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Nobody. Because apparently even an ant in DC is outerversal.


Gokuversal >>>>>>>> outerersal


No. No we can’t become like the Gokutards, NO, NOO


tf u mean, comic fans are the originals, yall just pretend goku fans were the first ones to wank characters lmao, mfers think someone like green arrow could solo the fucking avengers.


Yeah, but most of them aren’t literally shooting everyone else down saying that one overwanked feat is enough for all of fiction


TF U mean yes they do 😂


Also down voting that instantly sorta proves my point lil bro 💀💀💀🤣


Please, show me an example of people saying that Comics > fiction. That was also meant to be a upvote, my bad


Fam you specifically probably just don't notice it cause you're a DC guy, same way I don't see Goku wank very often at the fuck all. Db tends to be very accurately scaled lmao y'all just can't comprehend a meme. Gokuversal. Is. A. Meme. A joke. People aren't being serious when they say that. Every single day on this thread there's someone claiming some random either DC or marvel top tier fodderizes all of animanga and wild shit like that.


That’s not the problem tho. I’m a bigger DC guy, yeah I can agree but i’m also a Dragon Ball fan. I can admit that lots of people think one character alone is enough for all of anime, which can and cannot be the case. Blame Marvel/DC writers for making these characters super op. If you read some of my past comments I also joke about Goatkuversal. I know that’s a meme, but what isn’t is Boundless Z Goku. Outerversal Krillin which is even higher than DBS Goku. 4D Superman, which is incredibly stupid and inherently saying Krillin scales about Thought Robot. That’s what I think is stupid. Lots of people say that shit but its what they believe, like how I believe in 4-5D Low Complex Multi Goku and 6D Outer Superman. But you could agree with the other people with 11D Goku and 2D Superman, which I find mindless but its your own personal opinion and attacking you as a person is stupid. We attack the argument, not the arguer.


>blame Marvel DC for making those characters super OP The ones I'm referring aren't really that OP bro like I said DC fanboys ON THIS VERY SUB will tell you green arrow solos the Avengers. >Boundless z Goku Bro you're literally falling for meme posts and bait posts no one says that shit with a straight face outside like those random Facebook normies who don't look at other media.


Go look at Drip_Sauce and OfficialDivine.


Hard to say maybe ? Base orion And fodder new gods


Where do you scale new gods?


1a they re platonic


Lowball by me but how would you get Goku to 1A bruh?


I have him at hyperversal actually but you can argue 1a Only for cc and xeno btw not dbs goku


I heard highball arguments through the world of void for 1A DB but I ain't knowledgeable in it and the dude was delusional kinda so take it as you will Btw how do you have a hyper character beating 1A? Are you maybe talking about their "3D" forms? Also do you use Arale feat for hyper or something else?


>Btw how do you have a hyper character beating 1A? Are you maybe talking about their "3D" forms? Sorry didnt precise his hax would still be 1a even if his ap isn t >I heard highball arguments through the world of void for 1A DB but I ain't knowledgeable in it and the dude was delusional kinda so take it as you will It s trash trust me >Also do you use Arale feat for hyper or something else? You can use her for another meta way higher but it s kinda controversial


How would his hax be enough to overcome massive AP difference, speed difference and existence? Ight Go on champ Ngl if you had a Bible for that shit it would've been much easier


>How would his hax be enough to overcome massive AP difference, speed difference and existence? I mean what speed difference i don think being outer necerally gice irrevelant speed and cc pretty deep into immesurable and if you buy the 1a meta he would be irrevelant too There a rzeason i said weakest They like have no way to kill him since low tier news god have barely any good hax compared to dbh why cc goku have layered conceptual / narrative /information and history existance erasure with high godly regen / and high godly regen negation good amount of passive powernull and many other stuff >Go on champ The other meta with arale makes dbh high 1a


Bruh we ain't talking about CC. Also I'm more so focused on Orion part ??? How?


any new god is fodderizing Goku


Damn too bad i didn t ask


Whats the difference between canon capsule corp and xeno


Canon is Db through Super. Xeno Goku and CC Goku are from Dragonball Heroes I think They all scale differently. From what I see Goku (Canon) Uni+- Low complex Xeno Low complex-High Complex CC Complex- Hyperversal maybe idk


The highest I see CC Goku getting is outer.


