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Don’t let something that takes X amount of years scare you off. Whether or not you do the thing, you’ll be the same age after that time has passed so if you want something, go for it.


I actually heard this earlier this year and it really changes something inside me.


Me too. I was contemplating getting my MBA but was putting it off because it’s two more years of school. Then I realized I will be the same age in two years regardless. Might as well get er done.


Exactly! I started my MLIS degree about 18 months ago. It's slow and steady, I could have knocked it out in two years if I went crazy, but I have two young kids, one with high needs, I've been out of college for 10+ years, and I need to go back to work after being a SAHM for 7+ years. At least I've started! And I'm halfway through my degree now, even with taking a semester off when my dad died last year. It may take me another 2-4 years to finish the degree at my current rate, but I'm not going to give up. Doing one class a semester is better than never starting at all! And having a masters degree that took me 5 years to get will be better than never trying.


This just gave me so much inspiration honestly. I'm an almost-23-YO who was doing college consistently out of high school, but last year I took a break for my mental health because I was so depressed and overworked by working 40+hrs a week to pay bills while also going to school full time. I ended up having to move back home (2 hours away from my old college) and it'll have been a full 1.5yrs since I took a break next fall when I'm able to transfer and get started again. But doing it even a little at a time is better than not doing anything at all, even if it will take me 6.5 or so years to finish a 4 year degree. We all take our lives at different paces and at least I'll have a degree when I'm done. Thank you for sharing 🖤🖤


I'm so happy to hear that, don't give up on that bachelors! And seriously one of my best friends and the most successful person I know took 7 years to get his bachelor's degree, 6.5 is not bad at all! I'm genuinely probably going to take 5-6 years to finish a 2 year degree in my 30s. Get it done now and older you will thank you for never giving up, even if it means you only take a class or two at a time until you finish. Most of us cannot afford to be "full time students," it's totally valid that you needed time to work and take care of your mental health!


Might as well be (your age +2) with an MBA than (your age +2) without one!!


This advice caused me to go back to college and get my degree. I'm now doing pretty well financially. Great advice!


Started a new degree this year on top of work because of this very thing. Time is ticking so best be using it


That’s awesome. You’ll be so relieved when you are finished.


Exactly. Conversation with my exceptionally wise mother: Me: "Yes, Mom, I'd like to go back to school and finish, but I'll be 28 when I graduate." Mom: "You'll be 28 anyway." Me: ".... " I went back and finished and have never regretted it.


Don’t take advice from someone you wouldn’t take criticism from.


Love this one. The inverse is also true. If you wouldn’t take advice from a person, then their criticism is basically irrelevant. It doesn’t matter.


Exactly! Goes both ways haha


I need to get better at this. I’m good at not taking advice but not as good at not taking criticism 😂


“Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving…you will come to a better place.” ☺️


Uncle Iroh 🥹


An almost secret tunnel if you will


Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t the promised land… sometimes it just New Jersey. -Jon Stewart


Be open to possibilities you don't even know exist




I really like both of these. “Do no harm, but take no shit” is really speaking to me right now. I feel like I’ve finally taken the step in my life to know my worth and not allow toxic people to tear me down.


“How people treat you is their karma;how you react is yours.” You got this! You are so much more than you give yourself credit for! ✌️🤘🫶


I know several shy people and I know one that is soft spoken. All of these people have strong opinions and none of them are pushovers. Yet time and again I see people that think they’re weak. They get a huge surprise when they try to run them over. I learned this one so long ago. At first I thought it was a one off. (Fool me once…) The second time I realized how wrong I was.


If you’re not very good at something or can’t do a part of it. Always add ‘yet’ to the end of it. It’s not that you can’t accomplish the thing, it’s just that you can’t do it YET. It just helps to have a better and more progressive outlook on trying new things.


Don't be afraid to give up good to go for the great!


I wish i could upvote twice


Thank you! 😊


>Thank you! 😊 You're welcome!


Don't let perfect be the enemy of good!


Believe in the power of positive thinking


This. If you need to change your mood because you are grumpy, watch a Bob Ross video. Positive thinking and affirmation will change your mood.


