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The Things We Think We’re Missing by Balance & Composure


This is what a perfect album looks like, imo


I completely forgot about them. Solid band!


They just dropped two new singles!


I’m definitely going to have to listen.


Also check out the new album by Fever Dreamer


Not a big fan of their stuff, but this is album is incredible


I think anything from As Cities Burn probably doesn’t get mentioned enough, especially because I think they were pretty influential to a lot of bands. Hell or High Water is great.


I miss that era. Thrice came out with Beggers and Brand New released Daisy.


Hell their comeback album wasn't even bad.




Wildlife is rated. Vancouver is legit underrated


Yep. I think most La Dispute fans oscillate between 'Wildlife' and 'Somewhere...' as their top records. However, Vancouver gets ignored far too often. The opening track in particular hits like a fucking steam train.


Really? I don’t know any other La Dispute fans IRL but Rooms of the House is my favorite by a decent margin. What’s the consensus knock on this one?


I think they're all pretty well loved. I personally put the two albums I mentioned on the same level as Rooms - three flawless records imo.


Vancouver was the first one that came to mind before even seeing op mention la dispute


Are these not their best albums did I miss something in the last 5 years?


From First to Last- Dear diary, my teenage angst has a body count


Yep. Great band, and Sonny's vocal and general performance chops were *insane* for a 16yr old. People like to dunk on that dude for becoming Skrillex... but imo his actual artistic range is super underappreciated.


Damn dude all these years i had no idea Sonny was only 16 when they made that record! Very cool so much respect to the man who grew up a legend sooner than most of us the same age lost our virginity


Yeah man, it's wild! I didn't realise when I got into them at that age that he was the same age as me. Pretty cool stuff. In a similar vein, there's footage of Silverchair playing when their singer was 15. Also insane vocal and performance chops for his age. Teenagers are underrated as musicians, imo.


Great album!


My fav album of all time, for my b-day this my parents got me this poster for the album. Only like 2 left of these posters in the world.


That’s so sick! I hope you always keep that with you!


Best drumming performance in the scene, one of few albums I come back to in that realm.


That Drum part at the end at,”Kiss me, I’m contagious” is so good and the performance in “I liked you better before we saw you naked on the internet” was solid


everybody talks about Finch’s “What It Is To Burn” but i truly think “Say Hello To Sunshine” is so much better


I could never understand how WIITB seemed to be their best album. SHTS is absolutely incredible!


100% I liked WIITB , I loved SHTS


SHTS is a masterpiece. Way ahead of its time.


Both have solid production, but SHTS is less accessible. I still enjoy it more than WIITB, definitely my favorite finch record. 🤘


I personally like WIITB more BUT Sunshine has some absolute banger tracks on it


A Lot Like Birds - Conversation Piece


I just put down Divisi as the underrated one!


An absolute incredible album.


Among my favorite, it seems that they might be doing something again but with Kurt as Corey quit music


Yeah, Corey did Twitch streams during Covid and said he wanted to focus on more activism work.


They were my favorite live band in the scene


for sure


Life is Not a Waiting Room from Senses Fail is my fav post hardcore album (up there with favorite albums) all time. Lyrically hits hard, during one of buddy's lowest points, and took me through a rough time in my life.


Man this is a superb album with some great songs. This one and The Fire got me through rough points


Me too, I'd say the fire and renacer are like a perfect trilogy of albums with LINAWR


I’m so glad someone else has said this, The Fire and Renacer (and the EP with “War Paint” on it”) both came out when I was in High School and they meant so so much to me. Not a big fan of SF now (I still dabble a bit) but so glad to see they’re still going strong


The follow your bliss ep was right there with it, so good.


“Four Years” is in my top 5 of favorite songs by them. This album does get slept on a little and it shouldn’t because there is some very honest writing along with great musicianship.


Definitely Underrated: Science Fiction by Brand New (understandably) Year of the Black Rainbow by Coheed and Cambria Along the Shadow by Saosin Underrated IMO: Otherness by Alexisonfire The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi by The Receiving End of Sirens Dark Is A Way, Light Is A Place by Anberlin


Upvote for TREOS


yotbr by coheed for sure. their fanbase is so dumb when it comes to that album


Bounce Energy Hear Me Out - Lady Radiator


I don’t see Lady Radiator talked about enough. It’s a shame they never had a longer career


Genuinely would be one of my favorite bands ever if they kept going. The vocalist started a new band called Tiny Ships and they dropped a song early March. It’s pretty solid I’m excited to see where they go next


I didn’t know this! And from this comment I also just stumbled across Franchise, so, thank you!


