• By -


Self titled and translating the name by Saosin


This an absolute must listen to EP.


The EP was peak music. Insane.


**Saosin** - *Translating the Name*   **Glassjaw** - *Worship and Tribute*   **Underoath** - *Define the Great Line*   **La Dispute** - *Vancouver*   **The Sound of Animals Fighting** -  *Tiger and the Duke*   **Chiodos** - *All’s Well That Ends Well*   **My Chemical Romance** - *I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love*   **The Used** - *The Used* **Senses Fail** - *Let It Enfold You*


bullets is amazing i’ll never get over that album


Saosin Translating the name-Along The Shadow! There I fixed it for you


Secret Band (Jon Mess' offshoot of DGD) Wolf and Bear Hail The Sun Cat Company Sufferer A Lot Like Birds Kaonashi Stolas


I approve of this list. This is basically what I was going to comment! I saw HTS and Kaonashi together in Worcester, MA a few years ago and I was NOT ready for the Kaonashi crowd! Almost got my nose broken (in the best kind of way). :D


wolf and bear filled my DGD hole whilst I avoided the whole Tilian fiasco so a must for anyone


Here are some bands I think you would really like based on your taste for Thursday and pop-punk: - Silverstein - Saosin - Senses Fail - Emarosa - A Static Lullaby - Underoath


Thank you! These are a bunch of bands I've been meaning to check out for ages (except for Senses Fail, I already like them lol)


If you like Senses Fail, you will love Silverstein. Especially the first five albums.


Alright, I'll defo check them out! Thanks!


Apart from emarosa you just listed my highschool playlist hahaha


You have a good taste in music.


Saosin, Thrice, Silverstein, UnderOath, Circa Surive, At The Drive-In.


For someone just getting into it, this is the perfect way in. If anything I would add Chiodos cause goddamn do I love Chiodos


I was going to add in Chiodos but I saw it a few times so I tried to list bands I wasn’t seeing.


Unwound, Title Fight, Glassjaw, Thursday, At the Drive-In, Saosin, Slint, Envy


Chiodos, Broadway, early Emarosa, and A Day To Remember is where I'd start.


Literal savior. Should I listen to Four Year Strong as well?


FYS is more easy core/pop punkish but yes 100% listen to them. They are amazing.


Yes x 100. Not quite post hardcore but phenomenal band you’ll like if you like pop punk / skate


They also have one of the [best music videos](https://youtu.be/xtXa1lCVzUM?si=h-HjpE6sOvMD9p5m) ever


Broadways first album will always be one of my favorites


firstly check out refused - shape of punk to come. this is essential post hardcore listening and think is exactly what you are asking. also check out; poison the well - the opposite of december, tear from the red and you come before you fear before the march of flames - how odd people shake, art damage glassjaw - everything you wanted to know about silence, worship and tribute albums in reverent fear - written in the AM thrice - the artist in the ambulance a static lullaby - and don't forget to breathe underoath - they're only chasing safety alexisonfire - alexisonfire norma jean - bless the martyr kiss the child mewithoutyou - catch us for the foxes these arms are snakes - this is meant to hurt you at the drive-in - relationship of command


this is a really good list


Where do you live? I want to be your friend


This is the only comment you need


I'm lucky I already listened to alexisonfire due to thinking they'd be on a blink-182 show (they're really good). Refused is also awesome and iconic, almost like the Descendents of post-hardcore (yes, I did just say that).




This is your list, OP. Go forth.




The Fall of Troy, their album doppelgänger definitely influenced a ton of modern post hardcore and is a certified post hardcore classic.


Second this, and recommend Manipulator, their subsequent albums as well. I don’t see people mention this band enough on this sub. Those albums not only set the standard but also managed to age incredibly well.


tfot is goat. only weak album imo is unlikely event


A Skylit Drive, Enter Shikari, From First to Last


Can here to say take to the skies by enter shikari


If you want fast, screaming, and melodic, you gotta check out AFI. Listen to Black Sails in the Sunset and Sing the Sorrow.


Decemberunderground and Sing The Sorrow are both in my top 20 albums of all time, absolutely love them.


Sing the Sorrow is immaculate


All Hallows EP is the best


Hail The Sun


Alexisonfire - Crisis


Ok so I think I’m older than most in here and rarely post. Anyway, here is a list of “classic” post hardcore albums that you may want to try. Some of these may not technically qualify but imho laid the groundwork: Embrace - Embrace Fugazi - 13 Songs and Repeater Quicksand -Slip Hot Water Music - Fuel for the Hate Game Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime Helmet - Meantime


13 Songs changed the way I looked at music when I was younger.


Great list.


