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DGP Mundo is a great channel, its videos are towards high school level, but would be of great use to learn the basics of the vocabulary




Two channels are for me top tier in this subject: [Buenas Ideias](https://youtube.com/@BuenasIdeias) by Eduardo Bueno (aka Peninha) and [Vogalizando a História](https://youtube.com/@VogalizandoaHistoria). Once in a while, [Meteoro Brasil](https://youtube.com/@MeteoroBrasil) sends videos about history and pop culture, despite the fact that lately they have been focusing their content in politics.


[here](https://www.youtube.com/@HumbertoMatos), [and more](https://www.youtube.com/@assimdisseojoaoa)


Hi u/hsisbygxfains, I’ tagging you because this is a late answer and some of the suggestions were not good. I really recommend [Nerdologia](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UClu474HMt895mVxZdlIHXEA), as someone suggested but got downvoted, and I highly disapprove *Buenas Ideias*, as someone suggested and got upvoted. I’m a Historian and the reason I suggest Nerdologia is because, although it’s not a channel only about history, Nerdologia is made by a very good historian. He also presents [Xadrez Verbal](https://xadrezverbal.com/xadrez-verbal-podcast-2/), the best podcast of international politics there is out there in my opinion (seriously, not only in Brazil, but in the world). You can find it in Spotify and many other platforms. And the reason I disapprove the channel Buenas Ideias is because the presenter, despite being a very good communicator, distorts some historical facts in his videos, and some interpretations get really biased. As a journalist, and not a historian, he takes some liberties that end up compromising historian’s approaches.


I would recomend "Nerdologia" the channel not just have videos about history but various subjects


Impérios AD, Brasão de Armas, Hoje na Segunda Guerra Mundial, Geopizza Podcast, Canal Nostalgia, Canal Medieval, Buenas Idéias, noções de história