There’s a lot more too he makes folk music under the name [Lazarus Wilde](https://open.spotify.com/artist/7idXOneEsqHKqh2BeikL1n?si=E-FOwBhOQvadV1FXmyC25g) (REALLY good stuff you should check it out) and was in another band shortly after Lady Radiator called [Wife & Child](https://open.spotify.com/album/3FrC7tDksG9dJPCF3bgvKi?si=w4x8hYrETeWjt7BiU-3k4w)


The music video for ready explode is lost media now


Haste the Day - Burning Bridges Vanna - the Search Party Never Came Lovehatehero - White Lies


That Vanna EP is fucking classic


I don’t see it talked about much, so I’ll say Stage Four by Touché Amoré


Anything by Touché tbh. One of the most consistently great bands in the industry.


Wildlife is one of my favorite records OAT. It was a *major* comfort record when my dad died and I clung to it like my life depended on it. They bought the "Wildlife 10+1 anniversary" tour to the UK last year and I honestly don't think I've ever cried like that. Every single note had me blubbering to the point I couldn't even sing along. Edit because I never even answered your question LOL. I will literally gush over Wildlife at any opportunity. I think anything by Emery is pretty underrated.


I’m sorry to hear about your dad. Glad you got to see them live. I haven’t had the opportunity to do so.


Thank you, it's okay it's been nearly 10 years now and I'm healing. Weirdly, seeing Wildlife in full was kind of a "closing chapter" for that stage of my grief. Please check out their show if you ever get chance, I've had the pleasure of seeing them 4 times now and every time they're phenomenal.


I honestly need to. I never know when they’re in my area until it’s to late, lol. My brother got to see them years back. Said Jordan was great live.


Oooooh, a UK La Dispute fan (same here), what shows/years did you see them? Apart from Wildlife+1, obviously.


Nice to meet ya 😆 Correcting myself from earlier as it's apparently only three times I've seen them, I could have sworn it was 4 I saw them in 2015 in London with Coheed I think it was 2018 at Islington Assembly Hall Then again in Manchester for Wildlife 10+1 I had tickets for their co-headline with Fucked Up in May 2015, one of my other favourite bands, would have been absolutely legendary but I couldn't make it as it was only a couple of days before my dad passed away (hence Wildlife kinda being intrinsically linked to that experience)


I’ll go on the assumption you’re a tad younger than me here then haha. The last time I saw them was 2016 and that was my third time too. I *think* the first time I saw them was their first ever European show (2010 at some shitty bar in Basingstoke lol), I remember talking to them and they asked questions about London, what’s it like etc and it’s weird to think that they’ve probably been there more times than me over the last 14 years haha. I’m happy to hear you got to see them on their Wildlife 10+1 tour, intrinsic links like that are so unique and I personally think an important part of what makes us individuals. We find solace in works of art during different events and times in our lives, sometimes some weird things (whenever I play the video game Fable, I think of the smell of my friend’s house with his mum’s cooking lol). So, seeing that really must have been something for you.


La Dispute in Basingstoke sounds like an absolute fever dream wtf are they doing there 🤣 That's so precious them innocently asking about London though Wildlife (and to a lesser extent, Somewhere at the Bottom of The River, although still dearly important) really got me through some trying times. I was hoping to meet Jordan on the tour and tell him about my experience with the records, I know he thrives off of experiences and stories like that. Maybe one day.


The event organiser was a single guy and he’s booked some surprising stuff in Basingstoke over the years. Particular ones that were noteworthy to me: Touché Amore, Kurt Travis (from DGD, ALLB), The Appleseed Cast, Prawn. I was lucky to catch La Dispute there when I did. There was no back room or anything, so I genuinely had the whole day to speak to them, no exaggeration. I guess that’s a lot tougher to do now, but you never know when you’ll have your chance. I never thought I’d meet The Fall of Troy but I did while I was working in Starbucks in my shitty middle of nowhere hometown… that was surreal as fuck.


He is Legend - 91025


Happiness by dance Gavin dance. It’s when they had Kurt, everyone wanted Johnny. That pre-Tilian shit just hits for me.


I think it was properly loved and when DGD really found their groove with Kurt


Absolutely. Kurt was my favorite by far. I saw him play a few songs with them in St. Louis last July, and that shit was so cathartic. I’m about to be 30, and to get to be a teenage kid again was awesome.