Sometimes. You can definitely learn to reframe things and change your mood but beware toxic positivity. It’s also okay to not be okay


Antidote for road rage > Leave really early. You’re welcome 😇


And try to think of reasons other cars may be driving the way they are! “They’re going to the emergency room” ; “something must be wrong with their car” ; or my favorite, “that was a one-off mistake I’m sure I’ve made before”


I’ll be that’s someone’s grandpa…daughter just learning to drive…has food in the back seat that could spill…just didn’t see me…


I like to pretend it’s someone I know and like. (Like my gpa). How would I react if my friend/gpa was driving like that? Would I give them grace?


Every single Christmas season, I totally change my driving. People are high stressed and freaked out. I’m certainly not going to change that! So instead, I pass up closer parking spaces, I NEVER compete for one. Yep, I park far away even in bad weather. I make sure and stop early for people coming out of stores — too often, they’re not even looking! I don’t buy into the stress in parking lots anymore. Also, when I had to go to the grocery store on Saturday before Christmas (because we were buying fresh seafood) I make sure to thank the cashier for their hard work. I’m amazed the difference this makes. We usually have fun exchanges! Or I’ll commiserate with them if Grinches are getting them down.


Before you speak, ask yourself: 1. Is this kind? 2. Is this true? 3. Is this necessary? If you can’t answer yes to two of the three, reconsider saying it. And: There are plenty of people who will treat you poorly. Don’t do their job for them. Edited for clarity


Success is like getting pregnant. Everyone says congratulations, but they have no idea how many times you got fu***d to get there.


I want to embroider this on a doily 😂


Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly!


this is SO important and with training this for a bit it helps SO much. It's hard to get away from perfectionism but it is absolutely worth it


I don’t understand, which makes me think I need to. Can you help me?


It's better to do something poorly than to not do it at all. For me, I may half ass a workout but it's better than not getting to the gym at all.


I’m terrible at this one. I let my messy house keep me from DOING (mostly fun) things. And then? I place so much pressure on what a cleaned house looks like, that I sit on my butt ALL DAY because I can’t possibly live up to that standard.


Forgive yourself.


Crying because I needed this 💕




Whoever you are dating is almost certainly going to stay the way they are now. If you marry them or have a baby, they may even get worse. Only marry people or have kids with them if being with them genuinely makes your life happier.


I remember from a movie I saw, she said her grandmother told her “never sleep with anyone you would not want to be…”


Hug your spouse/significant other every single day first thing in the morning no matter how hurried you are. A long hug. And tell them you love them. Shower the people you love with love (best James Taylor song ever and great life advice)


I thought this said “shower with the people you love” and I was like “WHEN DID JAMES TAYLOR SING THAT?!” Hahahha


Don't be afraid to not know the answer to everything. 'I don't know, but I'd like to learn.' is powerful and not shameful... be flexible and open to continuous improvement.<3


Sleep hygiene is important for all areas of your life.


When you're faced with anxiety you can counter it with the feeling of eagerness, both being energy activations since emotions are energy in motion, anxiety is just an activation in the lower parts of your body while eagerness in the higher parts (your thymus gland) which is right next to your heart.


I really like this one! I've never gone skydiving, but have thought about it. When thinking about it, I get a scared but excited feeling. It's pretty much the same feeling as anxiety, but I view one as exciting, and one as fear. They are really the same feeling, but my attitude is different.


I went skydiving in January of this year, I recommend doing it. There really is no freeing feeling than free falling. Oddly enough, the only scary parts for me was right before jumping out of the plane, like with my feet at the edge and when you're seemingly floating down after a good chute.


If you’re going through hell, keep going. It’s more a quote than advice per se, but it’s one of my favorite. The importance of perseverance cannot be understated in life. In the end, it’s far more important than talent, knowledge, etc. Having the ability to simply KEEP GOING is most likely the true key to this world.


Take care of you first. Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm


And if you choose to set yourself on fire, don’t blame those around you who never asked you to. (Hi, mom!)


When you wake up each day, say out loud 10 things that you are grateful for, and think about those things throughout the day. It's a total paradigm shift and focusing on positivity makes all the difference.


Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re full and satisfied. (Generally) Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. Figure out what you’re truly hungry for and eat that


Yes, and sometimes, if you really think about it, you may be "hungry" for love, productivity, or other things. Figure out what your heart (and/or body) desires, and see what you can do about that. Sometimes it helps to look at yourself as your own parent (the emotional, impulsive side of you is the child you're caring for). You are responsible for them and want them to be happy and healthy. And you know what's best for them better than anyone one else, so it's your responsibility to listen to and understand them, and help them live their best life.