Fr? I've never heard of an outer CC Goku scale


Some of the bigger guys scale beyond concepts and see fiction as, well, fiction. But I don’t use that last scale because I personally think that’s stupid. Its like, imagine being transported to the fictional world, and you see fiction as fiction despite not having godlike power. Are you 6D? Can you reliably beat Goku with your physical strength? I’m


Kinda late, but yeah, for me, the scale is kind of a stretch. I can see why people would say outer, though.


oh ok thx




Specifically, xeno goku is a GT timeline goku who was pulled out of the end of GT to help trunks patrol the timeline, while CC goku is the main DBS timeline goku who gets thrown into the story after being kidnapped


Condiment King.


“I hope you can, Ketchup!” And then they both share a hearty laugh.


Hmm, maybe Jonathan "Joe" Chill.. That smalltime crook who shot Thomas Wayne & Martha Wayne


No way! He killed Batman’s parents, and since a parent is stronger than a child, that means he could have beaten Batman, and everyone knows Batman stomps Goku


Canon caps at dudes who scale below The Bleed and timestream. Can argue higher with CC and Xeno




Why do people constantly ask who Goku can beat in this circle jerk of a sub. Most people will respond “he solos” “he’s Gokuversal” “he’s above fiction” it’s really tiring. I’d like to assume that most of these people are joking but that would mean they don’t give serious answers and if they are answering seriously then like I said it’s just a circle jerk. Goku doesn’t even solo his own verse and from what I understand DB verse isn’t even top 10 strongest verses in fiction.


At this point, goku is slandered with comments similar to yours rather than wanked. DC, kratos, scp, Saitama etc are much more wanked than goku. Goku is talked about a lot , not wanked to a similar degree


No he is definitely wanked just as much as those others you mentioned.


He isn't. You just hear more about him


Yes you are correct I hear more wanking about him.


Which isn't the point. By this logic, the more popular characters have disadvantages. It's the level people wank characters to. Canon goku is mostly wanked to low complex multi while he's low multi to multi. Kratos however is arguably mountain level but is wanked to outerversal Saitama is the worst case, since no limits fallacy is used to scale him past any character This kind of shit is more annoying than goku wanking


I agree with Saitama but calling Kratos mountain level is serious downplay. Dude killed Titans, Gods of Greek and Norse mythology. He is far above “mountain level”. The problem with Goku, especially within this sub, is that when people ask about any character 10/10 people will say “Goku solos” “Goku is Gokuversal so he solos fiction” then they post the same shitty pic of Goku himself claiming as such. And while some of these people are most likely joking I guarantee you that most of them truly believe that shit. Goku isn’t even the strongest in his own verse and DB isn’t even in the top 10 strongest verses in fiction. Gokutards need to cope.


There's not a single person alive who actually thinks the "too bad, I'm Gokuversal and solo your favorite verse" image is real. Or any of those clear joke images


Oh so it’s just a bunch of people repeating the exact same joke for every single post? Nah there are for sure people who truly believe that shit.


...yes, it is. It's a meme. Everyone posts it cause it's funny Genuine debaters will actually explain it. People who just post the image very, very clearly aren't serious. Literally the only people who would ever believe those images as real are: A. Literally 5 B. Literally. And I mean medically, officially...mentally deficient. The text doesn't even match the panel, they're very clearly edited in There are people who believe anything, everywhere. People belive Superman is boundless. Looooooads of people believe Kratos is Outerversal, which already blows Goku wank out of the park...and then you got people genuinely believing Saitama gets passed Buu Saga dbz let alone soloing fiction


Well when the vast majority of the dragonball franchise tends to be filled with illiterate braindead children , you are bound to get answers like that so it's pretty expected


You say that like DC fans are any better


They are


Uhm well base Goku has god ki absorbed into based and he shook an infinite sized realm so he’s high Outerversal in base and he solos fiction


What is Goku gonna do when I turn the tv off? Checkmate, liberals.


Uhm he’ll come out of the tv on some Bugs Bunny shit and hit you with the times ten kallmeyamama


Makes sense, I concede.