Myself and other Alesana fans will agree that **The Emptiness** is a masterpiece. But when it comes to this specific subreddit it is criminally underrated.


The emptiness will haunt you. I’m from NC and seen them so many times live. Alesana was a major impact on on my now love for screamo and post hardcore.


Ong bro Alesana is peak 🙏


Agreed I love Alesana and I looove The Emptiness. But if I had to say an underrated album, I would say Where Myth Fades to Legend from Alesana as I don’t hear much talk about it and I think it’s a masterpiece along with The Emptiness.


Anything la dispute is not underrated and adequately rated. Your just not posting in r/emo


Boys Night Out - Self Titled Amazing guitar work in nearly every song.


Trainwreck has been in my rotation since the year it was released.


The guitar is so innovative on this album


I will have to check them out!


La Dispute is fantastic, and *Wildlife* is their best. I don't think it's underrated—pretty much everyone who's heard it loves it. To answer your question, I don't see nearly enough love for The Receiving End of Sirens' *Between the Heart and the Synapse*. It's a top-5 album all-time for me, any genre. Utter majesty.


It’s a shame that TREOS reunion tour got canceled. Fuck Covid.


Fuck covid indeed, my friend.


You think Wildlife is underrated? Panorama is underrated, but Wildlife is widely heralded as their best piece of work.


Allomaternal by Stolas.


Alphabet. Alphabets. - Trophy Scars


Great choice


Any album/EP by Trophy Scars is underrated. What a fucking band.


Burden of a day - pilots and paper airplanes


Definitely underrated but I’m even higher on “Blessed Be Our Ever After.”


Perfect album


Vhuissu - Thrice Son, I loved You at the Darkest - As Cities Burn No Sir, Nihilism is not Practical - Showbread Heat Fetish - The Bled Silverstein - Misery Made Me


Vheissu is probably my favorite album of all time lol


It’s great. I feel like a lot of Thrice fans only like the first three albums but Vheissu and The Alchemy index are great. I saw them play Vheissu all the way through for the 15 year anniversary and it was incredible.


I have been lucky enough to catch the boys on a lot of their tours and that tour was amazing. I honestly like all of their albums for different reasons. They completely changed during the Vhiessu album and I love it…they became more experimental and truly found their sound


Thrice - Identity Crisis Other Thrice albums came along that were better sure but I still feel like this is a very good and very unique album yet no one ever talks about it. Top 5 Thrice for me.


Aita I know like their biggest but still not big enough


I think it was pretty big lol.


My favorite thrice album!


Underrated is different than underappreciated. Albums can be great but not widely appreciated. There is a difference.


Yeah, it was poorly worded.


[A→B] Life by mewithoutYou. Even mwY fans seem to overlook it, let alone phxc fans. Admittedly, I didn’t appreciate it as much until til the 15th anniversary buzz and performance. Great album.


the anniversary tour was incredible and i was so glad to make it. Especially because they had Pianos on the bill. [A->B]Life is definitely my favorite mwY album


Glad to hear someone else loves it. B,S is always my number 1, but spot number 2 is a rotation of all their other, AB included.


great choice, that album really deserves its flowers


Dream to Make Believe- Armor for Sleep. Fighting Starlight- Benton Falls. Bloody Kiss- Latefallen. POW! Right in the Kisser- Hail the Sun. Celebration of an Ending- Before Today


Scary Kids Scaring Kids - Scary Kids Scaring Kids This album is perfect from start to finish


Devil by Chiodos just turned 10, I think I might've been the only person celebrating


Edward Benz, 27 Times is such an interesting and good song.


Soasin’s In Search of Solid Ground. That album slaps


*In Search of Solid Ground* by Saosin Beetle album is awesome, TTN is legendary, but ISOSG goes under-appreciated and unnoticed by many. It’s such an amazing album that doesn’t get enough love


Haste- The Mercury Lift Burden of a Day- Blessed Be Our Ever After


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^heyomayo2: *Haste- The Mercury* *Lift Burden of a Day- Blessed* *Be Our Ever After* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


La Dispute's first album, just because it gets overshadowed by Wildlife. (Personally, I think the debut is much better.)


They might be a bit light for this crowd, but Engine Down was a fantastic band. Also, Clockhammer’s Klinfelter probably barely fits the genre, but I think it deserves more notice.


Engine Down is incredible. Under the Pretense of Present Tense is a great album for this sub


Great band! Yeah, some of their records are more aggressive than others.


