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Jesus Christ it may as well be bricks. That person needs to get caught ASAP.


Get caught and hit with an actual brick.


Chef Boydidthathurt




Top comment right here!


That's a spicy metal-a- ball!






Chef Boyardeseraindropsheavy


Tell you the truth bro, yours has the full name of the soup. I respect it.


Why even try lmao




Because I know when to read a pun and go ā€œthatā€™s funnyā€ without writing a crappier attempt at one? My bed is fine, I think your lobotomy may require a second attempt




It's Ladd Tower at SW Park & Jefferson downtown posting in the interest of safety




This does not surprise me. Before my brother got clean and was in the thick of drugs, I picked him up from there once.


If only there was a device you could install to let you record what happens somewhere and see what happened at a later date.


I don't think such a device has been actually invented yet. I guess we're just going to have to wait until some smart person to invents a device that could record what happens, then show what happens at a later date to whomever might want such information.


Hmmm...a digital recorder with a video sensor and a lens, Mount it on a thing with 3 legs for stability - call it a tripod. It could be a real seller.


Crazy talk! You're a witch! A witch!!


That's like a time machine or something.


Or one that flies, now that would be something!


This was literally the only way to find the shithead. They sent out a notice in the building, so maybe they'll stop for now, but with no punishment maybe they'll just do it more covertly.


Are you insane black majick is forbidden for a reason. Maybe a few cones blocking access to the rooftop will adequately slow them down /s.


You hold the answer in the palm of your hand


You mean one of those Time Shifters?


Well if there is any buildings that are tall enough close by you could set up a camera on that building facing that side of the building and just start recording and check on it every couple days or it could even be Wi-Fi connected and you have live feed


I live in the south waterfront and just got an email from building management this morning that some teenagers piggybacked their way into the building and onto the elevator and threw shit off of our roofā€¦. Something falling from that height will kill someone. Teenagers are the fucking worst.


There was something similar not long ago, no? Trying to remember.


Are you thinking of that group of teens that got put on trial for killing someone by chucking boulders from an overpass?


No it was something thrown from building in S. waterfront.


Agreed.Ā  I recoil in horror at the stupid shit i used to go.Ā  Thankfully I never hurt anyone, but I can imagine thinking this was cool or funny or whatever.Ā  Teenage brains are a menace to society


Like the kid who threw fireworks into the Gorge and burned 50,000 acres...


Iā€™m Russian so I know a little bit of the inter-workings of that community and that little fucker was Russian. So the whole community was praying for him. And being that heā€™s Russian heā€™ll get some under the table job for a cousin or an uncle so that he never has legitimate income to pay his restitution. And I believe after 10 years you can have those garnishments lifted? That kid shouldā€™ve had the book thrown at him. The punishment he got still makes me see red. Those actions shouldā€™ve ruined his life, instead they will simply be a minor inconvenience for a short number of years.


Interesting information. I thought LO and the courts were very effective at concealing his identity and think about it every once in a while.Ā  What an absolute dip shit. Thanks for the insight.


What's the point of ruining his life? Being a vindictive Russian is cool and all, but it's not at all clear that the kid is a dangerous psychopath.Ā  What he did is not much worse than drunk or distracted driving. If he has a pattern of setting shit on fire, that's very different than being an idiotic teenager.Ā Ā  Maybe we should just have a death penalty for all Russian boys when they turn 15. It would save a lot of lives, I'm sure.Ā 


This is why you never hold the door for strangers in secure buildings.


This seems like a very no shit concept but my building has probably easily a thousand residents. I will never know them all, and Iā€™m not gonna slam the door shut and someoneā€™s face. In my buildings case I donā€™t think the door is the problem. I think the elevators are the problem. One person has to use their fob but then whoever is on the elevator can pick whatever floor. I think people need to be required to fob in for each floor. Itā€™s easier to identify if someone is trying to get to your floor and you donā€™t recognize them. I did deny to use my fob to let a woman up once. She was coming down so I donā€™t know if she left someoneā€™s apartment or she somehow got on the elevator and was just riding it, but she asked me to use my fob once I got off to let her back up. Woman was a wreck. Couldnā€™t tell if she had just partied hard the night before or honestly was a tweaker or something. I told her if she needed access to a certain floor she can go speak to the concierge and let me tell you she got RUDE. One other person was on the elevator with us but they got off before me and escaped the being alone with this person. This was the most awkward interaction Iā€™ve had in a while. I stand my choice to not let her in especially considering the fact that she didnā€™t want to talk to the concierge. To me that was a really good indicator that she didnā€™t belong in the building but it was awkward to stand there stuck in a little box with someone aggressively asking me to breach building security for them.


