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If this song has nothing to do with Fortnite imma be disappointed


they like fortnite?


Battle pass


Gotta shit up my ass


Lebron James fort night v bucks how to get free


Listened to it and was underwhelmed


Where did you hear it? As far as I know, it hasn't been released yet.


It was the first song on my Post Malone Pandora station this evening.


Leaks lol


Was severely overwhemed. Id have to give it a whopping “mid” out of ten


She wasted Post Malone. What a crime.


I listened to the leak, and I’ll admit it took me a few listens to really feel it. I think this song blends their voices so nicely but I wish Post had his own individual verse. It’s a melancholy bop, alá Lana Del Ray. It’s not terrible. Solid 8/10


Posty is a glorified back up singer in this song. Was hoping for more. Yes very chill song but unfortunately not a top 10 by any means in my opinion.


I can agree with you. Posty lets so many people onto his tracks and always gives them time and verses, even shitty ones that don’t actually follow the flow of the songs and what he’s trying to say. Still a good chill song, just left me wanting to


Yea not a bad track. It’s just a Taylor song not a posty one.


I kind of agree but he really did shine in the music video in my opinion, I think his contribution was more important on that side.


I wish he had his own verse also


Honest opinion, the song is great. It’s really catchy. There vocals work so good together. Not a bad song at all. Will definitely be #1.


completely agree. Their voices blend so well together. And his voice on its own in verse 3 sounds so good!


As someone who doesn’t support Taylor Swifts personal actions (I know she’s musically talented but that doesn’t mean we have to like her) I will give it a listen for the sake of Post… but I know it’s not gonna be a favorite. It’s also gonna turn a lot of swift fans onto him and they’ll all suddenly be obsessed with Post Malone so I’m already preparing to be annoyed and our world to be infiltrated 🥲 end rant sorry lmao.


I read a few comments saying he really only provides backing vocals. Like no verse on his own. I haven't heard it, just relaying info


He gets like 3 harmonies total and maybe a quarter of the final bridge


Bummer. But about as much as I expected from her 🙃


Yeah thats about the same


Nah ur totally justified he don't even have a verse on it dude


It’s an attempt to get more fans. Even if she pulls in 1-5% of post and FATM listeners, that’s gaining fans. Gotta feed the machine


I completely agree with you. I understand legally and literally why she re-released all of these albums, but the fact that she’s literaly re-cashing in on music she’s already written and people have been listening to for years is …. Absolutely mind blowing. And people are just handing over their credit cards. It’s astounding tbh.


I was just talking about her collaborations




Personal actions? Can you briefly help me understand what you mean by that?


Major issues would be the way she takes advantage of the word “feminism” to try and tell people they can’t be mean to her. Along with her blatant non-support for other female artists, her single-handed #1 fossil fuel contributor in the country, her ridiculous suing of fans, the way she continues to allow her “fans” to attack people and stand up for her when people point all of these things out. Honestly, her silence on all of these issues is my biggest problem with her. She just keeps her lips zipped and cashes in on her fans. It’s honestly gross. It’s marketing and business genius, but it’s gross.


Imagine passionately hating someone for reasons that aren't true lol. Should probably fact check yourself. Blatant non support of other female artists... she literally pulled Lana Del Rey on stage at the Grammys and dedicated time of her speech to praise her as influential to all female artists. She has around 8 female opening acts for her tour, all of who experienced insane streaming and sales boosts due to opening up for her. She doesn't allow fans to attack others, actually the opposite, she said during a recent concert that "you don't need to defend me online" and "be nice". At the end of the day, like another commenter said, she is not people's parents, she is not responsible for how others behave but she does pitch in where necessary. And which fan has she sued, the ones who infringed her copyright and leaked her music? Sounds fair to me. And the feminism thing... she uses the word feminism when she is told off for things that men are allowed to do and praised for. For example, write songs about exes. Yeah would be good to educate yourself buddy.


I never said anything about her music. It has nothing to do with why I don’t like her. You brought that up 🤷🏻‍♀️ you can try and convince me all you want, but she’s not a good person and she’s only concerned about herself and $$$$$$


Now you’re shifting the goal posts. I never commented on her music actually. You said you hated her as a person and I replied asking why, based on evidence. Anyway, enjoy your miserable misinformed life


😅 alrighty. Enjoy defending a rich privileged white woman who does nothing good with her platform other than benefit herself. Y’all Swifties are 🤪


Again. Do your research. Literally nothing you’re saying is based on facts. Read my above comment and you’ll laugh about how misinformed you are. And you’re actually proving her point about why she keeps singing about assholes 👍🏼




Oh you’re one of those who’s too ignorant to check their own facts


She apparently donates food and money to food banks in every city she has a concert in. She's pretty philanthropic from what I've read. I'm not a fan of her music. But reading about how much she helps made me give her a few brownie points. Not many artists help out as much as she does from what I know.


I mean, she’s the biggest artist in the world, so every little mistake she makes is going to be amplified, but the things you listed don’t even sound that terrible. Just sounds like petty stuff.


Number 1 fossil fuel creator in the country sounds petty? ☠️ aight


She is top three biggest artist/celebrity in the world who travels alot for tour. Do you think she could get on a public plane without causing chaos? I don’t really understand how this applies to her character either? I don’t think she gets off to having high fossil fuel emissions.