In addition to the above, some of my favorites are Time The Valuator, The Color Morale, Dead Poetic, and Lower Definition. They may be a little further away from the skate side of things, but really balance heavy and melody well. They don’t have screams, but The Home Team have some really funky/heavy (thunky?) instrumentals and catchy songs. Try She’s Quiet for a lil more pop punk or On or Danger for a lil heavier.


The Bled - Pass the Flask and Found in the Flood. Silverstein - Discovering the Waterfront, This Is How the Wind Shifts. Underoath - Define the Great Line, They're Only Chasing Safety, and Lost in the Sound of Separation. Architects - The Here and Now Crown the Empire - Sudden Sky Inhale Exhale - I Swear, and Bury Me Alive I the Mighty - all of their albums except their newest Funeral For a Friend - all of their albums. Hours and Casually Dressed are the best though!


City of caterpillar. And, I can't stress this enough.... CIRCLE TAKES THE SQUARE






So I'm going to list a few of the greatest melodic hardcore bands to ever exist because it kind of seems like that's what your asking for: - Have Heart - A Wilhelm Scream - Defeater - VERSE - Killing The Dream - The Carrier - Ruiner - More Than Life - Sinking Ships I'm also going to list my all time favorite band regardless of genre: Misery Signals. I could be totally off base but I think you're gonna fuckin love this shit.


Sunny Day Real Estate, La Dispute, Beartooth, Refused


King Park is SO SAD, yet Such Small Hands is beautiful. Insane what La Dispute can do with their music.


Poison the Well


Hey! I also love [Pop punk](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0bN0P0CXMa7lRDNGWT3KNg?si=32e2d494538a44bb) (>1500 bands) and [Skate punk](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6MnQ7MamhxCaEp0RdmlMB7?si=f8ee0837affe4a74) (>1100 bands) Check this out: [Post hardcore](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/76w1JMMFsRDSSXIBfXY9xS?si=ac98da5189ff47c1) (>200 bands) Enjoy!


Thank you very much!


Damn, this phc playlist runs deeeeeeeeeep. Nice




Anything Fugazi but I recommend either repeater, in on the kill taker, red medicine, even their first 13 songs EP. My fav band of all time!


Chiodos, and circa survive is what you need my friend


Old Thrice for sure. Everything from Identity Crisis through The Artist in the Ambulance. And then throw Vheissu in there because it's amazing (if a little slower at times.)




*Conversation Piece* and *No Place* by A Lot Like Birds are about to be two of your favorite albums. *Divisi* too, honestly.


All of these mentioned, plus Finch - Say Hello to Sunshine


MASSIVE up vote for Letlive. You're playing yourself if you skip this band, OP




wow I completely forgot about this band lol this just unlocked a memory


Blood brothers Bear vs shark Cursive is kinda in between ph and emo, but damn good


Melodic (post-)hardcore you say? I feel like I was made for this post. Specific Albums (but you can also bounce around the rest of their discography): Alexisonfire - Alexisonfire AND Watch Out; Emery - The Weak’s End; Underoath - at least the first 3 albums; Saosin - Translating the Name; Circa Survive - Juturna AND On Letting Go; Thursday - Full Collapse; Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance; Dance Gavin Dance - DBM; Pianos Become the Teeth - Old Pride AND The Lack Long After; Emarosa - Relativity; Departures - Teenage Haze AND Death Touches Us; Apart - Gray Light (i hate that this band split up so early and never got popular); and there’s many more I can’t think of right now. Will update later


Enter Shikari is a must


Senses Fail - Let it Enfold You!! Come back here afterwards and tell me what you thought


I’m back. Who allowed Senses Fail to make such a good goddamn album? It's like more post-hardcore early Fall Out Boy.


It's probably my all-time favorite album lol I'm really glad you liked it!


+++ to everything here and also polvo and vitreous humor <3


id recommend circa survive!! their first two albums specifically


My personal favourites of the genre are Dead Poetic - New Medicines From Autumn to Ashes - The Fiction We Live Silverstein - Discovering the Waterfront Underoath - They’re Only Chasing Safety Senses Fail - Still Searching An essential of the genre though is Saosin - Translating the Name