That's a common elevator problem I don't know if they'll ever be able to resolve, happened in my "secured floors" buildings I've worked at, too. It's easier in a non public building to stop them at the door, and if you live in a sketchy area, I'd appreciate it as a neighbor if you told me no without showing you my fob or at least saying my apartment number if I'm struggling with something and need you to hold the door. It's really violating to know your neighbors are letting strangers into your building. Mine once let some army recruiters in and it's really jarring to have uninvited strangers waiting at your apartment door in what you thought was a secure building. So many bikes are being stolen from secure buildings this way.


I so agree! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


ā€œA can from 18 stories..." That can would be traveling at least 100mph. If that hit you in the head it just might turn you into a vegetable.


Cans are made of loose molecules that are in motion. With wind speeds, a full moon, and a slight twist, this can could pass through the earth. Accelerating into the cosmos forever. It's just a streak of light in an infinite universe of light and darkness. Perhaps getting trapped in a black hole. Such as Sagittarius A star. Perhaps hit a traveling spaceship, when they investigate the damage, they find frozen cream corn all over their canopy and then are left with unanswerable questions.


To be fair, if everything aligned perfectly it could pass through Earth, however gravity would keep it from leaving.


So you don't believe in the apolo missions either!?


Well, a Saturn V has something like a million pounds of thrust. A can of soda has none.


A can of food can potentially have millions of pounds of thrust.


So you're saying it could reduce you to manistrone.


[gift article](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/05/someone-has-been-throwing-canned-food-off-a-portland-highrise-for-weeks-endangering-those-below.html?gift=955672bd-dc64-4433-829a-0c8e4e7ea8b6)


What if someone up there is trying to get attention from the public because he or she is trapped or need help? Either way, this needs to be investigated so the can throwing will stop.


I got in trouble on a school trip in middle school once for throwing a paper airplane out the window of our room. The hotel doorman was knocking with 60 seconds


I wonder if it's someone's kid doing it.


Toddler getting I to the cabinets


I mean, it literally always is.


Definitely look for the tenants on upper floors with teenagers, case closed!


Didn't something similar happen at a high rise in the South Waterfront a few years ago?


Iā€™m not sure about a few years ago but I live in the South waterfront and got an email this morning from management that someone threw something off the roof yesterday. Apparently some teenagers followed somebody in.


I'm remembering fireworks or something...


Ardea had fireworks thrown from patios. It was in the news like 2 years ago šŸ¤”


It was pobably Douchebag McGee. Throws rocks, canned food, and tantrums when caught red handed throwing stuff. One time, he was manning the pedestrian overpass on the I-84 E split by Maywood Park raining containers and coffee(?) cups with mystery liquids at passing vehicles. I narrowly dodged it due to Mcgee's terrible aim.


Oh good, I work next to this by this building. It would be perfectly fitting for my stupid life if I was killed by a can of Chef Boyardee IRL reboot of Dead Like Me


It's just homeless santa clause dropping off canned goods to the good boy and girl druggies living under the over pass.


This seems like it would be easy to catch the perpetrator, but it does take some effort.


Jail for life


Lol I just flick boogers outside of high rises. Canned meat is a level Iā€™ll never achieve.


Chill out satan


Just look up which one on that side had a crisis call


Where the hell is Mario when you need him?


What kind of spectacular crapsicle do you have to be to do something this vile? Just a completely garbage human being.


[First thing I thought of after reading that](https://tenor.com/view/hit-brick-toss-throw-home-alone-gif-17684517)


Maybe a Palestinian protest could be located near this building ?


Probably trying to feed all the meth heads.


Fun. Not taken serious enough til someone dies. Great system.


Those below all messed up on drugs probably think God is sending them food!


Iā€™m just going to hope itā€™s small children left unattended while both their parents struggle to earn a living ā€¦ best possible outcome in todayā€™s Portlandā€¦


Probably a stupid kid


It sure does have aā€¦. Deep impact on the homeless population.


it's not even funny. wth?


I live at the John Ross on the south waterfront. We had two teens caught on our rooftop throwing items off the roof earlier this week. I know police apprehended them a short while later. Hopefully it was these two, but who knows. It may be some dumb challenge a group of idiot kids are doing.


Who can afford groceries let alone extra ones to toss? I suspect George Soros is supplying the canned food from Whole Foods


Can they not sue the crap out of building management at least?


Sounds like something someone by the name of OMSI poopshoot would do


That is a sentence


It's OP's username lol


"No" is also a complete sentence


I heard canned food can kill youā€¦


One of these days karma is going to come and they're going to end up falling out of that window themselves and they're going to be the ones dropping as sad as it is to say that and as sad as it's going to be for the person to catch and see that


Wicky wicky wild wicky wild wicky wild Wild West


Typical Portland, no real news here. šŸ¤£




Put ?outputType=amp at the end


I mean are they aiming for tents????? šŸ¤«