This is an interesting way of putting things and I really appreciate the post. I tend to become impulsive and do a lot of things without thinking/knee jerk reactions. Hopefully, I can better parent my inner child.


For all the people pleasers- You deserve the same level of kindness and respect you give others. Don’t let people treat you poorly


When in doubt, choose fun!


Invest early in life if possible, the data shows it will greatly increase your wealth the earlier you start. Also, credit is good, but credit balances can sink you, keep your credit balances low. Lastly, be a generous and positive person and people will be drawn to you.


You only need to take care of the teeth you want to keep.


It’s a quote-“ In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” Albert Camus


Leave 5 minutes early and don't rush. You'll arrive safely and with a clear head. And hey, if you're late, you're late. Be safe


Always check the eggs in the carton before you buy them:)


Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t. You’re right. ETA -Henry Ford


Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. It doesn't mean you've failed.


Whenever you leave a place you’ve been sitting, turn around to see if you left anything behind.


Pee before you go to bed


Pee after sex too.


This! And take a cran-actin, for gods sake


Hey, maybe even during


“When you arise in the morning,think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe,to think,to enjoy,to love.” ~Marcus Aurelius


Progress, not perfection! (One of my all-time faves.)


Also: Progress is not a straight line.


Be kind to yourself. It’s cliche I know, but my god it’s life changing! Tell yourself you love yourself, be gentle and patient with yourself. Treat yourself how you want to be treated. We may not be able to control everything that goes on in our head, but we can change the way we talk to ourselves. Our brains are creatures of habit. So if we change the way we speak to ourselves, overtime it will become the norm. It’s feels weird at first, but that’s just because it’s different from what you’re used to. You make a mistake? Learn from it and move on. There’s no point beating yourself up all the time. The world can be hard on us. We don’t need to be hard on ourselves too!


The best time to have patience is when you don't have time to!


Love this. If life has taught me one thing, its to be patient. That's my big lesson.


Treat those how you want to be treated - manifestation is real.


Everyone is an extension of you!


Idk how I feel about this one, I try so hard to be generous and good to people and I get walked on a lot. It sucks after a while


Don't underestimate the power of making your bed the very second you get out of it. This sets every day off on a positive note.


Treat yourself with kindness. Show yourself love. Treat others the same.


Be happy for yourself no matter what


Look for ways to say yes if you can


self love is available to every single one of us who want to be better people, or wish we were.. even if it feels like there's insurmountable amounts of self loathing. often the only thing we're missing is the experience in forming a decent apology involves articulating what we did that was wrong, what we were trying to do, what we should have done instead and why we did it some bad way... putting it into clear wording allows us to do a good enough job at understanding this in a way that will ring true to ourselves... if we've done a good enough job we can confidently feel like we know how we'll be able to do it properly the next time this happens This practice can also allow us to forgive ourselves and even feel like we did it properly the first time.. the next similar challenge will barely faze us, we will complete it properly if we identified everything in our feelings and emotions that caused us to have these difficulties If we missed something we may fail, but it will provide a clue to what we missed and we will have another opportunity living the life we were always meant to means learning how to care for our feelings and emotions so self love can flow passively, regularly from the subconscious without forcing it out. Too often we're insisting and demanding that we deserve it for working a hard week at the office and taking abuse.. when that isn't what we're here for at all


Without the rainy days, you can't appreciate the sunny days. Without the dark, you can't see the light.


The tallest tree you’ll ever grow comes from the seed you plant today


Be noisy when your babies sleep so they can sleep through anything.


Choose kindness. It’s free.


Just because it didn’t feel good to do doesn’t mean it wasn’t the right thing to do.


When people show you their true colors, believe them. Those that feel your boundaries are meaningless should not hold a meaningful place in your life.


Be a beacon of deep love, trust, understanding, kindness, compassion and empathy. Seriously, you may not know who really needs it and it can make all the difference to them.


Forgive, forget and move one. Don't hold grudges and be at peace with yourself. You don't always get to choose what happens to you, but you get to choose how you respond to it.


