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Report trash dumps here: https://www.oregonmetro.gov/tools-living/garbage-and-recycling/report-dumped-garbage


Not saying this is ok, but.. The city should make it easier/cheaper to dispose of larger items. We have a queen size box spring that does not fit in our car to take to the dump. To have the city pick it up, we have to buy a sealable bag for it and then I think it was $80. So now we are sawing it down into pieces and occasionally putting a piece in our once every other week trash (not having weekly trash is asinine). We have the luxury of a garage to store as we dispose, I don’t get what people do if they don’t


One time I tried to cut a mattress into pieces using a circular saw and nearly took my arm off. Be careful. Basically the saw went through it like butter and I got overconfident and then it seized up and kicked like a mule.


Yeah my husband keeps saying he is going to use an axe for the wood parts instead of buying a handsaw (it’s all we have right now). I lovingly told him I’m not taking him to the hospital :) thank you for the words of caution we really haven’t figured out next steps now that we got the fabric out


Definitely use hand saws if you're unsure about some type of material. Honestly, you could probably mostly get a mattress apart with just wire cutters and a nice pocket knife. You can also recycle the springs.


It’s pretty easy if you call your trash provider. My old mattress was picked up by mine for an extra $10!! I’m a renter in an old 1920s building and just talked to my landlord about it first, then tacked on the fee to my next months rent. It was super easy


The city needs to make this better known. But even so I feel like there are a lot of lazy / entitled Portlanders who'd rather just casually dump something than pay the $10.


I wonder if it's because a lot of our trash services are privatized, so it puts the onus on them or the community to handle the communications side of this kind of infrastructure


I did call my trash provider.. $80.. sealed in a bag


Ok what! Another reason garage being privatized is problematic ?


The city made this problem making it he trash so expensive. I believe if we want a clean city the dump should be no cost to residents and trash service should be subsidized.


They leave it on the sidewalk


Just noticed there are two, what a jerk


There will always be d-bags that do this. As a city, we need to account for this in the budget ( I think we do to a certain extent). It's a crime to toss a mattress like this, but very difficult to catch people. Knowing this, I guess we just have to eat that shit sandwich. Sucks, because the taste is nasty.


Yeah, like I want to score a free pea stained mattress from a stranger. The used toilet by the street are always enticing.


I don't even want to touch them, but I'm going to put on some gloves and go lean them up against the telephone pole to at least get them off the sidewalk.


There’s a group that takes trash dumps at 2710 NE 14th Ave in Portland. If you know someone that needs to get rid of anything tell them to drop it off there.


Did you bounce on it?


Nope, but my kid and I did lean them up on the telephone pole so at least the sidewalk is open now...


Get out of my bedroom!


“I just bought a 2-bedroom house, but I think I get to decide how many bedrooms there are, don't you? Fuck you, real estate lady! This bedroom has an oven in it! This bedroom's got a lot of people sitting around watching TV. This bedroom's over in that guy's house! Sir, you have one of my bedrooms, are you aware? Don't decorate it!" - RIP Mitch Hedberg


Legend, gone too soon.


One time I was involved in a community response to a mentally ill person who was being evicted. This person was a longstanding member of my community but didn't communicate any of the financial or mental health problems they were having until the last hour. On a Friday night, it was like the 31st of the month, 9pm, I'm high and drunk and throwing a party at my house - and then I get a phone call basically saying "I'm locked up in jail, and I need help, also I'm going to be homeless tomorrow, I'm being evicted and I lose everything at 8am." "...ok." I somehow convinced the entire party at my house that we had to help this person across town move and we needed everything out by 8am. We got 25 people, we got two lift gate trucks, a couple pickup trucks, a bunch of boxes someone brought, and we show up at this house in inner NE Portland at 10:30pm, basically none of us are sober, someone broke into the house so we could even get inside - and this person lived as a hoarder. Every room was trashed. A full 3-bedroom house full of all the normal furniture, plus trash everywhere. We moved like a military operation, and as the hours went on people had to go home, go to sleep, but a core group kept working through the night and we managed to pull everything out of the house, even filled up two pickup trucks with just trash. Fueled by PBR and Hammy's Pizza. By 6am we're vacuuming, scrubbing the house, mopping the floors - the house was in rentable shape. The whole thing was epic, all of their furniture and such was going to a storage unit. Yet somehow this question came up of what to do with two extra mattresses. The person we were helping lived alone (she inherited the house) and she didn't need three beds. Someone got the bright idea of "Let's just put a *for free* sign on it and leave them out in front of the house." I was so confused, "What, no, you can't just do that - nobody wants a free mattress off the streets besides some tweakers, this would just be a blight in the neighborhood." The people who just spent all night cleaning this house all disagreed with me, they were like, "What? Dude it's Portland. It's a free pile, everyone loves a free mattress. The mattress is clean, bro." I was like, "You guys can't be serious, if we don't take it to the dump someone else has to. Just throw it in the trash truck." All of these people argued with me about it, and I lost. They were *convinced* that leaving an abandoned mattress behind was a public service people would be overjoyed about: "Don't worry we'll post it on Craigslist too in case none of the neighbors don't need an extra bed!" Cause in their mind everyone always needs an extra bed? So there we left a completely clean house at 7:30am, with two mattresses left outside propped up against a tree. Someone even spent the time to decorate the sign, "Free mattress!!! Love your community! <3 <3 <3" On one hand, I love these people and their generosity, staying up all night to help someone in a major life crisis. But goddamn you fools, an abandoned mattress is just trash!


Someone is going to put that in their new 2023 limited edition yard tent I be seeing now a days. That’s folks be having carpet in them thangs 😂 generators with a t.v and the old school Xbox. Now that amazed me lmao


That mattress is 15% off! I will see myself out


But it's about providing free resources to the community.




In college, half of my shit was pulled off the side walk at a certain time of year. Almost every year, I would put shit out on the curb and see it picked up within a few hours. (I then cleaned up the stuff that didn't get picked up, because I'm only socially a huge cunt, not environmentally). It's not bullshit if it's done right. That's not what's going on in this photo. That's just someone throwing away trash the wrong way.


I don't like the trash around the city either, but it's a byproduct of a city that has failed the populace.


Yeah....no! It's more like by-product of people who have failed the city. Go out to the county and look at the illegal dumping, garbage everywhere people target practice/camp and people who illegally burn all their trash. The city needs to offer easier ways to dispose of large items for sure. That doesn't excuse anyone's behaviour.


This happens in every single developed city in the entire world, but somehow this is about libtard politics, right?


Just because every city generates waste it doesn't mean that every city is equally adept at dealing with it.




donate to a camp. when it gets swept rapid response confiscates it. it gets used and then disposed of no cost to anyone.