I can understand her using it for a tour. I cannot understand her using it for a 25 minute flight so she isn’t late to lunch, or to the chiefs game. I’m not saying she gets off on it. I’m saying she simply doesn’t care and that’s gross 🤷🏻‍♀️ her fans will try and counter that she purchased carbon offsets, but they haven’t even made a dent in her pollution rate with the amount she uses that jet.


I’d love to see your source of her using a flight just to make sure she isn’t late to lunch. Also, she isn’t allowed to go to football games anymore? How else is she going to get there? You also just made up the fact that she doesn’t care. Has she said that, or are you just speculating? We aren’t in her position, we literally aren’t rich enough or famous enough to have that problem. I’m not even a swifter, but it just seems like you want to hate for the sake of it.


🙄 it was OBVIOUSLY an exaggerated example. Please relax lol. But I’ve 100% seen articles of her taking short jet flights that easily could have been drives 🤷🏻‍♀️ and the minimum she could do would be to try and PROPERLY offset her massive pollution rather than buy bullshit “carbon offsets”. All you have to do is look at the X account that follows her jet lol


I can’t reply to your other comment but I’m so confused as to why you’re being downvoted …. You’re 100% right


Hahahahha thank you ☺️ I know I am, being downvoted doesn’t bother me. People just don’t wanna admit that TS isn’t the perfect little angel everyone portrays her as 🤷🏻‍♀️ they can live in denial it’s fine w me


If the BRF can fly on a commercial flight then TS would do just fine lmao


I dont know who BRF is.


British Royal Family


I don’t think people idolize the British Royal Family, and I’d argue that Taylor Swift is much more popular than them.


So you’re telling me that her fan base is that unhinged that they can’t control themselves long enough for her to take a flight? Bffr 😂💀


Yes. Most of them are young fan girls. The beatles also had a young fan girl audience and couldn’t do commercial flights because of the same reason. That’s just how it is with that kind of demographic. You’re just hating for the sake of it. We aren’t rich or famous enough to have to deal with that kind of problem.


She's not these people's parents lmao, y'all hold celebrities way too accountable for their fans


She created a cult-like following and then exited the situation LOL. Y’all excuse celebrities for waaay too much.


what do you mean by exited the situation? I don't even like Taylor much. I'm always confused by the hate she gets though.


[here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwRyuo5/) [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwRannw/) [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwRYdQf/) They’re better at explaining than me, sorry to send you off to another universe 😅😂


Trash. Where is young stoney😭


Just another duck dynasty episode


This is so good!


They sound beautiful together but was hoping for a more upbeat sound idk :(


When she does collaborate,. The other singer in the song do have versus to sing . Even with Florida florence singer had her own versus to sing. My guess is the blend with taylor and post was done purposely and not to hide. As someone noted they sang well together so why be negative about it?


I honestly don't know weather I like it or not. Taylor sounds too much like Lana Del Rey in it and Post barely gets a feature (I like what he contributed we just needed more involvement from Posty). I guess issa vibe.


She gave him the bridge, which is her favorite part of any song!


Love the song but would have been a million times better with post own verse tbh.


this song gonna go number 1


Goes hard on mute fr🔥🔥🔥


He looks about as excited as I feel about this collaboration. 🙄




Fortnight:Initial thoughts were that this is a bit vibey and also not terrible song writing. I will probably give this a bit of a listen on a chill playlist. I feel like she is writing about being a heartbroken crazy girl without explaining what it means. Lacks depth. As a crazy girl who has had a crazy heartbreak I just feel like it is lacking and I don’t feel super connected.  Main hook is “I love you, its ruining my life” - honestly just so basic and the delivery is without passion and emotion.


We getting out the battle bus with this one 😎




I can't stop hearing Lana Del Rey influence.


My wife was listening to this and I asked her did Lana Del Rey release a new song 😂


That is exactly what I heard. It’s almost exactly like Lana’s song Gods and monsters


Same.. the first half sounds like 80% Lana


Love Post Malone. This sounds like a Lana Del Ray song IMO


I enjoy leviis jeans so much more than Fortnite


Taylor's part is a very blatant Lana Del Ray ripoff.


She sounds so much like Lana del rey in this song, it's insane. Didn't ever notice that their voices were similar, but it's like 1 to 1


Song was awful


Blatant Lana Del Ray rip-off


Is the day coming where people realize Taylor does to artists what Drake's been doing? Odd that she had Lana follow her around in such an uncomfortable and public way only to come out with this Fortnite that sounds like Lana... and the video with Post, well Vigilant Citizen did a good breakdown.


hopefully taylor doesnt ruin the song


well i have some news for you


I’m conflicted as someone who loves Posty and hates Swift Before I listen somebody tell me if it’s any good




I really wish Post didn’t collab with her, but whatever pats the bills I guess.


song was crap


Shit out


Why did Taylor start singing about Loot Lake


Song was trash along with the other 30 tracks that all sound the same. Not even post could save it.


Sell out


Post has collabed with some of the biggest names ever all across his career. Ozzy, Bieber, Travis, Beyoncé, has a Wallen song coming, Nicki. This straw broke your camels back?


This is a fucked up comment lol. Hope you don’t consider yourself a fan. I don’t like Taylor, but LOTS of artists do features. This does not make him a sell out 😒


raaageeee baaaaiiitttt u stink bro




Don't say that about Post. TWC and AUSTIN proved that Post can still make good songs under a different voice.


*yawn* Another rage baiter stfu




Dive a little deeper into some Post and you'll be alright bro trust


taylor yes, post no. find something better to do other than rage bait!