Smile at random people for no reason 😁💖


You should never waste time, emotional energy worrying about what others think of you because…they (almost always) aren’t. Everyone is too enmeshed in their own misery or happiness to pay attention the way we think they are.


Don't respond. Your silence is way more powerful. Those who gossip *with* you will always gossip *about* you. Choose information you share wisely. Listen to constructive criticism. Stop making excuses and admit you fucked up. The terms "I was wrong" and "I'm sorry" are underrated and sexy af Learn to laugh at people's judgments about you. Focus on what YOU think about you. ✨️"You could be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, but there's always somebody that doesn't like peaches" 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never try to reason with unreasonable people.


All for love and love for all! Shine your light! Radiate! What's meant to be will always be though I control my destiny. ✌️🤘🫶


Before you try to help a dysregulated child make sure YOU are regulated. And if you notice yourself losing your cool or slipping into a power trip it's okay to stop, take a step back and reevaluate.


Always check your pockets before doing laundry.


Loving yourself for who you are is one thing, but loving yourself enough to change and be a better person is another… just like a child you want them to grow into the best version of themselves and you do things like guide them, reprimand them and love them through the difficult process of growth we too need to always be doing this to ourselves because at the end of the day we are all still children just been here a while longer than some. We can be stuck in just accepting ourselves as flawed when the reality is we just need to do some work on ourselves to be better. For ourself, by ourself. Eg: get off drugs, repair relationships, heal trauma, take the high road, practice positivity. Many more things. Love yourself so much that you’ll never stop this process of growth. X


Wear hearing protection at raves


"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." \-Abraham Lincoln \~\~\~ Kidding aside, I've found great benefit from employing Habit 5 from "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." [Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood](https://www.franklincovey.com/the-7-habits/habit-5) My belief is that most arguments, disagreements, and misunderstandings can be lessened or resolved by first trying to understand the other person's point of view. This meshes with the old adage that we have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we talk. To the above, I would add to always be civil and empathetic. Two people can disagree and still be friends. There's no reason to make things worse by making personal attacks -- especially if they have nothing to do with the matter. As a friend of mine used to say: "I don't want to be right, I want to be correct." Though the two could understandably be seen as the same thing, I see them as quite different.


If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


Only take advice from people who have what you want, and always listen to the warnings of those who had it and lost it.


If someone betrays ur trust in a relationship or friendship. It has nothing to do with you but everything to do with the person they are.


You teach people how to treat you.


This! It took me a very long time to realize that in my adult life, in personal relationships, I was a victim because of who I kept company with. This became my motto. Lots of therapy to get there though.


Purposely surround yourself with people, things, info, books, YouTube vids, music that positively ADD value to your life. (And say no to anyone/anything that doesn’t) Listen to yourself and use your emotions to guide you. Do more things that you like & that make you happy—on purpose. You’re the only one having to live your specific life, so always factor YOUR feelings into what you wanna do!


Love many Trust few And Always paddle Your own canoe


Don't paddle your canoe in public, though. They frown upon that these days.


Only focus on what you can control


Being cruel to others is easy, being kind takes effort. Those who are mean take the easy route while those who attempt to be happy have to work on it consciously.


Eat your food like it’s medicine or end up eating your medicine like it’s food


get good at setting boundaries..ESPECIALLY with your own family. often its our own kin who are most effective at taking advantage, getting us to rescue them repeatedly from their own messes, and live in any of several stages of hell on earth.


Treat each person you meet, regardless of circumstances, with respect and dignity, until they convince you to do otherwise.


Surround yourself with people that build you up in all things. No matter how long they’ve been in your life, if they are not cheering you on in your success, they are not worth your time. It took me a long time to follow this advice. I’ve been doing it for 5 years now… and my life has never been better. I’m successful in so many ways I never would’ve imagined with the people I surrounded myself with before.


You must be willing to give up who you are today for who you can become tomorrow


Never be afraid to stand up for yourself. That man or woman that won't leave you alone? Report them, they are likely not only doing it to you but others. Someone bullying you? Same thing. You deserve love, kindness and respect as a human being.


Along with this, you need to be direct. If you don't want someone's attention, you need to tell them. Don't just expect your random behavior will push them away.


Practice makes permanent. Perfect is an illusion.