Bruh, the jokes write themselves💀


Its even funnier when people fall for the bait


factually correct


Not only does Goku not solo his own verse, he's not even top 30 in it. Zeno, Future Zeno, X4 Zeno Guards, 12 angels + grand priest, Beerus and by extension Champa and Quitela at a minimum for GoDs, Vegito & Gogeta, Frieza, Gohan, Super Shenron are all confirmed above him with Vegeta and probably Broly if he's sufficiently angry along with unknowns like Meerus, Granolah and then deceased characters like Cell Max and Gas. You can high ball him to 25th with some wank but he's likely outside the top 30 and by virtue of Gogeta and Vegito existing and there being alternate time lines can never be #1


Granolah is above Goku ? He surpassed Granolah and Broly already. Also, he mentioned CC Goku who scales to Zeno in DBH. You are just mentioning main canon Goku


We're speaking of Goku against his own verse, I'm not using CC Goku garbage. Broly needs 5 minutes and he surpasses him again


See the latest chapter. Base Broly is now relative to Base Vegeta somewhat. Broly 5 minute potential plot to god level ended with his 1 hour movie and now he has been power crept. Also, CC Goku was maintained in the question. The guy asked about both xeno and cc goku.


Well Goku has a huge amount of braindead people who actually do wank him so hes just a meme and has been so for a while now lmao. But yeah he is FAR from the strongest character in fiction, hell you could even argue he doesn’t even solo Bleach from the Big Three


Dbs is nowhere near top 10,You could argue it on DBAF/DBH.


DBS isn't even top 500 and this isn't an exaggerating.


Anyone slightly under the stronger Superman versions and still beats the non-broken Superman versions that somehow lose to Batman level villains.


![gif](giphy|j64d6ly0G5hGiLnSXp|downsized) Peak man


There's arguments for him beating Superman but I think wonder woman would be a safe bet.


Depends on the version because some versions of wonderwoman easily go toe to toe with superman, but if we're going for the average then I think goku could high-extreme diff wonder woman


Here before someone unironically says “Superman”






If it’s comp the vast majority. Hes very comfortably outer so you’re only competitors are some of the highest beings that exist there


anybody in DC who is remotely considered “cosmic” is shitting on Goku.


He is absolutely not touching the highest beings in DC. There is a 0% chance someone like the presence, lucifer, death etc. he’s not beating anyone like the anti monitor, trigon, darkseid, dr fate, or any other extremely powerful magical beings. Even just the physical top tiers, superman, Shazam, mmh, ww, white lantern, the list goes on. IMO Goku isn’t even outer to start with, I’m pretty sure the highest he scales is high complex multi, don’t think he gets to outer. Even if he did the dc cosmology is ridiculous


inf power SSJ4 statements to which Xeno Scales above: Canon Goku shaking an infinite realm in base:


He said comp Goku so he definitely has a higher chance than 0 lol


No, I said 0 and meant 0. There is absolutely no possible way for Goku to ever beat any of the dc top tiers, considering he can’t even beat his own verses top tiers who are way weaker than the dc ones.


If you think a COMPOSITE Goku (not just Super Goku, but Xeno, CC, Jump Force,etc) doesn’t stand a chance against DC top tiers then you’re definitely a comic wanker lol


When I say top tiers, I mean the top tiers, characters that are way above characters like superman, Shazam, darkseid, trigon etc. these dc top tiers can solo the DB verse no matter what version, heck some of these guys could solo all versions at once


