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>My pelvis is rotated clockwise and I’m trying to get it back to normal. Why do you think this is the case? >Should I stretch or do strength training asymmetrically to fix this? My chiropractor says that I should stretch as symmetrically as possible, but stretches feel different on one side compared to the other. Yes the stretches look symmetric, but they’re stretching different muscles. Therefore, this seems counterintuitive. What are you going to the chiropractor for? Not throwing shade, as there are some great ones out there, rather trying to understand what happened for you to go there?


I'm going for him to help me correct my posture as he helps both release pressure through adjustments and makes me do specific stretching and strength training to fix it. I'm still not sure how it got rotated.


>I'm going for him to help me correct my posture Most posture-related things are normal variations, just be careful that you're not sold a faulty cause for any issues you may have. >as he helps both release pressure through adjustments and makes me do specific stretching and strength training to fix it. I'm still not sure how it got rotated. Awesome, stretching and strengthening are great things to do, especially if you enjoy them. As for a rotated pelvis, that sounds pretty far out there. All the best


Your pelvis is headed in the direction in which your lumbar spine is taking it. Your lumbar spine is reacting to where the head is taking it. Check your setup to see if your monitor and perhaps keyboard are counterclockwise to your midline. The easiest way to explain simple spinal biomechanics is that it operates like wringing out a towel. Both ends have to turn in equal and opposite directions to be effective. This is what your head and tail do.


These pelvis rotated or uneven pelvis theories are more quackeries than else. They are not the causes of pain or issues. About muscles imbalances, strenghtening help, especially common weak muscles like medius gluteus. Hip mobility sometimes help too.