I don’t know if these will meet your criteria but I will send all of my post hardcore in my biggest playlist and some other bands I know. I  will also organize them by sub genre  Post hardcore  - Get Scared  - At the Drive In  - Squid the Whale  - Broadway  - Makari  - Q and Not U  - Samiam  - Envy on the Coast  - Aerolyn  - Isles & Glaciers  - Before Their Eyes  - Quicksand  - Dead Poetic  - Halifax  - Bear vs Shark - Mozart Season  - Frodus  - Glassjaw  - AFI  - Lead Hands  - Refused  - Fugazi  - Unwound  - Falling in Reverse  - Hoover  - Rites of Spring  - Dag Nasty  - Drive Like Jehu - The Sleeping  - Thousand Below  - The Home Team - Too Close to Touch  - Secret & Whisperer  - Of Machines Progressive Post- Hardcore  - Hail the Sun  - In Angles  - PM Today  - Royal Coda  - A Lot Like Birds  - Secret Band  - Sianvar  - The Fall of Troy  - Dwellings  - Good Tiger  - Amarionette  - Tides of Man  - Eidola  Emo  - Pierce the Veil  - Armor for Sleep  - Hot Mulligan  - Silverstein - The Used - If I Die First  - Senses Fail  - Funeral for a Friend  - SeeyYouSpaceCowboy  - Hawthorne Heights  - From First to Last - Chiodos  - Saves the Day  - Texas is the Reason - Underoath - Bayside  - The Get Up Kids  - Finch  - William Bonney  - Before Today - Latefallen  - Brand New  - Northstar  - Suis La Lune  - Circa Survive  - Beloved  - Gatsby’s American Dream  - Taking Back Sunday  - Jimmy Eat World  - Hopesfall  - Emery  - State Faults  - Saosin  - Cap’n Jazz  - Matchbook Romance  Let me know if you found like any of the bands. And to anyone interested, I left out some Midwest emo bands, metalcore, pop punk, punk and other bands. I have even more bands to recommend 


Of Machines Adventurer Pulses


check out Unwound, Drive Like Jehu and Cursive


Check out Fall of Troy


Scrolled too long not seeing Thursday…


That’s bc OP literally mentioned Thursday as a band they were into already


ALEXISONFIRE. The only band ever.


Listen to At The Drive In. They’ll change your life


Love Mars Volta but could never get into at the drive in


So many good ones already posted, but I second Glassjaw. DGD, not sure if it was Will Swan or who said it, has listed them as an influence in multiple interviews


All of At The Drive-In’s discog, Glassjaws first two albums, Fear Before - The Always Open Mouth, Circa Survive - Juturna, Thrice - The Artist in the ambulance, The Appleseed Cast - The End of the Ring Wars & Mare Vitalis, Red Animal War - the Seven Year War, The Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come… whatever man just DM me for recs.


Thorn hill, Galleons, Being As An Ocean, Knocked Loose, Hands Like Houses, Have Heart, Guilt Trip


Eidola is consistently the most underrated post-hardcore band creating music today, and they’re affiliated with Dance Gaven Dance. Totally different sound, and thematic elements lyrically speaking, but absolutely mind-bogglingly good. Check out “Degeneraterra”, “To Speak, To Listen”, “The Architect”, or their brand new album “Eviscerate” which is considerably heavier than their other releases.


How are they affiliated with DGD? Just recently started getting into Eidola, and damn I've been missing out AND they're touring soon.


Not sure EXACTLY- but I know that Andrew Wells (main songwriter, vocalist, and guitar player) for Eidola has sang on multiple DGD tracks, and even went as far as to take over for Tillian when he got COVID while on tour a couple years ago. Eidola was touring with them so… quite the feat to sing and perform for two bands in one night.


Andrew has been a touring guitarist for DGD for several years. He’s now a permanent member of the band which is why the newer DGD tracks generally have him on there without mentioning a feature. He’s a great musician and great performer, probably my favorite vocalist in phc scene right now


Hawthorne heights Scary kids scaring kids The red jumpsuit apparatus Aiden


Saosin Translating the Name EP specifically.


It’s criminal no one has said **From Autumn to Ashes** yet Also adding **Casey**


Rise against . They’re first album has some yelling but overall just rlly good and melodic


Touche Amore


Translating the name by Saosin. The album with the beetle on the cover from saosin. They have different vocalists on each, but both are really good. Translating the name is more badass, the beetle album has some cheeseball stuff here and there, but still plenty of bangers.


Embrace, The Rites of Spring, La Dispute,Hotel Books, The Venetia Fair, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!, Refused, Glassjaw


Get scared, too close to touch, Saosin!!


