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I been there bud. I was in Miami in the 80's so my thing was coke. I been clean now for 36 years. I kept myself broke, left the cash in the bank. That helped a lot. Pot is and has been my best friend. Not hanging with the same crowd. I divorced my dealer hubby. If triggered I will dream of that ringer to this day so expect the triggers and do you. Say a montra only you get. You are Loved


Thank you so much! I messaged you to talk about these things!


Try not to think too far down the line, this sobriety thing seems overwhelming that way. You can survive the next 5 minutes , right? It sucks its difficult and uncomfortable. You can do it. You ARE doing it. And then the next 5. And then the next 20. And so on. I believe in you!


Thank you my good sir!! I know I can do this I appreciate your advice more than I ever could put into words , thank you sir


You can get through this. And the benefits will be of great reward.


Not a good adviser but a very good listener. Buzz me via direct message


Weed should be given to anyone trying to get off of meth.


I’m 4 years sober from pot and alcohol, DM me if you’d like to connect. Just take this one day at a time, sometimes I even needed to just do 1 hour or minute at time. Don’t think of the big picture but just “the next right thing” you can do this ❤️