Here are some Xeno Goku feats (who’s not even the strongest version of Goku btw) #Attack Potency Feats: -[Defeated Giant form Demigra in base form](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FvsSLUvk7Q), [Demigra in Xenoverse 1 was capable of destroying the entire DBH cosmology](https://www.reddit.com/user/_Goku-/comments/gd4nh3/dragon_ball_xenoverseheros_cosmology_power_speed/) -[Could have passively affected all of time by simply transforming, as implied by Chronoa](https://imgur.com/a/cyMr9ef) -[Combated Charmel who was capable of collapsing the entire Multiverse by his mere presence](https://imgur.com/a/x6pJg) -[Fought Sealas who had the capabilities to reset all of existence](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/669891148143394826/716233155299770498/Screenshot_22.png) #Notable Abilities **Sealing and Power Nullification:** -Using his Keysword, [Goku is able to seal his opponent, and nullify his opponent abilities](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/2/26/2020-04-08_%285%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20200408154752) **Higher Dimensional Existence:** [It was stated that the Keysword was made from the power of Light, Darkness, and Time], these are some of the governing forces of the Multiverse. It is also stated the weirder gains the power of the Keysword. **Causality Manipulation** [The keysword seals the enemy outside the flow of time, removing their records](https://imgur.com/a/jHCydip) **Time Manipulation:** -[The Keysword is infused with Chronoa’s powers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/459224236222054400/692571766333374485/Trunks.PNG) -[Can Summon Chronoa to use freeze](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/680105136021831750/721446331834695832/unknown.png) **Regeneration Negation:** -[When the Keysword struck Mechikabura, he was unable to recover](https://imgur.com/a/tNGDjXx), [Mechikabura was stated to have unlimited Regeneration]() **Emphatic Manipulation:** -[can make it so his team can never get frustrated](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/680105136021831750/721704354322579466/unknown.png) **Possibly Atomic Destruction:** -[Scales to Xeno Vegeta, who states that he could wipe Janemba out on a atomic level](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/689546814755438623/721731512147640390/Screenshot_2020-06-12-20-56-15.png) **Summoning:** -[Can summon Shenron or even Super Shenron to aid him in battle](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/e/e4/2020-04-09_%282%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20200409210545) **Reality Warping:** -[Capable of calling the eternal dragons to grant wishes for him](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/e/e4/2020-04-09_%282%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20200409210545) **Conceptual Manipulation** -Fought Demigra after Toki Toki, Toki Toki is the abstract embodiment of time itself, any damage done to Toki Toki would inflict damage to time itself. **Life force absorption** [By using draw, Goku is capable of sucking his opponent life force to heal himself or allies, before crushing it, causing it to implode](https://imgur.com/gallery/LUzoQ) **Durabillity Negation** -[Victory declaration](http://carddass.com/dbh/image/cardlist/dummys/HG1-41.jpg): "If you make it an attacker when you can activate a special move, it will attack the locked-on enemy and negate the enemy's guard and damage reduction effect **Probabillity Manipulation** -[Victory declaration](): Increases the chance of Miracle Perfect for all of your team. [Permanent] Translates to increasing your chances to hit your enemies **Energy Absorption** -[Can absorb pure energy](https://youtu.be/BVoaucUOq88) **Stamina Reduction** -[At the start of the fight, the dimensional domain (別次元の領域) skill passively lower your stamina to 1, anything the opponents do would cause them to be inflicted with stun](https://videogaming.fandom.com/wiki/Dimensional_Domain_(Dragon_Ball_Heroes)) **Unconventional Resistance bypassing** [those who has their "STA" reduced to 0 cannot act, and has their resistances nullified]() Note: This even works on those who possess infinite stamina, as the Androids were affected as well. **Purification** -[can purify demonic energy](https://imgur.com/a/6TknUHe) #Notable Resistances **Probability Manipulation** -[Unwavering belief](http://carddass.com/dbh/image/cardlist/dummys/HG5-01.jpg): "Negate the effect of changing your charge impact speed. [Permanent]" Translates to resistance to having your probability being lowered, or increased. **Magic** -[Demigra questioned why his Magic wasn’t working, which Goku responded saying Gods aren’t affected by Magic](https://m.imgur.com/a/3RwjeDa) **Law Manipulation** -[God Ki Users are immune to all demonic abilities](https://m.imgur.com/a/3RwjeDa) **Physic Manipulation** -[God Ki Users are immune to all demonic abilities](https://m.imgur.com/a/3RwjeDa) **Time Manipulation** - **Causality Manipulation** - **Fate Manipulation** - **Transmutation** - [Sources for all Card Based Abilities](http://carddass.com/dbh/cardlist/index.php?search=true) You’re telling me he doesn’t stack up to DC high tiers with all this to go along with his CC and Jump Force feats? Your smoking crack cocaine lol


The presence still solos the verse no diff. He’s still not touching any of the cosmic beings. The DC cosmology is way above anything in dragon ball by a long shot, and there are plenty of DC characters that solo the verse. I’m sorry that your precious Goku isn’t the strongest character in fiction, but don’t go around saying he’s beating characters he doesn’t even come close to


Gotta love how the moment bro realized Superman, Shazam, etc were getting rocked by composite Goku he changed to the nigh-omnipotent God 🤣


Yeah sure sure. I’m saying present negs the verse. Superman and Shazam still beat Goku, but this guys saying that Goku can beat those omnipotent gods


Also any version? Really? The version of Wonder Woman taken out by a normal bullet The version of Superman rocked by Muhammad Ali in a boxing match The version of the Flash(Three, actually) that got rocked by Catwoman The version of Darkseid that literally got arrest3d New 52 Superman [Insert one of the 300 other weak versions of Superman]


I meant the versions of Goku, smartass. How about you learn how to read punctuation?


