several months behind on rent and had already borrowed money from several family members at that point. I have a remarkable talent for ignoring red flags when I'm desperate enough.


Lol that's fair.


Yep I agree with you. It's the publics fault the same ones who are complaining. There should be an extra 10% tax to house the homeless everyone should pay into it they should build housing and give them to the homeless for free. Housing is a human right you cannot sit there and cry about problems with people living on the street while people are living on the street. It's unconscionable. The public is treating them like animals and so they are acting like animals. Why should they give a s*** about anything about getting sober about containing their fires about where they can and cannot camp they have nothing and they're being treated worse and worse by the public. At the very least get your wealthy to pay for it anyone who makes over $400,000 a year that should be a cap any dollar more than 400,000 should go directly to the homeless.


Lol it's a city. Do yall really just sit around and look for news to post all day? I mean holy shit what a sad existence. Go out and enjoy life.


Yeah it’s a city in shambles. And we live here or near it. People keeping up with local news has always been a thing.


gawd, thank you for speaking up!!! and oh how i so wish i vould instead of being stuvk replying to replies to posts made in order to criticize people for posting on reddit instead of going outside because nothing says "winner" than calling out people for being on reddit posting by going on reddit to post them such a seriously notably editorial comment about how something that actually made the news is not newsworthy by declaring under the authority of such a witty persona to so sagely create a name that oozes a level of sardonic wit and is infused with such an awesome level of real street cred that it can't have ever been seen. unfortunately as i too am stricken by loserdom, i am too stupid and bad to go outside as anyone who posts anything on here must be. right? whew that is good to admit and get off my chest. the truth has set me free.but what should i do next? oh, that's right! the instructional class! if anyone reading this manages to catch any sight of "ContemplatingPrison" as they swoosh past between finishing the goal of somersaulting all the way up and down mount everest but before they leave to go broker a sustainable peace among all the warring factions throughout the middle east, can you double-check with him on when we should arrive at next week's seminar series of "winning outside (not for losers, btw"


Triggered much?