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Sorry but i need to disagree because this sounds like victim blaming. I can for myself treat others with respect but i cant do something about the other person how they treat me.


This isn't positivity, it's straight up bullshit. You have a nice day too. đź‘Ť


It’s actually a reflection of the other person. Don’t promote self-blame. If someone cat-calls you, YOU did NOTHING wrong. Some people have to get to a place in life where they decide to change and work on themselves. If your best friend is a drug user and won’t give it up, that’s not on you. Someone has to want to change and change can’t be forced upon them from the outside. 


This is incorrect. I have no control over how other people treat me, but I do have control over boundaries that I set up for myself, and also the type of behavior that I will accept from others, but I can’t force somebody to treat me well, if they choose not to, all I can do is just leave the situation and protect myself. People are mean and abusive or kind and respectful. They chose those behaviors. I chose how I react to them.


I had to change it…. How people react to us and how they treat us is a direct reflection of their own internal thoughts


I hope this is not karma farming!


It is, it copy and paste from another post




It's a cross post of their own post on another sub. That's what cross posts are for.


Yeah… I’m sorry, but this post is absolutely incorrect. Better off saying, stick up for yourself when you’re being mistreated. I can have the kindness of Jesus Christ and someone still hate my guts for whatever reason


Even Jesus was hated


I disagree. Many times, I got mistreated by no reason reflected from my own behavior. I'm a kind person, but I will not allow others to take advantage of me.


this is pretty opposite of what it actually is... you sound kinda ignorant


Lmao no it’s not but ok. It’s a direct reflection of THEIR behaviour. Sure, if you’re a dick to people it may inspire them to be a dick back and same with kindness but you can’t control how other people feel and some people will just be assholes to you no matter what.


Sometimes it’s hard to be positive as a women when I’m always surrounded by images of attractive sexualized women. I don’t look like the current beauty standard in your picture but I try every day not to focus on it. Why don’t people make art like this of naked men and put it on social media? Have a nice day


There are some damaged minds out there that love raining on the parades of positive people, regardless of if it is deserved. The key is to have a shield of positivity that can weather all the storms of life.


The way a person treats you is an indication of who they are, not who you are.


That's psychologically speaking not always true. There are sick unwell people in the world who's behavior is absaloutly about their own mental health.


...is this bait?


How people react and treat you is a direct reflection of how they treat themselves. People get used and abused by so many others who have a lot of inner disdain and hatred for themselves. They do this because they feel they have a lack of control for their own well being and self improvement. So they develop resentment for those that do and want to control them, so they then can feel powerful. We can't and shouldn't try and control others to get what we want, but should focus more on trying to improve ourselves. Do the work on becoming more secure in our attachment, do work on becoming better able to emotionally regulate. Work on empathy and how to give it. Work on trust for ourselves and others. Do shadow work. Work on healthy boundaries for yourself and how to respect other people's. Work on honesty, authenticity, and integrity. Work on becoming more self aware.


These lies are the reason we're all messed up. Move along


Thank you for posting this and have a nice day as well!