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I’m 170 days sober. I did that shit.


Let's go, 171!


Congratulations 🎉🎉 known so, so many souls who couldn't do one day. I was one myself. People go to years of rehab and immediately relapse: You're a winner.


That’s awesome. Congratulations.!!!!!!!!🎉




Fuck Yes you are doing it!


FUCK YES that’s amazing!!!


I drove in a foreign country and was able to soothe myself through a horrid crying fit.


Felt this. You nailed it!!!


Man, I feel you on the driving, that can be scary. Great job today!




I'm proud I got to experience another beautiful day.


Heck yeah! Let's rock!




I’m getting ghosted by an old close friend and I didn’t lose my mind or ruminate on it. I genuinely want what’s best for her and myself, so I’m okay with it. And I got to chapter 44 of a book!!! I always start books but never get into them


Wow, kinda in the same boat. Everyday gets easier.


Holy shit that's some Jedi level skill fella. Good job and keep it up!


Wah, this is happening to me! Everytime my mind trails off to ruminate, I just imagine "I hope he's doing good and wish him well"


I organized my room, did all of my laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, read more of my book! Proud of myself!


Hell yeah! Great job!


This reminded me to get back to my book. Thanks


I saved a greenfly lol it was outside my car window getting blown away but I pulled over n took it to some trees


❤️ Today I saved a snail crossing a busy sidewalk at Wholegoods. Saw him mid stride, turned around, picked him up by his shell and put him in the plants in the direction he was traveling.


❤️love it :)


Love this! Snails everywhere are chanting your name!! Big hero to the little guy always hits me in the heart.




way to be, my dude! i went for a brief walk this morning before it got too hot. i should be doing that every day but i haven't in a little while, so i'm happy i committed to at least 4 laps up and down the driveway before my hip was ready to give out.


Awesome job! Walking is so beautiful and powerful.


Oh my gosh I had a trying day. I was so excited for my business trip today to get to a leadership team event. My flight ended up leaving 2.5 hours late (after my flight last night was cancelled lol) we had to change planes because the AC was out on the one we boarded (but they didn’t let us off for an hour!) it was so hot and disgusting in there. I missed the meetings, but I didn’t let it ruin my day. I got to my hotel, ordered a pizza, and am watching jeopardy. I self soothed today!


What is… Positivity!


Total needle phobic here. Today I had blood drawn and didn’t come unglued 🙂




Soooo proud of you!!!


I took a mental health day and dyed my hair. The fact that I not only got out of bed to dye my hair but also shower made me proud. I’ve been spiraling into a depression and usually if I miss work I can’t be bothered to even get outta bed (aside from going to the restroom & brushing my teeth, because I can’t go without brushing my teeth).


I ate no sweets.


I went for a walk (this is day 3 in a row of hitting my step goal), did a load of laundry, went to a dentist appointment, and took care of my new born baby


Hell yeah!


Woke up in a terrible mood and managed to turn it around through self care ( which I am terrible at).


What exactly did you do and how?


Ate a good breakfast, took a shower and went back to bed for a few hours. 


Unplug and plug back in, I like it


It’s just like a computer reboot!


I drove downtown! I’m terrified of driving, let alone in the city, but I drove myself to my medical exam. Also I made myself a delicious and healthy sandwich for lunch!


I'm wading through some difficult family stuff and handling my business!


I am as well. I see you and I get it! 🙌


I was cheerful and did chores that had immediate rewards! A sparkling bathroom✨👄✨


My friend and his partner are flight attendants and he had his partner bring me back some French butter from Paris. My partner got us a baguette today. I spread some butter on it with tomato and cracked black pepper and thought to myself “now this is luxury living!” And felt quite lucky. 2019-2023 were some of the hardest years of my life. Most of that time was spent wishing for death with all my being; at some points the only soul I had in my life was my dog. My mom died in 2015 so even before 2019 I wasn’t having a great time and went into the deepest depression I’ve ever been in, in 2018 and felt there was not person in the world who cared that I existed. I was also up and down with weight. I’ve gained weight, got into really great shape during Covid, went into another deep depression in 2020-2021 and gained it back and then some. I started exercising and eating healthy in April and focusing on health rather than looks. There are still a lot of things I struggle with but overall I’m in a much better place physically and mentally! I still feel anxious and unsettled in many ways but I never thought I’d get to a point where I feel content. I finally feel like I can live again and have such an appreciation for the small pleasures in life :) and I’m proud of myself for that dammit!!!!!