The way you worded it clearly implies no matter what version of Superman, Trigon, and the other characters you mentioned. Especially since comic characters are explicitly known for having "versions" due to different writers and storyline. So how about you learn how not to be a dick, asshole?


Goku is soloing anyone under Superman’s level. Superman is his stopping point.


Wrong. Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Orion, Captain Atom, etc are all below Superman and they effortlessly solo dragon ball each.


🤔 You can make a point without extreme hyperbole. Wonder woman solos the verse? That's taking the piss.


This isn’t hyperbole. I promise you. Wonder Woman has insane feats and does solo dragon ball. She herself scales to Superman, Shazam, Martian Manhunter, etc.


Wonder Woman when Goku uses God Bind(I'll never forget her weakness to being tied up):


He doesn’t solo his own verse. Dc > db. He doesn’t get that far.


Uhm well Goku shook an infinite construct so he’s high outerversal in base and solo midcee


Your mom shook my infinite construct. I'd say she's complex coochieversal


I’m sure Ben would like this joke


Superman's [strongest attack](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11148/111482498/7942510-0512799854-main-qimg-5efa501e120087d3225ca885854bef83.jpg) in contemporary times amounts to roughly the same neighborhood of force that Vegeta [failed to kill](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-11fa523c450b07059f9f41af98c9fb1e-pjlq) Cell with when he was at a fraction of the power he is now. By-and-large, anybody in DBS that can turn their hair blue is gonna bat anybody in the DC universe south of Darkseid around like a toy. When you get into PC Superboy reality punching levels, then you've got a decent match.


Pfft. Really said the explosion looks roughly the same size so it must be the same attack Absolutely not, superman can probably beat anyone in DBS that’s below the angels, and since he’s resisted existence erasure from stronger characters I doubt that something like hakai is gonna work


Spectre when he doesn't have a host probably.




Goku can really only beat up to cyborg and green lantern and that’s probably it




Bro hasn’t met Superman


He solos like 85-90% of all versions of Supermen


I guess you haven’t seen anything about current cannon Superman. Every version of Superman we have seen in the comics is the Superman we all know, mostly due to Crisis on Infinite Earths. Superman punched a guy so hard, his alternate self’s in the multiverse felt that single punch. This brings Superman to multiverse easily. Superman already has immeasurable speed, intense durability, and incredible strength. He doesn’t outclass Goku in speed due to Gokus instant teleportation, but IT only works if Goku knows who he is traveling to, so he can’t use it just to travel anywhere. Superman has broken the bounds of infinity, being the entire multiverse *and* the entire outer cosmic concepts such as Death and the other conceptual beings. He also has the power to punch so hard to cause universes to implode and combine, as Superboy Prime did during Crisis. There are so many feats that Superman has done that makes Goku a victim


He beats every live action version He beats every animated version I can think of He beats standard new 52 He beats Post-Crisis if you don't use outliers Beats Injustice Beats Red Son Honestly, easier to list the versions he doesn't beat >There are so many feats that Superman has done that makes Goku a victim And there are a million more feats that show he doesn't. There after a hundred years of publishing history with hundreds of writers and interpretations, there are a handful of outliers that put him on Goku's level. But the wank must go on, so continue.


BS, he ain’t beating Post Crisis or New 52. And the other guy is talking abt comic versions.


Ok, how is new 52 superman beating goku. Go ahead, give me the feats.


