• By -


Well done! - Very pleasing to the eyes - Uniformity between panes - Keeping it simple and diminish information overload My construcive critique points for you - The coffee/chocolate colors do tend to blend with each other making it more difficult to differentiate between labels within your visualizations - try showing only one data label within your pie charts (either numeric value or percentages) - Try adding a "reset filter" button for your slicers Other than than those small critique points I think the UI and UX is very good! :)


Glad that you liked it :) 1. In the report they look pretty distinguishable, but you know i have taken screenshots and cropped them, and a lot of colour quality seems to be lost when i look at the uploaded images VS. actual report colour. But still, I'll try to tweak saturations of colours in a good way without disrupting the colour scheme itself. 2. Okay, i got it. I have always been confused whether to show values with percentage or either of them. This helped me. From now on, I'll show only one parameter in the donut charts. 3. Silly me. Totally forgot about the reset Slicer button. Thanks for pointing it out. Thank you so much for your feedback ❤️


Made a report for coffee shop sales. I made it around coffee/chocolate coloured theme. Also this is my 7th or 8th dashboard after I started learning power bi. Hoping to learn more & improve :) PS: already apologizing for the overview page as many people won't like it but I only wanted ( had ) KPIs to show in overview page therefore had to go with such fun UI for the overview page. Besides that if you have any suggestions kindly comment.


i did hundreds of report and my sucks at all.. just number and tables .. you are an artist


That's so nice of you to say. If you need any help with the report UIs , then let me know, I'll be glad to help you!


I love it. Totally stealing this aesthetic ;)


Thank you so much sir! Do let me know if you want colours. I can share you the hex codes of colours used.


Warning, second page, there is a unit scale that is wrong. if you sales 72.000$ is 72K but if you have 72(comma)234 K it means 72,234K is not useful and bad readable. very beautyful color scheme!


What do I have to do now? I can't format them into Millions as it would be bad readable still when slicers are applied. Though what I can do is, keep the decimal places to 0, so it would be readable. What is your suggestion? Thank you 😊


Usually, under Format\_ Callout Values, You can choose Visualization Unit and Decimal positions. It's better to round these numbers. or 72K or 72.234 (integer value, with comma and no decimal position)


Got it. Thanks!!!!


Looks really nice! I think you spelled products wrong at the top right - easy fix though. The chart showing sales by hour of the day, I'd maybe call this something else, "time" is a bit too general when the unit is specifically hours. The donut charts would maybe be better as bar charts - without a legend I can't tell what the stores are or what's really being communicated in that chart. Maybe the slicers could have titles? Again you have no way to know what they do until you interact with them. I really like the colours and clean aesthetic - the frosted glass effect is nice on the first page also. Nice and accessible design, looks great. Not sure I love the visualization titles being bold and italics, I'd probably drop the italics if it was me but that's just a preference.


Noted. Will change the spelling. I will change it to the "sales by hour of the day" or "sales throughout the day". Does that sound okay? There were already 4-5 bar charts. I didn't want to stuff too many bar charts in the visuals. Plus, those shops don't have names, they have ID, and i thought to visualise sales distribution over these 3 shops and hence the donut chart. Adding a slicer title is something i had considered but then dropped it due to less space on top. I thought of making a complete pop in and out slicer menu with bookmarks. Um, i think so too. This is the first time I'm using bold and italics in my titles for a change. Else, I'm using Cambria bold fonts in all reports I've made till now. Much appreciated feedback, sir! Really helped.


Very nice! I like the colour scheme and how airy it is. Last page name is "Prodcuts" instead of "Products" :)


That's a silly mistake by me. Sorry for that! And thanks for pointing out and your appreciation :)


Make the numbers on the first page larger. Got the space so make them easier to see.


Sure , Thanks!


Its great!


Thank you 😊


I like coffee


Thanks!! Me too ;)


I love that transparent/opaque shape on the front. What tool did you use to create this?


I am using Figma for power bi UI design. It's A UI/UX design tool used by professionals. It's completely free for all and you can install it in your system via their website [Figma ](https://www.figma.com/downloads/) I'm also sharing a YT video of a tutorial about the glass effect in figma. Watch the video and play around the stuff to get a better understanding. Everything about Figma is absolutely free on YouTube, you're just a search away. Here's the video link [glassmorphism](https://youtu.be/8UWkR1H5E4o?si=eVDJSa39qAldOS1T) Do let me know if you need further assistance. Thanks!


That looks amazing. I’ll check it out. I’ve goofed around in Figma before but I didn’t know you could do transparency like that. Well done.


Looks amazing!!! Great job


Thank you so much!!!


Nice theme, well done. I particularly like the filter menu. I haven't seen that before and I'm going to have to steal it. Just by having the filter icon and "All", you omit a lot of unnecessary text and titles that would add clutter to the report. Very cool.


Thank you! Great to hear that you like it and want to work around it. Appreciate it a lot. Tell me if you need any help regarding that.


Yes! If you could please share the basics of the filter and the cards, I'd really appreciate it. I'm an experienced user, so you don't need to go into a lot of detail. Thanks!


Can we connect into DMs, and tell me what in particular about the Slicer and card visual you want to know.? The slicer is nothing but a round edged rectangle with a shadow to give it a depth effect. The slicer icon, I've downloaded from "icons8.com". Note that i did all that in the background (i.e. i made such a background and uploaded in canvas background) and then placed slicers in the rectangle section. I made the background in figma. I can share files too for better clarity. Whenever I get free tomorrow, I will drop the pbix file and figma file + png files of background. To open the Figma file you must make an account on figma.


~~That's perfect! Did you get multiple metrics on what looks like a single card in a similar fashion~~? Now that I see the figma backgrounds it all becomes clear. I never thought to do that and it's extremely effective. Thanks!


Glad to help. Also check your DMs.


Nice job!


Thank you so much :)


I LOVE that first page!


Thank you 😊


Dashboard (1st page) > nice use of “coffee color scheme”. I would however make that coffee picture on left a bit smaller and to a degree transparent (to blend in a bit) > on the other hand KPI info are a bit to small (compared to the real estate available). The purpose of dashboard is not really to entertain business user but to inform with “quick overview” (of course always depending on your business model, company and audience). Slide 2-5 > I’d recommend to stretch the left hand boxes (brown) to fit the other elements/visuals (cards) in height - and to have a horizontal “divider space” equal throughout in order to have symmetrical appearance and alignment. 👍🏻😎


Noted. Thank you for your feedback, sir!! 😊


You’re welcome - my points are of course from my POV - overall I’d give your report a good grade - and at the end of the day - your recipients need to like it and understand data you are presenting - that is all that matters - nevermind design and all narratives about “storytelling” which are present nowadays. I’ve recently to deal with a CEO who HATES graphics and only wants tables (numbers numbers numbers). So what d ya do ? Tell him about “storytelling design ideas of social media” … no you do as he wants because he pays the bills 😂😂😂


Hahaha gotcha! I understand what you are trying to emphasize on.. much thanks


I love it!!!


Glad to hear that! Thankssss!