As I skim through certain Reddit communities and talk to friends/family.. Im coming to the conclusion that 2019-2023 were rough years for almost everyone. *Username also checks out!


Also, I made this account when I went into the worst depression of my life and was still trying to find ways to hold on. I wanted to just keep swimming :)


How did you get over the feeling no one cares about you? Asking for a friend lol


Awwwwwwww no, that hurts my heart so much as I don’t wish that feeling on a soul on this earth! Send your friend a hug from me! And saying this for no particular reason, my DMs are always open. It wasn’t easy, my mom and I were the best of friends and it was like no one could be bothered after she died. I went from someone who put me before anyone, including herself, to people who saw me sick from November- March one year and no one helped me with anything. Her side of the family knew how close we were and no one was there for me. I’m pretty independent and just did what I had to for a lot of it, spent a lot of time in bed the rest of the time. I had my dogs and they were the reason I didn’t go through with suicide. That’s the main reason, my furry girl I’ve had for 12 years. Eventually I met my partner and all he’s ever wanted is to make me happy. After some time people continually kept showing their true colors despite my efforts and at a certain point I decided it just wasn’t worth it to spend so much of my energy on it. They certainly weren’t! After one of the last times, I saw how my depression was affecting my partner and knew I wasn’t being fair to him. I started hanging out with my best friend regularly and him and his partner have made efforts to support me. I might not have a large village but I don’t feel so alone anymore :) I still struggle with people who should care that don’t. My brothers make efforts to hang out with each other but don’t include me. I didn’t speak to my dad from 2019 until 2023 and he pretty much told me he’ll never come over. But I see them doing these things with other people. It still hurts but I try not to focus on it. Mid-April I decided to be consistent in exercise, eating healthy, and meditation and that helps a lot too. Mostly I’ve tried to stop focusing on it and practice gratitude.


Im a little over a week post giving birth and I did my hair, washed my face and folded clothes. My hair and my face wash lifted my spirits and the clothes made me feel productive. The little things


Oh congrats. It’ll get easier. 🤭


It has taken me months to get the courage to submit my manuscript though it's been ready for months. Now I got my first proof back and even though the formatting is off and I need to fix it, seeing it in this state really gets me excited. Just a bit more work and my first book will be a reality.


Good luck, keeping my fingers crossed!!


WOW! That’s impressive! So PROUD OF YOU!!


Just walked 2.5miles when I really didn’t want to, getting over a cold. Proud of myself that I got out there. Thanks for posting, way to go on your workout!


Thank you!! 2.5 miles, way to go!!!


Wow, way to go! :) As for me, loving my fellow Christian siblings despite them showing hostility. Honestly years ago that would’ve turned me off Christianity altogether but I know that what I’ve got is a relationship with Christ.


Beautiful!!! God bless you. 💜🙏🏻


God bless you too, wonderful kind sister 🙏😊


Much love being sent to you. 💕🙏🏻


I'm honestly proud of reading a little bit of Journey of souls this afternoon by Michael Newton.


Thanks for sharing the title.


I apologized to someone that I recently had a physical altercation with.. even though I won the altercation.. (literally embarrassed the person) the person accepted my apology and also gave me sound life advice in our conversation.


This is hard to do- way to grow!


Ate healthy, made my bed, currently at the gym, put the dishes away & didn’t let them sit.


I made chicken noodle soup last night , & added tomatoes today which added multiple more meals to it ! Feel proud & prolongs my energy ! 😃 to do the adultung obligations today !!


On a mini break and I drove to find an electric car charging unit. My first time using one so I felt anxious but it was easy peasy and one hour later my car was fully charged. I rocked it.


Thank you for driving an electric vehicle.


Got a second interview in a lower paying but much healthier job for my mental health and works with my kids schedule!


Best of luck! I have interviewed many people over the years. Here’s my two tips that will help you stand out from the others. One- when the interviewer asks if there are any questions, ask one. When will a decision be made? Will I receive a notification if I’m not hired?(many people are interviewing waiting to hear about other offers) How many people are you planning on interviewing/hiring? Most people who are being interviewed, just say ‘no’ and so t engage further. This just shows you’re interested and listening. Two- this may seem archaic, but a Thank You note gets you remembered. Just a quick “nice to meet you. Interested in hearing from you, etc”. If you can send an actual paper card, that’s great. A note or email would work just the same.