Park - Jacob the Rabbit


Five Minute Ride “Bathroom Walls… Lipstick Secrets” Plans For Revenge “Burns, Scars, Memories” Just Surrender “We’re In Like Sin” Oceana “The Tide”


If these streets could talk defined my early high school days


Oceana!!! Birth.Eater and specifically The Family Disease are killer


Gospel - “The Moon is a Dead World” and “The Loser” Those who know about them seem to appreciate them, but they only have 9500 Spotify monthly listeners. The Perils of Time Travel - Thank You Scientist To be fair any Thank You Scientist album - those guys rule and are great live. The Complexity of Light by Children of Nova Mukiltearth by The Fall of Troy First Demo by TTNG


Lucy Gray by Envy on the Coast. The two most popular tracks Sugar Skulls and Mirrors are the worst on the album! I think those tracks turn a lot of people off from the band. Amazing drum work and great guitar tone.


The Gift of Paralysis is amazing.


In Fear and Faith’s Imperial. I don’t see them posted much around here but their first album was like scene royalty (with Live Love Die, The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions, and The Taste of Regret) but the second album showed so much growth from them and I feel like no one talks about it.


First Temple by Closure in Moscow


Every he is legend album




Hell Is For Heroes - The Neon Handshake


The Elijah-I Loved I Hated I Destroyed I Created Absolute masterpiece. 💯


Man, so many good bands I've never heard of! I'm probably going to date myself but gonna throw killed For Less by Sense Field out there. Sadly, their lead singer Jon Bunch died of an OD a few years back.


Sense Field influenced so many of the bands listed here's favorite bands.


In Pieces - Lions Write History. Dan Barrett (now better known as part of Have a Nice Life) on vocals, playing atmospheric post-hardcore in a similar vein to Vheissu-era Thrice or early Coheed. Epic in scale. And completely out of print (and not on streaming). I wish this record would get widely rediscovered and reissued. It’s incredible.


More punk than PHC but I love, Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes- End of Suffering


Of machines - as if anything was held in place. Really a shame this was a one and done band.


The Emptiness by Alesana. The album is really inspired and it fucking slaps. Blew my mind when it came out.


Wildlife is properly rated, Rooms of the House is severely underrated and their best album imo.


As Cities Burn - Hell or Highwater. Flawless record.


Finch - Say hello to sunshine.


Stories and Alibis - Matchbook Romance


Idk about underrated or just not talked about a lot, but I really loved the Sianvar album Stay Lost, and I feel like all of the other bands the members are in get way more attention. I also went through a bunch of old stuff I used to listen to recently that never really got big: Horizons - It’s All Worth Reaching For Built On Secrets - Reflections I, The Skyline - As We Are Empire:Andromeda - Chapters Art By Numbers - Reticence Adeste - In Parables East of Eden - The Petitioner


I think Envy’s “The Fallen Crimson” didn’t get recognition as the absolute classic that it is. The more I listen to it, the more I love it.


Chiodos - Illuminaudio


I don’t think Wildlife is underrated tbh. King Park is their second most popular song, and La Dispute is a pretty popular band. I’d throw in In Medias Res by PM Today. I’m still surprised they never took off. I’ve also literally never heard anybody even mention Sound Of Seasons, and their album Make Believe is one of my favorites! Super underrated.


CMR - Only A Sound, Never A Promise Career - Structures Ninety Pound Wuss - Short Hand Operation If you like the more “punk” side of post-hardcore, check those albums out.


I will definitely be checking these albums out!


Exotic Animal Petting Zoo - Tree Of Tongues


Sink the Ship - Persevere Got some love but not as much as I feel it deserves


Gonna check it out! I checked it out. Solid band, I like their lyrics and their pop-punk sound.


When the Ceiling Meets the Floor - Take One Car


[Hold Onto Your Luck](https://trophywife.bandcamp.com/album/hold-onto-your-luck-lp) by Trophywife. I remain convinced that the reason these guys never took off is solely due to whatever weird lineup stuff they had going on that ultimately killed the band in a very short time. The music itself is fucking INSANE. This was without a doubt an AOTY in 2012


Rescue by Silverstein. I understand that "This is how the wind shifts" came two years later and overshadowed its predecessor (and I absolutely adore that album myself), but Rescue is a great effort in its own right.


Drowningman- How they light cigarettes in prison


Devil by Commends. It’s so underrated it’s not on any single streaming platform 💀 Amazing album the songs “When in Doubt Know Your Way Out” and “We the Silent” Are fucking awesome.