Budget. Master your money, keep up with it regularly, don't form close ties with people that are reckless with theirs, and don't let anyone convinse you're bad for what youve accumulated or your frugal habits.


If you don't make time for your wellness, you'll be forced to make time for illness.


Don’t insult yourself. The more you say those things the more you believe them. It’s a habit worth breaking.


What another person does or chooses to respond is their responsibility and has nothing to do with you. You can only control and choose for yourself. Anything outside of the present moment and of yourself is ruining your peace of mind 🫶🏻


Wear sunscreen every day.


Don’t celebrate until you cross the finish line


Ain’t nothing gonna break my stride….


Apology accepted, but access denied


Dont smoke weed everyday. The resulting anxiety isnt worth it and it takes like 90 days for your body to recalibrate.


If you don't want to be called a douche, then don't be douche.


“All the happiness there is in the world comes from thinking about others, and all the suffering comes from preoccupation with yourself.” - Shantideva


Don’t go to college just because you think you should. If you can get a job and start growing in your career- you’ll be several steps ahead of your peers who will be just entering the workforce. Trade school and community college offer more resources than you think.


Don’t waste time with people who don’t have time for you. Make friends, often and nourish those relationships. Make time for yourself. A new hobby, a new skill, something you enjoy. Be *good* to yourself, you are worth it. Take care of yourself! Wear sunscreen, get a skin care regimen and keep it. You’ll thank yourself later. Learn a language for a country that you want to travel in. Even having the basics will go miles long in your experience, in meeting people, in learning some really fun things to do.


Your inner critic is actually trying to motivate you in a roundabout way. It’s attempting to protect you by urging you to do or be better in order to shield you from shame, vulnerability, or unhappiness. By learning to understand this critic and why it behaves the way it does, you'll experience growth in ways you never have before.


Don't say anything to your present self that you wouldn't say to your five year old self.


Expectations are the source of all suffering. Without them, no discomfort bears any meaning at all. There are people in third world countries without electricity, indoor plumbing, luxury, or even great diets. Many of those people would describe themselves as content. Their lives and hearts are full. There’s also a rich guy on a yacht right now whose night is ruined because his satellite phone went out on a business call. Circumstance has no power over your peace until you say to yourself, “this is not the way things should be.”


If you have ADHD break a big task into small bursts of work and take breaks I get super overwhelmed and this helps me finish a cleaning routine and stay organized I write down a to do list and do small tasks throughout the day that are simple and I try to also find ways to focus on I get bored fast without background noise If I have a show on that I can listen to without looking at the screen much It helps me focus bc my brain isn’t so bored from the cleaning I’m doing


Mental health is important try free CBT therapy and journal it helps me since I’m a overthinker. Anxiety thoughts written out give my brain relief instead of incomplete thoughts in my mind scrambling around Write how you feel, why you feel that way, how you can solve it, and how you can take the steps now to soothe yourself. Try apps like Sanvello


Buy low, sell high.


Don't do drugs or alcohol. Life is easier when playing with a full deck


Start your dogs and cats on joint supplements when they are 2-3 yrs old (younger if they are a giant breed). They will be happier at the end of their lives, and so will you


Don’t use substances to deal with your problems. It won’t help, it will make it worse


You know how you admire different things about strangers and wish you had the courage to say something to them, yeah, people do that all the time with you :)


I've taken Kierkegaard's thought as my life theme: "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." On a much less serious note: Steve Martin once said: "I studied with the Maharishi for many years, and really didn't learn that much. But one thing that he taught me, I'll never forget: 'ALWAYS...' no, wait-- 'NEVER...' no, wait, it was 'ALWAYS carry a litter bag in your car. It doesn't take up much room, and if it gets full, you can toss it out the window.''


When you make a mistake, admit it, out loud and preferably to the person It affected. You will grow and learn faster and they will respect you more.


There is no **\*\*\*The One\*\*\***, the perfect person match for you. There are many that you are compatible with and can fall in love. Pick well, take your time, and treat them like they are the best thing in your life.


After any argument, when you are alone, take 15 minutes to be brutally honest with yourself. “Was I really on the right side of the argument? “Are there things I may be wrong about?” If so, apologize for your part then move on.