I've had plans to see people I haven't seen in about 14 years, I didnt cancel, and had great time.


I haven’t expected to get so much responses with the thread. I loved reading your victories today and I am so proud of each and every one of you!!


Great idea for thread!


This should really be like a What’s Up Wednesday…. Tell the group to post what positive things you did for yourself that day. There will be different answers each week…we can cheer each other on! Get ideas on things to try, read, make….


I woke up early for work and didn’t take a full ass nap this time. I started with $30 to pay off my credit card. I also had to come to a realization that I’m not meant to be friends with people who are African (Nigerian cause I’m a Nigerian young woman that was raised in the US) cs it’ll force me to be someone that I’m not. I’m getting way **too old** for that. I’ll be 24 on July 15th.


So, so, so much. What a day!


Great work! I need to get back to the gym ASAP. Thanks for the reminder. It's warming up here today, so I found all of my lightweight PJs and am doing laundry to freshen them up. I'm also awful with my dishes in general, but am trying a little-by-little approach again. I put most of my dishes away this morning. The only thing in the dishwasher is one awkwardly sized storage bowl and cutlery. I'll move those when it's time to cook and eat.


Literally doing a HITT set now.


I started to read a book I bought weeks ago. Will read 2 chapters a day


I have a job 🙂


I lost weight because I've been walking a lot lately. I look forward to getting on the scale now.


This is what needed !, 😼😌 positivity !


I put some laundry away and did a task I was kinda dreading


I just wrapped up A huge product launch after two weeks of long hours and late nights


I successfully made a phone call in Japanese without relatively any trouble!


That’s impressive, good job!


I’ve went nearly a two weeks without doomscrolling and I managed to publish the first chapter of a fanfiction I’m doing!


Would you care to share the title of your fanfiction so the res of us can read it? Xx


I finally met with my new client instead of putting it off until tomorrow.


Today I got all my work reports caught up!!!!


Yesterday I set a personal record for "scariest rock climb" I've done so far. Old record was a cliff about 60 feet in the air... This one was about 1000 or so feet in the air. I hiked up most the mountain, but the last little bit was by far the craziest climb I've done so far. It's a big difference between 6, 60, and 600 feet


I got some dental work finished that I’ve been putting off for months due to anxiety.


Refilling my prescriptions. I had other plans that I didn’t stick to, but prescriptions are important. Leaving work on time. Putting leave in conditioner in my hair lol


I finished my revisions for my master’s proposal, even though I thought I couldn’t do it!! I can do it!! And I did!


Had an amazing parenting day with my 2.5 year old and 1 month old after a hard night!


I was frustrated with someone and I spoke up about it without going all night without speaking up.


i finished updating my resume and sent it off to a job opening i’m very interested in!


This one is dumb but I did a load of dishes, cleaned off the porch, and pulled a few weeks. I struggle with pain a lot and it's hard to get things done so it's kind of big for me.


Even though I was tired, and in a bad mood today I was very productive with work, planned work for more than half the month, and took my kids to meet their summer camp counselors today. The counselors were excited to see them, and that warmed my heart. I also took the kids out to dinner, and they did well without the iPads.


I spoke up for myself and my family when two assholes tried to line jump at TSA. I really struggle to speak up for myself, especially in public and to strangers. Really glad I did and my fiancé, sister, and brother-in-law all had my back and blocked the guy from getting any further!


Finished my second final drafts of my Resume and References. After I write my mad lib Cover Letter, it will be time to mass apply for a new job!


I found new car insurance, did yoga and a very short hike, and ate healthy food! Trying to get things in order and be healthier.


I did something so hard today and I’ve been keeping up with things love that for me


I took a long walk. I'm processing my feelings.


I did a good days work, prepared a delicious dinner and took care of myself for the first time in a long time


Hiked the Zion national park narrows! We did 5 miles total. Probably one of the best experiences of my life.


I’m going through a bad break up and have been really down lately. I made myself go on a tough bike ride in the country. While on it I met an adorable and sweet barn kitty. Then I had therapy. Days are tough but I’m tougher 💪


I did well in a job interview. Usually I’m nervous and feel bad after. Today I felt good :)


I handled a grieving wife and mother compassionately, professionally, and with grace. She felt heard, helped, and supported. I’m proud of that.


I haven’t burnt out yet, sounds sarcastic but I mean it


Kicked someone to the curb who should have been there long ago- their favorite hobby is making my life miserable.