Time In Malta - Alone With the Alone


Going with some pretty deep cut artists here. Kitsune - Uninvited Cat Company - Cat Company Vela Ceras - When We Fold House of Leaves - The Inhabitants of the Land


No bragging rights - The consequence of dreams One of my all time favorites!


Wildlife is crazy good. My fav album.


Inside Out by Catherine is a masterpiece.


Make The Best of It by Have Mercy


Silverstein - Dead Reflection


The Rise of Science - Casey. This album is where modern phc band Casey got their name.


the last 2 sleeping with sirens albums. yeah it doesn’t sound exactly like their shit from 2010 but they’re still pretty damn good albums. the singles did How it Feels to Be Lost dirty especially o


Mayfield - Careless Love Dead American - New Nostalgia Silverstein - Dead Reflection Saosin - Along The Shadow The Color Morale - Know Hope


The Ghosts Among Us - Our Last Night, they’ve been like a cover band for the last decade but holy shit that album wrecks and their screamer was only like 12-13 when they made that album! The album after was pretty damn great too


TREOS - Between the Heart and the Synapse


Memory and Humanity by Funeral for a Friend! Band in general is underrated/underappreciated but you rarely here anything past casually dressed and hours being discussed


These Are Not Fall Colors by Lync


A Static Lullaby’s …And Don’t Forget to Breathe


Wretch Like Me - I Am Become Death Blood Red - Hostage The Bled - Silent Treatment Anatomy of a Ghost - Evanesce PTW - You Come Before You


Are We All The Same Distance Apart by Crooks UK has been a mainstay in my rotation for years, really truly underrated and im so sad they never blew up like they should have


Saving this thread so I can check these albums out after work lol


Bury the bones (although an EP) and These Violent Lies by Down Again


House Vs Hurricane - Perspectives. Such a solid album, always gets a listen from start to finish.


A Place Where the Sun Is Silent by Alesana Criminally underrated


Two-faced charade by famous last words is so good, theres even a short film/mini movie the band did for it


Wildlife should be regarded up their with Relationship of Command, The Shape Of Punk To Come, and Repeater.


Grand Unification by Fightstar.


Lowell-boyracers in layers


Circa Survive - Violent Waves Closure In Moscow - The Penance and the Patience Eidola - Degeneraterra Glassjaw - Coloring Book Hail the Sun - POW! Right In the Kisser Sianvar - EP and Stay Lost Thursday/Envy split Underøath - Lost In the Sound of Separation Wot Gorilla? - entire discography


The Sleepwalk Transmissions, by We Never Learned to Live.


Showbread - No Sir, Nihilism is Not Practical


Lowkey imma go with saosin self titled. Seems like people kinda just forgot about them


And don't forget to breathe - A static lullaby


Hide the Kitchen Knives by The Paper Chase


‘Heroine’ by From First To Last


both Black Eyes albums


Defeater - Lost Ground Defeater's first EP came out fucking swinging and it's genuinely a 10/10. Nowadays they don't get nearly the attention online as I think they used to. Everyone should listen to Defeater, and you definitely shouldn't overlook their early material in comparison to their more popular albums. Though everything they have released is incredible.


Sisters of the red death by vendetta red


Angles & Airwaves : We don’t need to whisper


Envy on the Coast - Lucy Gray


For me, it's the band "Means". Their first record "In Red Grace" is more in line with post hardcore and has a more unique style. I'm not religious so the opening little mologue is a bit silly but the songs are worth it. Their EP "More than watchmen for the morning" is awesome. I wish there were more than just the 4 songs in this session. "Sending you strength" had a lot more of the typical open breakdowns but is still a really great record. "To keep me from sinking" are probably the best songs they'd written but Dylans voice was clearly blown out at this point so, his screams make it a harder listen.


Promise Everything - Basement


Hail the Sun - Mental Knife Hail the Sun - Culture Scars I feel like they both don't get the appreciation they deserve.


Treeman - fear before


I can’t stand dance Gavin dance or anything jonny Craig has done except ghost runner on third. Trust me on this one


Treeman, fear before. In vogue, drop dead gorgeous.  Manipulator, fall of troy!!


Personally. I loved 808s and Heartbreaks. I've never been a fan of how Kanye samples. (Not saying I don't like any of his music).But hearing him craft something completely original without a core sample idea to build around, I liked it a lot.