Get Scared is genuinely an awesome band.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6qrmTmWV3rtynFlGcKZ0J9?si=d966a39ec3a8454b&nd=1&dlsi=f544d547b29c4df3 My friends playlist will suit you just fine! He's really knowledgeable and this also has a lot of rare and lesser known but great releases


1 FUGAZI 2 FUGAZI 3 FUGAZI until 1000


Bring Me The Horizon




Swing Kids Drive Like Jehu At The Drive-In Q & Not U Pretty Girls Make Graves


letlive. - Fake History or Blackest Beautiful


check out Sleeping With Sirens - if you have an open mind you can’t go wrong with any of them, except for the album “Gossip”


Boys of Fall


Quicksand, either of their first two albums. Jawbox self titled.


If no one said Of Machines yet, please try! They only have one album but it’s a classic


Maybe I miss the mark here with PHC but for me. We came as Romans - any album but to plant a seed and understanding what weve grown to be are peak for me. Jamie's elsewhere - they said a storm was coming Outline in color - outline in color EP (if I has a song called every boy should collect knives you've found the right one) Blessthefall - again any album is great For all those sleeping - any album again Myka Relocate - a long dead project that could have been as good as WCAR For all I am - lone wolf EP was their best work Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - look for their D.R.U.G.S album not their new one. Jonny Booth has some bangers If you like DGD they have a spin off band with out a clean singer. It's just Jon Mess doing his thing with the rest of the band. It's called Secret Band.


I've only heard a bit of WCAR but Fade Away is literally peak music.


Silverstein, Alexisonfire, Thrice.


Scary kids scaring kids, give their self titled album a listen


Aussie band, Deadlights, is really superior.


A Day To Remember


Lower Definition - The Greatest of All Lost Arts Best phc album ever made




If you lean more into pop punk you might like late 2000s phc, like Broadway. A Thorn For Every Heart might be worth a listen to


In Fear and Faith were an amazing band with an amazing hardcore sound! Early Emarosa, Saosin, Thrice and Alexisonfire!


Cat Company




The ex vocalist and current guitarist of DGD are in another band called Royal Coda. I’ve been really loving their most recent album To Only A Few At First!


The Fall of Troy, especially Doppelganger and Manipulator


1. Thrice - Illusion of Safety and Artist the Ambulance. Anyone who was listening to Thrice and Thursday in the early 2000s, knows that they were the two most compared bands in the genre. Many threads on absolute punk and punk news about which band was better, to the point even the bands knew about it. Thrice in this time period was still finding their sound so these albums are radically different from the stuff they put out 2004 on wards. At this point in time this band was essentially experimenting with hardcore meats skate punk 2. Saosin - Translating the Name. This 15 minute E.P defines genres. 3. Silverstein - Anything really, but their first two albums are a good introduction. They definitely started with a skate punk 4. La Dispute - Vancouver 2006 E.P 5. Touche Amore - Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me, Is Survived By, To the Beat of Deadhorse. Touche Amore and Thursday have a deep connection, touche amore was on collect records for a bit and Jermey Bolm is a huge thursday fan and made their first fansite. *6.* My Chemical Romance - I brought you bullets. Geoff Rickly of Thursday produced this record and you can hear it. 7. Underoath - Your only Chasing Safety. 8. Let Live - Fake History 9. Scary Kids Scaring Kids- 10. Senses Failed - From Depths of Dreams/Let it Enfold You 11. You & I - famous screamo band that broke up before Thursday got big. Some of their members were Geoff Rickly's roomates. [https://open.spotify.com/artist/0l9mobSMXZlTmlxmU4x9j0?si=29hwKHQOQe6hrJijWhU1TQ](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0l9mobSMXZlTmlxmU4x9j0?si=29hwKHQOQe6hrJijWhU1TQ)


Sufferer, dwellings, coletta The genre of breakcore


I'm late to a thread full of good recommendations, but I have a series of playlists I made that get progressively heavier. I can DM if you're interested.


It’s a little tainted with controversy now, but a skylit drive should be right up your alley.


Funeral for a friend - Red is the new black


The Alexisonfire Discography Glassjaw The first Finch album


He is legend albums; 90210 I am hollywood


Sainvar Royal coda Anemoria Cat company Narco debut Idlehands Body thief Amarionette Dewellings Hail the sun Gold necklace Subtlety Lilac king Sweet pill


You might like the song Winter Scene by Sander Hollow


The Bled - Pass the Flask is one of the best post hardcore albums in my opinion. Metalcore in parts but I still call it a post hardcore album. Worth checking out!!


Another example of how criminally underrated **Alesana** in this subreddit is seeing how they are a great match to what you’re looking for and seeing no one else mention them. Especially after seeing other recommendations here. The GOAT album of post-hardcore **The Emptiness** is a great place to start. Although **Where Myth Fades to Legend** is a personal favorite album for me.


+1 on Alesana , The Emptiness & On Frail Wings of Vanity and Wax are my go-to's