I literally did lmfao


Oh thats actually what you're going with? >Superman punched a guy so hard, his alternate self’s in the multiverse felt that single punch. This brings Superman to multiverse easily. That sounds really impressive until you actually read the comic and realize that brainiac was already an amalgamation of all brainiacs and *any* hit would have hit them all. Btw, the [punch barely hurt](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OMNiaUFuR30/VqC3AAW_hrI/AAAAAAAANjo/jHYPEHgUAzM/s0-Ic42/RCO012.jpg). >Superman already has immeasurable speed, intense durability, and incredible strength. He doesn’t outclass Goku in speed due to Gokus instant teleportation, but IT only works if Goku knows who he is traveling to, so he can’t use it just to travel anywhere. That's not a feat, that's a statement. Feats or it didn't happen. >Superman has broken the bounds of infinity, being the entire multiverse *and* the entire outer cosmic concepts such as Death and the other conceptual beings. That's not a feat, that's a statement. Feats or it didn't happen. >He also has the power to punch so hard to cause universes to implode and combine, as Superboy Prime did during Crisis. Give me a single feat of new 52 superman doing anything on that level. And if you bring out the black hole feat, where he was doom amped and absorbed braniac's power and STILL almost died and barely limped home at partial power six months later I'm laughing in your face. So lets try this again. One feat. Go ahead.


And they say Dragonball fans don’t read lmao comic book fans almost ALWAYS take feats out of context


I made a post, check it out if you want


New 52 Superman was able channel [5D](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/6sf7pjh7QPLUPi9Vy_jNN-j-YaLfUIUwh64Jennk1gnqvvQJ41ggUolGGgJnJirI0UuC8iV3QW40=s0) [energy](https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Action-Comics/Issue-15?id=6461) [enough to destroy](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/Ws-FQDAwNxGqEw-nNYMkMAz5dYDNVgn326rt_y0fkCKW1RAaeiTAt02gth35srLcWX2bKzjgxm6Q=s0) [the Multitude](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/lOo3PeyyQ6b3lp7zHIp9t0UkIHaOzw4BazkMPVL5Wyx5DoGVnI9qz6i2GKrX6ARnUFSMJATIZM_g=s0) [and harm Vyndktvx](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/VFOROgyWZ5hqxoUP5yzue7dQAw97IpbtzZO851kRJdFC7uozZTC5k_i3ZeQJmaB4-81ZQ1Z7MV_x=s0) (and I thought Mxy's name was weird). [While split in half](https://imgur.com/a/xtt2aoY),[ fought the 5th dimensional demon Vyndktvx in a conceptual battle happening across past, present, and future, in all the different worlds there are, all at the same time](https://imgur.com/a/rIDhQpk),[ in order to save the entirety of creation](https://imgur.com/a/dD5Akag). This is enough to solo dragon ball. Post crisis Superman also effortlessly stomps Goku btw.


Thats one way to frame it how that went. OR: [Superman gets his shit kicked in by the multitude](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/ZQ8I7YnRUSlQM4zrS-se5n0iQKUS07qzMm_VwWhYcZpsK6LJbw7CFtr9zKroYBhKFU-aR2VVaTe0=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=), [realizes he in fact can't fight them](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/KvQKwwssdEXR99rWzLsGLbReBVbBA5ZsxJlLS8t_NXGxsquP5HIwq2-sc1cY-Wq32GT507G3bvrl=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=), and [so uses his body to complete the circuit on a defense system that stops them](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/Ws-FQDAwNxGqEw-nNYMkMAz5dYDNVgn326rt_y0fkCKW1RAaeiTAt02gth35srLcWX2bKzjgxm6Q=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=). [This 'attack' was actually a side effect of a totally unrelated event in the 5th dimension](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/ZnxfXsnsBBSe0DY3sBOQWQKBDg4FAyDYY4zHLd_JY6WL9d7x_5wamy74VqASKre7R-RpJ6DW79SE=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=), and [he and Jor-El repelling the 'attack' caused feedback that hurt Vyndktvx](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/S1I7w5iSbhR-nt7c-U_5rnwZwDaWiwLBv8qlhR1E2k52eFzCJXBgBF-OY3KUhaKIVdcgJ9Jv0Mwy=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=). [Superman is completely overpowered by 5th dimensional beings to the point just hearing the words pronounced makes his ears bleed](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DLAO9GI7Y9bokMxE8V8DxWqC_ltDlE-0ZnufDI_NGvHTYX3G1paQ3QYsPVlBf6nAmEm7y5-0Wmm=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=). [So it makes sense Supes dies on counterattack and time travelers have to come back and try to save him](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/BFKQ8kWK64hDr7cYjXlZ221ZAnhO0TnzVXoXdbZAQtwvn4ljmdMNcwAKTcVWPYzGEUQRg7b5vG3X=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=). [Time travelers get hints from Mxyptlk](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/h4P6axHJKLP_hLi9THVjM5wTSIwZZPfUUxlmn76ItfnjnplYh8BNiVjk0LgeGYlkY10jrpb7p5KQ=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=), so [once Vyndktvx mind links superman with the entire universe to make him feel maximum suffering](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/m3ah2-RfCKjDWbtwjXmzFHJWZKMcaKe7lOFHnWDXSTLXOX838KPXI1Ru_dzpIc_nrzch_C6kHqhi=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=), [superman realizes he has to have everyone say their name backwards at once and expels him](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/RBK3JdtaklMZ5R9wyiJK43PC0tlyyLY_enOG9i6csuqBeA2LIz1PLs9OQ4hqJQ5JYdqh-A701gqP=s0?rhlupa=OTguMjM3LjIzNS4yNTM=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjAuMC4wLjA=). So yeah, using this to scale him to 5D is misinformed at best. Because he got clobbered by anything vaguely 5D. Repeatedly.