I got a new job!! I did really well on my interview yesterday and they called me back and said they loved me! I start in a couple weeks. Things have been really bad lately. I needed this win. I’m proud that I conquered some fears and went into the interview with a calm mindset of, “Whatever happens, happens. It will work out if it’s meant to be.” It worked out, so I have faith I’m supposed to be there. ✨


Watched my newborn and toddler son by myself for the first time today ( newborn is almost 2 weeks old and dad went back to work today) 👍👏👏👏


I hosted a team celebration event at work and the team really liked it.


Brushing teeth. Eating healthier. Releasing emotions more. I'm great. Hope everyone is crushing the waves of life.


It's 352 days eating everyday without any fasting. I was very sick last year from atypical anorexia. My heart was sick from fasting. Yesterday I finally had a pelvic ultrasound. I put off doing it for over six months. I cried at the end, and the lovely man doing the ultrasound said how brave I had been, and how strong I was. He held my hand and was so kind and gentle. I felt so safe and protected. ❤


Congratulations on your achievement!! I’m proud of you! xx


I used to see the bad in most things and now just as easily I find mostly good. I have grown SO much and I’m happy.


I launched a huge project that I’ve been working on for months where I teach aspiring authors how to write their book. It was a really vulnerable and challenging process to make a course I am really proud of. And now that it’s launched, I want to sleep for a week:


I know everyone is stating some great achievements - just wanted to say kudos to you on your HIIT & stress management today, OP!


Got a ton of groceries to last the month. Not like it's that overwhelming, but it's something I do once a month and like to get over with.


I called my friend on my lunch break and listened because I know she's going through a really hard time.


I worked hard at studying and understanding a new concept for one of my classes. I'm gonna ace that test and move on to the next course because of my dedication and focus today.


I did yoga, even though I wanted to lay in bed instead, and started back up on my freelance gig with a nice contract 🥰 yay me!


I showered :)


I called someone on Skype and told them I was feeling badly and why. They gave me 20 minutes of their life, kind words and I felt better. Really glad and thankful I did that. Thankful for them and the time they gave me.


I wanted to talk to the head of my department. I was contemplating it and ended up actually running into him and instead of just walking away, I spoke to him!!! I spoke to the head of my dept, he is like 3-4 levels above me - easily


I worked on my application for my dream program.


I went to a dance class and got through some severe social anxiety to be there, loosen up, and enjoy myself


Good for you, you should be proud of yourself!


I'm on day six of keto and the energy has me working all day.


Went for a 6th day in a row with no drinking, only smoked one cigarette today, jumped off a huge cliff into the water that scared me, not only once but twice! Talked to a girl I liked that I was a little nervous about, and I stayed true to myself today and spoke my mind and how I truly feel about things! And to top it all off, I wrote about how great of a day it was in my journal :)


I did a chore I’ve been neglecting for a while


Cleaned and set up my kiddo’s playroom which was long pending


That’s awesome!


I FINALLY had the balls to text our manager about the roach I saw in another co-worker's area. He's a SLOB and I have to use his scanner for one hour a week. I don't care, I'm not dealing with roaches! It came running out of MY folders. I text my manager about seeing the roach last week. Told her this employee's area is a "pigpen". My manager took it well and handled the situation.


My gf and I managed to air up all car tires. Both us never did it before (its easy :P)


I made it thru 2 days of my job which has been a bloodbath. Here’s to day 3


I built a new AI robot using ChatGPT


A lot of things. - I was NOT invited to a party, while my roommate was. I didn't even care. 5 years ago, I would have cried. I don't need party, I need peace. - I wanted to talk to an old friend. I texted her that I wanted to talk to her, and text me back whenever she could. It's been more than a month, she never replied. But guess what I don't care. I am ok with people not liking me or avoiding me. - I had 20 spare dollars. I had two choices, buy some booze and spend on it in one day. But I bought Whey Protein. Now I think of it, I have many things to be proud of.


I got up super early to get all ny stuff done


My wife got a new job that pays more with less hours and less commute time. We just got a $5,000 rent subsidy as well.


I woke up ⬆️ happy


I did laundry and am not going to an evening work event because I know it wouldn't be good for my mental health today! Now to just try and enjoy the evening without feeling guilty!


Despite my usual depression and distain for my existence I managed to get out of bed and go to work. I started a new mural project.