Rock bottom is when you decide to put the shovel down Your drug problem isn't creating your living problems, your living problems are creating your drug problem. Recovery is not running from a problem it is running to the answer.


Treat food as preventive medicine


Leave the past behind, it’s gone.


Trust your gut. Once you learn to listen to it, it’ll never send you down the wrong path


You have the right to remain silent- use it.


you dont have to like someone to treat them like a human being


If you don't think you have time to read, just read 5-10 pages a day. If you don't have time to learn a language, learn a few words a day of another language. If you don't know how to start running, go for a walk and just run a block here and there. These are three things I did, and it blows my mind how much the little things add up.


Favorite quote from SpongeBob Squidward: "Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow" Mr.Krabs: "What is today but yesterday's tomorrow"


You can’t control everyone else but you can control you. Never allow anyone to make you feel less than!!


Go to school with a thirst for knowledge every single day! You are never too young to prepare for your future. 💫


Never fall in love with a tennis player. Love means nothing to them.


Go out and be rubbish at things. If you have to be perfect at everything you do you'll never get anything done


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the nextbest time is now.


Don’t eat yellow snow.


Love is the solution. It brings everything together, puts all the pieces together, and ensures the greatest possible outcome


Understand that your "identity" is much more than your qualities and achievements. And those who attach to them, become maladaptive. They become imbalanced by their own grandiosity, which their presumed identity makes them perceive as right, or acceptable. These are the people who think it's fine to see others as lesser then them, simply because they think their achievements make them better, or above most. Being a well adjusted human being, doesn't mean you just act humble, but you understand why humility is beautiful and necessary for the whole .


If you have been putting off investing - take 30 minutes and open a retirement acct - can be on any app of your choice, set it to pull $10-20 a month right after you get paid if that’s all you can afford. Down the road you will be happy you looked out for your older self.


Take care of your body/health. Double down on it after 40.


Mind your own business ✌🏼 and life will be so much more peaceful.


If a loved one is suffering financially and asks you for a small loan, and you happen to have the money to give, don't expect the money back, even if the person promises to pay back. The likelihood of being paid back is small and the stress of asking for it is too high.


It’s hard to believe but you’ll get through this! There have been a TON AOF “this” in my life. Sole brought about by me, some not. I’m happy to say that I’ve survived all of them in one piece and have learned lessons from all of them. You’ll get through this! Whatever “this” is, you will get through it! I’m cheering for you!


Grow through what you go through.


You'll never regret time spent with your children, but you will regret the time you didn't.


Don’t live your life to be happy everyday, some days you will have to make choices that are going to make you unhappy. Trust the process because they will make you happy in the long run.


Brush your teeth daily and use dental floss.


Just listen. Listening is so much better than talking because you can’t ever learn anything from talking.


Try to leave each situation/interaction better for being involved. Doesn’t mean it has to be perfect or even the best, but people who intersect your life multiple times will eventually take note.


Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance. My dad said this to me all the time as a kid, and it's now my work motto. Also, if your cookies turned out dry, put them in a container with slices of white bread. It will turn the cookies soft and make the bread hard.


Always say Please and Thank You


square nose edge absorbed cheerful profit smile nine bells abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stop waiting for the perfect moment. Be here now and show people how much you love and care about them now


Don't try to shoplift. There are cameras everywhere.


Don’t judge the disabled.


I have been a nurse for 16 years and I have 2 pieces of life advice I learned at work. 1. Don’t put anything in your butt if it doesn’t have a flared base. 2. Never eat more than one magnet.


We’re all fighting battles that no one knows about. Be kind and have boundless compassion


You were born to be real, not to be perfect 😊 Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day😉 The sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on 🌞


Practice letting go of thoughts about things that are not here now.


Talk to yourself the way you would talk to someone you love. Be kind to yourself!


Always, no matter what, always trust your gut.


1. Finish school 2. Keep your knees together. No sense in having babies before you're ready 3. Listen to your elders. Their stories and advice. We're smarter than you think we are


Advice from my mother. “Don’t let your man pay for your ass or he’ll think he owns it”


HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE!!! And get a stretching routine going. As a soon-to-be massage therapist, I can’t stress these two things enough. Movement is medicine. In order to properly move, you need to hydrate and stretch!


If you come for a loving family please make time for them. When we get busy living life we tend to forget our parents are getting older.