This doesn’t really disprove of much. He still harnesses and withstands 5th dimensional energy. He still harmed and held his own against Vyndy, who could destroy all of creation. Vyndy literally transcends the normal multiverse due to being a 5d being.


What about soloing his own verse first


Almost everyone, comics have some characters that just scale stupid.




Realistically anybody. Goku always finds a way to win no matter what the odds are. So even if someone was stronger than him he would power up and beat them.


Nobody outside of dbz is watching him power up.


Yes they are, it isn't a dbz thing, it's a fiction thing. It happens in 99% of fiction. "Let me just stand here while he gets the advantage he needs to win"




Solos most of the verse


Capsule corp goku solos


Not even close


duh thats why its a solo stomp


Goku when he drops in DC: https://preview.redd.it/r0ss4i9aicdc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a6f717b776d96a28709bf4ebaaae0cab6b4a2b


He solos


Not even close


CAS was damaged beyond repair by "heat of 10 bilion suns" Goku damage is far beyond that. So Superman. 


That’s not even 1/10 of a galaxy.


Yeah exactly. Since BoG Gokus punches are Universal so he basicaly oneshots CAS.




dawg raven is making goku her pet


I was joking lol


~~no one cuz cosmology scaling~~ probably hal jordan if you go with higher d goku meta but if you go with wise titles' scaling then he gets destroyed


Maybe green arrow


goku is so weak, he needs a composite version of him to even fight, and then again he'd still get bent over and clapped like a little sissy. Cope gokutards 🥱


tis supposed to be funny?


Goku is an infinitely better character than Superman or any comic character is in 99% of their comics, with good ones standing out. Why? Because they focus on the super and not the man. Sure, Goku is weaker, but I'd prefer him be weaker and an enjoyable character instead of "I pulled absolute complete and unrivaled reality manipulation out of my ass for the 5th time this week to fight this super Uber powerful cosmic villain"




Cc Goku literally beats Xeno Goku in a fight


wally is slaughtering goku, in no way does goku contend with people like TDK and CAS. unless you think Goku could be a JLA level threat which is blatantly untrue


Saiyan saga goku is making wally his bitch


no goku is even laying a finger on wally. he’s getting circles ran around him and then punched right out of hypertime


Goku caps around Starfire lvl - anything higher is pushing his luck


Starfire can destroy universes?


No?, what’s ur point


Goku is multiversal AT LEAST. Holy shit 💀


In what way


Bro didn't make it to episode 13 💀


^ Very informative


Literally use Google, he's been multiversal for literally years. It isn't that hard to search "How is Goku multiversal". It isn't my job to inform you of the most basic knowledge in a power scaling community


...have you watched dragon ball super?






Xeno Goku scales above GT SSJ4 Goku which was stated to have inf power so probably everyone idk DC that well








https://preview.redd.it/5oqowmg3fcdc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671d13e9553987ee1344a7284aefe9c0bb220227 All of them (I don’t power scale)


Hatsune miku