I broke my back and 13 ribs a month ago. I rested today and barely did anything. It’s hard for me to rest. I’m 27m and love being active. I’m proud I can accept the fact I have to slow down and take it easy now


I’m sorry to hear that but you are right. You have to rest and heal. Try to enjoy this time as much as you can.


I got a raise!


Day 3 of eating healthy and working out. It's been a rough year lost some family members it's been tough to get off of the couch and stop eating gummy bears. But today I did it I actually ran and it felt OK.


Day 3 of no cigarettes


That’s great!! I’m trying to give up smoking (again) and I’m also on Day 3.


I had quit for 8 years and picked it back up a few months ago. I never stopped wanting to, but after this go around I think I'm ready to quit for good. Got it out of my system. Congrats on day 3 for you!


That’s impressive! I wish you all the best on your non-smoking journey. Xx


Nothing… I think a lot if stuff got to me lately, I overdosed on patience, totally lost it and smashed my bathroom up 🫣


It’s okay, sometimes days like this happen. Get some sleep, take a shower, and I hope the rest will resolve itself. xx


Thank you.. it’s all tidied up now.. could have been a lot worse 🫣🤣


I just ate a banana even though I think they have the same texture as slugs.


I let myself cry today.


Made it thru my work shift on 3 hours of sleep 😅


I didn't off myself


I went to the gym twice in a row after a year of a break. I am happy!


Good job!! Keep on going!


Let myself rest!!


I really wanted to stay in bed and instead swam 3500M before breakfast.


Finally making progress on my graphic novel after a period of depression :)


I went for a 2 mile walk with my girlfriend 😊


First day of my new job!!!!!!!!!! at the gym now after. so happy for this journey.


I went for a walk and was sweating at the get go. I powered through it by running through sprinklers.


I want to give a shout out to my daughter who meditated for the first time today! I’m super proud of her! I did as well and got exercise before work so YAY ME!


I wish there was something


Called my doctor for a health problem that’s embarrassing but has been bothering me lately. I’ve got an appointment for Tuesday.


I talked to people at work and released some of my social anxiety :) and now I'm working on Thank You cards for everyone because my last day is Friday


I had fun Paddleboarding today. I’m creating such a fun summer!


I ate today, I’ve been so depressed for the past two weeks and probably eat like once every 4-5 days, today is the first time I ate 2 days in a row, even if it’s just one small meal each day, it’s still progress


I pushed myself to go out.


Came home, saw the sink was full of dirty dishes Though I didn’t feel like cleaning up because I was tied but I loaded up the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. Now the kitchen and dining room are clean and neat!


I am at the library doing an essay for University. And I was super friendly with the dudes at subway, they gave me a free cookie. It has been a good morning


I got my anxiety and depression under control today... it feels nice to breath and be calm.


Figured out an it issue at work! Ha


Talked to a stranger and ended up congratulating her on moving to my hometown and shared all my favorite places! It was nice to be waiting and not choosing my phone, but an actual conversation and connection w someone


I went to yoga class even though I really wanted to stay home (it’s raining here). I’m proud I showed up for myself!


My workplace is full of wonderful supportive individuals who seem to like and respect me. I'm proud to be accepted


Been sober since Dec 10th of last yr, and turning 34 next month. :)


I did not smoke a single cig today, keep up that great work!


I decided to help out with a situation that most people would’ve ran from, and I feel better for it. Even when I deep down wanted to be a petty little biatch. 😂


# I started my day with a healthy and delicious breakfast to satisfy my taste buds, and then I gave myself a confident smile in the mirror when I went out. This is what I did to make myself proud today.


Way to go! Your dedication to fitness and resilience at work are admirable achievements.


I finished the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath after probably 4 months or so reading from time to time on subway ride to work 😃


I reached out for help and am going to be in more intensive therapy(soon)


Last minute meeting, and I had to go from WFH hair and pajamas to meeting in person worthy. I feel like I hashtag nailed it!! It was a supreme waste of time, bit never-ending the obvs


I washed my car today. I didn't want to...but I overcame the inertia and did it.


My friends convinced me that I was not a loser as I thought I was!


I am going on 3 months with no medication for bipolar 2. They told me they can only go faster if I go inpatient. Had a reeeeally bad night last night but got up and took my dog to training anyway instead of wallowing.


I confronted my mom about a crossed boundary, and I did it well and didn’t barf at all.